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Printed by; Ni«iiOLS, Son, and Bbntlbv,
Ked Lig£ Passaf e, Fleet StM»ct» Loiidoii.
or TBI
VriOTTO, an eminent punter, scnlptor^ tOxi architecti
was bora in 1276, at a ~ mcfi, of pareobt
who were plain countr a boy, he viaa
Bent out to keep sbeep ii having a natural
inclination for design, le himself with
drawing bis flock after tl in the best man-
ner be could. Cimabuf iiat way, found
him at this work, and tl ;o good an opi>
nion of hia genius for.painting, that he prevailed with \m
father to let him go to Florence, and be brougbt up under
him. He had not applied himself long to designing, be^
fbre he began to shake oS the stiffness of the Grecian
wasters. He endeavoured to give a finer air to his beads,
and more of nature to bis colouring, with proper actions to
his figures. He attempted likewise to draw after the life,
and to express the different passions of the mind; but
could not come up to the liveliness of the eyes, the ten-
derness of the flesh, or the strength of the muscles in naked
figures. What he did, however, had not been done in
two centuries before, with any skill equal to his. Giotto's
reputation was so far extended, that pope Benedict IX,
sent a gentleman of bis court into Tuscany, to bring him
ajust report of his talents; and withal to bring him a de«
■ign from each of the Florentine painters, being desirons
tfi have some notion* of their skill. When he came to
Giotto, be told him of the pope's intentions, which vrere^
to employ him in St. Peter's church at Rome ; and desired
him to send some design by him to his holiness. GiottK)^
who was a pleasant ready man, took a sheet of white paper,
and setting his arm close to his hip to keep it steady, h%
drew with one stroke of his pencil a circle so round and so
equal, tha[t .^^rolfnd as, Giotjkp'^ O'' afterwarids became
proverbial. Then,> presenting it to the gentleman, he told
him smiling, that *^ there was a piece of design, which he
might carry to his holiness." The man replied, *^ I ask
for a design f' Giotto answered^ ^^ Go, sir, I tell you his
hoUness i^^s.aotJbijpg else of me.'* T!be P^pf^t who under-
stood something of painting, easily comprehended by this,
how much Giotto in strength of design excelled all the
other painters of his time ; and accordingly sent for him
to Rome. Here he painted many pieces, and amongst the
rest a ship of Mosaic work, which is over the three, gates^
of the portico, in the entrance to St. Peter's church, and
is known to painters by the name of Giotto's vessel. Pp^
l&enedict was succeeded by Clement V. who transferred
Che papal court to Avignon; whither, likewise, Giotto was.
obliged to go.' After som^ stay there, having perfectly
satisfied the pope by maqy fine specimens, of bis art, he
was largely rewarded, and retfiriied to Florence full of
riches and honour in 13161 He was soon invited to Padua,
where he painted a new-built chapel very curiously ; thence
he Went to Verona, and then to Ferrara. At the same time
the poet Dante, hearing that Giotto was at > Ferrara, tfhd
£eing himself then in exile at ^ayenna, got him over to
Kavetina, where he executed several pieces ; and perhaps
it inight b|e here that he drew Dante's picture, though the
friendship between the poet and the painter was previotr^
^o this. In 1322, he was again invited abroad by Castruc-^
cio Castrucani, lord of Luca; and, after that, by Rgberl
ling of Naples. Giotto painted much at Naples, and
<;hiefly the chapel, where the king -was so pleased with
iiim, that he used very often to go and sit by him while be
ivas at work : for Giotto was a man of pleasant conversa-'
tion and wit. One day, it being very hot, the king said
to him, '* If I were you, Giotto, I wQuld leave off working*
this hot weather;" "and ^o would I, Sir," says Giottc^^'
V if I were you." He returned fropa Naples to Rome, and
from Rome to Florence^ leaving monuments of his art ia
almost every place through which he passed. There is ik
tj I O T T O. 3
fiicttire of hb in one of tbe churches of Florence, repre-
seottDg^ tbe death of the blessed Virgin, with the apostles
ftbout her : . the attitudes of which story, Michael Angelo
tis^d to say, could not be better designed.. Giotto, how-»
' ever, did not confine his genius altogether to painting : he
was both a scillptor and architect. In 1327 he formed the
design of a magnificent and beautiful monument for Guide
' Tarlati, bishop of Arezzo, who had been the head of the
Gfaibeline foction in Tuscany : and in 1334 he undertook
the famous tower of Sancta Maria del Fiore; for which
work, though it was not finished, he was niade a citizen of
Florence, and endowed with a considerable yearly pension*
His death happened in 1336: and the city of Florence
erected a malrble statue over his^tomb. He had the esteem
and friendship of most of the excellent men of the age in
which he lived : and among the rest, of Dante and Petrarch*
He drew, as already noticed, the picture of the former |
and the latter mencions him in his will, and in one of his
figUiiiUar epistles.
Giotto is said to have been the inventor of Mosaic work^
and of crucifixes. The former has been disproved in our
ArchsBologia. The latter rests on a story which we hope
has as little foundation. It is thus related : ^' Giotto, in*
tending one day to draw a crucifix to the life, wheedled a
poor man to suffer himself to be bound to a cross for an
hour, at the end of which he was to be released, and re-
ceive a considerable rieward for it ; but instead of this, as
aftn as he had £ustened him, he stabbed him dead, and
then fell to drawing : when he had finished his picture, he
•carried it to the pope, who liked it so well, that he was
resolved to place it over the altar of his own chapels
Giotto told him, as he liked the copy so well, he would
show him the original. What do you mean, said the
pope? Will yon show me Jesus Christ on the cross in
person? No, said Giotto, but I will show your holiness
the original ftam whence I drew this, if you will absolve
^e from aU punishment. The pope promised this, which
GicAto belreving, attended him to the place where it was :
as soon as they were entered, he drew back a curtain,
which hung before the dead man on the cross, atid told
kirn wfaflt 1^ had done. The pope, troubled at so barbarous
an actioii, repealed his promise, and told Giotto, that he
should surely be put to an exemplary death. Giotto, with
a seemiifg r6Big:uatioii> oulf b^ged l&aVe to^hr^' the
B 2
4 G I O T T O*
' pi^ce before he died, which was granted hiaiy and a gtiard
tet^pon him to prevent his escape. As soon as the pic-
ture was delivered into bis hancis> he took a brush, and
dipping it into a sort of stuff ready for that purpose, daubed
the picture all over with it, so that nothing of the crucifix
could be seen. This made his holiness stark mad, and he
swore, that Giotto should be put to the most cruel death,
unless he drew Another equal to the former; if so, h6
would not only give him his^life, but also an ample reward
in. money. Oiotto, as he had reason, desired this under
. the pope's signet, that he might not be in danger of a
second repeal. This was granted to him; and taking a
wet spunge, he wiped off all the varnish he had daubed on
the picture, so that the crucifix appeared the same in all
respects as it did before. Upon this, the pope remitted
his punishment. And they say, that this crucifix is the
original, from which the most famous crucifixes in Europr
are xlrawn." *
GIRALDI (LiLio Gregorio), in Latin Gyraldus, an
ingenious and learned Italian critic, was born at Ferrara
in 1479, of an ancient and reputable family. He learned
the Latin tongue and polite literature under Baptist Gua-
jrini; and afterwards the Greek at Milan under Demetrius
Chalcondyles« He retired into the neighbourhood of Al-
bert Picus, prince of Carpi, and of John Francis Picus,
prince of Mirandula; and, having by their means access
to a large and well-furnished library, he applied him^f
intensely to study. He afterwards went to Modena, and
thence to Rome, but being unfortunately in this city when
it was plundered by the soWiers of Charles V. in 1527, he
lost his all. in the general ruin; and soon after his patron
tard jnal Kangone, with whom be had lived some time. He
was then obliged to shelter himself in the house of the
prince of Mirandula, a relation of the great Picus, but had
the misfortune to lose this protector in 1533, who was
assassinated in a conspiracy headed by his nephew. Gi^*
raldi was at that time so afflicted with the gout, that he
had great difficulty to save himself from the hands of th^
conspirators, and lost all which he had acquired since the
iacking of Rome. He then returned to bis own country,
4nd lived at Ferrara^ where be found a refuge from hU
G I R A L D I. 9
misfottunes. The gout, which he is said to have heightened
by intemperance, tormented him so for the six or $eveft
last years of his life, that, as he speaks of himself, he.
might be said rather to breathe than to live. He veas stich
a cripple in his hands and feet, that he was incapable of
moving himself. He made, however, what use he could
of intervals of ease, to read, and even write: and many of
his books were composed in those intervals. He died at
length of this malady in 1552 ; and was interred in the ca-
thedral of Ferrara, where an epitaph, composed by himr
self, was inscribed oipon his tomb.
His works consist of seventeen productions, which were
first printed separately ; but afterwards collected and pub-
lished in 2 vols, folio, at Basil 1580, and at Leyden 1696«
The most valued pieces among them are, '^ Historia de
Deis Gentium,'* — ^^ Historian Poetarum tarn Grsecorum
quam Latinorum Dialogi decem,''— and, ^^ Dialogi duo de .
Poetis nostrorum.'' The first of these books is one of the
last he. composed, and full of profound erudition. ^,The
other two, which make up the history of the ancient and
modern poets, are written with great exactness and judg-
ment. Vossius speaks highly of this work, as the produc-
tion of great judgment and learning, as well as industry,
and observes, that though hi? professed design is to collect
memoirs concerning their persoris, characters, and writ-
ings in general, yet he has occasionally interspersed many
things, regarding the art of poetry, which may. be useful
to those who intend to cultivate it. Joseph Scaliger, in-
deed, would persuade us, though not very consistently,
that nothing can be niore contemptible than the judgment
he passes on the poets he treats of : for in another place be
allows all the wovks of Giraldus to be very good, and that
no man knew better how to temper learning with judgment.
There is a work also by Giraldus, <^ De annis & mensi-
bus, csBterisque temporis partibus, una ,cOm Kalendario
Romano &. Grseco," written with a view to the reformation
of the kalendar, which was .afterwards effected- by pope
Gregory XIII. about 1582. There are likewise among his
works a few poems, the principal of which is entitled,
*^ Epistola in qua agitur de incommodis, quse in direptione
Urbaiia passus est ; ubi item est quasi catalogus suorum,
amicorum Poetarum, & defieaiur interitus Herqulis Cardi-
nalis Rangonis.'* This poem is annexed to the Florentine
edition of the two dialogues concerning his contemporairy'
?oet5; ftn4 contains a curious literacy history o£ that time,
'o other praises bestowed upon GiraJdus by authors of the
first name, we may add that of Casaubon, who calls him»
** vir solide doctus, & in scribendo accuratus,*' a maa:
solidly learned and an accurate writer. Thuanus says^
that ** he was excellently skilled in the Greek and Latia:
tongues, in polite literature, and in antiquity, which he>
has illustrated in several works ; and that, though highly
deserving a better fate, he struggled all his life with ilU.
health and ill-fortune.*' His books he bequeathed to his-
relatives John Baptist Giraldi and Pasetius.^
GIRALDI (John Baptist Cintio), an Italian poet, of
the same family with the preceding, was born at. Ferrara.
in 1504. His father, being ai man of letters, took great <
care of his education ; and placed him under Ctslio Cal-
cagnini, to study the languages and philosophy. He made
an uncommon progress, and then applied himself to the,
study of physic ; in which faculty he was afterwards a doc-
tor. #ALt 21 years of age, he was employed to read pubUc
lectures at Ferrara upon physic and polite literature. In :
1542, the duke of Ferrara made him bis secretary; which*
• office be held till the death of that priace in 1658. He
was continued in it by bis successor : but envy having dona
him som,e ill offices with his master, he was obliged to quit
the court. He left the city at the same time, and removed
with his family to M oodovi in Piedmont ; where he taught
the belles lettres publicly for three years. He then went
to Turin ; but the air there not agreeing with his constitu-
tion, he accepted the professorship of rhetoric at Pavia ;
which the senate of Milan, bearing of his being about to
remove, and apprized of his great merit, freely offered
him. This post he filled with great repute ; and afterwards
obtained a place in the academy of that town. It was here
he got the name of Ciutio, which he retained ever after,
and put in the title*page of his books* The gout, which
was hereditaj^ in his family, beginning to attack him se«
verely, he returned to Ferrara*; thinking that bis native air
might afford him relief. But he was hardly settled there,
when he grew extremely ill; and, after languishing about
three months, died in 1573.
His works itre all written in Italian, except some orations,
spoken upon extraordinary occasions, in Latin. They
* t
.i;Jtf(Hn^»^Niceros9 Tol, XKCC^^Roicoe'g Leo.^*-Sasii Ononu m Gyrtldqf.
insist chiefly of tragedies : a collection of which was pub«'
$shed at Venice 1583, in 8vo, by his son Celso Giraldi j'
who, in his dedication to the duke of Ferrara, takes occa-
sion to observe, that he was the youngest of five sohs, ahd
the only one wHo survived hii^ ikther. There are alsb soirid^
prose works of Giraldi: one particularly upoh comedy^'
tragedy, and other kinds of poetry, which was prihted aV
Venice by himself in 1554, 4to. Soitie make no scriifile
to rank him among the best tragic writers that litaly has^
produced ; but perhaps the work by which he nOw is'best^
known is his ** Hecatommiti,^' an hundred noviefts in th^'
nanner of Boccaccio, which have been frequently' printed.
There is a scarce volume of His poems printed' at' Ferrara^
ih 1537, at the close of which is a treatise of Caelio Cal-'
cagnini, <« De Imitatiorie," addressed to Giraldi.^
GIRARD (Gabriel}, an ingenious French writer^ waa'
bom at Clermont in Auvergne in 1676, and educkied for
the' church. In his youth he had a canonry ifi the colle-'
giate church of Notre Dame de Monferrand, but resigned^
it to one of his brothers, that he might be at' liberty' to go'
to Paris and devote his time to literary purstiiCs. llbere^
hj the interest of some friends be Wa^ made 'alopidner to the*
duchess of Berri, daughter of the regent, and also ob*'
tained the place of king's interpreter for the Sckvoniah'
and Russian languages. In 1744 he was admitted a' mem-'
ber of the French academy. He died Feb. 4^ 1748; The^
work by which he is best known, and to which inde^d'he^
chiefly owed his reputation in Francie, is his ** Synonymea^
Frangais/' 12mo, of ^hrch a new edition, with some post*^
humous pieces by Girard, was published by M. Beauz6e^ in'^'
1^69, 2 vols. 12mo. No grammatical worJL was ever mora
popular in France, nor more useful in defining the nreciise'
meaning of words apparently syhohymotis ; ahd the ele« '
g^hce and moral tendency of the examples he produces '
have been much' admired. . Ttie abbd Rotibaud has siiice^
published " Les Nouveaiix Syrionymes Frangais,^* 1766^*
4 vols. 8 vo, which may be considered as a supplemenit to
Girard. Our author published also a grammar under the '
title of '^ Les vrais principes de la'langue Frangais/' 2']
vols. 12mo,'far inferior in ingenuity to his former, arid
1 Moreri.— NiceroD, vol. XXIX.--<3io^en4 Hut. Litt. d*Itii]ie, T^I. VI. p. 4^.
•*^axii Onomast. in Gjrraldui.
< G I I^ A II p. , ♦ ■
full of jpi&taphysical whims on the theory of language^ not
unmixisd with those infidel principles which were in his
time beginning to be propagated.'
QIRTIN (Thomas), an ingenious young landscape-
painter, was born Feb. 18, 1773, and received his first in-
structions from. Mr. Fisher, a drawing-master in Aldersgate-
street, and was, for a short time, the pupil of Mri Dayes.
He early made nature his model; but the first master that
strucl^ bis attention forcibly was Canaletti, and, in the
latter part of his life, he sedulously studied the colouring
of Rubens. He was the first who introduce4 the custom of
drawing upon cartridge-paper ; by which means he avoided
that spotty, glittering glare so commpn in drawings made
on white paper ; and some of his later productions have a;|
forcible and spirited an effect as an oil*picture,. and are
, more clear. In his first manner he made the outline wit:h
a pen,, but afterwards did away that hard outline, whiqh
gives ^o ^dgy an effect to drawings that are not, in other,
respects, destitute of merit; and, having first given his
general forms with Indian ink, finished his work by putting
on his different tints. This, if judiciously managed, is
certainly a great improvement in the art. It has beea
said, that he made great use of the rule, and produced'
some of hb most forcible effects by trick, but this was not
the case. His eye was peculiarly accurate ; and by that
he formed his judgment of proportions. Whoever inspected
his pallet woiilc) find it covered with a greater variety of
tints than almos||; any of his contemporaries employed.
Mr. Moore was his first patron, and with him he went a
tour into Scotland. The prospects h^ saw in that country
gave that wildness of imagery to the scenery of his draw-
ings by which they are so pre-eminently distinguished.
He also wei^t with ^r. Moore to Peterborough, Lichfield,
and Lincoln ; and, ipdeed, to many other places remark-
able for their rich scenery, either in nature or architecture. ^
That gentleman had a drawii)g that Oirtin made of Exeter ,
(Cathedral, which was principally coloured on - the spo^
wher<^it was drawn; for he was so uncommonly indefatiga-
ble, that^ when he had mfide a i^ketch of any place, h^
never wished to (juit it until be had given it all the proper
tdnts. H^ was early noticed by lord Harewood, Mr. LaS'
^|JleS| and Dr. Monro ; in whose collections are son&e of
I Pkt. Bilk
Q I R T I N. 9
those fine specimens of the arts by the study of which he
forioed his taste. The doctor has in his possession some of
his earliest, and many of his finest, drawings. He painted
two pictures in oil ; the first was a view in Wales, which
was exhibited, and much noticed, in 1801 ; and the se-
cond, the panorama view of London, which was exhibited;
in Spring-gardens. About twelve months before his death
he went to France, where be staid till May. His last, and
indeed his best, drawings were the views of Paris, which,
were purchased by lord Essex, and from which aqua-tinta
prints by other artists have since been mslde. This pro-*
mising young artist died Nov. 9, 1802, of an asthmatic »
disorder, which Mr. Edwards seems to attribute to irregu*
larity. *
GIRY (Lewis), advocate to the parliament of Paris,
and to the council, and inember of the French academy,
was born at Paris in 1596. His abilities and probity re-
commended him to some very honourable employments, and
he particularly enjoyed the confidence of cardinal Mazarin.
He was author of the following translations i *^ Dialogues
des Orateurs,'* 4to.; " TApologie de Socrate;'\ ** THist,
Sacr^e de Sulpice Severe ;'' " TApologetique de Tertul-
lien,^* for which he was received into the academy ; ^Ma
Cit6 de Dieu, de St. Augustin," I vol, 4to. ; ** Epitres
Choisies de St. Augustin," 5 vols. i2mo. He died in 1665,
' at Paris. His son, Francis, who was provincial of the
Minim order, gained! great reputation by some devotioqal
works; but deserves little credit for his principal publica-
tion, ^* Les Vies des Saints," fol. which although esteemed
ibr its piety^ is full of fables, and far from accurate as to
facts. P. Raffron, of the same order, has written his life,
12mo.* ^
GLABER (Rodoij>h), a Benedictine monk, first of St«
Cermaine d^Auxerre, and afterwards of Cluni, and a man
ef superstitious credulity, flourished in the eleventh cen-
tury, and wrote a " Chronicle or History of France," in
the L^tin language, tt consists of five books, of which th«
first relate^ to the events of the monarchy previously to
> Hugh Capet, and the four subsequent ones to those foU
lowing it, as far down as 1046. This work is defective as
a co^ippsitipn, and, at the same time, full of fat>uious
> Gcttt Mag. LXXlfr.aod LXXUI — Pilkinirton.— Edwardt'f Sapplcment to
Walpole. * Moreri.--*Dict. HiiU
10 . G L A B E R:
Stories^ yet it contains much valuable information relatire
to those remote ages. It was printed in the collections of
Pithou and Duchesne. He was author of a life of William,
aibbot of St. Benignus at Dijon. '
GLANDORP (JoHN)^ a learned philologist of the six«
teenth century, was born at Munster. He studied mider
Melancthon at Wittemberg, and became rery distinguished'
for his critical knowledge of Greek and Latin. In 1 533 he
disputed publicly against the anabaptists at Munster.
After visiting the principal German academies, be was
elected rector of the college at Hanover, but, Upon some
dispute, he quitted in 1555, and retiring to Goslar, was
followed by most of his scholars ; but- here again h^
had the misfortune to render himself unpopular, and was
obliged to leave the place in 1560, on which he went to
Marpurg, and was made professor of history. He died'in
1564. His works are, I. ^^ Sylva CarmimimElegiacorum;^*'
2. <' Descriptio Gentis Antoniae ;" 3. ^' Familiae Julias
Gentis ;^' 4. ^^ Disticha Sacra et Moralia ;*' 5. ^< Annotate
in Jul. Ceesaris Comment.;'* 6. << Annotat in Ciceronis
Epist. Famil.;" 7. <' Onomasticon Historian Romanaei.^"
GLANDORP (Matthias), a German physician, was
born in 1595, at Cologne, where his father f^as a surgeon.
His first application to letters was at Bremen ; whence he'
returned to Cologne, and devoted himself to philosophy,
physic, and chirurgery. He studied four years under
Peter Holtzem, who was the elector's physician, and pro-
fessor in this city ; and he learned the practical part of
surgery from his father. To perfect himself in these
sciences, he went afterwards into Italy, and made< some
stay at Padua ; where he greatly benefited himself by at-
tending the lectures of Jerome Fabricius ab Aquapendente,
Adrian Spigelius, and Sanctorins. He wad here made
M. D. After having visited the principal townd of Italy,
he returned to his country in 1 6 i 8 j and settled at Bremen ;
.where he practised physic and surgery with so much suc-
cess, that the archbishop of this place made him his phy-
sician in 1628. He was also made physician of the re-
public of Bremen. The time of his death is not precisely
known; some say 1640, but the dedication of his last woric
is dated Oct. 8, 1662. He published at Brei&en, <^ Spe-'
A Moreri.--.NiceK>D, vol. XXVIII.-^Stxii OAwmtirCtm.
' Mart rK— 3axii Oaomasiiceik.
G L A N D O R p. 11
CQlam Cfairargorum/' in'1619, 8vo ; reprinted in 162S, 4to;
^ Metbodus Medendse Paronychiae," in 1139; '^Tractatut
de Polypo Narium affecta gravissimo/' in 1628; and
*' Gazophylacium Poljpusiucn Fonticulorum & Setoqum
Reseratum/' in 1633. These four pieces were coliecCed
and published, with emendations, under the title of bis
Works, at London, in 1729, 4to, with his life prefixed^
and some curious tracts on Roman antiquities. It must
needs suggest an high opinion of, this young physician^
that though he died a young man, yet his works should
be thought worthy of a republication 100 years after;
when such prodigious improvements have been made in
philosophy, physic, and sciences of all kinds, of which he
bad not the benefit.^
. GLANVIL (BARTHOLOMEWJi, a writer of the fourteenth
century, was an English Minorite, or Franciscan, of the
faimily of the earls of Suffolk. He is said to have studied
et Oxford, Paris, and Rome, and to have been very fami-
liar with the writings of Aristotle, Plato, and Pliny; from
which, with bis own observations, he compiled his cele-
brated work " De Propirietatibu* rerum,*' a kind of gene-
ral history of nature ; divided into nineteen books, treating
of God, angels, and devils, the soul, the body, animals,
&iC. In some copies there is an additional book, not of his
writing, on numbers, weights, measures, sounds, &c. Some
*^ Sermons" of his were printed at Strasburgh in 1495.
But his work ^' De Proprietatibtis'' appears to have heeti
the chief favourite, and was one of the first books on which
the art of printing was exercised, there being no fewer
than twelve editions, or translations, printed from 1479 to
14^4. . The English translation printed by Wynkyn de
Worde is the most magnificent publication that ever^issued
from the press of that celebrated printer, but the date has
not been ascertained. A very copious and exact analysis
of this curious work is given by Mr. Dibdin in the second
volume of his *' Typographical Antiquities.''*
. GLANVIL (Sir John), younger son of John Glanvil of
Tavistocfein Devonshire, one of the justices of the com-
mon pleas, (who died in 1600), was educated at Oxford^
and after serving for some time in an attorney's office^
studied law in Lincoln's-inn, where he preserved the re^
1 Moreri.—- NiceroD, Ttfl.^tXXVIII. < Tanner's BibUotbeca.—Dupiar
j^DoDce'fl lUustratioDi of Shakspeare, voL li. p. 278.— Dibdin ubi supra.
13 G L A N V I L.
putation of I^gal ability for which his family had long been*
distinguished^ When he had been a barrister of some
years standing, he was elected recorder of Plymouth, and
burgess for that place in several parliaments. In the 5th
of Charles I. he was Lent reader of his uin, and in May
1639 was made Serjeant at law. Being cbos^en speaker of
the parliament which assembled in April. 1640, be shewed
himself more active in the king^s cause, than formerly^:
when he joined in the common clamour against the prero*
gative. In August 1641, being then one of the king's
Serjeants, he received the honour of knighthood; and
'when his majesty was obliged. to leave the parliament, sir
John followed him to Oxford. In 1645, being accused as
a delinquent, or adherent to the king, he was deprived of
bis seat in parliament, and afterwards committed to prison^
in which he remained until 1648, when he made a com^
position with the usurping powers. After the restoration
he was made king's serjeant ags^in, and would have probably ^
attained promotion had he not died soon after, on. Oct. 2^
1661. He w&s buried in the church of Broad Hiuton in
Wiltshue, the manor of which he had bought some years
before. His works consist chiefly of speeches and argu-
ments, most of which are in Rushworth's " Collections,*'
His ^* Reports of Cases of controverted Elections," were
published in 1775, by John Topham, esq. *
GLANVIL (John), a grandson of the preceding, was'
born at Broad Hinton in 1664, and became at the age of^
fourteen a commoner of Trinity-college, Oxford. He
studied law afterwards in Lincoln's-inn, and was admitted
to the b^r. Ha is known by some minor poems, the best
of which may be seen in Mr, Nichols's Collection. He
made the tirst English translation of Fontenelle's *^ Plu-
rality of Worlds.'' He died at Broad Hinton in 1735.* '
GLANVIL (Joseph), a distinguished writer, was bora
in 1636, at Plymouth in Devonshire, where he probably
received the first rudiments of his education, and was enr ^
tered at Exeter-college, Oxford, April 19, 1653. He was-
placed under Samuel Conant, an eminent tutor, and hav-
ing made great proficiency in his studies, he proceeded
B. A. Oct. li, 1655. The following year, he removed to
Lin coin -college, probably upon some view of preferment. .
1 Prince's Worthies of X>eTOii.—Ath. Ox. vol. IL— Fuller's Worthres.— Uoyd'i
.Memoirs, fol. 585. '
« Prince's Worihiei.— Alb. Ox. vol. II.— NichoU's Poems, vol. IV. .
G L A N V I L. 13
Taking tbc ilegree of M. A. June 29, 1658> he assumed
the priestljf office, according to the forms us6d by the sec-
taries at that time, and became chaplain to Francis Rouse,
•sq. then made provost of Eton-college, by Oliver Crom-
welly and designed for one. of his house of lords. Had this
patroQ lived a little longer, Glanvil's expectations would,
.00 doubt, have been fully answered ; since according tQ
Wood, he entirely complied with the principles of th©
.then prevailing party, to whom his very prompt pen must
needs have been serviceable. But Rouse dying the same
"year, he returned to his college in Oxford, and pursued
his studies there during the subsequent distractions in the
state. ' About this time, he became acquainted with Mr,
.Richard Baxter, who Entertained a great opinion of his
genius, and continued his respect for him aftei* the restor-
ation, .when they espoused different causes. The friend-
ship, was equally warm .on Glanvil's side, who, Sept. 3^
.1661j addressed' an epistle to his friend, professing him-
self to be an admirer of his preaching and writings; he
also offered to write something in hid defence, but yielded
to his advice, not to sacrifice his views of preferment to
their friendship.
, Accordingly, he had the prudence to take a different
method; and turning his thoughts to a subject not only
inoffensive in itself, but entirely popular at that time, viz.
a defence of experimental philosophy against the nbtional
way of Aristotle and the schools, he published it this year,
under the title.of" The Vanity of Dogmatizing, or con-
fidence in opinions, manifested in a discourse of the short-
ness and uncertainty of our knowledge and its causes, with
some reflections on Peripateticism, and an apology for
philosophy,*' 1661, 8vo. These meetings, which gave rise
.to the Royal Society, were much frequented at this time,
and encouraged by learned men of. all persuasions; and
this small discourse introduced him to the knowledo^e of
the literary world in a very favourable light. He had an
opportunity of improving by the weakness of an antagonist,
whom he answered in an appendix to a piece called
. "Scepsis Scientifica, or confessed ignorance the way to
science, in an Essay on the Vanity of Dogmatizing, and
confident opinion,'* 1665, 4to, Our author dedicated this
piece to the royal society, in terms of the highest respect
for that ipjst;itution ; and the f^ociety being then in a state
•f ia£uicy, i^nd having many enemies, as might be' ex-
14 G L A N V I L.
peeled in an undertaking which seemed to threateh tfae
ruin of the old way of philosophizing in the schools, the
** Scepsis" was presented to the council by lord Breret#tfiy
at a meeting, Dec. 7, 1664; when his lordship also pro-
posed the author for a member, and he was elected acconl-
ingly in that month.
In 1663, the house of John Mumpesson of TedwH>rth, in
Wiltshire, being disturbed by the beating of a drum in-
\isibly cv^ry night, our author turned his thoughts to thdt
subject, and in 1666 printed^ in 4to, " Some philosophi-
cal considerations, touching the being of Witches and
Witchcraft.'* In this piece he defended the possibility of
witchcraft, which drew him into a controversy that ended
only with his life : during the course of it, be propo^d lo
con6rm his opinion by a collection of several narratives
relating to it. But as he held then a correspondence with
Mr. Boyle, that gentleman, ob^serving with how much
warmth the dispute was carried on, gave him many cau-
tions about managing so tender a subject ; and hinted to
bim, that the credit of religion might suffer by weak argu-
ments upon such topics. In answer to which, Glanvil pro-
fesses himself much obliged for those kind admonition&y
and promises to be exceeding careful in the choice of his
. relations : however, he made a shift to pick out no less
than twenty-six modern relations, besides that of Mr*
Mumpesson's drummer. They were not, however, printed
till after his death, in a piece entitled " Sadducismus
Triumphans, in two parts,'' 1681, 8vo; and again in 168^,
with large additions, by ©r. Henry More, the editor of
both editions ; to whom our author had addressed a letter
on the subject : and in an appendix to the first patt con-
cerning the possibility of apparitions, there is added an
account of the nature of a spirit, translated by our author,
from the two last chapters of More's'^^ Enchiridion Meta-^
His defence of the royal society having procured him
many friends, some of them obtained for him the rectory
of the abbey church at Bath, into which he was inducted
June the same year, 1666. From this time he fixed his
residence in that city ; and, continuing on all occasions tof
testify his zeal for the new philosophy, by exploding Aris-i'
totle, he was desired to make a visit to Mr. Robert Gross^
vicar of Chew, near Pensford, in Somersetshire, a great
zealot for the old established way of teaching in the sekK>lsi'
Out avAckr wcepted the iovitation, and going to Pensfoid
in 1677, happened to come into the room just as the vicar
was entertaining bis company with the praises of Aristotle
and bis philosophy. After their first civilities were paid^
be Wjeot on widi bis discourse, and, applying himself to
Jilr. Glanvil, treated the royal society and modern philo-
sophers with soiQe contempt. Glanvil, not expecting so
sudden a» attack, was' in some measure surprized, and
did not miswer with that quickness and facility as he other-
if^ might probably have done. But afterwards, both ia
conversation and by letters, be attacked his antagonist's
assertion, that Aristotle had more advantages for know-
ledge than jthe royal society, or all the present age had or
ef}jSd haye, because, ** totam peragravit Asiam,'* be tra-
Teljled oyer all Asia.
Glanvil likewise laid the plan of a farther defence of the
iroyal society ; but bishop Sprat's history of it being then
^D the press, he waited to see how far that treatise should
andcipatf^ his design. Upon its publication, in 1667,
fijiding there was room left for him, he pursued bis reso«
lution, and printed his piece the following year, with this
^tle, expressing the motives of writing it : *^ Plus Ultra,
or the Progress and Advancement of Knowledge since the
(days of Aristotle, in an account of some of the most re-
iparkable late improvements of practical useful learning,
to encourage philosophical endeavours, occasioned by a
conference with one of the national way,'' 1668, l2mo*
|n some parts of this piece he treated the Somersetshire
yicar with rough raillery, and this the vicar returned, in m
piece whiph was denied the press both at Oxford and Lon^
don, for its scurrility. Glanvil somehow obtaining the
intents, printed them at London, with proper remarks of
bis own, under the title of ^* The Chew- Gazette," but of
these there were only 100 taken off, and those dispersed into
private hands, in order, as Glanvil said, that Crosse's
^ame might not be made public, ,&c. After this letter
iros pqbUi^ed> Crosse wrote ballads against our author and
the royal society; while other wags at Oxford, pleased
t^itb the controversy, made doggrel ballads on them both.
This aiflbir also involved Glanvil in a scurrilous dispute
^tb Heory St^ibbe, who was then, as Wood observes, a
memer practitioner at Bath ; and bearing no good -will to
the proceedings of Glsinvil, took Crosse's part, and encou-
iVfedJum la wfUe against the virtuosi, and ^t the same
16 fe L A N V I t.
time entered the lists himself, and the following pamphlets
passed between them. I. " The Plus Ultra reduced to a
Nonplus," &c. 1670, 4to, Stubbe. 2. *' A prefatory An-
swer to Mr. Henry Stubbe, the doctor of Warwick, where-
in the malignity, &c. of bis Animadversions are discovered,''
-1C71, 12n)o^ Glanvih 3. " A Preface against Ecebolius
Glanvil, F* R.S. subjoined to his Reply, &c. Oxford," 1671^
4to, Stubbe. The doctor also fell upon his antagonist, in
his " Epistolary Discourse concerning Phlebotomy," 1671,
'4to; upon which Glanvil immediately published "A farther
Discovery of Mr. Stubbe, in a brief reply to his last pam-
phlet," 1671, 8vo, to which was added, ^* Ad clerum So-
mersetensem Epistola nPOS4»aNH2I2." And the doctor
among other things, having censured the new philosophy, as
tending to encourage atheism our authorpublished his ^'Ph^
losophia Pia," &c. 1671, 8vo-, which closed the controversy.
When, however, Dr. Meric Casaubon entered the lists
in his " Letter to Peter du Moulin," 1663, and managed
•the argument with more candour and greater knowledge,
Glanvil chose to be silent; because not willing to appear
in a controversy with a person, as be says, of fame and
learning, who had treated him with so much civility, and
in a way so different from that of his other assailants.
While he was thus pleading the cause of the institution in
general, he shewed himself no unuseful member in respect
to the particular business of it. ' The society having given
out some queries to be made about mines, our author com-
municated a paper in relation to those of Mendip hills,
and such as respect the Bath, which was well received,
ordered to be registered, and afterwards printed in their
In the mean time, he was far from neglecting the duties
of his ministerial function ; on the contrary, he distin*
guished himself so remarkably by his discourses from the
pulpit, that he was frequently desired to preach upon
public and extraordinary occasions, and several of these
«ermons were printed in a collection after his death. But
in justice to his memory we must not omit to miention one
which was never printed. His old antagonist Stubbe,
going from Bath on a visit to Bristol^ had the misfortune
on his return to fall from his horse into a riyer, which,
though shallow, proved sufficient to drown him : hid corpse
being interred in the abbey-church, our rector paid an
honourable tribute to his memory, in a fuDeral sermon qq
& L A N V i L. 17
the oecasion. He also wrote an ** Essay concerning
Preaching," for the use of a young divine ; to which he
added, <* A seasonable Defence of Preaching, and the
plain way of it." This was chiefly levelled against that
affectation of wit and fine speaking which began then to be
fashionable. This essay was published in 1678, and the
same year be was collated by his majesty to a prebend in
the church of Worcester. This promotion was procured
by the marquis of Worcester, to whom his wife was re-
lated ; and it was the more easily obtained, as he had been
chaplain to the king ever since 1672 ; in which year he
exchanged the vicarage of Frome for the rectory of Street,
with the chapel of Walton annexed, in Somersetshire, an
exchange which was easily accomplished, since both the
livings were in the patronage of sir James Thynne.
He published a great number of tracts besides what have
been mentioned. Among which are, 1. ^' A Blow at Mo-
dern Sadducism," &c. 1668, to which was added, 2. '^ A
Relation of the fancied Disturbances at the house of Mr.
Mumpesson ;^^ as also, 3. ^* Reflections on Drollery and
Atheism^" 4. *^ Palpable Evidence of Spirits and Witch-
draft," &c. 1668. 5, "A Whip for the Droll Fidler to
the Atheist," 1668. 6. ^^ Essays on several important
subjects in Philosophy and Religion," 1676, 4to. 7. " An
Essay concerning Preaching," 1678, 8vo, to which was
added> 8» *^ A seasonable Defence of Preaching, and the
plain Way of it." 9. " Letters to the Duchess of New-
castle." lOi Three single Sermons, besides four printed
together, under the title of ^f Seasonable Reflections and
Discourses, in order to the Conviction and Cure of the
scoffing Infidelity of a degenerate age;" As he had a
lively imagination, and a flowing style, these came from
him very easily, and he continued the exercise of his pen
to the last ; the press having scarcely finished his piece,
entitled "The zealous and impartial Protestant," &c. 1680,
when he was attacked by a fever, which baffling the phy-
sician^s skilly cut him off in the vigour of his age. He died
at Bath, Nov. 4th, 1680^ about the age of forty -four.
Mr, Joseph Pleydel, archdeacon of Chichester, preached
his funeral sermon^ when his corpse was interred in his
awn parish church, where a decent monument and inscrip-
tion was afterwards dedicated to his memory by Margaret
lus widow, sprung from the Selyvins of Gloucestershire.
She was his second wife ^ but he had no issue by either.
Vol. XVI. G
18 OLA N V I L.
Soon after bis deccasre, ffevcml of his tfemionSy noA
other pieces, were coUected and published with the title of
^^ Some Discourses^ Sermons, and Kemains/^ les^l, 4tOy
by Dr. Heory Horneck, who tells us that death snatehed
him away, when the learned world expected some of his
greatest attempts and enterprizes. Horneck gave a large,
and apparently very just character of Gianvil, who was un-
questionably a man of learning and genius, and although
he retained the belief in witchcraft, surmounted many of
the other prejudices of his time.'
GLASS (JaHN), a Scotch clergyman, and founder of &
sect, was born at Dundee, 163^8, and educated in the
New-college, at St Andrew^s, where he took his degrees,
and was settled minister of a country church, near the
place of his uativity. In 1.727 he published a treatise t0
prove that the civil establishment of religion was incon-
sistent with Christianity, for which be was deposed, and
became the father of a new sect, called from him Glassites; ^
and afterwards from another leading propagator, Sande-
tnanians. Some account of their teoets will be given under
the article Sandeman. Glass wrote a great number of
controversial tracts, wbkh have been* published ^t Edin-
burgh, in 4 vols. 8vo. He died att Dundee, in 1773, aged
seventy- five.*
(aLASS (JoHif), son of the sb^ve, was born at Dundee,
in 1725, and brought up a surgeon, in which capacity he
went sev^al voyages to the West Indies, but not liking
his profession, be accepted the command of a merchanl'a
ship belonging to London, and engaged in the trade to*
th€^ Brazilsr Being a man of considerable abilities, he
published in 1 vol. 4U), ** A Deoription of TenerifFe, with
the Manners aiul Customs of the Portuguese who are
settled there.*' In I76S he went over to the Brasilsy
taking along with him his wife and daughter ;^ and in' 1765
set sail for London, bringing along with him all his pro-
perty ; but just when the ship came within sight of the
coast of Ireland, four of the seamen enteted into a con-^
spiracy, murdered captain Glass, his wife, daughter, the
mate, one seaman, and two boys. These miscreants^
having loaded their boat with dollars, sunk the ship, and
landed at Ross, whence they proceeded to Dublin, where
ihey were apprehended and executed Oct. 1764.*
* Gen. Diet— Biog. Brit—Ath. On. vol. U.— .Priuctr's Wortbieir
9 PMceding edit, of tbis 0ict. * Ibid.
GLASSIUS (Solomon), an ^mioetit Getman divine and
tritjc, was born May 20^ 1593, at SondershauseuV ia
Tburingla, and after some education under a private tutor,
was sent in 1612 to Jena, where he was admitted to the
degree of D. D. and was made professor of divinity. Hm
was also appointed superintendant of the churches ^ and
schools in the duchy of Saxe-Grotba^ and exercised th«
duties of these offices with great reputation. He died at
Gotha July 27, k6B6. His principal work was published
in 1623, 4to, entitled ^^ Philologia Sacra,^'. which is pro-
nounced by Mosheim and Buddeus to be extremely useful
for the interpretation ojT Scripture,, as it throws much light
i^pon the language and phraseology of the inspired writers.
There have been several editions, the last at Leipsic, in
1776, by professor Dathius, under the title ^^ Philologia
Sacra bis temporibus accommodata.*' He was author, like*
wise, of " Onomatologia Messiae Propbetica ;" " Christo<»
]ogia Mosaica et Davidica;'^ >^ Exegesis Evangeliorum el
Epistolarum,'' and some other pieces.^
GLAUBER (John Rodolph), a celebrated chemist of
Amsterdam, and called the Paracelsus of his age, was born
in Germany in the beginning of the sixteenth century.
He travelled much in the pursuit of chemical knowledge,
and collected many secret processes ; and his experiments
contributed to throw much light on the composition and
analysis of the metals, inflammable substances, and salts.
In fact be passed the greater part of his life in the labora.^
tory. He did tuH always see the proper application of his
own experiments, and vainly fancied that he had disco-
vered the panacea, and the philosopher's stone, which
were at that time object(Sr of pursuit; and the disappoint-
tient of many persons who had been seduced by bis pro-
mises, contributed to bring the art of chemistry into con«
tempt. His theory is full of obscurity^ but bis practice
has perhaps been misrepresented by those who listened to
bis vain and pompous pretensions ; and who accuse him of '
a dishonourable traffick, in first selling his secrets ta
chemists at an enormous price, of again disposing of them
to other persons, and lastly, of making them public iiv
Ofder to extend his veputation. Glauber published about
twenty treatises ; in some of which be appears in the cha«
racter of physician, in others in that of an adept or metal-
* Frekeri Theatrum.^^Moreru-— Saxii Onoaiast.
lurgist ; in the latter he most particularly excelled. How*-
ever, it would be unjust not to give him, the praise of
acuteness of mind, of facility and address in tl>e proseeu-
tion of his experiments, and of extensive chemical knovr«-
ledge. He was the inventor of a salt which to this day re^
tains his name in the shops of our apothecaries. The
works of Glauber have appeared in different languages y
the majority of editions are in German, some in Latin, and
others in French. A collection of the whole. in Latin was
published at Francfort in 1658, in 8vo, and again 1659^
in 4to. An English translation was published by Chriato-^
pher Pack, London, 1689, foK*
GLISSO^ (Francis), an English physician, was son of
William Giisson, of Rampisham, in Dorsetshire, and grand-
son of Walter Giisson, of the city of Bristol. He appears
to have been bom in 1596. Where he learned the first
rudiments of his grammar is not known ; but he was ad-
mitted June 18, 1617, of Caius college, in Cambridge,
apparently with a view to physic. He first, however, went
through the academical courses of logic and philosophy,
and proceeded in arts, in which he took both degrees, that
of B. A. in 1620, and of M. A. in 1624 ; and being chosen
fellow of his college, was incorporated M. A. at Oxford,
Oct. 25, 1627. From this time he applied himself parti-
cularly to the study of medicine, and took his doctor's de-
gree at Cambridge ia 1634, and was appointed regiuspro-*
fessor of physic in the room of Ralph Winterton ; which
office he held forty years. But not chusing to reside con-
stantly at Cambridge, he offered himself, and was admitted^
candidate of the college of physicians, London, in 1634,
and was elected fellow, Sept. 30, « the ensuing year.
In the study of his art, he had always set the immortal
Harvey before him as a pattern ; and treading in his steps,
be was diligent to improve physic by anatomical dissections
and observations. In 1639 he was appointed to read Dr.
Edward Wall's lecture, and in executing that office, made
several new discoveries of great use in establishing a ra«
tional practice of physic ; but on the breaking out of the
civil wars, he retired to Colchester, and followed the bu-
siness of his profession with great repute in those times of
public confusion. He was thus employed during the me-
1 Rtes's CyclopsBclia, from Eloy't Diet. Hist.
G L I S S O N.
morable siege and surrender of that city to the rebels iti
1648 ; and resided there some time after.
Amidst his practice he still prosecuted his anatomical
researches, and from observations iQade in this way pub-
lished an account of the rickets in 16^0, in which he
shewed how the viscera of such as had died of that disorder
were affected*. This was the more interesting, as the
rickets had been then first discovered in the counties of
Dorset and Somerset, only about fifteen years before. In
this treatise he had the assistance of two of his colleagues.
Dr. George Bate, and' Dr. Ahasuerus Regemorter; and
these with other fellows of the college, requesting him to
communicate to the public some of his anatomical lectures
which had been read before them, he drew those up in a
continued discburse, printed with the title *^ Anatomia
Hepatis,'' Loud. .1654, which brought him into the highest
esteem among the facuhy, and he was chosen one of the
electors x)f the college the year following, and was after-
wards president for several years. He published other
pieces besides those already mentioned; viz. 1. ^* De
Lympbseductis nuper repertis," Amst. 1659, with the
*^ Anatomica prolegomena & Anatomia Hepatis.'* 2, *^ De
naturae substantia energetica,. seu de via vits nature
ejusque tribus primis facultatibus," &c. Lond. 1672, 4td.
His last work was a ^^ Treatise of the Stomach and Intes-
tines,'' printed at Amsterdam in 1677, not long before his
deathj which happened that year in the parish of St/Bride^
London, in his eighty-first year.
Wood observes, that he died much lamented, as a per-
son to whose learned lucubrations and deep disquisitions
in physic not only Great Britain, but remoter kingdoms,
owe a particular respect and veneration, and it is certain
that he was exceeded in judgment and accuracy by none of
the English anatomists, who followed the steps of Harvey*
Boerhaaye terms him ^^ omnium anatomicorum exactii^si""
mus,'' ' and Haller speaks in praise of all his writings. Se-
• The title of it is, " De Rftcbitide;
tivemorbo puerilt qui vulgo the Rickets
dicitar," Lond. 1650. But though
this disease was then modern, yet a
treatise had been publi^thed before this
of our authar, in 1645, Svo, by Dr.
Whistler, afterwards president of the
college, with the title of « Ps&do-
f|^lanchD9iteocace," Uom the Tiscera
being judged to be the parts princi-
pally affected. In which opinion he
was followed by our author ; but the
cause and nature of the disorder was
belter explained afterwards by Dr.
John Mayow, iu a small treatise pub-
lished upon it in 16634 ^^vao, and agaii^
in 1681.
i^eral of bis original cuanuscripts, which wei^ in sir Han^
Sloane's possession, are now in the British Museum.^
GLOVl^R (Richard), an English poet, the son of Ri^
ehard Glover, a Hamburgh merchant in Lobdon, was born
in St. Martin*s-lane, Cannon-street, in 1712. i Being pro-
bably intended for trade, he received no other education
than what the school of Cheam, in Surrey, afforded, which
he was afterwards induced to in^prove by an ardent love of
learning, and a desire to cultivate his* poetical tijents ac«
cording to the purest models. His poetical efforts were
,very early, for in his sixteenth year he wrote a poem to
.the memory of sir Isaac Newton, which was supposed to
Jiave merit enough to deserve ^ place in the view of that
.celebrated author's philosophy, published in 1728, by Dr^
•Henry Pembertoo, This physician, a man of inueh sci-
jence, and of some taste, appears to have been warmly at*
Jtached to the interests of our young po6t, and at a time
•when there were few regular vehicles of praise or criticisfii,
^ook every opportunity of encouragifig his efforts, and ap*
prizing the nation of this new addition to its literary ho^«
• At the usual period Glover became engaged in the
Hamburgh trade, but continued his attachment to litera<^
ture and the muses, and was, says Dr. Warton, one of the
best and most accurate Greek scholars of his time. It is
inentioned in. the life of Green, that he published "The
Spleen" of that poet, in which he is complimented on ac-
count of hia study of the ancient Greek poets, and bis wish
to emulate their fam^. Green bad probably seen some part
of " Leonidas," which was begun when he was young»j
and had been submitted in specimens to many of his friend$.
This poem was first published in 1737, in a 4to volume, con-
sisting of nine books. Its reception was highly flattering, for
in this and the following year it passed through three edi-
tions. It was dedicated to lord Cobfaam, one of his early pa-
trons, and whom, it is supposed, he furnished with many of
the inscriptions at Stowe, now erased. It was also strongly
recommended by such of that nobleman's political friends
as were esteemed the arbiters of taste. Lord Lyttelton, in
the periodical paper called " Common Sense,*^ praised it
1 Gen. Diet. — Wood's Fasti,, p. 238.— Aikin'sBiog. Memoirs of Medieiae.—
Cole's MS AtheiUB in Brit. Mus. — Birch's History of the Rojtl Society.
ia tbe warmest teraui, not ooly fpr its poetkal beftDties^
but it3 political tendeocy, ^' the whole plan and purposa
of it being to show the superiority of freedofti oyer slavery ;
sod how much virtue^ public spiriti and the love of lii-
berty^ are preferable, both in tiiyeir nature and eiiects,. to
riches, luxury, and the insolence of power." The stiBi^
Qobbn^ati also addressed verses to our author, in which be
inveighs with much asperity against the degeneracy of the
tijmesy but, not very consistently, compares {Ingland to
Greece, and France to Persia. Other writers, particularly
Fidding, in the paper called '^Tbe Champion," took up thft
pen in favour of ** Leouidas," which being piiblished JusI
sfter the prince of Wales had been driven from St James's^
and began to Jkeep a separate court, it was praibied by the
whole of this new court, an^ by the adherents in general
of opposition, not beyond its merit, but too evidently from
a motive which could not always prevail,, and which ceaned
to animate their zeal in its favour, when Walpote, the sup^
posed author of all our national grievances, was compelled
to resign.
Amidst this high encouragement, the services of Pf.
I^emberton mu^t oot be foigotten. Soon after the appear^
aace of <' Leonidas," this steady frieud eodeavoured to ii«s
ihe public attention on it, by a long pamphlet, enidtled
f^ Observations on Poetry, especially Epic, oc^asipned bjr
the late poem upon Leonida^," 1738, 12 mo. In this^ with
many just remarks of a general kind, ihe author carries bja
opinion of Glover^s production beyond all reasonable
bounds. In the following year. Glover published ^^ Lour
^00, or the Progress of Comnierce," and the more ceie«
Wted ballad of ^^ Hosier's GhosV both written with H
view to rouse the nation to reseat the conduct of the Sp^*-
W'dsy and to promote what had seldom beei| known, a
^f^ar called for by the people, and opposed by the miiiis**
try« Puring the same polivicai dissentions, which, as «i^uaJ#
?ere warmest in the ,city of London, Glover presided at
several meetings called to •set aside* or censure l^ oooduci;
of those city magistrates or members of parliament who
voted for tliecoui-t. His speeches at those meetings, if
«e may trust to the report of them in the periodical jour*
uals of 1739 adid 1740, were elegant, spirited, and calcu^
lated to give him considerable weight in the deliberative
si^sembliesof iiis £eUow-^is&ens. The latter were, indeejd.
«9 f^y ej^nyiucedi of jam tabuu mi4 ^fsali M t^ AppQiol
bim to conduct their application to parliament^ on the
subject of the neglect shewn to their trade by the ruli-jg-
administration. His services in this last affair may be seen
in a pamphlet published in 1743, under the title of "A.*
short Account of the late application to parliament made
by the merchants of London upon the neglect of their
trade ; with the substance of the evidence thereupon, as
summed up by Mr. Glover."
In 1744, he was offered employment of a very different
kind, being nominated in the will of the duchess of Marl-
borough, to write the duke's life, in conjunction iyith
Mallet. Hef grace bequeathed 500L to each on this con-
dition, but Glover immediately renounced his share, while
Mallet, who had no scruples of any kind where his inte-
rest was concerned, accepted the legacy, and continued
to receive money from the late duke of Marlborough on
the same account, although after twenty years of talk and
boast,- he left nothing behind him that could shew he had
ever seriously begun the work. Glover's rejection of tbi»
legacy is the more honourable, as at this time his affairs'
became embarrassed^ from what cause we are not told.^
It may be conjectured, however, that he had shared the
usual fate of .those who are diverted from their' regular
pursuits by the dreams of political patronage. From the
prince he is said to have received at one time a complete
set of' the classics, elegantly bound, and at another tiniie,
during his distresses, a present of 500/. But it does not
appear that when the friends of " Leonidas" came into'
power; they made any permanent provision for the author.
During the period of his embarrassment, he retired
itom public notice, until the respect and gratitude of his
humbler friends in the city induced them to request that
he would stand candidate for the ofHce of chamberlain of
London, which was vacant in 1751, but his application
was unfortunately made when the majority of the votes,
had already been engaged to sir Thomas Harrison. His
feelings on this disappointment did him much honour,
and were elegantly expressed in the speech he addressed
to the livery on the occasion. In it he made an allusion
to the favour of the prince of Wales, which was probably
well understood at that time. By the death of that most'
illustrious personage, he no doubt lost a powerful patron.
In 175S, he began to try his talents in dramatic com-
position, aad produced the tragedy of ^< Boadicea^*' which -
O L O V E H. «
was performed for nine nights at Drury-kne theatre. Dr,
Pemberton, with his accustomed zeal, wrote a pamphlet
p recommend it, and among the inferior critics, it Occa«
sioned a temporary, controversy. Great expectations were
formed of its success from the reputation of an author
who had acquired so much praise from his ^' Leonidas.'*
At the rehearsal, he. read his <' Boadicea" to the actors,
but his manner of conveying the meaning of his poem was
yery^inhappy ; his voice was harsh, and his elocution dis-
agreeable. Mr. Garrick was vexed to see him mangle his
own work, and politely offered to relieve him by reading
an act or' two ; but the author imagining that he was the
only person fit to unfold his intention to the players, per-
listed to read the play to the end, to the great mortifiea-
tion of the actors. In 1761 he published bis ^^ Medea/' a
tragedy, written on the Greek model, and therefore unfit
for the modern stage. The author, indeed, did not intend
it for representation, but Mrs. Yates considered the ex-
periment as likely to procure a full house at her benefit,
and brought it forward upon that occasion. It was after-
ward^ acted a f^vt nights, but without exciting much in-
From this period. Glover's a£Fairs took a more promising
turn, although in what way we are not told. At the ac-
cession of his preseat majesty, he was chosen member of
parliament for Weymouth, and made a considerable figure
in the many debates to which the confused state of affairs
in India gave rise. In 1772, we find him an intelligent
^nd active agent in adjusting the affairs of theHbank of
Douglas, Heron and Company, of Scotland, which failed
about that time ; and on other occasions, where the mer-
cantile interests of London were concerned, he distin-
guisbed hiraselfj not only by bis eloquence, but by that
general knowledge of commerce which inclines to enlarged
and hberal measures. In 1775, the West India merchants
testified the sense they entertained of his services in their
affairs, by voting him a piece of place of the value of 300/.
The speech which \A delivered in the house of commons,
Qn the application of these merchant^, was afterwards
printed, and appears to have been the last of his public
In 1770, he refhiblished his ^^ Leonidas,'' in two vols.
12mo, extended from nine books to twelve, and the atten-
tion, noiv bestowed on it| recalling bis youthful ideas^
etrengtbened by tioie and obserratton, probably suggested
*' The Athenatdy*' which, however^ he did not Lhre to pubo*
lish. Soon after 1775, he retired from public bnsiiiess,
but J^ept vp an intitmkcy with many of the most eminent
. scholars of the day, by whom be was highly respected*
After experiencing, for some time, the infirmities of age,
be departed this hte at his bonse in Albemarle*street, No*
vember 25, 1785. Glovei' was twice married. ^Uis second
wife is now living, atid a daughter, married to U^lseyi
His character was drawn np by the latie Dr. Brocklesby
tor the (^ntleman^s Magazine, And as far as respects bis
^uniable disposition, was confirmed to us by Dr. Wartoo^
who knew him well. — ^ Through the whole of his life Mr;
Clover was by ail good men nevered^ by the ^ise esteem'*
ed, by the great sometimes caressed and even flattered^
and now his death is sincerely lamented by all who had the
happiness to contemplate the integrity of his character.
Mr. Glover, for upwards of 50 years p^iist through every
idicissitude i)i fortune, exhibited the most exemplary sim*
plicity of manners; having early attained that perfect
equanimity, which philosophy often recommends in the
doset, but which in es^periettce is too seldom exercised by
other men in tb^ test of trial. In Mr. Gkwer were united
a wide compass of accurate information in all mercantile
concerns, with high intellectual powers of mind, joined to
la copious flow of eloquence as an orator in the house of
commons. Since Milton be was second to none of our
English poets, in his disoriminaung judicious acquaintance
with all ancient as well as modem litersU^ure ; witness his
Leonidas, Medea, Boadicea, and London; for, having
formed his own character upon the best models of the
Greek wnters, he lived as if he ba^d been bred a disciple
of Socrates, or companion of Aristides. Hence his poll*
tical turn of mind, hence his unwarped affection and actire
zeal for the rights and libeitieB of hia country. Hence fait
heartfelt exultation whenever be had to paint the impious
designs x>f tyrants in ancient times frustrated, or in modern
defeated in their nefarious purposes to extirpate liberty, or
ts> trample on the unalienable rights of man, however re-
mote in time or space from his immediate presence. In a
few words, for thei extent of hiai various erudition, for his
unalloyed paliriotism, and for his daily exercise aiid oon«
•jtant practice of Xenophou's phjlosophy, in his private $•
well as in public Ufe^ Mr, Glover has left tiooe his equal
in the city, aod some time, it is feared, may elapse before
such another citizea shall arise, with eloquence,, with
character, aiid with poetry, like bis, to assert their rights,
or to vindicate with equal powers the just claims of free-
bom men. Suffice this testimony at present, as the.weiU
aarned meed of this truly virtuous man, whose conduct wa«
4^arefiiUy marked, aD;d narrowly watched by ih^ writer of
4be foregoing hasty skecchj for his extraordinary qualities
iiuring the long period in human life of upwards of 40
years ; artd now it is spontaneously q&red as a voluntary
.tribute, unsolicited and unpurcluvsed ; but as it ,appear3
justly due to the memory of so excellent a poet, statesman^
^d true philosopher, in life and death the same.^'
Glover's ^ Leonidias^* amply entitles him to a distin,-
^ished plane among the poets of his country, but the
|>uUic has not held it in uniform estim,atipn, From the time
of its first appearance in 1737, it went through six, if^nol
^ven editions ; but for nearly forty years there has not
been a xlemaad for another, ^Jthougb that published in
i77Q was highly improved and enlarged. Its history may
probably account in part for this singular finte, and public
^aste must explain the rest. On its lirst pi^blicatioo, it
9ms f«ad and praised with the utmost avidity. Besides the
eni^ffiiuois it drew from Lyttelton and Pemberton, its fame
^e^hed Ireland, where it was reprinted, and became as'
much in fa^ion as it had been in England. ** Pray who je
tbAt Mr. Glover,^' says Swift to Pope, in one of his letters,
fVwho writ the efuc poem called Leonidas, which is re-
priiM^ng here, and hath great vogue ?" UnfortunaU^y^ .''(,^>r
Jaowever, the whole of this tribute of praise was not pai4 ^^sM'^
to the intrinsic merit of tbe'poem. It became the adojited'
favourite of the party in opposition (to sir Robert Walpole)
who had long endeavoured to persuade the nation that
public liberty was endangered by the measures of that x
miokter, an4 that they formed the chosen band who occu«*
pied the straits of Thermopyls in defiance of the modern
Xerxes* Leonidas therefore was recommended, to rouse
an oppressed and enslaved people to the vindication of their
yights. That this should be attempted is less wonderful '
than that it should succeed. We find very few passages in
lilis poem which will apply to the state of public affairs in
England at that time, if we except the common-place cen«-
fttce^f^oortsaAd^caHrUersi and even that is appropriated
-with so strict historical fidelity to the court of Xerxes, that
St does not seem easy to borrow it for any other purpose..
** Nothing else," however, Dr. Warton informs us, " was
read or talked of at Leicester-house,*' the illustrious owner
of which extended his patronage to all poets who fahfned
the sacred flame of patriotism. The consequence of aH
this was, that Leontdas, which might have laid claim to k
considerable rank among English poems of th^ highet-
order, was pushed beyond it, and when the purposes foir
which it had been extolled were either answered, or n6
longer desirable, it fell lower than it deservech This is
the more justly to be regretted, as we have no reason to
think the audior solicited the injudicious praise of his
friends and patrons, or bad any hand in building the airj
edifice of popular fame. He was, indeed, a lover of liberty,
which has ever been the favourite theme of poets, but h^
did not write for a temporary purpose. Leonidas had been
the fruit of very early ambition to be known to posterity,
and when be had outlived the party who pressed his poeni
into their service, he corrected and improved it for a gene*
ration that knew nothing of the partialities which first er-
tended its fame. If his object, however, in this epopee,
had been solely to inculcate a love of liberty, a love of our
country, and a resolute determination to perish with its
freedom, he could not have chosen a subject, at least from
ancient times, so happily adapted to elevate the mind.
The example was unparalleled in history, and thetefore
the more capable of admitting the embellishments and atr
tractions that belong to the epic province. Nor does it ap-
pear that he undertook a task to which his powers were in?
adequate, when he endeavoured to interest his readers ia
the fate of bis gallant hero and faithful associates. He is
not deficient either in the sublime or the pathetic, although
in these essentials he may not bear an uniform comparison
with the great masters of the passions. The characters are
varied with much knowledge of the human heart. Each
has his distinctive properties, and no one is raised beyond
the proportion of virtue or talent which may be supposed
to correspond with the age he lived in, or the station he
His comparisons, * as lord Lyttelton remarks, are original '
and striking, although sometimes not sufficiently dignified.
His descriptions are minutely faithful, and his episodes are
in general so interesting^ that no critical exceptions would
probably induce the reader to part with them, or to sup^
pose that they are not indispenl^able to the main actioir.
He has likewise this peculiar excellence, that neither his
speeches or descriptions are extended to such lengths as,
in some attempts of the epic kind, become tiresome, and
are the strongest indication of Want of judgment. He
paints the rapid energies of a band of freemen, in a bar-*
baroas age, struggling for their country, Strangers to the
refined deliberation of later ages, and acqu$iinted with that
eloquence only which leads to prompt decision.
His " Athenaid" was published in 1787, exactly as it
was found among his papers. It consists of the unusual
number of thirty books, but evidently was left without the
corrections which he would probably have bestowed had
he revised it for the press. It is intended as a continua-
tion, or second part to " Leonidas," in which the Greeks
are conducted through the vicissitudes of the war with
Xerxes to the final emancipation of their country from his
invasions. As an epic it seems defective in many respects.
Here is np hero in whose fate the mind is exclusively en-
gaged, but a race of heroes who demand our admiration
by turns ; the events of history, too, are so closely follow-
ed, as to give the whole the air of a poetical chronicle.
Of his smaller poems, that on sir Isaac Newton 4s cer-
tainly an extraordinary production from a youth of sixteen^
but the theme was probably given to him. Such an ac-
quainiance with the state of philosophy and the improve-
ments of our immortal philosopher, could not have been
acquired at his age. " Hosier's Ghost" was long one of
the most popular English ballads ; but bis <^ London," if
intended for popular influence, was probably read and un-
derstood by few. In poetical merit, however, it is not
unworthy of the author of •' Leonidas." Fielding wrote a
very long encomium on it in his " Champion," and pre-
dicted rather too rashly, that it would ever continue to be
the delight of all that can feel the exquisiPte touch of poetry^
or be roused with the divine enthusiasm of public spirit,
Since the above sketch of Glover was abridged from a
more full account drawn up for another work, the attention
of the public has been recently called to his history by the
publication of a diary, or part of a diary, written by him.
This, which appeared in 1813, is entitled ^^ Memoirs of a
distinguished Literary and Political Character,, from the
resignation of sir Robert Walpole in 1742 to the establish-
so . Q L 0 V E It.
jneDt of loi'd Cbathftm's second administralion in i^57j^
It . was immediately followed by ** An Inquiry concerning'
,tbe Author of tbe Letters of Junius, with reference to tbe
.Memoirs of a celebrated literary and political character/^
the object of which is to prove that Glover was tbe author
of these Letters ; and although this is not the place to enter
ioto this controversy, we are inclhied to think with the
author of this ^^ Inquiry,*', that no one yet named as the
author of Junius, and whose claim has been at all supt
ported by facts, has much chance to stand in competitUm
with Glover."
GLOVEK (Thomas), a herald and heraldic writer, was
the son of Thomas Glover, of Ashford in Kent, the place
of his nativity. He was first made Portcullis Poursuivant^
and afterwards in 1571, Somerset herald. Queen Eliza«-
betb permitted him to travel abroad for improvement., In
15S2, he attended lord Willougbby with tbe order of the
garter, to Frederick II. of Denmark* In 1584, be waited
with Clarenceux on tbe earl of Derby, with that order to
tbe king of France. No one was a greater ornament to th€
fCoUege than this gentleman ; the suavity of his manners
wa/s equal to his integrity and skill: he was a most excellent^
and. very learned man, with a knowledge in his profession
which has never been exceeded, perhaps been paralleled ^
to this, the best writers of bis own and more recent times
bear testimony. He left two treatises, one '^ De Nobiii-*
late politica vel civili;" the other ^^ A Catalogue of Ho^
nour ^" both of which were published by his nephew, Mr«
Thomas Milles, tbe former in 1608, the latter in 1610,
both folio, to ^^ revive the name and learned memory of
his deceased firiend and uncle, whose private studies for the
public good deserved a remembrance beyond, forgetful
time.'' His answer to the bishop of Ross's book, in which
Mary queen of Scots' claim to the crown was asserted, was
never published. He made great collections of what had
been written by preceding heralds, and left of his own
labours relative to arms, visitations of twenty-four counties,
and miscellaneous matters belonging to this science, all
written by himself. He assisted Camden in his pedigrees
for his Britannia ; communicated to Dr. David Powell, a
copy of the history of Cambria, translated by H. Lloyd;
made a collection of the inscriptions upon the funeral mo«^
^ JohaaoB and Chalmers's Snglinh Poets, 1310*
numents in Kcmt; and, in 1584, drew tip a most curiotis
Mirfey of Herewood castte, in Yorkshire. Mr. Tboresby
had his coltection of the cotinty of York taken in 1584, and
his catalogue of northern gentry whose surnannes ended
in son. He died in London, says Stow, April 14, (Lant
and others, 10), I58S, aged only fmrty-fiTe years, and was
buried in St. Gileses church, Cripplegate, His loss was
severely felt by all our lovers of EiigUsh antiquities. His
'^ Ordinary of Arms'* was augmented and improved by
Edoiondson, who published it in the first volume of his
Body of Heraldry.*
GLUCK (Christopher), a musical composer of great
originality, was bom in the palatinate, on the frontiers of
Bdbemia,'in 1712, or as Dr. Burney says, in 1716. His
father, a man in poor circumstances, removed, during the
infancy of his son, into Bohemia, where he died, leaving
his offspring in early youth, without any provision, so that
bis education was totally neglected. He had, however, an
instinctive love for music, which is taught to all children,
with reading and writing, in the Bohemian schools. Hav-
ing acquired this knowledge, he travelled about from town
to town, supporting himself by his talents, till he had
worked bis way to Vienna, where he met with a nobleman
who became bis patron, took him into his service, and
carried him into Italy, where he procured him lessons in
counterpoint, at Naples, by which he profited so well^
that before he left Italy he composed several dramas for
different theatres. These acquired him reputation sufficient
to be recommended to lord Middlesex as a composer to
the opera house in the' Hay market, then under his lord-
ship^s direction. He arrived in England in 1745, and, in
that year and the following, produced his operas of '* Ar^
tamene*' and ^* La Cadiita de Giganti,^' with indifferent
From London he returned to Italy, and composed seve-*^^
ral operas in the style of the times, and afterv^rds en-
gaged with the Italian poet Calsabigi, with whom he
joined in a conspiracy against the poetry and music of the
melo-drama then in vogue in Italy and all over Europe.'
In 1764, when the late emperor Joseph was crowned king'
of the Romans, Gluck was the composer, and Guadagni
the principal singer. It was in this year that a species of
I Koble's Coll. of AnMt-'Gent Mag. LXIIL p. dn.-^Falhir'& Worthies.
se G L O C Hi
dramatie music, different from that which tten feigned tti
It^ly, was attempted by Gluck in his famous opera of'
** Orfeo," which succeeded so well^ that it was soon after
performed in other parts of Europe^ particularly at Parma
and Paris, Bologna, Naples, and in 1770 at London. In
1769 he produced " Alceste^'* a second opera on the re-
formed plan, which received even more applause than thd
first; and in 1771 " Paride ed Helena;*' but in 1774, his
arrival at Paris produced a remarkable era in the ainnals of
French music, by his conforming to the genius of the
French language, and flattering the ancient national ta»te^.
All his operas proved excellent preparations for a better
style of composition than the French had been used to y
as the recitative was more rapid, and the airs more marked^
than in LuUi and Rameau ; there were likewise more
energy, fire, and variety of movement, in his aii's in gene^
tsAf and infinitely more force and effect in his expression of
all the violent passions. His music was so truly dramatic,*
that the airs and scenes, which had the greatest effect on
the stage, were cold, or rudef in a concert. The situa-'
tion, context, and interest, gradually etcited in the au-*
diencej gave them their force and energy. He seemed
indeed so much the national musician of France, that since
the best days of Rameau, no dramatic composer had ex-
cited so much enthusiasm, or had his pieces so frequently
performed, each of them two or three hundred timesw
The French, who feel very enthusiastically whatever music
they like, heard with great rapture the operas of Gluck^
which even the enemies of his genre allcfwed to have great
merit of a certain kind ; but though there is much real*
genius and intrinsic worth in the dramatic compositions of
this master, the congeniality of his style with that of their
old national favourites, LuUi and Rameau, was no small
merit with the friends of that music. The almost universal,
cry at Paris was now, that he had recovered the dramatic
music of the ancient Greeks; that there was no other
Worth hearing ; that he was the only musician in Europe
who knew how to express tiie passions ; these and other
encomiums were uttered and published in the journals and
newspapers of Paris, accompanied with constant and con-
temptuous censures of Italian music, when Piccini arrived,
and all the friends of Italian music, of Rousseau's doctrines^
and of the plan, if not the language, of Metastasio's dra-
mas, enlisted in his service. A furious war brdke out at
G L U C K. Si
Paris; and these disputes, says Dn Burney, of musical
critics, and rival artists throughout the kingdom, seem to
us to have soured and diminished the pleasure arising from
music in proportion as the art has advanced to perfection.
When every phrase or passage in a musical composition is
to be analysed and dissected during performance, all de*
light and enthusiasm vanish, and the whole becomes a piece
of cold mechanism.
The chevalier Gluck, after returning to Vienna from
Paris, and being rendered incapable of writing by a para-
lytic stroke in 1784, only lingered in a debilitated state
till the autumn of 1 7 87, when he died at the age of seventy-
three. Gluck had great merit as a bold, daring, nervous
composer; and as such, in his French operas, he was un-
rivalled. But he was not so universal as to be exclusively
admired and praised at the expence of all other composers
ancient and modern. His style was peculiarly convenient
to France, where there were no good singers, and where
no good singing was expegted or understood by the public
in general ; and where the poetry was set up against music,
without allowing equality, or even an opportunity of mani-
festing her most captivating vocal powers.^
GLYCAS (Michael), was one of the Byzantine histori-
ans, but biographers are not agreed as to the period when
he lived. Some years ago, professor Walchius published
in the Gottingen Transactions an inquiry into this subject,
but was obliged to confess that he could arrive at no pro-
bable conclusion^ Some place Glycas in the twelfth, and
some in the fifteenth century. No ancient record or writer
mentions even his name, and all that is known of him has
been gleaned from his works. It appears that he was a
native of Constantinople ; but passed a great part of bis
life in Sicily. Some have thought he was a monk, but this
is uncertain, nor. do we know whether he lived in public
life, or in retirement. His letters, however, show that be
was a grammarian, and was acquainted with theology, his-
tory sacrQjJ and profane, and other branches of know-
ledge ; and such was his reputation that he was frequently
consulted by monks, bishops, and the most celebrated
doctors of his time. His '^ Annals/' by which only he is
Dow known, codtain an account of the patriarchs, kiugs,
and emperors, and, in a word, a sort of history of the
1 Rces^s Cyclopaedia, by Dr. Burney. ^
Vol. XVL D
S4 <j L y C A s.
world as far as the emperor Alexis Comnenus, who died in
1118, including many remarks on divinity, philosophy,
physic, astronomy, &c. Leunclavius first translated this
work into Latin, and the whole was published by Father
Labbe, Paris, 1660, fol. Some of his letters have been
published in the ** Delicise eruditorum/* Florence, l^SS^
and other collections. ^
GMELIN (John George), a physician and eminent
botanist, was born at Tubingen August 12, 1709. He was
distinguished by his diligence and early attainments at the
school and university of Tubingen, and in 1727, took the
degree of doctor of physic, and went to Petersburgh,
where, in 1729, he was elected one of the members of the
academy, and in 1731 was appointed professor of chemis-
try and natural history. In 1733 he was selected for the
department of natural history, in a commission formed by
the Rnssiati government, for the purpose of exploring the
boundaries of Siberia; and set out on the 19th of August^
with G. F. Muller, and* Louis de I'lsle de la Croyere, and
a party of twenty-eight persons, consisting of draughtsmen,
miners, hunters, land surveyors, and twelve soldiers, with
a Serjeant and drummer. On his return to Petersburgh in
1743, he resumed the offices which he had before filled.
In the year 1749 he entered upon a new professorship, to
which he had been appointed, while on a visit to Tubin-
gen, but died of a fever in May, 1755. He published,
** Flora Siberica, seu Historia Plantarum Siberise,*' Peters*
burgb, 1747, 1749, in four parts, 4to, with plates: and^
in German, ** Travels through Siberia between the years
1733 and 1743/* Gottingen, 1751, 1752, in four parts, 8vo,
with plates. ^
GMELIN (Samcel Gottlieb), nephew to the preced-
ing, was born at Tubingen in 1743; where he was edu-
cated, atid took his medical degree in 1763. He gave
early proofs of genius, and during his travels in France and
Holland distinguished himself so much by his knowledge of
natural history, that he was appointed professor in the
academy of sciences at Petersburgh. Like his uncle, he
spent several years in travelling through the distant pro*
vinces of the Russian empire, for the purposes of scieutific
investigation, but ultimately with a less fortunate result.
Recommenced his travels in June 1768, and having tra-
^ Moreri.-— Sa»i OBOViant^ • Di«t. Hist. — Rett's Cyclopedia.
M E L I N. M
▼ened the proviBces of Moicow, Vorouetz, '^ew Ruma,
Azof, Casan, and AstracaD, he vbitedy in 1770 and 1771,
the differeet harbours of the Caspian ; and examined with
peculiar attention those parts of the Persian provinces which
border upon that sea^ of which he hasT given a circumstan-
tial account in his travels. Actuated by a seal for extendi
ing his observations, he attempted to pass through the west-
em provinces of Persia, which were in a state of perpetual
warfare, and infested by oumerous banditti. Upon this
expedition he quitted, in April 1772, Einzillee, a small
tniding place in Ghilan» vpon the southern shore of the
Caspian ; a|id, on account of many difficulties add dangers,
jdid not, until Dec. 2, 1773, reach SaJHian, a town situated
. upon the mouth of the river Koor. Thence he proceeded
to Baku and Cuba, in the province of Sbirvan, where he
met with a friendly reception frooft Ali Feth Khan, the
jK)vere%n of that district. After be bad bi^en joined by
twenty Uralian Cossacs, and when he was only four days
journey from the Russian fortress Kislar, he and his com^
paoions were, on Feb. 5, 1774» arrested by order of Usmei
Khan, a petty Tartar prince, through who$e territories he
was obliged to pass. (Jsmei urged as a pretence for this
arrest, that, thirty years before, several families had escaped
from his dominions, and had found an asylum in the
Russian territories; adding, that Gmelin should not he
released until these families were restored. As all arguing
was in vain with this savage, Gmelin was removed from
prison to prison,* and at length, wearied out with confine-
ment and harsh usage, expired July 27, at Acbmet-Kent,
a village of Mount Caucasus. Some of his papers had
been sent to Kislar during bis confinement, and the others
were not without great difficulty rescued from the hands
of the barbarians. The empress -Catherine, would have
rescued him by force, but this was rendered impossible at
that time, by the rebellion of Pugatchef. She, however,
expressed her regret and esteem for Gmelin by giving a
gratification to his widow, of one yearns pay of the salary
idle had assigned to her husband during bis travels, amount-
ing to 1600 rubles.
His works are : 1. ^^ Historia Fucprum," Petersburgh, in
1768^ 4to.; a subject to which botanisu had paid little at-
tention before him. 2. *^ Travels through Russia, for the
purpose of exploring the three kingdoms of nature,^' three
parts of which were published in his life-time. A fourth
0 2
56 G M E L I N.
was edited after the author^s death, by profetsor Pallas.
3. *^ Journey from Astracan to Czarizyn :*' and also a'
"Second Persian Journey,*' 1772 — 74; ibid. 1786. Pallas
prefixed GineUn*s Life to the fourth part of his travels. '
GMELIN (John* Frederick), of the same family,^!-
though what relation to the preceding is not mentioned,
was born at Tubingen in 1 748. He was the author of se*
veral performances on vegetable physiology, and the clas-
sification of plants; and likewise published numerous works
on the materia medica, and chemistry, mineralogy, and
every part of natural history. One of the most celebrated
is his edition of the " System of Nature of Li<fM>8eus.'* He,
however, is said to have introduced great disorder into the
science, by multiplying the species. He was also the au-
thor of a " History of Chemistry," forming a part of the
history of arts and sciences undertaken by the professors
of Gottingen. The world is indebted to him for the dis*
covery of several excellent dyes, extracted from vegetable
and mineral substances* He died in 1805. '
GOAD (John), an eminent classical teacher, the son of
John Goad, of Bishopsgate- street, was born th^re Feb.
1 5, 1 6 1 5. He was educated at Merchant Taylors^ school,
and elected thence a scholar of St. John^s college, Oxford,
in 1632. He afterwards received his master*s degree, be-
came fellow of hii^ college, and took orders. In 1643 he
was made vicar of St. Giles's, Oxford, and continued to
perform his parochial duties, although at the risk of his
life, during ' the siege of the city by the parliamentary
forces. In June 1646 he was presented by the university
to the vicarage of Yarnton, and the year following was
created B. D. When the loyalists were turned out by th^
parliamentary commissioners, Mr. Goad shared their fate ;
and although Dr. Cbeynel, who was one of the parlia-
mentary visitors, gave him an invitation to return to his
college, he refused it upon the terms offered. Yet he ap-
pears to have been ' so far connived at, as to be able to
keep his living at Yarnton until the restoration. He also
taught at Tunbridge school until July 1661, when he was
made bead master of Merchant Taylors' school. Over this
seminary he presided for nearly twenty years, with great
success and approbation, and trained for the college many
1 Diet. Hist.— Coxe's Trarelf in Itastia«-<-Tooke*s View of the Russian Empire.
« Diet. Hist,
GOAD. 37
youths who did honour to their teacher and to their coun«
tiy; but in 1681 a suspicion was entertained that be in-
clined towards popery; and it was said that the comment
which be made on the Church Catechism savoured strongly
of popish tenets. Some particular passages having been
selected from it, and laid before the grand jury of London,
they on March 4 of the above year, presented a complaint
to the Merchant Taylors' company, respecting the cate-
chism taught in their school. After be had been heard in
his own defence, it was decided that he was *^ popishly
and erroneously affected,*' and immediately was discharged
from his office ; but such was the;ir sense of his past services,
that they voted him a gratuity of 70/. It soon appeared
that the court of th^ company had not been deceived in
their opinion of his principles. After being dismissed, he
taught a school in Piccadilly, and in 1686, the reign of James
II. openly professed himself a Roman catholic ; which,
Wood says, he had long been covertly. He died Oct. 28,
1689, and was buried in the church of Great St. Helen's,
Bishopsgate-street, his memory being honoured by various
elegies. He published, besides some single sermons, 1.
" Genealogicon Latinum,'* a sinall dictionary for the use
of Merchant Taylors' school, 8vo, 1676, second edit. 2.
** Declamation, whether Monarchy be the best form oif
government ?" printed at the end of Richards's . ** English
Orator," 1680, 8vo. 3. " Astro- Meteorologica, or apho-
risms and discourses of 4he Bodies Celestial, their natures
and influences, &c." 1686, fol. This gained him great
reputation. The subject of it is a kind of astrology,
founded, for the most part, pn reason and experiment, as
will appear by comparing it with Boyle's " History of the
Air," and Dr. Mead's book " De Imperio Solis et Lunae."
4. " Autodidactica, or a practical vocabulary, &c." 1690,
8vo. Aft^r his death was published *^ Astro-meteorologia
sana, &c." 1690, 4to.'
GOAR (James), a learned French Dominican, was born
at Paris, of a reputable family, in 160J, and after a clas-
sical education, took the habit of bis order in 1619. He
then employed six years in the study of philosophy and
theology, after which b^ was sent to Toul to instruct the
young men of his order in these sciences. In the mean
» Alh. 0«. tqI. II.T-Podd*8 Church History.-r^Srang cr.— rWilwn'i HiiU ^f
Merchant Taylors' School.
38 G O A R.
time hi^ extreme partiality to the Greek, and his extensire
reading in Greek literature, inspired him with a great de-^
sire to visit the country of the modern Greeks, and inquires
into their sentiments and customs; and having obtained
leave of his superiors, he set out in 1631, as an apostolic
missionary, and was for the sake of local convenience, made
prior of the convent of St. Sebastian, in the island of Chios.
Here he resided eight years, conversing with the ablest
of the natives, *and inquiring into their history, religion^
and manners. Before returning to France he went to
Rome in 1640, where he was appointed prior of the con«^
vent of St. Sixtus, and being arrived at Paris, was maile
master of the novices, and began to employ his time iii
preparing his works for the press. This was an object sO
much at neart^ that when elected in" 1652 vicar-general of
his order, he accepted it with great reluctance, as likely to
interrupt his labours. It is supposed, indeed, that his
intense application^ and the various duties of this office,
impaired his health, and brought on a slow fever, which
proved fatal Sept. 23, 1653. His principal work wa$ his
collection of Greek liturgies, published under the title of
*^ Euchologion, sive rituale Graecorum," Paris, 1647, fol.
a very curious and rare work. There is, however, a se-
cond edition printed at Venice in 1730. Gear also trans-
lated some of the Byzantine historians for the collection
printed at the Louvre. *
GOBIEN (Charles le), a learned Jesuit, and secretary
to the Chinese missionaries, was born at St. Malo in 1653|
f^nd having been educated in the academies belonging to
his order, was made professor of philosophy and classics,
^bich he taught for eight years with reputation. He then
ipame to Paris, where he was appointed secretary and pro-
curator to the Chinese missionaries. He died May 1709.
He wrote many tracts on the progress of religion in China,
and entered warmly into the disputes between the mis-
sionaries on the worship of Confucius. The best known of
his works are, his ^ Lettres sur les Progrds de la Religion k
la Chine,'* 16d7, 8vo ; his " Hist, de TEdit de 1* empereur
de la Chine en faveur de la religion Cbretienne,*' 1698,
12mo, which makes the third volume of le Comte's Memoirs
of China; his '* Hist, des Isles Mariannes,** 1700, 12mo;
* Niceron, toI. XUC.<— Moreri. — ^Usher's Life and Leitersi p. 606.— Saxii
G O B I E N. 39
and eight parks or volumes of the ^' Lettres edifiantes et
curieuses^'' writtea by the Chinese missiooaries. Of these
letters there was afterwards a collection made, extending
to 34 vols. 12mo; and in 1780, the abbe de Querbeuf pub-
lished a new edition in 26 vols. They are still consulted
as affording information respecting the natural history,
geography, and politics of the countries which the Jesuits
had explored, although they are not unfrequently miMd
with improbable tales. '
GOCLENIUS (Cot^RAD), a learned philologist, was
born in 1485, in Westphalia. He acquired a high reputa-
tion for learning, and taught for a considerable time at the
college of Bois-le-Duc in Louvain, where he died Jan.
25, 1539.. Erasmus, who was his intims^te friend, highly
valued his character, and respected his erudition. He
.wrote notes on Cicero's 0£Bces« edited a new edition of
Lucan, and published a Latin translation of Lucian's ** H^-
motinus,'' a dialogue on the sects of philosophers.'
QODDARD (Jonathan), an English physician and
chemist, and promoter of the royal society, was the son of
a rich ship-bqilder at Deptford, and born at Greenwich
about 1617. Bfeing industrious apd of good parts, he made
a quick progress in grammar-learning, and was entered ^
commoner at Magdalen -hall, Oxford, in 1632, He staid
at the university about four years, implying himself tp
physic ; and then left it, without taking a degree, to travel
abroad, as was at that time the custom, for farther im-
provement in his faculty. At his return, not being quali-
fied, according to the statutes, to proceed in physic at
Oxford, he went to Cambridge, and took the degree of
bachelor in the faculty, as a member of Christ college, in
1638 ; after which, intending to settle in London, without
waiting for another degree, he engaged in a formal pro-
mise to obey the laws and statutes of the college of physi-
cians there, Nov. 1$40. Having by this means obtained a
proper permission, he entered into practice; but being
still sensible of the advantage of election into the college,
he took the first opportunity of applying for bis doctor^s
degree at Cambridge, which he obtained, as a me^nber of
Catherine^hali, in 1643 ; and was chosen fellow of the
college of physicians in 164Q. In the mean time, he had
the preceding year engaged in another society, for im-
1 MorerL— »Diet. Hist. * Foppen BibU Bel.— ^xii Onomast.
proving and cultivating experimental philosophy. This
society usually met at or near his lodgings' in Wood-street,
for the convenience of making experiments ; in which h&
was very assiduous, as the reformation and improvement of
physic was one principal branch of this design. In 1647,
he was appointed lecturer in anatomy at the college ; and
it was from these lectures that his reputation took its rise.
As he, with the rest of the assembly which met at his lodg-
ings, had all along sided with the parliament, he was made
head-physician in the army, and was taken, in that station,
by Cromwell, first to Ireland in 1649, and then to Scot-
land the following year; and returned thence with his
-master; who, after the battle of Worcester, rode into Lon-
don in triumph, Sept. 12, 1651. He was appointed warden
of Merton^college, Oxon, Dec. 9th following", and was
incorporated Mv D. of the university, Jan. 14th the same
year. Cromwell was the chancellor ; and returning to
Scotland, in order to incorporate that kingdom into one
commonwealth with England, he appointed our warden,
together with Dr. Wilkins, warden of Wadham, Dr. Good-
win, president of Magdalen, Dr. Owen, dean of Christ
Church, and Cromwell's brother-in-law, Peter French, a
canon of Christ Church, to act as hrs delegates in all mat-
ters relating to grants or dispensations that required his
assent. This instrument -hote date Oct. 16, 1652. His
powerful patron dissolving the long parliament, called a
new one, named the Little Parliament, in 1653, in which
the warden of Merton sat sole representative of the univer-
sity, and was appointed one of the council of state the
same year.
A series of honours and favours bestowed by the usurper,
whose interest he constantly promoted, naturally incurred
the displeasure of Charles II. who removed him from his
wardenship, by a letter dated July S, 1660; and claiming
the right of nomination, during the vacancy of the see of
Canterbury, appointed another warden in a manner the
most mortifying to our aruthor. The new warden was Dr.
£dw. Reynolds, then kiog^s chaplain, and ^oon after bishop
of Norwich, who was appointed successor to si^ Nathaniel
Brent, without the least notice being taken of Dr. 6od-
dard*. He then removed to Gresham college, where he
* Our author, it is true, was strong- resentment upon him ; otherwiie». it
ly attached to Cromwell ^ , which, no was not desftnred by bis'behinrioQr in
flioubt, brought thi« mark oif the king's the collie. For this we have tht tos-
O O D D A R D. 41
had been cbotien professor of physic on Nov. 7, 1655, and
continued to frequent those meetings which gave birth to
the royal society ; and, upon their establishment by char*
xerin 1663, was nominated one of the first council. This
honour they were induced to confer upon him, both in
regard to his merit in general as a scholar, and to his par-
ticular zeal and abilities in promoting the design of their
institution, of which there is full proof in the '< Memoin^*
of that society by Dr. Birch, where there is scarcely a meet-
ing mentioned, in which his name does not occur for some
experiment or observation made by him. At the same time
^he carried on his business as a physician, being continued
a fellow of the college by their new charter in 1 663. Upon
the conflagration in 1666, which consumed the old Ex*
•change, our professor, with the rest of his brethren, re-
moved from Gresham, to make room for the merchants to
carry on the public affairs of the city ; which, however, did
not hinder him from going on with pursuits in natural phi-
losophy and physic. In this last he was not only an able
but a conscientious practitioner ; for which reason he con-
tinued still to prepare his own medicines. He was so fully
persuaded that, this, no less than prescribing them, was
the physician's duty, that in 1668, whatever offence it
might give the apothecaries, he was not afraid to publish
a treatise, recommending it to general use. This treatise
was received with applause ; but as he found the proposal
in it attended with such di6iculties and discouragements as
were likeJy to defeat it, he pursued that subject the follow*
ing year, in <^ A Discourse, setting forth the unhappy con-
dition of the practice of Physic in London,*' 1669, 4to.
Bot this availed nothing, and when an attempt was made
by the college of physicians, with the same view, thirty
years afterwards, it met with no better success. In 1671
he returned to bis lodgings at Gresham college, where he
continued prosecutingMmprovements in philosophy till his
death, which was very suddens He used to meet a select
number of friends at the Crown-tavern in Bloomsbury,
where they discoursed on philosophical subjects, and in his
return theooe in the evening of March 24, 1674, he was
timony of Wood, who wai bred at Mer* poblisbed io 1659, and wwtfL it bim to
toD^ aod alwayt mentions I)r. God- London, bound in blue Turiiey, with
dardy a< warden, in terms, of kindness gilt leaves ; as we Qnd it carefully nti
'and respect He was; indeed, tbe first down io tbe bistory of his own \\^
patran to that antiquary ; who, as such, publifibed by Mr. Heame.
dadiealod hU brother's sermons to him,
42 G O P D A R D.
seized with an apoplectic fit in Cheapside^ and dropped
down dead.
His memory was long preserved by certais drops, wbich
were his inventioo^ and bore his name ; but whidi, like
all such nostrums) are now forgotten. His receipts ** Ar-
cana Goddardiana," were published at the end .of the
5^ Pharmacopoeia Bateana,'' 1691. He bad several learned
treatises dedicated to him as a patron of learning, made by
persons well acquainted with him, such as Dr.. Edmund
Pickinson and Dr. Wallis, who highly praise his extensive
learning, his skill in his profession, knowledge of public
affairs, and generous disposition, his candour, affability^
and benevolence to all good and learned ipen. Of tlua
last there is one instance worth presenting ; and that is, his
ticking into his apartment, at Gresham, Dn Worthington,
who lodged with him for the conveniency of preparing for
the press the woirks of Mr. Joseph Mede, which be finished
and published in 1664. According to Dr. Seth Ward^
bishop of Salisbury, be was the first EngUshman who
made that noble astronomical instrument the telescope. '
GODEAU (Anthony), a learned French bishop and
writer, was descended from a good family at Dreux, and
born in 1605. Being inclined to poetry from his youtb^
he applied himself to it, an4 so cultivated his genius, that
be made his fortune by it* His first essay was a paraphrase
in verse of the Benedmie, which was much commended.
He was but twenty -four wben be became a member of that
society which met at the house of Mr. Conrart^ to con-
fer upon subjects of polite learning, and to comiaunieate
their performances. From this society cardinal. Richlieu
took the hint, and formed the resolution, of establishing
the French academy .for belles lettres ; and our author in a
few years obtained the patronage of that powerful eccle-
siastic. The bishopric of Grasse becoming vacant in 16S6,
cardinal Richelieu recommended him to the king, who im-
mediately conferred it upon him ; and as soon as the cerfe*
mony of consecration was over, be repaired to his dioces^
and applied himself to the functions of his office. , He^ held ,
several synods, composed a great number of pastoral ini-
structions for the use of his clergy, and restored eccle-
siastical discipline, which had been almost entirely neg-
1 Biog. Brit.— Ward's Gresham Profeuors.— Birch's Hist. aT the Royal So^
clety.— Ath. Ox, toK 1L
G O D E A U. 4}
tected. He obtained from pope Innocent X. a bull for
uniting the bishopric of Venoe to that of Grasse, as hitf
predecessor Wtliiani le Blore liad before obtained from
Clement YIII. This arrangement, considering the pro*
piaquity of the two dioceses, and the small income of both
together (about 450/.) was not unreasonable; but when
Godeau found the people and clergy averse to it, he gav€l
up his pretensions, and contented himself with the bishopric
of Vence onlj. He assisted in 3everal general assemblies
ef the clergy, held in 1645 and 1655 ; in which he vigor*
ously maintained the dignity of the episcopal order^ and
the system of pure morality, against those who opposed
both. One of his best pieces upon this subject, was pub^
lifthed in 1 709, with the title of *^ Christian Morals for thft
Instruction of die Clergy of the Diocese of Vence :" and
Was afterwards translated into English, by Basil Kennet;
These necessaty absences excepted, he constantly resided
upon his didc^e, where he was perpetually employed in
visitations, preaching, rending, writing, or attending uport
the ecclesiastical or temporal affairs of his bishopric^ till
Easter-day, April 17, 1671; when he was seized with a
fit of an apoplexy, of whfeb he died the 21st.
He was a very voluminous author, both in prose and
verse. Moreri, after giving a list of fifty' works, adds
many fugitive pieces of devotional poetry. One of his
principal workd is bis *^ Ecclesiastical History,*' intended
to be comprized in 3 vols fol. The first appeared in 1658^
containing the " History of the first eight centuries ;" but
as he did not finish the other two, they remained in manu-
script. He was, however, the first person who gave a
/* Church History** in the French language. He was the
author also of a '< Translation of the Psalms into French
verse,** which were so well approved, that those of the
reformed religion have not scrupled to use them at home
in tlieir families, instead of the version of Marot, which h
adapted and consecrated to the public service. Of this
work Basil Kennet has given a criticism in the preface to
"An Essay towards a Paraphrase on the Psalms,** 1709,
8vo. The Jesuit, Vavassor, wrote a piece on purpose to
prove that our author had no true taste for poetry ; and
BoUeau remarks several defects in his poetical perform*
> BupiU.«i4riecr0S, wit. XVIII. aad-XX.— MokrI;
GODEFBOI (Denys), an eminent lawyer, and one of
the most learned men of his age, was born October 17^
1549, at Paris. He was the son of Leon Godefroi, coun*
sellor to the Cb&telet He had acquired a great reputation
in the parliament, but embracing the reformed religion,
was obliged to retire to Geneva, and taught law both
there and in some German universities. In 1618 be was
sent by the elector palatine to Louis XHL who, among
other marks of favour, presented him with his picture, and
a gold medal. But being again obliged to quit the pala-
tinate, during war, be went to Strasburgb, where he
died September 7, 1622, leaving a great number of va-
luable works ; the principal of which are, 1. ^' NotsB in
quatuor Libros institutionum.*' 2. ^^ Opuscula varia juris.**
3. " Corpus juris civilis, cum notis.** These notes, are
fsxcellent : the best editions are those by Vitr6, 1626, and
by Elzevir, .1683, 2 vols. fol. 4. " Praxis civilis, et
antiquis et recentioribus scriptoribus.'* 5. *^ Index Cfaro-
nologicus legum et novellarum k Justiniano imperatore
compositarum.*' 6. ^< Consuetudines Civitatum et Pro-
yinciarum Gallice, cum notis,*' foL 7. ** Qusestionels po-
litico ex jure communi in Historia desumptas.'' S. *^ Dis-
sertatio de nobilitate.'* 9.' ^' Statuta regni Gallise cum
jure communi collata,** fol. 10. ^* Synopsis statutorum
municipalium,*' an edition, Greek and Latin, of the
** Promptuarium juris" of Harmenopules. ** Conjectures,**
and several ^^ Lectures upon Seneca,*' with a defence of
these Conjectures, which bad been attacked by Gruten
*' A Collection of the ancient Latin Grammarians,*' &c.
The following works are also ascribed to Denis Godefroi :
** Avis pour reduire les Monnoies a leur juste Prix et Va-
leur," 8vo: ^^ Maintenue et Defense des Empereurs, Rois,
Princes, Etats, et Republiques ; contra les Censures Mo-
nitoires, et Excommunications des Papes," 4to.. ^* Frag-
menta duodecim Tabularum suis nunc primum Tabulis
restituta," 1616, 4to. His '< Opuscula" have been col-
lected and printed in Holland, foL^
GODEFROI (Th£ODORE), eldest son of the preceding,
was born July 17, 1580, at Geneva, and went to Paris in
1602, where he turned Catholic, was appointed counsellor
of state 1643, and died Octobers, 1649, at Munster, in
which city he then resided as counsellor and secretary to
> Morari.— Kicerom ▼•!. XVII.— Diet Hiit
G O D E F R O I. 4$
the French eqibassy for the general peace. He left many
excellent works on law, history, the titles of the kingdom^
Slc, the principal of which are, I. '^ Le Ceremonial de
France,^' 4to, a work much valued ; reprinted in 2 vols,
fol. by his son Denvs Godefroi ; but this is unfinished}
and the 4to edition must be referred to for the funeral ct^
remontes. 2. <* Genealogie des Rois de Portugal issua
en Ligne directe masculine de la Maison de France qui
regne aujourd'huis," 4to. 3. " Mem. concernant la Pre*
seance des Rois de France sur les Rois d'Espagne, 4to«
4. ^^ Entreveue de Charles IV. Empereur, et Charles V.
Roi de France ; plus TEntreveue de Charles VII. Roi de
France, et de Ferdinand, Roi de Arragon." &c. 4to. 5*
'' Hist, de Charles. VI. par Jean Juvenal des Ursins ; de
Louis XII. par Seyssell, et par d'Auton, &c. ; de Cha.
VIII. par Saligny, et autres; du Chevalier Bayard, avec
le Supplement, par Expilly,'* 1651, 8vo. €. *^ De Jean^
le Meingre, dit Boucicaut, Marechal de France,'* 4tD.
7. " D'Artus III. Due de Bretagne,'' 4to. 8. " De
Guillaume Marescot,'' 4to. 9. ^^ De la veritable Origine
de la Msuson d'AutricheV 4to. 10. ** Genealogie des
Dues de Lorrain,*' 4to. 11.^^ L'Ordre et'les Ceremonies
observers aux Manages de France et d'Espagne," 4to.
12. ** G^n£alogie des Comptes et Dues de Bar," 4to. 13.
*^ Traite touchant les Droits du Roi tres Chretien, sur
plusieurs Etats et Seigneuries, poss^des par plusieurs
Princes Voisins,-' fol. under the name of. Pierre Dupuy.*
GODEFROI (James), younger brother of the preceding,
born in 1 587, at Geneva, was also a very learned lawyer,
and rose to the highest posts in that republic. He was
five times syndic, and died there 1652. He left several
works much esteemed; the following are the principal
ones: 1. << Opuscula varia, juridica, politica, bistorica,
critica,'* 4to. 2. ^^ Pontes Juris civilis ; de diversis Re*
gulis Juris,'' 1653, 4to. 3. ^^ De famosis latronibus in«
vestigandis ; de jure praecedentias ; de Salario ; animad-
versiones Juris civilis. De suburbicariis Regippibus ; de
statu Paganorum sub Imperatoribus Christianis. Frag-
menta Legum Julice et Papis collecta, et notis illustrata.
Codex Theodosianus," 1665, 4 vols. fol. 4. " Veteris
orbis descriptio Grsci Scriptoris, sub Constantio et Con«
stante Imperantibus, Gr. et Lat. cum notis,'' 4to. 5. << De
» Moreri.-— Niceron, vol. XVII.
46 G O D E F R O I.
CenotapUio ; de Dominio sen imperio maris et jure mtth-
fcagii coUigendi.'* 6. Cooimentaries and Notes on several
Orations of Libanius. 7. ^* L'Htst. Ecclesiastiqiie de Phi<-
lostorge, avec un Appendix.^' 8. ^< Les Merctire Jesuite,
ou Recueil des pieces concernant les Jesnites/* 1631, ^
GODEFROI (Denys), son of Theodore, was born Au^
gust 24) 1615, at Paris. He made use of Ms father's Me^-
moirs, and like him studied the History of France. Louis
XIV. appointed him keeper and director of the chamber df
accounts at Lisle, in wbi^h city he died June 9, 1681. ' He
published ^ Le C4r6monial de France,^' written by his
father ; and the History of Charles VI. and Charles VIL
printed at the Louvre, each in 1 vol. folio \ that of th6
Crown Officers, from the time at which thitt of John le
Feron ends; <^ Memoires et Instructions pour servir dans
les Negociations et les Affaires concernant les Droits du
Roi,^' 1665, fol. which had been attributed to chancellor
Seguier, &c.' He left sev^al children who were eminent ;
among them,
GODEFROI (DekVs), Ae third of that name, honorary
auditor and keeper of the books in the chambre des comptes
at Paris, died 1719, and left Remarks on the Addition to
lii43 History of Louis XI. by Naud£; an edition of the
^* Satire Menip^e,'' 1 709, 3 vols. 8vo ; and other works.
John GoD£FROi, director of the chambre des comptes at
Lisle, was another son of the second Denys, who pub*-
lished in 1706 an elegant edition of the '^Memoires de
Philippe de Commines ;*^ and in 1711 a new edition of
the ^' Satyre Menip^e.'' He also left the ^^ Journal de
Henri III;** witli notes, and some new pieces, 2 vols. 8vo ;
a very curious book against that by Pere Guyard, a Ja-
cobin, entitled *^ La Fatalitd de St. Cloud ;" ** Mem. de
la Reine Marguerite," 8vo, &c. No author has given so clear
an account of the league, nor published so many curious
pieces respecting the parties engaged in it. He died in
February, 1732.'
GODFREY of VITERBO, the author of an ancient
elironicle, is supposed to have been born in the twelfth
century, at Viterbb, in Italy, and educated in his youth,
at least, at Bamberg. He was afterwards chaplain and
> Moieri.--Di€t. Hist. 3 ibid. 3 ibid.
G O 1> F R E Y. \ 47
secretary to king Conrad III. the emperor Frederick, and
his son Henry VI. He informs os that he spent forty years
in searching among the manascripts of the Greeks, Latins,
Jews, Chaldeans, and barbarians, for materials proper for
bis Chronicle, had made himself acquainted with all these
languages, and performed many voyages and travels in the
same pursuit This Chronicle, which does not, however^
gratify all the expectations that might be formed from such
learning and industry, begins with the creation of the
world, and ends with 11S6. It is written in Latin pros^
and verse, and entitled '* Pantheon.'* It was first printed
at Basil, by Basilius John Herold, 1559, reprinted at
Francfort in 1584, and at Hanover in 1613, in Pistorius's
collection of German writers ; and Mnratori , has inserted
in his great <x)Ueotion, that part which respects Italyv
Lambecius speaks of another work by Godfrey, which
exists in MS. in the imperial library at Vienna, entitled
*^ Speculum regium, sive de genealogia regum et impera*
torum a dikivii tempore ad Henricum VI. imperatorem.*^
Godfrey appears to have been a man of leari)ing and ob-
servation, and is thought to 'deserve credit as to hisrela*
tion of the events which occurred in his own time, and
with which his situation at court enabled him to be ac- -
GODOLPUIN (John), an eminent civilian, the third
son of John Godolpbin, esq. was descended from an ancient
family of his name in Cornwall, and born Nov. 29, 1617,
at Godolphin, in the island of Sctlly. He was sent to
Oxford, and entered a commoner of Gloucester-hall, in
1632 ; and having laid a good foundation of logic and phi-^
losopfay, he applied himself particularly to the study of
the civil law, which he chose for his profession ; atid ac-
cordingly took his degrees in that faculty, that of bachelor
in 1636, and of doctor in 1642-S. He has usually been
ranked among puritans for having written two treatises
published by him in 1650 and^l651, entitled, 1. ^' The
Holy Limbec, or an extraction of the spirit from the' Let ^
ter of certain eminent places in the Holy Scripture." Other
copies were printed with this title, '^ The Holy Limbec,
or a Semicentury of Spiritual Extractions,** &c. 2. ^* The
Holy Harbour, containing the whole body of divinity, or
the sum and substance of the Christian Religion." But
1 Moreri. — Voitiai de Hist. Lat.— S»xii OiMttast.
ii/ G O D O L P H I N.
whatever may be the principles maiDtaioed in these wor^
which we have not seen> it is certain* that when he went to
London afterwards, he sided with the anti-monarchical
party ; and, taking the oath called the Engagement, was
by an act passed in Cromweirs convention, or short par*
liament, July 1€53, constituted judge of the admiralty
jointly with William Clarke, LL. X). and .dharles George
Cock, esq. In July 1659, upon the death of Clarke, be
and Cock received a new commission to the same placp^
to continue in force no longer than December, following. -
Notwithstanding these compliances with the powers then
in beipg, he was much esteemed for his knowledge in the
civil law, which obtained him the post of king's advocate
at the restoration : after which, he published several books
in his own faculty then in good esteem, as '^ A View of
the Admiral's Jurisdiction/' 1661, 8vo, in which is printed
a translation by him, of Grasias, or Ferrand's ^' Extract of
the ancient Laws of Oleron ;" *' The Orphan's Legacy,
&c. treating of last wills and testaments," 1674, 4to. And
'^ Repertorium Canonicum," &c. 1678, 4to. In this last-
piece he strenuously and learnedly asserts the king's sii*
premacy, as a power vested in the^crown, before the
Pope invaded the right and authority, or jurisdiction. He
died April 4^ 1678, and was interred in St. James's church,
Cierkenwell. ^
GODOLPHIN (Sidney), earl of .Godolphin, and lord
high treasurer of England, descended from a very ancient
family in Cornwall, was the^ third son of Francis Godolphin^
K. B. by Dorothy, second daughter of sir Henry Berkley,
of Yarlington in Somersetshire. He had great natund
abilities, was liberally educated, and inheriting the un-
shaken loyalty of his family, entered early into the service
of Charles II. who after his restoration made him one of
the grooms of his bed- chamber. In 166S, when attending
his majesty to the university of Oxford, he had the degree
of M. A. conferred upon him. In 1678, ,he was twice sent
envoy to Holland, upon affairs of the greatest importance ;
and die next year was made one of the commissioners of the
treasury, which trust he discharged with^ integrity, and
being cbnsidered as a man of great abilities, was sworn of
the privy council. In 1680 he openly declared for th^
bill of exclusion of the duke of York ; and in the debate
1 Ath. Ox^Yol. n.-^Ceo. Diet.— Coote'i CaUlogue of Civiliaiitf.
G O X> O L P H I N. 49
in eoonoil^ wb^tbisr tbe 4uke abpiiUL return to Scotlai^
before the parliwDent ael^ he jgin^d in th^ ^vice for. bis
goingiaivny ; and though the re^t pf the council were of the
iamtTBty ofrinioQ^ yet the king acquiesced in his ^nd lord
Sundevland's 'reasons. In April 1664 be was i^ppointed
oneof |;1» secretaries of state, which he soon res^gi^ed for
ittm office of first commissianer of tbe treasury, and was
xaKated baron Godolpbtn of Cornwall. H0 had
hkhertaaat in the house of commons as representative fpr
Helston and for 8t. Mawe*s.
iOn the accession .of James II. be wm appoint lord
chamberlain to the queen, and on tbe removal of the earl
<tf Rochester, was again made one of the commissioners of
the treasury. On the landing 9f tbe prince of Qrange, he
iras one of the commissioners sent by king Jao^es to treat
with that prince, which employment be discharged with
great address and prudence. In tbe debate concerning the
vacancy of tbe throne, after the abdication of king James,
his lordship, out of a regard to tbe succession, voted for a
regency; yet when king William was advanced to tbe
throne, his majesty appointed him ione qf the lords com-
missioiiers of >tfae treasury, aad a privy-councillor, and in
16SK) he was appointed first lord of the treasury. In 1695,
he was one of tbe seven lords justices for .the administration
of the government, during the king's absence, as he was
likewise the j^ear. folio wing, and again in 1701, when he
•was restored to the place of first commissioner of tbe trea-
aury^f com .which he had been removed in 16.1>7. On tbe
iiceessi4Mi of Ijtteen Anne, he was constituted lord high
tveasurer, jwhich post he had long refused to accept, tUt
tbeieari of Maclborough pnessed him in so positive a man-
ner, that hedfioianed, he eoqld not^ the continent to
ceoNnaad.tiie aoaiiea, unless tbe treasury was put into his
h«ids ; for xhcu be was sure that remittances would be
punctually -made, to him. Under bis Jordsbip^s administra-
tion of this high office, tbe public credit was raised, the
war carriedon with success, and tbe nation satisfied with
his prudent management. He omitted nothing that could
engine the subject to bear tbe. burthen of tbe war wiUi
eheiirfukiesa; and it was owing to hia advice, thf^t tim
qaeen.coo^ihuted ope haodred thousand pounds out of
htfc civil list towacdfl:i(. . He jvas aW oae of those faithful
'and'abie connseUors, who advised her majesty to declare
4d couiiciLagainst tbe sellkig of offices and places in hei^
50 G O D O L P H I N.
household and family, as highly dishonourable to herselfi
prejudicial to her service, and a discouragement to virtue
and true merit, which alone ought and should recommend
persons to her royal approbation. And so true a frieod
was his lordship to the established church, that considering
how meanly great numbers of the clergy were provided
for, he prevailed upon her majesty to settle her revenue
of xht first-fruits and tenths for the augmentation of tlie
small vicarages. In July 1704 he was made knight of the
garter; and in Deceinber 1706, advanced to the dignity
of earl of Oodolphin and viscount Rialton. But notwith-
standing all his great services to the public, on the 8tb of
August 1710, he was removed from his post of lord high
He died at St. Alban*s of the stone, on the 15th of Sep-
tember 1712, and was interred in Westminster-abbey. Bj
> his lady, Margaret^ daughter of Thomas Blague, esq. be
bad is'due Francis, second earl of Godolpbin, on wnose
death the title becanie extinct.
Bishop Burnet says, ^ that be was the silentest and mo-
destest man, whb was perhaps ever bred in a court. He
bad a clear apprebensioR, and dispatched business with
' great n[)ethod^ and with so much temper, that he had no
'personal enemies. But his silence begot a jealousy, which
•hung long upon him. His notions were for the court;
but his incorrupt and sincere way of mouiaging the con-
cerns of the treasury created in all people a very high
* esteeda for him;. He had true principles of religion and
virtue^ and never heaped iurp wealth* So that, all things
' being laid together, he was one of the worthiest and wisest
men, who was employed in that 4tge.'' In another place
the same historian obftierves, ^ that he was a man of the
clearest head, the calmest temper, and the most incorrupt
of dl the ministers he hod ever known ; and that afjter hav-
ing been thirty yeaiis in the treasury, and daring nine of
those lord -treasurer, as he; was nevet* once inspected of
corruption^ tpr of suffering his servants to grow rich under
^im^ so in all that time his estate was not increased by hiin
* tO'the* value of four thousand pounds.*' It is also said, ^hat
'he had a penetrating contemplative- genius, a slow, but
unerring apprehensioti^ and an exquisite judgment,; wkh
'few words, though always to the purpose. : He was tern-
'operate in his diet. His superior wisdom and spirit riaade
kitn despis^^ the low arts of vain^glorit6us courtiers; for :be
6 6 D O L P H t N. li
fiever kept sailors unprofitably in suspense^ nor promised
any thing, that he was not resolved to perform ; but as he
accounted dissimulation the worst of lying, so on the other
hand bis denials were softened by frankness and conde-
scension to those whom he could not gratify. His great
abilities and consummate experience qualified him for a
prime minister ; and . his exact knowledge of all the
branches of the revenue particularly fitted him for the
management of the treasury. He was thrifty without the
least tincture of avaricci being as good an ceconomist of
the public wealth, as he was of his private fortune. He
bad a clear conception of the whole government, both in
church and state ; and perfectly knew the temper, genius,
and disposition of the English nation. And though his
stern gravity appearied a little ungracious, yet bis steady
and impartial justice recommended him to the esteem of
almost every person ; so that no man, in so many different
public stations, and so great a variety of business, ever
bad more friends, or fewer enemies. Dean Swift's charac-
ter of him is not so favourable, and in our references may
be found many other opposite oj^inions of his merit and
abilities. He had a brother of some poetical talent, noticed
by Mr. Ellis.*
GODWIN (Mary), better known by the name of
WooLLSTON£CRAFT, a lady of very extraordinary genius,
but whose history and opinions are unhappily calculated to
excite a mixture of admiration, pity, and scorn, was born
in or near Loudon, April 27, 1759, of poor parents, who
then resided at Epping, but afterwards removed to a farm
near Beverley in Yorkshire, where this daughter frequented
a day-*school in the neighbourhood. From this place her
father again removed to Hoxton near London, and after-
wards to Walworth. During all this time, and until Miss
Woollstonecraft , arrived at her twenty-fourth year, there
appears little that is interesting, or extraordinary in her
history, unless it may be considered as such that she early
affected an original way of thinking, acc6mpanied with
correspondent actions, and entertained a high and romantic
sense of friendship, which seems greatly to have prevailed
over filial affection. In her twenty-fourth year, she formed
the plan of Conducting a scbiool at Islington, in conjun^->
I Birch'f LiveLHrRapin's Koglan^t Contmuati.on.— Swift's Works; ite ht*
52 G o D wan.
tioa with her skters, whir.h iii the cpur^ of H ^few fdonthii
she removed ^to Newington-^grreeii) where sbe^as hdnonfed
by the friendship of Dr. Price. Of her opitiiotiB on reli-
gious subjects at this tune, weh«ve the following singuhir
account from her biographer : ^ Her religtoti was^ iHi
reality, litUe allied to any system of forms, aiid'Wtfs rather
founded in taste, than in the niceties of .poiemictd discus-
sion. Her mind constitutionally attached itself to -the
sublime and amiable. She found an inexpretoible delight
in the beauties of nature, and in the splendid reveries of
ihe imagination. But nature itself, she thought^ would be
no better than a vast blank, if the mind of the observer
did not supply it with an animating soul. When she
Walked amidst the wonders of nature, she was accustomed
to eonveirse with her God. To her mind be was pictured
as not less amiable, generous, and kind, than great, wise,
'and exaUed. In feet she had received few lessons of reli"«
gion in her youth, and her religion wad almost entirely of
her own creation. But she was not on that account the
less attached to it, or the less scrupulous in discharging
what she considered as its duties. She could itot recollect
the time when she bad believed the doctrine o( future
punishments,'^ &c.
In 1785, a Mrs. Skeggs, with wbbm she had contracted
an ardent friendship, and who resided at Lisbon, being
pregnant. Miss \^oollstonecraft, shocked with the ideatbat
she might die in childbed dt a distance froih her friends,
passed over to Lisbon to attend her, leaving the schot^
under the management of her sisters ; an exeirtion of friends-
ship the more entitled to prmse that it prored hurtful to
her school, which soon after her return she was compelled
to abandon. Perhaps, however, this was not wholly, ^a
matter of compulsion, for we are told that *^ she had a
rooted aversion to that sort of cbbabitation ^ith her sisters,
which the project of thet school impoised." She now ap-
pears to have meditated literary employment as a source of
profit, and exhibited a specimen of her talems in a l2mo
pamphlet, entitled ^^ Thoughts on the Education of 0augh«-
ters," for the cdpy-right of which she obtained the sum of
ten guineas from the late Mr. Johnson, booksellery of St*
Paors church-yard, who afterwards proved one of her most
liberal patrons. After this she was employed for somo;
months, as a govenieeis, in the family of an Irish noble-
nan, at the end of which she returned again to literary
pofBiisti^ and fitom 1787^ wheti she cayni^ tQ. reside in Lou-
doo, pfodiioed << Mary^ a Fktiqthy^ <^ Origind Stories
from real Kfe," made sQUie tranalatioof ftom the Fren<;by
and compiled <^ The Female Reader/' oo the model of
Dr. Enfidd's ** SpeaJ^er/* She wrote aUo some article*,
in the '^ Analytieal Review^'* which was established by h&e
puUiaber) in 178&
In the Frenoh revidlation which took place, in the follow-
ing year, and which let loose all l(inds of principles and
opinions eascept what had stood the test of experience,
M»8 Woollstonecraft found much that ws;$ congenial with
her own ways of thinkings and much which it will appear
soon she determined to introduce in her conduct She therefore among the first who attempted to answer Mr.^
Borke's celebrated/' Reflections on the Frepch Revolution,''
and displayed a share, of ability which made her reputation
more general than it had yet been. This was followed by
her '^ Viisdication of the Rights of Woman," in whi^b she
unfolded many a wild tbecnry on the duties and character of
her sex. How well she was qualified to guide them ap-
peared now in the practical use of her own precepts, of
which the first specimen was the formation of a violent at-
tachment for a veiy eminent artist, which is thus embel-
lished by her biographer : '' She saw Mr. Fuseli frequency;
he amused, delighted, and instructed her. As a painter,,
it was imposBible she should not wish to see bis works, and
consequently to frequent his house. She visited him ; her
visits were returned. Notwithstanding the inequality of
their years, Mary was not of a temper to live upon term^
of so much intimacy with a man of merit and genius, with-
out loving khfL The delight she eojoyed in his society,
she transferred by association to his persim. What she ex-
perienced in this respect^ was> no doubt heightened, by the
slate of celibacy and reslraini in which she had hitherto
Kved, and to which the rules of polished society condetim
an onmarriedi woman. She conceived. a personal and ar-r
dent affection for him^ Mr. Fuseli was a married man, and
his wife the acquaintance of Mary. She readily perceived
the restrictions which this circumstance seemed to impose
upon her, bnt she made light of any diificulty that might
arise out of them;" Notwithstanding this contempt for
difficulties, Mr. Fuseli was not to be won, and in order to
get rid of a passion which he would not indulge, she went
9ver to France in 1792. Here within a few months she
found a cure in that " species of connection," says her
fiiographer, ^^ for which her heart secretly panted, and
which had the effect of diffusing an immediate tranquillity
and cheerfulness over her manners." This was an illicit
connection with a Mr. Imlay, an American; and we are
gravely told, thfit ^' she was now arrived at the situation^
which, for two or three preceding years, her reaso7ihsA
pointed out to her as affording the most substantial pro-
spect of happiness." Her reason, however, unfortunately
pointed wrong in this instance, as she was afterwards most
basely and cruelly abandoned by the object of her affec*
tions, whose conduct cannot be mentioned in terms of in-
dignation too strong. She now made two attempts at sui-
cide, on which we shall only remark that they were totally
inconsistent with the character given of heir by her biogra-
pher,'as possessing "a firmness of mind, an unconquerable
greatness of soul, by which, after a short internal struggle^
she was accustomed to rise above difficulties and suffering.^'.
Having overcdme two ardent passions, she formed a
thirdy of which her biographpr, Mr. William Godwin, was
the object. A period only of six months intervened in
this case ; but, says Mr. Godwin, with a curious felicity of
calculation, although ^^ it was only six months since she
had resolutely banished every thought of Mr. Iralay (the
former lover), it was at least eighteen that he oM^Af to have
been banished, and would have been banished, had it not
been for her scrupulous pertinacity in determining to leave
no measure untried to regain him.** This connection,
likewise, was begun without the nuptial ceremonies ; but,
after some months, the marriage took place ; the principal
reason was that she was pregnant, and ^< unwilling to in-
cur that seclusion from the society of many valuable and
excellent individuals, which custom awards in cases of this
sort.*' But it did not produce the desired effect. Some
who visited her, or were visited by her, and who regarded
her as the injured object of Mr. Imlay's indifference, were
not pleased to bestow their countenance on one who was
^o eager to run into the arms of another man, and alike
info^rmally. Mr. Godwin takes this opportunity of cen-
suring the prudery of these nice people in terms of severity
—with what justice our readers may determine. The hap-
piness of this connection, however, was transient. In Au-
gust 1797, she was delivered of a daughter, and died Sept.
iO, of the same year. From the account given of her, by
lier biographer, in which we must condemn the laboured,
vindication of principles inconsistent with the delicacy of
the fem^e sez, and the welfare of society, Mrs. Godwin
appears to have been a woman of strong intellect, which
might have elevated her to the highest rank of English fe-
male writers, had not her genius run wild for want of cul-
tivation. Her passions were consequently ungovernable,
and she accustomed herself to yield to them without scru-
ple, treating female honour and delicacy as vulgar preju-
dices. She was therefore a voluptuary and sensualist,
without that refinement for which she seemed tp contend
on other subjects. Her history indeed forms entirely. a
warning, and in, no part an example. Singular she was, it
must be allowed, for it is not easily to be conceived that
such another heroine will ever appear, unless in a novel,
where a latitude is given to that extravagance of character
which she attempted to bring into real life.
Besides the works already noticed, she published ^^ A
moral and historical view of the French Revolution," of
which one volume only was published, and ^' Letters from
Norway.^' The latter contains nxuch elegant description
and just rem^.rk. The former could be noticed only at the
time of its publication. The gay illusions of the French
Cieyolution soon disappeared. After her death some mis-
cellanies, letters, and an unfinished novel, were published'
by her husband, in 4 vols,. 12mo, with a Life of the au-
thoress. Much of both had better been suppressed, as ill
calculated to excite sympathy for one who seems to have
rioted in sentiments alike repugnant to religion, sejise, and
GODWIN ^Thomas), an English prelate, was born in
1517 at Oakingham in Berkshire; and being put to the
gramnuir-school there, quickly made such a progress as
discovered him to be endowed with excellent parts. But
his parents being low in circumstances, he must have lost
the advantage of improving them by a suitable education,
had they not been noticed by Dr. Richard Lay ton, arch-
deacon of Bucks, a zealous promoter of the reformation,
who, taking him into his house, and instructing him in
classical learning, sent him to Oxford, where he was en-
.tered of Magdalen college about 1538. Not long after,
be lost his worthy patron ; but his merit, now become con-
^ lL\f% 9S abOTe.---]Vlonthly and Critical K^viewis. — British Critic for 1*798.
$6 O O D W 1 N,
spiciious in the tniversity, Ikkd procured him other friends ;
so that he was enabled to take the degree of fr. A. Jtily \^^
1543. The same merit released his friends from any far*
ther expence, by obtaining him, the year ensuing, a fellow-
ship of bis college ; and he proceeded Mk A. in r547. But
be did not long enjoy the fruits of his merit in a college
life ; his patron, the archdeacon, had taken csire to breed
up Godwin in the principles of the reformation^ and tins
irritating some popish members of the college^ they made
his situation so uneasy, that, the free-school at Brackley in
Northamptonshire becoming vacant in 1549, and being in
trhe gift of the college, he resigned his fellowship, and ac-
cepted it. In this station, he married the daughter of
Nicholas Purefoy, of Shalston, in the county of Bucks, and
lived without any new disturbance as long as Edward VI.
was at the helm : but, upon the accession of Mary, bis re-
ligion exposed him to a fresh persecution, and he was ob-
liged to quit his s<:bool. In this exigence, although the
church was his original intention, and he had read muchr
with that view, yet now it became i^ore safe to apply to
the study of physic; and being admitted to his bacbelor^s
degree in that faculty, at Oxford, July 1555, be practised
in it for a support till EHzabeth succeeded to the throne,
when he resolved to enter into the church. In this he was
encouraged by Bullingham, bishop of Lincoln, who gave
)iim orders, and made him his chaplain; his lordship also
introduced hini to the queeuy and obtained him the ft^vour
6f preaching before her majesty ; who was so much pleased
with the propriety of his manner, and the grave turn of
hi^ oratory, that she appointed him one of her Lent-
preachers. }le h^d discharged this duty by an annual ap-
pointqoent, with much satisfaction to her majesty, for a
series of eighteen year£^. In 1565, on the depriyation of
Sampson, be was made dean of Christ church, Oxford,
and had also the prebend of Milton-ecclesia in the church
of Lincoln conferred on him by his patron bishop Bulling-
ham. This year also he took his degrees of B. and D. D.
at Oxford. In 1566, he was promoted to the deanery of
Canterbury, being the second dean of that church : and
queen Elizabeth making a visit to Oxford the same year,
be attended her majesty, and among others kept an exer-
t^ise in divinity against Dr. Lawrence Humphries, the pro-
fessor ; in which the famous Dr. Jewel, bishop of Salis-
l^ury, was moderator.
6 O B W I ^ II
In June (olbofmag he was appcnnteati by arefaiii8bop> Piar<*
ker, oiie of his commissioners to visit the diocese of Nor«
wtch ; and that primate having established a benefaotioa
for a sermon on- Rogation Sunday ait Tfaetford in Norfolk
and other places^, the dean, white engaged in this commi»^
sion, preached the first sermon of that foundation, on^ Sun*
day Booming J^ily 20, 1567, in the Geeen*-yard adjoin^^
to the bishop'^ palace at Nopwick In 157$ he quitted his
pn^nd of Miiton-ecclesia, oif being presented by Coopeiv
then bishop of Lincohi^ to tfadt of Leigbton^Bosand, . the
endowment of which is^ considered the b^t in the church of
Lincoln. In 1576 he was one of the ecclesiasticab c6m««
missioners, empowered by the queen- to take cognizknics
of aH olienced against the peace and good ordof of the
dhnreb, and- to fmme such statutes as miglit conduce toata
The see of Balfa and Wells had in 1584 been vaicaht
since the death of Dr. Gilbert Berkley in Nov. 1 53 1. To
this bishopric the queen now nominated^ dean Godwin, who
aeGo^di^g'^y.was cotisecrated Sept. 13, 13841, |le immo'*
diately resigned the deanery of Canterbary ; and as he ar-*^
rited at the epfsoopal dignity ^as well qualified,^' says his
conten^porary^sif John Harrington, ^^for a bishop a^ might
be, unreproveabie, withmu simony, gin^n tO' good hospi*
tality, quiet, kind, and afiabte,** it is to be lamented that
be was unjustly opposed in the enjoyment of what he de*
served. At the time of bfs promotion tbiere .prevailed
smong the Qoortrets no small dislike to the bishops;
prompted by a desire to spoil them of their revenues. To
eover tbeir unjust proceedings, they did not want plausi-*
ble pretences, the eflP^tets of which Godwin too severely
experienced. He was a widower, drawing towards se-*
veiity, and much enfeebled by the gout, when he came
to the see ; but in order to the management of his family,
aud that be might devot^ his whole time to the discharge
of his high office, he married a second wife, a widow, of
years suitable to his own. An illiberal misrepresentation^
however, of this sdfFair was but too readily believed by the
queen, who had a rooted aversion to the marriages of tlie
clergy, and the crafty slanderers gratified their aim in the
disgrace of the aged prelate, and in obtaining paft of bis
property^. This unfortunate aifair,^ which affected his
* A part of their slanders was that girl of tweaty. The earl of Bedford
the old bishop had married a young happened to be at court when thii
*S GO D W I N.
public obaimcter as well as his private happiness, coniri*
buted not a little to increase his infirmities. He continued^
however, attentive to the duties of bis function, and fre*
^uently. gave proof that neither his diligence nor his obr
^rvation were inconsiderable. During the two last years
of bis life, his health more rapidly declined, and he was
also attacked with a quartan ague. He was now recom-i
mended by his physicians to try the benefit of his native
Hir; Accordingly he came to Oakingham with this inten*
tion, but breathed his last there, Nov. 19, 1590. He was>
buried in the chancel of Oakingham church, where is a.
adodest inscription to his memory, written by his son, the
subject of the next article.
The memory of bishop Godwin will ever be respected..
His own merit brought him into public notice, and when
he rose in the church he adorned it by his amiable qualities.
Though he was a distinguished scholar, yet he did not
publish any of his labours. Among the Parker MSS. in
Bene't ^college, Cambridge, is a sermon which he preached
before the queen at Greenwich in 1566, concerning the
authority of the councils and fathers. ^
GODWIN (Francis), son of the preceding, was born at
Havington in Northamptonshire, 1561; and, after a good
foundation of grammar-learning, wa9 sent to Christ Church
college, Oxford, where he was elected a student in 1678,
while his father was dean. He proceeded B. A. in 1580,
and M. A. in 1583 ; about which time he wrote an enter*
taining piece upon a philosophical subject, where ima-
gination, judgment, and knowledge, keep an equal
pace ; but this, as it contradicted certain received notions
of bis times, be never published. It c^ame out about five
years after bis death, under the title of ^^ The Man in the
Moon ; or, a discourse of a voyage thither ;*' by Domingo
Gonsales, 1638, 8vo. It has been several times printed,
and shews that he had a creative genius. Domingo Gon-
sales, a little Spaniard, is supposed to be shipwrecked on
an uninhabited island, where he taught seversd ganzas, or
wild geese, to fly with a light machine, and to fetch and
carry things ''for his conveniency. He, ajfter some time^
Ktory was told, and said to the queen, woman is above twenty, but I know a
'* Madam, I know not how much the son of hers is but little under forty."
1 Oodwin de Prssulibus. — Ath. Ox. vol. I. — Biog. Brit — ^Todd's Deans of
Canterbury.«-Strype*s Life of Parker, p. SBi, f 44, and of Wbitgift, p. 315.*^
Harrington's Brief Vjem— Faller's Worthies.
G O D W I Nt n»
Yentared to put himself into the machine^ and they carried,
liim with great ease. He happened to be in this aisrial
chariot at the time of the year when these ganzas, which
were birds of passage, took their flight to the moon, and waa
directly carried to that planet. He has giyen a very inge-^
nious description of what occurred to him on his way, and
the wonderf u 1 things which he saw there. Dr. Swift seem^
to have borrowed several hints from this novel, in his Yoy*^
age to.Laputa; but it is more to Dr. Gk)dwin?s praise that
he appears to have been well acquainted with the Coper*
mean system. He suppressed areo another of. bis inven*
tions at that time, which he called '^ Nuncius inanimatus,^^
or the '' Inanimate Messenger.'^ The design was to com*>
municate various methods of conveyii^ intelligence se*
cretly, speedily, and safely ; but although he asserts that
by an agreement settled between two parties, a message
may be conveyed from the one to the other, at the distance
of many miles, with an incredible swiftness, yet he does
not reveal the secret. It appears, however, to have given
rise . to bishop Wilkins^s >* Mercury, or secret and. swift
Messenger.'^ It is said that he afterwards comniunicated
the secret to his majesty, but why it was not acted upon is
not mentioned by his biographers. The pamphlet was
published in 1629, and afterwards, in 1657, was translated
by the learned Dr. Thomas Smith, and published witi^
^^ The Man in the Moon.**
He had probably been sometime master of arts, when he
entered into orders, and became in a short time rector of
Samford Orcais, in Somersetshire, a prebendary in . the
church of Wilts, canon residentiary there, and vicar of
Weston in Zoylaad, in the same county ; he was also coU
lated to the sub-deanery of Exeter, in 1587. In the mean
time, turning bis studies to the subject of the antiquities of
his own country, he becan^e acquainted with Camden;
and accompanied him in bis travels to Walos, in 1590, in
the search of curiosities. He took great delight in these
inquiries, in which he spent his leisure hours for several
years; but at length he con6ned himself to ecclesiastical
antiquities and liistory. After some time, finding, with
regard to these, that he could add little or nothing to Fox*8
work on that subject, he restrained his inquiries to persons;
and here he spared no pains, so that he bad enough to
make a considerable volume in 1594.
He became B. D. in 1593, and D. D. in 1595; in whick
#0 aoBwrMi
if^i fetigtoingtl^a ifiem%% of Weiton» he wm a^poiofead
aeclbr of Btsb6p7s Liddiard^ id the same coui^. He
aItU coptiooed aMtduoua in pursuing eeelesiasticai bio««
gsi^y ; and^ hiudog made an handsoine additimi to bii
foroier eqUeotiona, pubHshed the whole in 1601, 4tci,
toder tbe title^ <' A Catalogiie of the Bisbi^s of Eng*-
laod^ sifioe the firat plantiiig of the Ghristiaa reUgioo ii»
thia isbu!^'; together wiA a brief hiatory df their Kycs and
aomnorabl^ action^ so near as can be gat;bered of ai^
£dty/* It apipeta^ by ti^ dedica^o'n to lovd Buckfaaral^
at our author was at this tme chaplain to this nobleooab^
#hOy being in hi|^ credit with queen EUzahetfa, imme-
diateiy procured hi'm^ the bisrhopvio of Llaiuiaff. This waa
said to be a royal reward for his^ Catdogue^ and thia suc^
cess of it encouraged him to proceed. The dengii vi^s so
aradi iqpprored; that aftervwarda hef6und a patron in Jamei
Ik ;^ aad sir John HarrifKgtoni a favourite of prince Ytevtry^
mote a treatise by way of supplement to i^ for thaa
pdnce's use. This was. drawn purely for that purpose^
wiithotit any intentioo to publish it ; but it appeared after^
wards with the title of ^^ AbrieE view of the state of the
Church of Englandl*' It is carried on only to the yea^
1608 (4)vben it was written) from the close of our autbor^s
^orkis. Our author therefbre devoted all the time he could
spare from the dudes of his function towards completing
and perfecting this Catalogue ; and ptibli^ed another edi«i
tion in 161 5, with great additions and aiteratfiDhs. But/
this being very erroneously printed, by reason of his dia*
tance from tbe press, he resolved to turn that misfortane
into an advantage ; and accordingly sent itabrosudtheyear
after, in a new elegant Latin dress ; partly for the use of
foreigners, but more perhaps to please the king^ to whom
k was dedicated, and who in return gave him the bishop*
ric of Hereford) to which he was translated rn 1617. His
work has since been reprinted, with a continuation to the
time of publication, 1743, by Dr. Richardson, in an ele*
gant folio volume, with a fine portrait of Godwin, and
other embelliabments.
In 1616 he published in Latin, ^' Rerum Anglioarum
Henrico VIIL &c." which was translated and puUcshed by
' bis son, Morgan Godwin, under the title of ^- Annales of
England, containing tbe reigns of Henry VIIL Edward VL
and queen Mary," fol. These, as well as his lives of the
bishops, are written in elegant Latin, and with much im*
jMUrliidi^. lo I6S0» he published a smatt tmlwe, ^M-
titled '^ A compotation of ike mdlie of Ae itOmaii Setteree
Md Akl^.T^au^' After ibis be fell into a low and laii^
gnidiiDg dUordef, and died in April 1633. He znnlmedy
urben a young iMUiy ^ diuighter of WoHtod, bidiopof
fizeter, by iiMboin be 'bad^nyany obHdfen. He appeaw to
bave been a man of gnealrleamiag and penoaal Ms^h, and
a aealons obampion for tbe dinrdb of England. His son,
fir. Morgan Goamn, was arcbdeacon of SiMHopriiiirey and
Uanslated, as we bare noticed. If is fadier^s ^ Anoales/'
He was gected by tlie parliamentary comniissioners, and
his family reduced to distress: be died in 1645, leaving
a son of his own names, wbo was edoeated at Oxford, and
afterwards became a minister in Virginia, under ^the go-
Temment of sir William Berkeley, but was at last beneficed
near London. When be died is not mentioned. He wtote
some pamphlets, while in Virginia, on the state of reli-
gion there, and die education of the negroes. The late
vev. ObaclcB Godwin, an antiquary, and benefiictortofialiol
college, Oxford, who died in 1 77*0, appears to have been
a soft of Charles Godwin, of Monmouth, another son of
bbhop Francis Godwin. *
GODWIN (Dr. Thomas), a learned English writer, and
te excellent schoolmaster, was bom in Somersetshire, in
1587 ; and, after a suitable edacation in grammar- learn*
ing, was sent to Oxford. He was entered of Magdalen-
*batl in 1602 ; and took tbe two degrees -in arts 1606 and
1609. This last yeair he removed to Abingdon in Berk-
.^re, baling obtained the place gf chief master of the free-
school there ; and in this employ distinguished himself by
his industry and abilities so .much, that he brought the
school into a very flourishing condition ; and bred up many
youths who proved ornaments to . their country, both in
church and state. To attain this oonunencfaible end he
wrote his << Roman® Historiee Anthologia,'' an English
exposition of the Roman antiquities, &c« and printed it at
Oxiord in 1613, 4to. The second edition was published
in 1623, with considerable additions. He also printed for
the use of his school, a ^ Florilegium Phrasicon, or a sur-
vey of the Latin Tongue.'' However, his inclinations
leading him to divinity, he entered into orders, and be<-
oajne chaplain to Montague bishops of Bath and Welfe^
1 Geo, l>iet**»Bios.^Brit.— Harrington'i Brief Vi«w.*->Atii. Oir. vol. I.
> He proceeded B. D.. in 1616, in which year he puiblisbed
' at Oxford, '< Synopsis Antiquitatum Hebraicaruin; &c." d
collection of Hebrew antiquities, iii thr'^e books, 4to. This
. lie dedicated to his patron;, and, obtaining sotne time af-
ter from him the rectory of Brightweil in Berkshire, he
• resigned his school^ the fatigue of which had long been too
great for him. Amidst his parochial diities, he prosecuted
the subject of the Jewish antiquities ; and, in 1625, priated
in 4to, *^ Moses and Aaron^ &c.*' which was long-esteemed
\]|B usefiil book for explaining the civil and ecclesiastical
rites of the Hebrews. He took his degree of D. D. in 1637,
but did not enjoy that honour many years ; dying upon his
parsonage in 1642-3, and leaving a wife, whom be had
married while he taught school at Abingdon.
Besides the pieces already mentioned, h.e published
^* Three Arguments to prove Election upon Foresight by
f^dth ;^' which coming into tbe hands of Dr. William
Twisse, of Newbury in Berkshire, occasioned a contro-
rersy between them, in which our author is said not to bave^
appeared to advantage. ^
GOERE'E (William), an eminent and learned book-
seller, was born Dec. 11, 1635, at Middleburg. Losing
his father early in life, he was so unfortunate as to have a
harsh father-in-law, who, being no scholar himself, would
not permit the young man to devote his time to study, but
forced him to choose some business. Goer^e fixed on that
of a bookseller, as one which would not wholly ekclud^
him from the conversation of the learned, nor from the
pursuit of bis studies ; and he accordingly found tim^
enough, notwithstanding his necessary occupations, to cul-
tivate his genius, and even to write several valuable books^
in Flemish, on architecture, sculpture, painting, engrav-
ing, botany, physic, and antiquities. He died May 3,
171), at Amsterdam. His principal works are, ^^ Jewish
Antiquities,*' 2 vols.fol.; *^ History of the Jewish Church,
taken from the Writings of Moses," 4 vols. fol. ; " Sacred
and Propbane History,'* 4to ; ^^ Introduction to the prac-
tice of universal Painting," 8vo ; ** Of the Knowledge of
Man with respect to his Nature, and Painting," 8vo;
•• Universal Architecture," &c.*
GO£TZ£ (George^ Henry), a learned and zealous
I^utberan, was bom at Leipsic in 1668, studied at Wit*
< A<b. Ox. to). lI.^OeD. Diet. « M orerL—Dict. Hilt.
G O E T Z E. «5
' iemberg suid Jeoa^ and exercised his fiinctioDs as a minis*
ter in various parts of Germany. He was the author of
many very singular works in Latin and German, of which
Moreri gives a list of 152, but the greater part of these aro
dissertations; or theses, on various subjects of divinity, sa*
cred criticism, and ecclesiastical history. He was lastly
superintendant of the churches at Lubec, and died in that
city, March 25, 1729. The most distinguished among his
Latin works are^ ^ Selecta ex Historia Litteraria," Lu-
becsB, 1709, 4to ; ^' Meletemata Annebergensia,*' Lubecse,
1709, 3 vols. 12mo, containing several dissertations, which
have appeared separately. ^
QOEZ (Damian De), a Portuguese writer of the six-
teenth century, was born at Alanquar near Lisbon, of a
noble family, in 1501, and brought up as a domestic in
the court of king Emanuel, where he was considered both
as a rnaii of letters and of business. Having a strong pas-
sion for travelling, he contrived to get a public commission;
and travelled through almost all the countries of Europe,
contracting' as He went an acquaintance with all the learn*
ed. At Dantzic he became intimate with the brothers
John and Oiaus Magnus; and he spent five months at Fri-
burg with Erasmus. He afterwards went to Padua, in
1534, where he resided four years, studying under Laza-
rus Bonamicus ; nut, however, without making frequent
excursions ii^td different parts of Italy. Here; he obtained
(be esteem of Peter, afterwards cardinal Bembus, of Chris-
topher Madruciuts, cardini^l of Trent, and of James Sado-
Jet. On hid return to Louvain in 1538, he had recourse
to Conrad Goclenius and Peter Nannius, whose instruc-
tions were of great use to him, and applied himself to
'music and poetry; in the former of which he made so
happy a progress, that he 'was qualified to compose for the
f;hurches. He married at Louvain, and his design was to
settle in this city, in order to enjoy a little repose after
fourteen years travelling ; but a war breaking out between
Charles V. and Hent'y II.' of France, Louvain was besieged
in 1542, and Goez, who has written the history of this
liege, put himself at the head of the soldiers, and contri-
buted much to the diefence of the town against the French,
when the other officers had abandoned it. When he was
old, Jphn XIL of Portugal, recalled him into his country,
1 Moreri— Niceron, toL XX1II»
J4 fy^O E Z.
in Older i;o «rnte |the*hMt!i>ry pf it:; buM> it l^jecme fiiiit
tieeeisairy 4»o lunvkDge the Ai^i^esof the kM^dpi^^ ^hnah
be found mtbe gmalee^ oonfpsiqny be had little leis^^ io
ftooomidisb bi« work. The faypuvs al^o which tt^eking
bestowed tipon him created him 00 fnucb envy, that his
tiaaquillity was ai an end, aud he <(ame to be i^ccoaed ;
aodf though he cleared himself from all iipputatiaos, was
conBued to the town of Lisbon. Here, it is said that he
was one day found dead in hi9 own house ; and in such a
, manner as to make^i^ doubted whether he was strangled by
his enemies, or died of an apoplexy ; but other accounts
inform us, with more probability, that he fell into the fire
in a fit, and was dead before the accident was discovered.
Tliis happened in 15^0, and he was interred in tbecburoh
of Notre Dame, at Alanquar. He wrote ^^ Fides, Religio,
Moresque ^thiopum;'' *^ De Imperio et Rebus Lusita*
norum ;'' ^^Hiapania;'* ^^Urbis PUssiponensisDescriptio;**
^< Chronica do Rey Dom Emanuel ;"' <* Historia do Prin-
CHpe Dom Juab-/' and other works, which have been often
priiited, and are much esteemed. Antonio says, that,
though be is an exact writer, yet he has not written the
Portuguese language in its purity; which, howeirer, is opt
to be wondered at, considering bow much time he spent »
out of his own country. '
COFF (Thomas), a divine and dramatic writer, was
born in £ssex, about 1592, and was educated at West-
minster-sehoel, frgm which, at the age of eighteen, h^
entered as a student of Christ Church college) Oxford.
Here be completed his studies, and, by dint of i^)plica-
lion and industry, became a veiy ai^le scholar* pbtaioed
the character of a good poet> and,- being endpw^d wiih
the powers of oratoiy, was, after his taking orders, esteeoHKl
ao e^eelleat pceaeher. He had the degree of B. D. con-
ferred on him before he quitted the university, and, in
1623, was preiierred to the living of East Clandpn, in
Surrey. Here, notwithstanding that he had long been a
professed enemy to tfa^ female sex, and even by some
esteemed a wpman-bate^ ^e unfortunately tied himself to
a wife, the widow of his predecessor, who was a Xantippe,
and he being naturally - of a mild disposition, became at
last unable to cope with so turbulent a. spirit, backed as
1 Antonio Bibl. iIisp,«i«>01eoiMit Bibl. CantnSC^-^baufepie.—NicereBj rol.
G O F F. «l
Ae wvs by the cUidrta Ae had by ter former husband. It
was bdieved by many, that the uneasiness be met with in
dooiestic life shortened bis days. He died in July 1629/
being then only thirty •ftre years of age, and was buried on
the 27th of the same month at bis own parish church. He
wrote several pieces on different subjects, among which
are. five tragedies ; none of which were published till some
yeairs after his death. Philips and Winstanley have as<*
oribed a comedy to this author, called ** Cupid's Whirli^
gig ;'* but with no appearance of probability ; since the
gravi^ of his temper was such, that he does not seem to
have been capable of a performance so ludicrous. In the
latter part of his life he forsook the stage for the pulpit^
and wrote sermons, some of which appeared the year he
died. With the quaintness common to the sermoiis of
James Ist's time, they have a portion of fancy and vivacrity
peculiar to himself. To these works may be added, his
^ Latin Oration at the Funeral of sir Henry Savile/' spo-
ken and (printed at Oxford in 1622 ; another in Christ
Church cathedral, at the funeral of Dr. Godwin, canon of
that church, printed in London, 1627.^ -
GOGUET (Antpny-Yves), an ingenious French writei^
was born at Paris in 1716, where bis father was an advo^
cate, and himself became a counsellor to the parliament.
By close study, and by great assiduity in his pursuits, be
produced in 175S a work that obtained a temporary repu-^
tation, and was translated into English, entitled ^'Origine
des Loix, des Arts, des Sciences, et de leur Progres che2
les' aneiens Peuples,'' 3^ols. 4to; reprinted in 1778, in
six volumes 12mo. This work treats of the origin and pro«-
gress of human knowledge, fi^om the creation to the age of
Cyrus, but displays more genius than erudition, and is
rather an agreeable than a profound work. He died of
die small-pox. May 2, 1758, immediately after the public-
cation of his work; leaving his MSS. and library to his
friend, Alexander Conrad Fugere, who died only three^
days after him, in consequence of' being deeply affected
by the death of Goguet, who was a man 4>f much personal
wordi. Goguet had begun another work on the origiti
«nd progress of the laws, arts, sciences, &c. in France,
from the commencement of the monarchy, the l68s of
which the admirers of his first production much regretted.'
t Ath. Ox. ToL I—Biog. I>rain.--<Q«>t Mag. Tol. UCVIIL p. 518. • Diet Hirt.
Vol. XVi. F
Ǥ G O L D A g T.
GOLDAST (Meixhior HaiminsfeLi:)), a labatioxtm
writer in civil law and history, was born at Bischoffsel in
Switzerland, ii^ 1576, and was a protestant of the coofe8«
sion of Geneva. ' He studied the civil law at Akofff under
Conrade Rittersbusiusy witb whom be boarded ; amd re«*
tiKQfed in 1598 to BiscbofFsel, where for some time he had
no other subsistence 43ut wba|; he acquired by writingp
books, of which, at the time of publication he used, to send
copies to the magistrates aud people of rank, from whom
he received something more than the real value; and some
of his friends imagined th^y did him service in promoting
this miserable traffic. In 1599 he lived at St. Gal, in the
bouse of a Mr. Schobinger, who declared himself his pa-
tron ; but the same year he went to Geneva, and lived at
the bouse of processor Lectius, with the sons of Vassan,
wly)se preceptor he was. In 1602 he went to Lausanne^
from a notion that he could live cheaper there than at Gre,*
neva. His patron Schobinger, while be advised him to
this step^ cautioned him at the same time from such fre^
quent removals as made him suspected of an unsettled
temper. But, notwithstanding Schobinger^s cattftion, he
;returned soon after to Geneva j and, upon the recommen'-
dation of Lectius, was appointed secretary to the duke of
Bouillon, which place he quitted with his usual precipita*
tion, and was at Francfort in 1603, and had a settlement
at Forsteg in .1604. In 1605 he lived at Bischoffsel; where
be complained of not being safe on the score of his reli-
gion, which rendered him odious even to his relations. He
was at Francfort in 1606, where he married, and continued
till 1610, in very bad circumstances. Little more is known
of his history, unless that he lost his wife in 1630, and
died himself Aug. 11, 1635. He appears to have been
a man of capricious temper, and some have attributed ta
bim a want of integrity. The greatest part of the writingis
published by Goldast are compilations arranged in form, or
published from MSS. in libraries ; and by their number be
may be pronounced a man of indefatigable labour. Conrin^
gius says he has deserved so well of his country by publishing
the ancient monuments of Germany, that undoubtedly the
Athenians would have maintained him in the Prytaneum,
if he had lived in those times ; and adds, that he neither
bad, nor perhaps ever will have, an equal in illustrating
the affairs of Germanyi and the public law of the empire.
G 0 L D A S T. 6»
The following are €he most considerable anlong his va-
rious works : A collection of different tracts on civil and
ecclesiastical jurisdiction, entitled << Monarcbia Sancti Ro-
mani Imperii/' &c. 161 1^ 1613, and 1614, 3 vols. fol. ;
'^Alamaniae Scriptores," 1730, .5 vols, fol.; '^ Scriptores
aliquot rerum Suevicarum,*' 1605, 4to; ^' Commeittarius
de Bohemise regno,'' 4to ; *^ Informatio de statu Bobeoiin
quoad jus," 4to ; ** Sybilla Francica,*' 4to ; which is a col-
lection of pieces relating to the Maid of Orleans : ^^ Parae^
nettcorum veterum pars prima," 1604, 4to* A curious
collection of letters was published in 1688, under the title
<' Virorura clarissimorum ad Melchior Goldastum Epis-
tolae," 4to, Francfort*
GOLDING (Arthur), a man of some poetical turn,
but principally known as a translator, in the sixteenth cen-
tury, was a native of London. In 1563 we find him living
with secretary Cecil at his house in the Strand, and iu
1577 in the parish of AUhaliows, London Wall. Amongst
his patrons, as we may collect Arom his dedications, were,
sir Walter Mildmay, William lord Cobham, Henry earl of
Huntingdon, lord Leicester, sir Christopher Hatton, lord
Oxford, and Robert earl of Essex. He was connected
with sir Pliilip Sydney, for he finished an English transla-
tion of Philip AAomay's treatise in French, on the '^ Truth
of Christianity," which had been begun by Sydney, and
was published in 1587. His religious turn appears afso
from his translating many of the works of the early refor-
mers and protestant writers, particularly Calvin, Cbytraeus,
Beza, Marlorat, Hemingius, &c. He also enlarged our
treasures of antiquity, by publishing translations of Justin
in 1564; and of CsBsar in 1565. Of this last, a translation
as far as the middle of the fifth book by John Brend^
had been put into his hands, and he therefore began at
that place, but afterwards, for uniformity^ re-translated the
whole himself. He also published translations of Seneca's
Benefits, in 1577; of the Geography of Pomponius Mela;
the Polyhistory of Solinus, 1587, and of many modern
Latin writers, which were then useful, and suited to the
wants of the times. Warton thinks his only original work
is a '< Discourse of the Earthquake that happened in Eng-
land aud other places in 1580," 12mo ; and of his original
poetry, nothing more appears than an encomiastic copy of
-• . • ,
> Gen. Diet.— Moreyl-«»Niceroo, toI. XXIX*— Clement Bibh Cttricuse.<«M
Sftiii Ononast.
F 2
6» G O L i) I N G.
verses prefixed toBafet^s "Alvearie" in 1580. His chief
poetical translation is of ** Ovid's Metamorphoses,'* the
first four books of which he published in 1565, and the
tvbde in 1567. Pape, who read much in old English
translations, used to say " it was a pretty good one consi-
tlering tfhe time when it was written." The style is cer-
tdnly poetical and spirited, and his versification clear ; his "
Ttiahn^r ornamental and diffuse ; yet with a sufficient ob-
*servance of the original. He has obtained a niche in thfe
** Bidgraphia th-amatica" for having translated a drama of
Beza's, called " Abraham's Sacrifice," 1577, ISmo.*
GOLI>MAN (Nicholas), a mathematician, was born
at Breslaw, in Silesia, in 1623„ and died at Leyden ih
166S. The woAs by which he is generally kftown a^e
*«Elemerita Architecturae Militaris,''' 1643, 8vo; " De
Uso Ptoportionarii Circuli ;" " De Stylometricis,'* I'eeS ;
itnd'anothertreatise " On Architecture," published in 1696,
T>y 'Christopher' Sturm, with numerous engravings, and the
life of the author. He had also improved the description
<rf Solomon's Temple by Villapatid'us, but this was never
'GOLDONI (Charles), an eminent modern Italian dra-
matist, was born at Venice in 1707. In his infancy the
'drama was his darling amusemenj:, and all his time was
devotied to -the perusing comic writers, among whom wa^
Cicogntni, a Florentine, little known in the dramatic com*
monwealth. After having well studied these, he ventured
to sketch but the plan of a comedy, even before he went
'to school. When be had finished his grammatical studies
at Venice, and his rhetorical studies at the Jesuits' college
in Perugia, he was sent to a bbardihg-schoolat Rimini, to
* study philosophy, but be paid far more attention to the
theatres, entered into a familiar acquaintance with the
actors, and when they werQ to remove to ChiOzza, made
his escape in their company. This was the first fault he
committed) which, according to his own confession, dreW
a great many others after it. His father had intended him
to be a physician, like himself: the young man, however,
was wholly averse to the study. He proposed a;fterwards
to malLe him an advocate, and sent him to be a practitioner
in Modena ; but a horrid ceremony of ecclesiastical juris-
* Warton's Hist, of Poetry.— Phillip»»» Theatrum, edit, by sir E. Brydges.«»
^pence's An^edbtes, MS. * toorari.
G O L D O N I. 6»
dictioDy at which he was present^ mspiced him with a me*
lancholy turq, and he determined to become a Capuchin,
Of this, however, he was cured by a visit to Venice, where
he indulged in all the fashionable dissipation of the place.
He was afterwards prevailed upon by bis mother, after the
death of \\\^ father, to exercise the profession of a lawyer
in Veaice> but by a sudden reverse of fortune he was com-
pelled to quit at once both the bar and Venice. He then
went to Milan, >ybere he was employed by the resident of
Venice in the capacity of secretary, and becoming ac-
quainted with the manager of the theatre, he wrote a farce
entitled ** II Gondoliere Veneziano," the Venetian Gon-
dolier ; which was the first comic production of bis that
was performed and printed. Some time after, Goidoni
quitted the Venetian resident, and removed to Verona^
where he got introduced to the manager of the theatre, for
which he composed several pieces. Having removed along
with the players to Genoa, he was for the first time seized
with an ardent passion for a lady, who. soon afterwards be-
came his wife. He then returned with the company to
VenicCi where he displayed, for the first time, the powera
of his genius, and executed his plan of reforming the Ita-
lian stage, He wrote the *^ Momolo,^' '^ Courtisan," the
*^ Squanderer," and other pieces, which obtained upiver-
sal admiration. Feeling a strong inclination to reside some
time in Tuscany, he repaired to Florence and Pisa, wher^
he wrote "The Footman of two Masters," and "The Son of
Harlequin lost and found again." He returned to Venice^
and set about executing more and more his favourite
scheme of reforp. He was now attached to the theatre of
S. Angelo, and employed himself in writing both for the
company, and for his own purposes. The constant toils
he underwent in these engagements impaired bis health*
He wrote, in the course of twelve mouths, sixteen new
comedies, besides forty >two pieces for the theatre ; among
these many are considered as the best of bis productions.
The first edition of his works was publishigfl in 1753, in 10
vols. 8yo. As he wrote afterwards a great numher of new
pieces JPor the theatre of S. Luca, a separate edition of these
was publisjiieds undjer the title of " The New Comic
Theatre :" among thepe was the " Terence,'* called by the
author his^v^z^n/!^, and judged to be the master-piece of
bis works. He made another journey to Parma, on the
invitation of duke Philip, and frpm thence he passed to
70 G O L D O N r.
Rome. He bad composed 59 other pieces so late as 17^1,
five of which were designed for the particular use of Mar-
que Albergati Capacelli^ and consequently adapted to the
theatre of a private company. Here ends the literary life
of Goldoni in Italy, after which he accepted of an engage-
ment of two years in Paris, where he found a select and
numerous company of excellent performers in the Italian
theatre. They were, however, chargeable with the same
faults which he had corrected in Italy ; and the French
supported, and even applauded in the Italians, what they
would have reprobated on their own stage. Goldoni wished
to extend, even to that country, his plan of reforma-
tion, without considering the extreme difficulty of the un-
dertaking. His first attempt was the pi^ce called ** The
Father for Love ;*' and its bad success was a sufficient
warning to him to desist from his undertaking. He con-
tinued, during the remainder of his engagement, to pro-
duce pieces agreeable to the general taste, and published
twenty-four comedies ; among which ** The Love of Ze-
linda and Lindor" is reputed the best The term of two
years being expired, Goldoni was preparing to return to
Italy, when a lady, reader to the dauphiness, mother to
the late king, introduced him at court, in the capacity of
Italian master to the princesses, aunts to the king. He
did not live in the court, but resorted there, at each sum-
inons, in a post-chaise, sent to him for the purpose. These
journeys were the cause of a disorder in the eyes, which
afflicted him the rest of his life ; for being accustomed to
read while in the chaise, he lost his sight on a sudden,
and in spite of the most potent remedies, could never af-
terwards recover it entirely. For iibout six months lodg-
ings were provided him in the chateau of Versailles. The
death, however, of the dauphin, changed the face of af-
fairs. Goldoni lost bis lodgings, and only, at the end of
three years, received a bounty of 100 Louis in a golci box,
and the grant of a pension of four thousand livres a year.
This settlement would not have been sufficient for him, if
he had not gained, by other means, farther sums. He
wrote now and then comedies for the theatres of Italy %nd
Portugal ; and^ during these occupations, was desirous to
shew to the French that he merited a high rank among
their dramatic writers. For this purpose, he neglected
nothio|; which CQald be of u^e to render himself master of
Q O L D O N I. »l
^e French language. He beardj^ spolre, and conTersed
so much in it, that, in his 6 2d year, he ventured to write a
comedy in French, and to have it represented in the court
theatre, on the occasion of the marriage of the king« This
piece was the ^^Bourru Bienfaisant;^' and it met with so
^reat success, that the author received a bounty of 150
Louis from the king, another gratification from the per-
formers, and considerable sums from the booksellers who
published it. He published soon after, another comedy in
French, called <* L^Avare Fastueux.'* After the death of
Lewis XV. Goidt)ni was appointed Italian teacher to the
princess Clotilde, and after her marriage, he attended the
late unfortunate princess Elizabeth in the same capacity.
His last work was the '^ Volponi," written after he bad re-
tired from court. It was his misfortune to live to «ee
his pension taken away by the revolution, and, like thou-
sands 4n a similar situation, he was obliged to pass his old
age in poverty and distress. He died in the beginning of
1793. As a comic poet, Goldoniis reckoned among the
best of the age in which he flourished. His works were
printed at Leghorn in 1788—91, in 31 vols. 8vo. He baa
been reckoned the Moliere of Italy, and he is styled by
Voltaire " The Painter of Nature.'* Dr. Burney says that
he is, perhaps, the only author of comic operas in Italy
who has given them a little common sense, by a natural
plot, and natural characters ; and his celebrated comic
opera of the " Buona Figliuola,'* set by Picctni, and first
performed in London Dec. 'dth, 1766, rendered both the
poet and composer, whose names had scarcely penetrated
into this country before, dear to every lover of the Itaiian
language and music, in the nation.^
GOLDSMITH (Oliver), an eminent poet and miscel-
laneous writer, was born on Nov. 29, 1728, at a place
called Pallas, in the parish of Forney and county of Long«-
ford in Ireland. His father, the rev. Charles Goldsmith^
a native of the county of Roscommon, was a clergyman of
the established church, and had been educated at Dublin
college. He afterwards held the living of Kilkenny W^at
in^tbe county of Westmeath. By bi« wife, Anne, the
daughter of the rev. Oliver Jones, master of the diocesaa
ichool of Elphin, he had five sons, an4 two daughters*
^ Sketch by Mr. Damiaoi. — Rees's Cyclop8edia.«*Life of Qoldont, trans*
Uted by Mr. Black, publUhed in 18U> 2 tols. 8yo*
His eldest son, Henry, went into the church) and b the
gentleman to whom our poet dedicated his " TravellcnV
Oliver w^. the second son, and is supposed to have faith«.
fully represented his father in the character of the Village
Preacher in the " Deserted Village,*' Oliver was origi-
nally intended for some mercantile employment^ as bis
father found his income too scanty for the expences of the
literary education which he had bestowed on bis eldest son.
With this view he was instructed in readingt writing, and
arithmetic, at a common school, the master of which was a^
old soldier, of a romantic turn, who entertained his pupil
with marvellous stories of his travels and feats, and is ^up<^
posed to have imparted somewhat of that wandering and
unsettled turn which so much appeared in his pupil's fu-*
ture life. It ig ^^ertain that Oliver had not been long at
this humble school before be proved that he was ^^ no vuU
gar boy." He made some attempts in poetry when he wai
scarcely eight years old, and by the inequalities of hi«
temper and conduct, betrayed a disposition more fayou|r«
able to the Rights of genius than the regiularity of business*
This after some time became so obvious, that his friendsj
who had at first pleaded for his being seni; to the univer**
aity, now determined to contribute towards the expeuce^
and by their assistance, he was placed at a school of repu-
lation^ where he might be qualified to enter the college
with the advantages of preparatory learning.
in June 1744, when in his fifteenth year, he was sent
to Dublin college,, and entered as a sijser, under the rev«
Mr. Wilder, one of the fellows, but a man of harsh temper
and violent passions, and consequently extremely uiifit to
win the affections and guide the disposition of a youth
aimpley ingenuous, thoughtless, and unguarded. His pupil,
however, made some progress, although slow, in academic
cal studies. In 1747, he was elected one of the exhibi-*
tioners on the foundation of Erasmus Smyth ; and in 1749»
^wo years after the regular time, he was admitted to the
degree of bachelor of arts. His indolence and irregularis
ties may in part account for this tardy advancement to the
reputation of a sdiolar, but much may likewise be attri-
buted to the unfeeling neglect of his tutor, who contended
only for the preservation ^ certain rules qf discipline, whilo
he gave himself little trouble with the cultivation of the
mind. On one occasion he thought proper to chastise
Oliver before apar^ of young friends of both sexes, wbomt
wUb hia i^usj imprudence, be was entertainiog. with a
99pp^ and dance in his rooms. Oliver immediately dis^
posed of bis books and cloaths, left college, and com«
meoced a wanderer^ without any prospect^ without friends,
a^d without money. At length, after suffering such eic-
Iremity of hunger, that a, handful of gray peas which a girl
gave him at a wake, appeared a Tuxurious meal, he con-
trived to acquaint his brother with bis situation, who im-
Qiediately clothed bim, and carried h^m back to college,
(effecting at tbe same time a reconciliation between him
and his tutor^ which, it may be supposed, was more convey
oient than cordial on either side.
Soon after this event, bis father died, and his friends
wished bim to prepare for holy orders ; but to this he de«
clared bis dislike ; and finding himself equally uncomfort-
able as tutor in a private family, to which he had been re-
isompiended, be again left the country with about thirty
pounds in bis pocket. After an absence of six weeks, be
reti^rned to his mother^s bouse, without a penny, having
expended the whole in a series of whimsical adventures, of
which the reader will find a very ei\tertaining account in
the Life prefixed to his Works. His mother and friends
l^iiig reconciled to him, bis uncle the rev. Thomas Con-
tariae, resolved to send bim to the Temple to study law ;
hsk^ in bi9 way to London, he met at Dublin with a sharper
who tempted him to play, and stript him of fifty pounds,
with which fa^ bad been furnished for his voyage and jour-
ney. His youth must furnish the only apology that can be
ipade for this insensibility to the kindness of bis friends,
who could ill afford the money thus wantonly lost. Again,
however, they received him into favour, and it being now
decided that he should study physic, he was sent to Edin^
burgb, for that purpose, about 1752 or 1753, but still big
itkougbtle^s and eccentric disposition betrayed him into
many ludicrous situationik He formally, indeed, attended
^e. lectures of the medical professors, but his studies were
^either reguW nor profound. There was always some-
itog he hk^ better than stated application. Among his
£eUpw-9t9d«Qt4» he wished to recommend himself, and he
was not unsucces^fvil, by his stories and songs, as a social
i99mjfVoiQUf and a m^n of humour ; and this ambition to
Aiw in compKny by such means, never wholly left him
iffa^ hfe came to iassociale with men who sur^ not charmed
After be had gone through the usual course of lectures^
his uncle, who appears' to have borne the principal ex*
pences of bis education^ equipped him for the medical
school of Leyden, at which, however, he did not arrive
without meeting with some of those incidents which have
given an air of romance to his history. At Leyden he stu«
died chemistry and anatomy for about a year ; but a taste
for gaming, which he appears to have caught very early,
frequently plunged him into difficulties, without any of
the benefits of experience. Even the money which he was
Compelled to borrow, in order to enable him to leave Hol-
land, was expended on some costly flowers which he bought
of a Dutch florist, as a present to his uncle ; and when he
iset out on his travels, he ^ had only one clean shirt, and
no money in his pocket/* In such a plight any other man
would have laid his account with starving ; but Goldsmith
bad *^ 2L Icnack at hoping,*' and however miserably provided,
determined to make the tour of Europe on foot. In what
manner he performed this singular undertaking, he is sup-
posed to have informed us in ^^ The History of a Philosophic
Vagabond," in chap. xx. of the "Vicar of Wakefield.*'
He had some knowledge of music, and charmed the pea«
6ants so much as to procure a lodging and a subsistence.
He also entered the foreign universities and convents, where^
upon certain days, theses are maintained against any ad*
ventitious disputant, for which, if the champion opposes
with some dexterity, he may claim a gratuity in money, a
dinner, and a bed for the night. At one time, he is said
to have accompanied a young Englishman as a tutor ; bat
his biographer doubts whether this part of the Philosophic
Vagabond's story was not a fiction. It is certain, however,
that in the manner above related, and with some assistance
from his uncle, he contrived to travel through Flanders,
and part of France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. It
wasr probably at Padua that he took a medical degree, as
he remained here about six months, but one of his earliest
biographers thinks he took the degree of bachelor of medi-
cine at Louvaine. His generous uncle dying while he was
in Italy, he was obliged to travel through France to Eng-
land on foot, and landed at Dover in 1756.
He arrived in London in the extremity of distress, aqd
first tried to be admitted as an usher in a school or academy^
and having with some difficulty obtained that situation, he
remained for some time in it, submitting to mortifications.
of ^hich he has given^ probably, an exaggerated account
in the story of the philosophic vagabond. He tiext pro-
cured a situation in the shop of a chemist, and while here»
was found out by Dr. Sleigh, one of his fellow-students at
Edinburgh, who liberally shared his purse with him, and
encouraged him to commence practitioner. With this view,
he settled^ if any measure of our poet deserves that epi-
thety in Bankside, Southwark ; and afterwards removed to
the Temple or its neighbourhood. In either place his
success as a physician is not much known ; his own account
was, that he had plenty of patients, but got no fees.
About this time, however, he appears to have had recourse
to his pen. His first attempt was a tragedy, which he
probably never finished. In 175S he obtained, by means
of Dr. Milner, a dissenting minister, who kept a school at
Peckham, which our author superintende J during the doc-
tor's illness, the appointment to be physician to one of our
factories in India. In order to procure the necessary ex«*
pences for the voyage, he issued proposals for printing by
subscription *^ The present state of Polite Literature in
Europe,** with what success we are not told, nor why he
gave up his appointment in India. In the same year, how-
ever, he wrote what he very properly calls a catch-penny
^^ Life of Voltaire," and engaged with Mr. GrifEtbs as a
critic in the Monthly Review. The terms of this engage-
ment were his board, lodging, and a handsome salary, all
secured by a written agreement. Goldsmith declared he
usually wrote for his employer every day from nine o'clock
till two. But at the end of seven or eight months it was
dissolved by mutual consent, and our poet took lodgings
in Green Arbour court, in the Old Bailey, amidst the dwel-
lings of indigence, where be completed his ** Present State
of Polite Literature," printed for Dodsley, 1755, 12mo.
He afterwards removed to more decent lodgings in
Wine OflSce-court, Fleet-street, where he wrote his ad-
mirable noyel, " The Vicar of Wakefield," attended with
the affecting: circumstance of his beino: under arrest. When
the knowledge of his situation was communicated to Dr.
Johnson, he disposed of his manuscript for sixty pounds,
to Mr. Newbery, and procured his enlargement. Although
the money was then paid, the book was not published until
some time after, when bis excellent poem ** The Travel-
ler^' had established his fame. His connection with Mr.
Newbery was a source of regular supply, as he employed
ifr O O L D S M I T H
bim in coitBpiUng or revising many of bis pablicaXions, paif«
ticularly, " The Art of Poetry/' 2 vols. 12010; a " Life
of Beau Nasl^," and ^' Letters on the History of England/*
2 vols. 12mo9 which have been attributed to Lord LytteU
t;oDg the earl of Orrery, and other noblemen, but were
really written by Pr. Goldsmith. He bad before this beea
eosployed by Wilkie, the bookseller, in conducting a
^^ Lady's Magazine/' and published with him, a volume
of assays, entiled " The Bee." To the Public Ledger, a
xiewspaper, of which Kelly was at that time the editor, he
contributed those letters which have since been published
under the title of " The Citizen of the World.'*
In 1765 be published " The Traveller," which at once
established his fame/ The outline of this he formed when
in Switzerland, but polished it«with great care, before he
submitted it to the public. It soon made him kpown and
admired, but bis roving disposition had not yet ieft him*,
fie had for some time been musing on a design of pene-i
trating into the interior parts of Asia, and investigating
the remains of ancient grandeur, learning, and manners.
When he yv^^s told of lord Bute's liberality to men off
genius, he applied to that nobleman for a salary to enable
bim to execute his favourite plan, but his application was
Vnnoticed, as his name had not th^Q been mad^ known by
bis Traveller. This poem, however, having procured bim
the unsolicited friendship of lord Nugent^ afterwards earl
of Clare, he obtained an introduction to the earl of
^Northumberland, then lord Lieutenant of Ireland, who in-*
vited our poet to an interview. Goldsmith prepared a
complimentary address for bis excellency, which, by mis-
take, he delivered to the groom of the chambers, and
when the lord lieutenant appeared, was so confused that
he came away without being able to e;isplaio the object of
his wishes. Sir John Hawkiuis relates, that when the lord
lieutenant said he should be glad to do bim any kindness,
Goldsmith answered, that ^' he had a brother in Ireland, a
clergyman, that stood in need of help; as for himself, he
bad no dependence on the promises of great men; be
looked to the booksellers ; they Vi^re his best friepds, and
be was npt inclined to for«ake them for others.'* — ^This was
Yery characteristic of Goldsmith, who, as sir John Haw-
kins adds, was ^^ an ideot in the affairs of the world," but
yet his affectionate remembrance of his brother on such an
occasion merits a less barsb epithet. Goldsmith was grater
ful for the kindness be had received from this brother, and
nothing probably would have given him greater pleasure
than if he had succeeded in transferring tne earl's patron-
age to him. From this time, however, although be some*
times talked about it, he appears to have i^eiinquished the
project of going to Asia. " Of all men,'* said Dr. Johnson,
'< Goldsmith is the most unfit to go out upon such an in-
quiry ; for be is utterly ignorant of such arts as we already
possess, and consequently could not know what would be
accessions to our present stock of mechanical knowledge.
He woald bring home a grinding barrow, and think. that
be had furnished a wonderful improvement."
In 1^64, Goldsmith fixed his abode in the Temple, and
resided, first in the library staircase, aftef wards in the
King^s-bench walk, and ultimately at No. 2, in Brick-
court, where he had chambers on the first floor elegantly
furnished; and where he was visited by literary friends of
the most distinguished merit. When Dr. Johnson^s Lite^
rary club was founded, he was one of the first members,
and his associates were those whose conversations .have
given such interest to.Bosweirs JLife of Johnson.
Having now acquired considerable fame as a critic, a
tiovelist, and a descriptive poet, he was induced to court
the dramatic Muse. His first attempt was the comedy of
the ** Godd-natured Man,*' which Garrick, after much
delay, declined, and it was produced at Covent-garden the-
atre, in 1768, and kept possession of the stage for nine
nights, but did not obtain the applause which his friends
thought it merited. Between this period and the appear-
ance of his next celebrated poem, he compiled " The Ro-
man History,** in 2 vols. 8vo, and afterwards an abridge-
ment of it, and " The History of England,*' in 4 vols. 8vo,
both elegantly written, and highly calculated to attract and
interest young readers, although it owned, he is
frequently superficial and inaccurate. His pen was also
occasionally employed on introductions and prefaces to
tK>oks compiled by other persons ; as " Guthrie's History
•of the World,** and Dr. Brooks's "System of Natural
History/' In this last preface, he so far excelled his au-
thor in the graces of a captivating style, that the booksel-
'lers engaged him to write a *' History of the Earth aad
Animated Nature," which he executed with much ele-
^nce, but with no very deep knowledge of the subject.
•He idso drcfw up a " Life of Dr. Parnell," prefixed to fin
edition of his poems, which afforded Dr« Johnson an op«
portunity of paying an affectionate tribute to his memory,
when he came to write the life ofParnell for the English
Poets. He wrote also a ^* Life of Bolingbroke," origin^
ally prefixed to the *^ Dissertation on Parties," and after*^
wards to Bolingbroke's works. In one of his compilations
he was peculiarly unfortunate. Being desired by Griffin^
the bookseller, to make a selection of elegant poems from
our best English classics, for the use of boarding-schools,
he carelessly marked for the printer one of the most inder
cent tales of Prior. His biographer adds '^ without read-
ing it,^' but this was not the case, as he introduces it with
a criticism. These various publications have not been
noticed in their regular order, but their dates are not con*
nected with any particulars in our author's history.
In 1769 he produced his admirable poem '^ The De-
serted Village," which he touched and re*touched with
the greatest care before publication. How much it added
to his reputation, it is unnecessary to mention. No poem
since the days of Pope has been so repeatedly read, ad-
mired, and quoted.
At the establishment of the royal academy of painting
in 1770, his friend sir Joshua Reynolds procured forjiim
the appointment of professor of ancient history, a com-
plimentary distinction attended neither with emolument
nor trouble, but which entitled him to a seat at some of
the meetings of the society. His situation in life was now
comfortable, at least ; and might have been independent,
had be mixed a little prudence with his general conduct ;
but although this was not always the case, it is much to
his honour that his errors were generally on the right side.
He was kind and benevolent, wherever he had it in his
power, and although frequently duped by artful men, his
^eart was never hardened against the applications of the
unhappy. And such was the celebrity of his writings, that
be was even looked up to, as a patron and promoter of
schemes of public utility. His biographer has published a
very curious letter from the notorious Thomas Paine, ia
which he solicits Goldsmith's interest in procuring an ad-»
dition to the pay of excisemen.
In the month of March 1773, his second comedy, '^ She
Stoops to Conquer," was performed at Covent-garden^
and received with the highest applause, contrary to the
opinion of the manager, Mr, Colmaii, It is founded upojx
an incident wbich, bis biographer informs us, happened
to the author in bis younger days, when be mistook a gen-
tleman's house for an inn. In the same year be appeared
before the public iu a different character. A scurrilous letr
ter, probably written by Kenrick, was inserted in the Lon-
don Packet, a paper then published by the late Mr. Tho-
mas Evans, bookseller in Paternoster- row. Goldsmith re-
sented no part of the abuse in this letter but that which
reflected on a young lady of his acquaintance. Accom-
panied by one of bis countrymen, he waited on Mr. Evans^
and stated the nature of his complaint. Mr. Evans, who
had no concern in the paper, but as publisher, went to
examine the file, and while stooping for it, Goldsmith wa»
advised by his friend, to take that opportunity of caning
bim, which he immediately began to do; but Evans, a
stout and high-blooded Welcbman, returned the blows
with so much advantage, that Goldsmith's friend fled, and
left him in a shocking plight. Dr. Kenrick, who was then
in the house, came forward, and affecting great compas«
sion for Goldsmith, conducted him home in a coach. Thia
foolish quarrel afforded considerable sport for the news-
papers before it was finally made up.
One c^ his last publications was the ^^ History of the
Earth and Animated Nature*' before mentioned, in 8 vols*
8vo, for which he received the sum of 850/. and during the
time be was engaged in this undertaking, he had received
the copy -money for his comedy, and the profits of his third
nights; but, his biographer iuibrms us, *^ he was so liberal
in his donations, and profuse in his disbursements ; be was
unfortunately so attached to the pernicious practice of
gaming ; and from his unsettled habits of life, bis supplies
being precarious and uncertain, he had been so little
accustomed to regulate bis expences by any system of
(Economy, that his debts far exceeded his resources ; and
he was obliged to take up money in advance from the
managers . of the two theatres, for comedies, which he
engaged to furnish to each ; and from the booksellers, for
publications which he was to finish for the press. All these
engagements he fully intended, and doubtless would have
been able, to fulfil with the strictest honour, as he had
done on former occasions in similar exigencies ; but his
premature death unhappily prevented the execution of his
, plans, and gave occasion to malignity to impute thos(&
feiiures to deliberate intention^ which were tncrely the re-
sult of inevitahle mortality."
Some time before bis death, although they were not
printed until after that event, he wrdte his poems " The
Haunch of Venison," « Retaliation," and «ome other of
his smaller pieces. Biit the chief project be had at heart
was, an " Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences," in
the execution of which it is said he had engaged all his li«-
terary friends and the members of the Literary Club ; but
this was prevented by his death, which is thus related by
his biographer :
" He was subject to severe fits of the strangury, owinff
probably to the intemperate manner in which he confined
himself to the desk, when be was employed in his compi-
lations, often indeed for several weeks successively, with-
out taking exercise. On such occasions he usually hired
lodgings in son^e farm-house a few miles from London, and
wrote without cessation till he had finished his task. He
then carried his copy to the bookseller, received his com-
pensation, and gave himself up, perhaps for months with-^
out interruption, to the gaieties, amusements, and soci«
eties of London. And here it may be observed once
for all, that his elegant and enchanting style in prose
flowed from him with such facility, that in whole quires of
his histories, * Animated Nature,' &c. he had seldom oc-
casion to correct or alter a single word ; but in his verses,
especially bis two great ethic poems, nothing could ex-*
ceed the patient and incessant revisal which he bestowed
upon them. To save himself the trouble of transcription^
he Wrote the lines in his first copy very wide, and would
80 fill up the intermediate space With reiterated correc-
tions, that scarcely a word of his first effusions wais left
** In the spring of 1774, being embarrassed in his cir-
cumstances, and attacked with his usual malady, his in-
disposition, aggravated too by mental distress, terminated
in a fever, which on the 25th of March bad-become exceed'-
ingly violent, when he called in medical assistance. Al*
thobgh he had then taken ipecacuanrha to promote a vomi^
he would proceed to the use of James's fever-powder, cou^
trai^r to'the advice of the medical gentlemen who attended
him. From the application of these powders he had re-
ceived the greatest benefit in a similar attack nearly two
years before -, but then they bad beeo administered by Dr*
GO L D S M I T H. %i
James himself in person. This happened in September
1772. But now the progress of the disease was as unfa«
vourable as possible; for^ from the time above-mentioned
every symptom became more and more alarming till Mon-
day April 4th, wbea he died, aged forty-five."
His remains were privately interred in the Temple
barial-ground, on Saturday April 9 ; but afterwards, by a
subscription raised among his friends, and chiefly by bis \
brethren of the club, a marble monument was erected to
his memory in Westminster-abbey, with an inscription \}f
Dr. Johnson, the history of which the reader may find in
Boswell*s Life, vtrhere are likewise many curious traits of
our poet^s variegated character.
** He. was," adds his biographer, ** generous in the ex*
tiQ^me> and so strongly affected by compassion, that he has
been known at midnight to abandon bis rest in order to
procure relief and an asylum for a poor dying object who
was left destitute in the streets. Nor was there ever a mind
whose general feelings were*more benevolent and friendly."
He is« however, supposed to have been often soured by
jealousy or envy, and many little instances are mentioned
of this tendency in his character ; but whatever appeared
of this kind was a mere momentary sensation, which he
knew not bow like other men to conceal. It was never the
result of principle, or the suggestion of reflection ; it never
embittered his heart;, nor influenced his conduct Nothing
could be more amiable than the general featuses of his
mind ; those of his person were not perhaps sa engaging. '
His stature was under the middle size, his body strongly
built, and his limbs more sturdy than elegant; his com*
plexion was pale, his forehead low, his face almost rounds
and pitted with the small-pdx ; but marked with strong
lines of thinking. His first appearance was not capti-
vating ; but when be grew easy and cheerful in company,
be relaxed into such a display of good^humour, as soon
removed every unfavourable impression. Yet it must be
acknowledged that in company he did not appear to so
much advantage w might have been expected from his
genius and talents. He was too apt to speak without re-
fleclipn, /and without a sufficient knowledge of the subject;
which made Johnson observe of him, ' No man was more
foolish when he had not a pen in his band, or more wise
when he had.' Indeed, with ail his defects (to conclude
aearly in the words of that great critic), as a writer be wad
of the tnoBt distinguished abilities. Whatever he com*
posed he did it better than any other man could. Aud
whether we consider him as a poet^ as a comic writer, or
as an historian (so far as regards his powers of composition)
he was one of the first writers of hi& titiiey. and will ever
stand in the foremost class.''
Although this character may be thought in some respects
exaggerated, it cannot be denied that the indelible stamp
of geniuar rests on his^^ Vicar of Wakefield;'' and on his
poems, " The Traveller," " Deserted Village," aad " Ed-
win and Angelina." In description, pathos, and evea
Sublimity,; he has not been exceeded by any of the poets
of his age, except that in the latter quality he must yield
to Gray.*
, GOLIUS (James), professor of Arabic at Leyden, d%^
scended from a considerable family in that city, was born
at the Hague, in 1596. At Leydea he made himself
naster of all the learned languages, and proceeded to
physic, divinity, and the mathematics. His education
being finished, he topk a journey to France with the
duchess de la Tremouille; and was invited to teach the.
Greek language at Rochelle, which he continued to do,
until that city was in the following year reduced again to
Ibe. dominion of the French king, after which he resolved
to return to Holland. He had early taken a liking to Er-*
penius, the Arabic professor at Leyden ; by the help of
whose lectures he made a great progress in the Arabic
tongue, and having in 1622 an opportunity of attending
the Dutch ambassador to the court of Morocco, he con*
suited with Erpenius, who directed him to observe care-
fully every production, either of nature, art, or custom,
which were unknown in Europe ; and to describe them,
setting down the proper name of each, anct the derivation
gf it, if known. He also gave him a letter directed to that
prince, together with a present of a grand atlas^ and a
New Testament in Arabic. These procured him a very
gracious reception from Muley Zidan, then king of Mo-
rocco,, who expressed great satisfaction in the present, and
afterwards read them frequently. '
,_ 1 Life prefixed to hii Works London, 1801, and. 1307, 4 volt. 8vo, priooiy
pally written by Dr. Percy, bishop of Droaiore.*->JobD8on and Chalmers't
iSni^lish Poets, lS10.4^Life of Goldsmith by Sir fi, Bvydgei, in th» Cenfura Liu^
G o L I u s. ay
' In the tneati time (Gralius tnade so good use of EfpemusV
odrice, that be attained a perfect skill iii the Arabic
ibngue ; and in indulging^ his curiosity respecting the
(Customs and learning of that country, contriTed to ntiake^
hiitiself very agreeable to the doctors and courtiers. By
this means he became particuhirly serviceabl^e to the am-
bassador, who growing uneasy because his affairs were not
dispatched, was advised to present to his majesty a petition
written by Golius in the Arabic character and language^
mid in the Christian style, both circumstances rather novel
in that eomitry. The king was astonished at the beauty of
the petition, both ais to writing and style; and having^
learWed from the ambtassador that it was done by Golius^
desired to see him. At the audience, the king spoke to-
bita in Arabic, and Golius said in Spanish, that he under«
stood' fais majesty very well, but could not keep up a con*
versation in Arabic, by reason of its guttural pronunciation,
to which his throat was not sufficiently inured. This ex<^
cuse was accepted by the king, who granted the ambas*
sador^s request, and dispatched him immediately. Before
his departure, Golius had an opportunity of examining the
curiosities of Fes^, and took a plan of the royal palace,
which was afterwardii communicated to Mr. Windus, and
inserted in his "Journey to Mequinez," 1721, 8vo. Go-
lius brought with him to Holland several books unknown in
Europe ; and among dthers, \* The Annals of the Ancient
Kingdom of Fes and Morocco,^ which he resolved ta
translate. Re communicated every thing, to Erpenius,
who well knew the valuie of them, but did not live long
enough to enjoy the treasure ; that professor dying in Nov.
1Q24, after recommending this his best beloved scholar to the
curators of the university for his successor. The request
was complied with, and Golius saw liimself immediately
in the Arabic chair, which he filled so ably as to lessen
their sense of the loss of Erpenius. Being, however,, still
desirous of cultivating oriental languages and antiquities^
be applied to his superiors for leave to take a journey to
the Levant'; and obtained letters patent from the prince of
Orange, dated Nov. 25, 1G25. He set out immediately
for Aleppo, where he continued fifteen months; -after
whieli^ making excursions into Arabia, towards Mesopo-^
tamia; he went by land to Constantinople, in company
with Cornelius Hago, ambassador from Holland to the
Parte. Hens the governor of the coast of Propontis gave
84 G O L I U S.
I)im the use of his pleasant gardens and curious library y in
which retirement he applied himself wholly to the readinig
pf the Arabic historians and geographers, whose wrking»
were till then either unknown to, or bad not been perused
by him. Upon his return to the city, discovering occa-
sionally in conversation with the great men there a prodi-
gious memory of what he had read, he excited such admi-
r/ition, that a principal officer of the empire made him an
offer of a commission from the grand signor to take a sur-
vey of the whole empire, in order to describe the situation
of places with more exactness than was done in such maps
as they then had ; but he pretended that this would inter-
fere with the oath which he had taken to the States,
although his real fear arose from the danger of such an
undertaking. In this place also he found his skill in physic,
of infinite service in procuring him the favour and respect
of the grandees ; from whom, as he would take no fees, he
received many valuable and rich presents, and every liberal
offer to induce him to settle among them. But after a re-
sidence of four years, having in a great measure satisfied
^ bis thirst of eastern learning, and made himself master of
the Turkish, Persian, and Arabic tongues, he returned in
1629, laden with curious MSS. which have ever since been
valued among the richest treasures of the university library
at Leyden. As soon as he was settled at home, he began
to think of making the best use of some of these manuscripts
by communicating them to the public )> but first printed an
** Arabic Lexicon,'* 1653, folio; and a new edition of
*^ Erpenius's Grammar, enlarged with notes and additions ;^*
to which also ' he subjoined several pieces of poetry, ex-
tracted from the Arabian writers, particularly Tograi and
7. Ababella. One purpose on which he employed his know-
ledge and influence cannot be too highly commended. He
had been an eye-witness of the wr<3tched state of Chris-
sanity in the Mahometan countries, and with the com-
passion of a Christian, resolved,, therefore, to make hid
^ . skill in their language serviceable to them. With this
laudable view he procured an edition of the ^^ New Tea- <
tament*' in the original language, with a translation into
the vulgar Greek by an Archimandrite, which he prevailed
with the States to. present to the Greek churchy groaning
under the Mahometan tyranny ; and, as some of these
Christians use the Arabic tongue in divine service, he took
care to have dispersed among them an Arabic translsiitioiv
G O L I U S.
oF the confession of the reformed pfotestantg, together
with the catechism and liturgy *.
Intent as he was in promoting religion and learning
abroad, he did not neglect his duty at home, which was
now increased by the curators during his absence confer-
ring upon him, in addition to the former, the professorship
of mathematics, to which he was chosen in 1626. HC'dis-
charged, however, the functions of both with the highest re-
putation for forty years. He was also appointed interpreter
in ordinary to the States^ for the Arabic, Turkish, Persian,
and other eastern languages ; for which he had an annual
pension, and a present of a chain of gold with a very
beautiful medal, which he wore as a badge of his office.^
He went through the fatigue of all these duties with, the
less difficulty, as he always enjoyed a good state of health,
which he carefully preserved by strict temperance; and
his constitution was so firm, thatjn 1666, at the age of
seventy, he travelled on foot from the Meuse to the Waal,
a journey of fourteen hours. He died Sept. 28, 1667, as
much respected for his virtue and piety, as far his talents
and learning.
Although entitled to the character of an universal scholar,
his <:hief excellence lay in philology and the languages ; iri
wbieh his application and skill were such, that though he
•did not begin seriously to study the Persian language till
he was fifty- four, he made himself so much a master, as to
write a large dictionary of it, which was printed at London,
in Castell's ^^ Lexlcpn Heptaglotton." He was not less
acquainted with the Turkish language ; and made such a
progress in «he Chinese, that be was able to read and
understand 'their books; though he began late in life to
this study. Besides the books which he finished and
printed, he left several MSS. of others, which would have
been no ways inferior to them, had he lived to complete
them. He had begun a Geographical and Historical Die*
tionary for the £astern countries ; wherein the names of
* For thif purpose he employed an
AnnenwD, who understood the volj^r
Arabic, at well as the phrases conse-
crated io religion ; and could accom-
modate Golius'fl style to the capacity
of .erery body ^ otherwise his expres-
sion mifht probably hare been too
sublime and abstruse. Golius' kept
this Armenian two years and a half at
his house ; and pron&ised him tbt same
pension that the States had granted to
the Archimandrite, who translated tha
New Testament into vulgar Greek.
Yet he did not know whether the States
would be at the expence, nor did ha
propose the matter to them till thii
work was finished; however, they
agreed to his proposal, and likewise
made a hundsome present to himself.
86 G O L I U 6.
men and places throughput the ^ast w^ve expleiQed* He
had long given expectations of a new edition of jthe ^* Ko-
ran/' with a translation and confutation -pf it.
Amidst ail this profound literature, his religiop 19 said
to have been plain and practical. He l^oiented ajnd ab-*
borred the factions and disputes, especially ^bout indif-
ferent matters, which disgraced Christianity, and there-
fore had no inclination to enter into the controversies of
bis time. He married a lady of a very good family, and
. well allied, with whom he lived twenty-four. years, aad
who survived him, together with two sons, who studied
the civil law at Leyden, and became considerable men in
His publications, besides those already noticed, were,
1. *' The History of the Saracens, by Elmacin." Erpenius
began the version, which Golius completed, and it was
translated into English by Simon Ockley, Arabic professor
at Cambridge. 2. ** The Life of Tamerlane," v\:ritten in
Arabic by an author of great reputation, Leyden, 1636.
He had proposed a second edition of this some time be*
fore his death, and to print the text with vowels, with a
translation and commentary. 3. ^^ Alfragan's Elements of
Astronomy,'' with a new version, and learned commentaries
upon the first nine chapters, but he did not live to carry
these farther, and what we have was published after bis
death, in 1669, 4to.*
GOLIUS (Peter), brother to the preceding, excelled
likewise in the knowledge of the Arabic language, and
taught it in the seminary belonging to the Carmelites at
Home, into which order^ much against his brother's wUl^
he entered very early^ and now was of great service to
those monks who were intended to be sent on missions
into the east. Being himself appointed to this seryice, be
visited every part of Syria and Palestine, and founded a
monastery of his order on mount Libanus, over which he
presided till he was recalled to Rome. While abroad he
wrote a letter to his brother, informing him that instead
of the opposition and persecution which he expected, he
bad met with nothing but civilities and caresses from per*
sons of distinction, when they found that he was the
brother of James Golius, whom they still remembered with
the highest regard. At Rome he .was employed as one of
' Gea» Dict.-*-^roiiovii Funebr. Oratio Jac. GoIiL— Moreri.«— Saxli Ooomast.
G O L I U S. %1
th« principal MtistantB of Sergius RMus, archbishop of
Dafliagciifi, in preparing bis edition of the Arabic Bible^
irhich wa^ p«A>lisbed in 1 67 1 by the direction of the col-
lege ^^ De Propaganda.'' After k was completed, Golitit
was appointed visitor of the missions of the East Indies^
and died at Surat about 167S. He was author of transla-*
tions into Arabic of Thomas i Kempis' Imitation of Jesus
Christ ; of seritions on the Evangelists ; an ** Historic Dis-
course of St. G*«egory of Decapolis ;'' several small devo-
tional pieces, and a translation from Arabic into Latin, of
a " Cdlection of Parables and Proverbs." *
GOLTZIUS {HfiKaY), a celebrated engraver and painter,
was born in 1658, at Mulbrec, in the duchy of Juli^rs^
and learned bis art at Haerlera, where he married. An
asthmatic disor-der afterwards inclining him to travel iti
Italy, his friends remonstrated against this» but he an-
swered, that <' he bad rather die learning something, than
live in such a langaishing state." Accordingly, he passed
tlirongh most of the chief cities of Germany, where he
visited the painters, and the curious ; and went to Rome
and Naples, whet^ be studied the works of the best mas-
ters^ and designed a great number of pieces after them.
To prevent his being known, he passed for his man's ser-
vant^ pretending that he was maintained and kept by him
for his skill in painting ; and by this stratagem he came to
bear what was said of his works, without being known,
which afforded him no small amusement as well as instruc*
tion. His disguise, his diversion, the exercise of traveU
ling, and the different air of the countries through which*
be travelled, had such an effect upon his constitution, that'
he recovered his former health and vigour. He relapsed,
however, some time after, and died at Haerlem in 1617.
Mr. Evelyn has given the following testimony of his merit
a« a graver: "Henry Goltzius,'*" says he, *• was a Hol-
lander, and wanted only a good and judicious choice, to have
rendered him comparable to the profoundest masters that
ever handled the burin ^ for never did any exceed this rare
workman ; witness those things of his after Gasporo 'Celio,
&G. ; and in particular his incomparable imitations after
Lucas Van Leyden, in The Passion, the Christus Mortuus,'
or Piela ; and those other six pieces, in each of which bo
so accurately pursues Durer, Lucas, and some others of
1 Moi«ri.««-Foppen Bibl. Bel(.
81 . G O L T Z I U S.
the old masters, as makes it almost impossible to discern
the ingenious fraud.'' . As a paiuter he drew bis resources
from the study of the antique, of Raphael, Polidoro, and
Michael Angelo ; the last of whom appears to have been his
favourite, but whose faults he exaggerated in an out*
rageous manner, seldom attaining any of his beauties,'
Hence bis style of design is inflated and^. caricature ; and
bis expressions participate of the same taste ; but his
sense of hue in colour is ril:h, vigorous, and transparent.
It is as an engraver, however, that be deserves the highest
commendation, having never been surpassed, and seldpm
equalled in the command of the graver, and in freedom of
execution. ^
GOLTZIUS (Hubert), a German antiquary, was born;
at Venloo, in the duchy of Gueldres, in 1526. His father
was a painter, and be was himself bred^ up in this art,
leamiiig the principles of it from Lambert Lombard ; but
he seems to have quitted the pencil early in life, having a,
particular turn to antiquity,, and especially to the study of
medals, to which he entirely devoted himself. He con-'
sidered medals as the very foundation of true history;
and travelled through France, Germany, and Italy, in
order to make collections, and to draw iirom tbem what
lights he could. His reputation was so high in this respect/
that the cabinets of the curious were every where open to
him ; and on the same account he was honoured with the
freedom of the city of Rome in 1567^ He was the author
of several excellent works, in all which he applies medaU
to the illustration' of ancient history, and for the greater
accuracy, had them printed in his own house, and cor-t
rected tbem himself He also engraved the plates for the
medals with his own hands. Accordingly, his books were
admired all. over Europe, and thought an ornament to any
library; and succeeding antiquaries have bestowed the
highest praises upon tbem.^ Lipsius, speaking of the
*' Fasti Consulares," says, that '^ be knows not which to
admire most, his diligence in seeking so many coins, bia
happiness in finding, or his skill in engraving them.'-
Some, however, have said that although his works abound
^vith erudition, they must be read with some caution. Tb^
f^t seems to be, that all his works have many coini^ not yet
» {Itrutt'ff DictiQiiar7.--PicU Hist,
G O L t Z I U S. B9
foiind in cabinets, because bis own collection was unfor-<
tanatelj lost, yet the medals which he describes, and
which were, once looked upon as fictitious, are yearly
found really existent, and of undoubted antiquity. A
French writer compares him to Pliny the natural historian,
who was thought to deal much in falsehood, till time drew
the truth out of the well ; so that as knowledge advances^
most of bis wonders acquire gradual confirmation. Yet it
is certain that he was often imposed upon, and the caution
above given is not unnecessary. His coins of the Roman
tytants, for instance, are clearly false ; for they bea^ prek.
and COG. on the exergue^ which marks never occur on the
real coins. It has been also said that many errors of this
nature must be committed by a man, whose love and vene-*
ration for Roman antiquities was such, that he gave to all
bis children Roman names, such as Julius, Marcellus, &c.
so that he might easily receive for antiques what were not
so, out of pure fondness for any thing of that kind. Upon
this principle, it is probable, that he took, for his second
wifip, tb^ widow of the antiquary Martinius Smetius ; whom
he married more for the sake of Smetius's medals and in«
ficriptions than for any thing belonging to herself. She
was his second wife, and a shrew, who made his latter days
unhappy. He died at Bruges March 14, 1583.
. His works are, 1. ** Imperatorum fere omnium Vitae, ac
vivae Imaging, a C' Julio CaBsare ad Carolum V. ex vete*
ribus numismatibus," Antwerp, 1557, fol. afterwards trans*
lated into French, Italian, and Spanish* 2. '^ Fasti ma*.
gistratuum et Triumphorum Rpmanorum, ab urbe condita
usque ad Augusti obitum,^' Bruges, 1566 and 1571, folio*
3. ** De origine et statu populi Romani,^' &c. Bruges, 1566,
fol. Antwerp, 1618. 4, *^ Thesaurus rei Antiquarii," Ant.
iS79 and 1-618, 4to. 5. " Vita et res gestae C. Juliidae-
saris.'V 6r " Vita et res gest^ Augusti Caesaris," Bruges,
1580, fol. and Antwerp, 1617. 7. ^^ Historia Siciliae et
Magnae GrsBciae ex antiquis Qumismatibus,'* Antwerp, 1 644,
fol. which Mr. Pinkerton recommends as an introduction
to the study of the Greek coins. His whole works were
republished at 'Antwerp in 1644 and 1645, in 5 vols. fol.
by Balthasar Moretus, whose predecessors, the Plantins,
bad purchased Goltzius's printing-materials and plates.^
^ Melchior Adam io Titit Philos. — Pinkerton^s Essay oil Medals, Pref* p. 1^
sad 18.«p]llorejri>^-*Foppen Bibl, Self •-«'Saxii OnomattMon.
M G O M A R. .
GOMAR (FRAt^cis), eneoi the^great.oppofi^ii(» of Ar^
tnioivHs, and fron wiioxn the Caiviniste mere at one time
called Gomarists^ V9bs born at Bruges, Jan. 30, 1563. His
' father and mother, who were prote&tants, retired into the
palaftinate in 1578, and sent him to Strasburgh to study
under the celebrated John Sturmius. Three years after be
went to prosecute his studies at Newstad, where tkte pro«
feasors of Heidelberg found a vefn^e when Lewis, the ^ec*
tor palatine, had banished thetn because they were not
L.ti$berans« In 1582 he came to England, and heard at
Oxford the divinity lectures ^f Dr. John Rainoide, and at
Cambridge those of Dr. William Wbitsrker, and at this
latter university be was admitted to the degree of bachelor
of divinity, June, 1584., The'clector Lewis dying in 1583,
N prince Cadoiir, his brother, reoitared tbe professors of
Heidelberg, to wkicfa place Gomar returned from Cam*
bridge^ and spent two years. In 1 587 be accepted an in-
vitation from the Flemisfaf church at Francfort to be their
minister, and exercised the functkms <of that office until
1593, When his 3pck were dispersed by persecution. The
following year he was appointed professor of divi<nity at
Leyden, but before entering upon the office, he took bis
degree of doctor at Heidelberg. Here be remained quietly
until 1603, when liis colleague Arniinius began to place
himself at the bead of a party, known by his name ever
since, and Gomarus resisted him with a e^al which hi*
enemies have construed into bigotry and intolerance. Tbe
truth seems to have been that Arminiqs and his followers,
while they disputed with equal warmth, chose to repre-
sent the subjects of tbeir disputes as matters of indifference
which need not interrupt diurch-fellowship, while Goma-^
rus considered them as essentials. Vorstius having sue-*
eeeded Arminius, Gomarus fore3aw only a renewal of the
controversy under such a colleague, and retired to Mid->
dleburgh in 1611, where he preached and read lectured
until 1614. He was then invited by the university of Sau-
mur to be professor of divinity, and four years after he
exchanged this for the professorship of divinity and He*
brew at Groningen, where be remained during the re^t of
bis life. The only times when he was absent were, once
when he attended the synod of Dort, where the errors of
Arminius were condemned ; apd again when he went jto
Ley den in 1633 to revise tbe translation of the Old Test^
meat. He died Jan. 11, 1641. His various works, most
G O M A K. ^ M
of which had ibeen publidied jieparatdy, were printed to-
gether at AinsMsrda9i io d644,.foi. He was a man of ac-
kuowi«dged abilities^, especially in the Oriental langui^es^^
GOMBAULD (John Ogier de), a French poet, was
born in 1567^ M St. Ju»t de Lussac, near Brouage in
Saintongue. He vm$ a gentleman by birth, and his breed-
ing was suitable to it» After a foundation of grammar-
learning, be finished his studies at Bourdeaux ; and having
^one through most of the liberal sciences, under the best
masters of his time, be betook himself to Paris, in the
view of making tbe most of his parts ; for, being the cadet
of a fourth marriage by his father, his patrimonial financ<M
were a little short At Paris, he soon introduced himself
to the knowledge of the polite world, by sonnets, epi-
grams, and other jsmall poetical pieces, which were gene-
rally a4>plaiidfed; biut, reaping -little other benefit, he was
^li^ed to uae ihe strictest osconomy, to support a tolera-
ble figure at court, till the assassination of the king by
Ravillac, in 1610, provoked every muse in France. The
subject was <to the last degree interesting, and our poet
exerted his talent to the ^utmost in some verses which
pleasfd the ^ueen-regent, Mary de Medicis, so highly,
that 4(hp rewarded him with a pension of 1200 crowns ; nor
was there a ma^i of his condition, that had more free access
to her, or was more kindly received by her. He was also
in the i^ame favour with the s«icceeding regent^ Anne of
Austria, d,uring the miaorlty of Lewis XIV.
lo thfi fiiean time, lie was constantly seen at those meet^
ings of all the persons of quality and merit, which were
kept at thov bouse of Mad. ftambouiilet. This was like a
$mall choice court, less numerous indeed than that of the
Louvre, but, bad charms which entirely engaged the
heart of Gpmbauld ; and be frequented it with great plea-
Mire, as well as with more assiduity than any other, the
Lwv^e not excepted. Thus he passed his time in a way
the most agreeable to a poet, and at length devoted him-
self entirely to the belles lettres. He published several
tbiogs, of which the most admined was his /^ Endytoion,**
a romance in prose. It was printed in 1624. 2. ^ Ama-
r^tha, a Pastoral." S. A volume of <^ Poems." 4. A
voluoie of *^ Letters," all pufalisibed before 1652. He was
now aOfCOiinted one of those choice spirits, who make up
the ministry in the republic of lettersi und form the
schemes of its advancement. In this employ We iind bini
' atnong. those few men of wit, whose meetings in 1626 gave
rise to the Academy of Belles Lettres, founded by cardinal
Bichelieu ; and, accordingly, be became a member of that
society at its first institution. He was one of the three
who was appointed to examine the statutes of the new
academy in 1643, and he afterwards finished memoirs for
compIetiiSg them. On March 12, 1-635, he read a dis*-
course before tbe academy upon ^^ Je ne sgai quoi,'* which
was the sixth of those that for some years were pronounced
at their meetings the first day of every week.
He lived many years in the enjoyment of these honours,
and had his fortune increased by an additional pension
from M. Seguier, chancellor of France. I'hese marks of
esteem do honour to bis patroris, for he openly professed
the reformed religion, although in such. a manner as to
avoid giving offence/ or shocknig the prejudices of those
with whom he associated. He had always enjoyed very
good health; but, as he was one day walking in his room^
which was customary with him^ bis foot slipped ; and, fall*
ing down, be hurt himself so, that he was obliged almost
constantly to keep his bed to the end of his life, which
lasted near a century. However, in 1657, when at the
age of 90, he published a large collection of epigrams ;
and, many years after, a tragedj" called ^^ Danaides.^*
This was some time before his death ; which did not hap<^
pen till 1666. In manners he was modest and regular,
sincere in his piety, and proof agaiiist all temptations. He
was of a hot and hasty temper, much inclined to anger,
though be had a grave and reserved countenance. He was
also a man of wit, and not always very guarded iti the use
of it. Having shown one of hi« performances to cardinal
Richelieu, he said ^^ Here are some thiugs 1 do not under*-
stand.'" — '^That is not my fault," answered Gombauld,
and the cardinal wisely affected not to hear him. His post*
humous works wer6 printed in Holland in 1678, with this
title,- ^^ Trait^s & Lettres de Monsieur Gombauld sur la
Religion." They co^ntain religious discourses, and were
9iost esteemed of all his works by himself: be composed
them from a principle of charity, ^ith a design to convert
the catholics, and. confirm the protestants in their faith. \
} 6ra« DicUwMor«ri«^fiiof. CaUicai V^ L^NicesoD, vol. XXXIV.
GOMBERVILLE (Marin le Roi), Sieurde, an ingeni-
Qos French writer, was born at Cbeyreuse, in the diocese
of Paris, or as some say in Paris itself, in 1599. He wa»
early distinguished by some successful publications which,
had given him a literary reputation, and made him be en-
rolled among the number assembled by cardinal Richelieu
for the purpose of founding the French academy in 1635.
His first publications were romances and works of a light
nature, but at the age of forty-five he formed the resolu-
tion of consecrating his pen t6 religion, and adopted a
penitentiary course of )ife, which some think was more
strict at the commencement than at the termination of it.
He died June 14, 1674. One of the most curious of his
works, <* La doctrine des Mccurs, tir^e de la philosophie
des Stoiques, representee en cent tableaux,^' 1646, fol. is
perhaps now more admired f6r the plates than for the letter-
press.^ They are engraved by Peter Daret from d^sign^
by Otho Vsenius. In this work Gomberville assumes the
disgnised name of' Thalassius Basilides (Marin |e Roi)
His romances were " Caritce,'* " Polexandre," ** Cythe-t
rea,'* and " La jeune Alcidian^,'' published in 1733 by
roadame Gomez, who says that Gomberville left merely an
outline of it. His other works were, 1. ^^ Relation de la
riviere des Amazones,^' 1682, 2 vols. i2mo. 2. ^^ Memoires.
de Louis de Gonzague, due de Nevers,*' '1665, 2 vols. foU
3. << Discours des vertus et des vices de Thistoire,^' I620>
4to, and various pieces of sacred poistry, &c. *
GOMERSAL (Robert), a divine and poet of the seven-«
teenth century, was born at Lond6n in 1600, whence, he
was sent by his fetberin 1614 to Christ church, Oxford,
where, soon after his being entered, he was elected a stu^
dent on the royal foundation. At about seven years stand-
ing, he here took ^is degrees of bachelor and master of
arts, and before he left the university, which was in 1627^
he had the degree of bachelor of divinity conferred on him.
Being now in orders, he distinguished himself as a preacher
at the university. For some time, during the plague at
Oxford, he resided at Flower in Northamptonshire, and was
afterwafds vicar of Thorncombe in Devonshire, where it is
probable that he resided till his death, which was in 1646,
He was accounted a good preacher, and printed a volume,
of ^^ Sermons,*' Lond. 1634, which were well esteemed.
> NUtreo, ▼©!. XXXVm.— MOreri.
As a devotee to the Muses, be publisbed several poems $
J^articularly a sort of heroic attempt, called the ^^ LeviteV
Revenge^" being meditations^ m v^se, on the Idth and
20th chapters of Judges^ and a tragedy called ^* Leiomck
. Sforza, duke of Milan/' 1632, 12mo. Both were reprinted;
with a few occa»ional verses iir 1633, 12^10) reprinted
in 1638. >
GOMEZ DB CiviDAD RtAL (Alvabez), a Spanish La-
tin poet, was born in 1488 at Guadalaxara in Spain, and
was page of honour to archduke Charles, afterwards em-
peror. He possessed a great facility in writing Latin verse,
which is seen by his ** Thalia Christiana^'' or the triumph
of Jesus Christ, in (wenty-five books : ** Musa Paulina,"
or the epistles of St. Paul, in elegiac verse : the Proverbs^
of Solomon, and other works of a similar kind; but his
poem on the order of the golden fleece, published in 1 5^,
8vo, entitled " De PrincipisBurgundi Militia quam. VeU
leris aurei vocant," is perhaps the only one now read, and-
more suitable to his talents than the preceding^ in which
he introduced a tasteless mixture of pagan and Christian
personages. He died July 14, 1538.'
GOMEZ DE Castro (Alvarez), was born ^t St. Eulaiia,
near Toledo, in 1515, and was educated at Alcala, where
he obtained a high character for diligence and learning.
He was patronized "by Philip 11. who engaged him to pre-
pare an edition of the works of Isidore, wbich death pre*
vented him from completing. It was afterwards finished
and published by John Grialus. hm was author of many
works ; but the most esteemed is a ^' Life of Cardinal
Ximenes,V 1569, folio, and afterwards inserted in a collec-
tion of the writers on Spanish history. Gomez died in 1 580,*
GOMEZ (Magdalen Angelica Poisson db), a French
lady, whose romanced and tales are known iti this country
by translations, was the daughter of Paul Poisson, a piayer,
and was born at Par^s in 1684. She was courted by M. de
Gomez, a Spanish gentleman of small fortune, who, know-
ing her talents, foresaw many advantages from an union
with her, while she, in accepting him, appears to have
been deceive^d concerning his circumstances. Her works,
however, procured some pensions, by which she was ena-
bled to live at St. Germain-en-Laye till 1770, in which
1 Ath. Ox. vol. I.— Biog. Dram. — Gilchrist's edition of Corbet's Poems, p. 67.
• Antonio Bibl. Hisp.r^Moreri. — Dicr. Hist.
^ Ant. Bibl. Hisp.—j^tfreri.— Clement Bib). Ciirieuse.
G O M £ Z. 95
jear she died» respected by alt who knew her. This tady
left some tragedies^ which may be found in her ^^ Miscel->
laneous Works^'' 12019^ but were all unsuccessful^ and a
great number of romances. *^ Les Journ6es Aoausantes/*
H vols. ; " Crementine/* 2 vols. ; " Anecdots Persanes/' 2
vols. ; " Hist, du Comte d'Oxford,*' one vol. ; ",La Jeune
Alcidiane,** 3 vols, (see Gomberville) ; ^< Les Cent Nou-*
veiles Nouvelles,^' 36 parts comprised in 8 vols. These
are all well written, and with great delicacy, and were at
one time very popular in France..*
GONET (John Baptist), a learned Dominican,; was
born at Beziers in 1616* After having gone into the churchy
and been admitted to the degree of doctor of divinity by
the university of Bourdeaux in 1640, he held the profes-
sorship of theology in that university till 1671, when he
was appointed provincial amopg the Dominican friars. He
died at Beziers in 1681. He was author of a system of
divinity, entitled " Clypseus Theologiae Thomisticse, contra
novos ejus impugnatores,*' Bdurdeaux, 1666, in eighteen
volumes, 12mo, afterwards enlarged in five volumes, folio.
He was likewise author of a ^' Manuale Thomistarum, seu
brevis TheologiaD Cursus,'' which has passed through dif-
fbrent editions, of which the best was published at Lyons
iii 1681 ; and *^ Dissertatio Theologica de Probabilitate." •
GONGORA (Lewis de), a Spanish poet, was born al
Cordova, in 1562, of a very distinguished family. H9
atiidied at Salamanca, and was known to have a talent for
poetry, though he liever could be prevailed on to «publisb
any thing. Going into orders, he was made chaplain to
the king, and prebendary of the church of Cordova, ia
which station he died, in 1627. His works are all posthu-*
mous, and consist of sonnets, elegies, heroic verses, a
comedy, anragedy, &c. and have been published several
times under the title of ^^ Obras de Dom. Louis de Gon*
gora-y- Argore," 4to* The best edition is that with notes
by D. Garcia de Salcedo Coronel, Madrid, 1636 — 1648,
3 vols. 4to. The Spaniards have so high an idea of thi^
poet, as to entitle him prince of the poets of their nation,,
and notes and commentaries have been written on his
works ; but he is not free from affectation in the use of
figures, a false sublime^ and an obscure and embarrassed
diction.' '
> Diet. Hist. * Gen. Diet.-— Morcri.
* Anlanie liibl. Hitp.— I^ortri. — Diet. Hiiu
99 • G d N 2 A G A.
GO^ZAGA (LucRETiA), a lady of the sixteenth cett-
tury, remarkable for her wit^ and high birth, is chiefly
known, and that very imperfectly,, from a collection of
her letters, printed at Venice in 1552. By these she ap«
pears to have beeti learned, and somewhat of a critic in
Aristotle and ^schylus. All the wits of her time are full
of their encomiums on her : and Hortensio Landi, besides
singing her praises most zealously, dedicated to her a
piece, " Upon moderating the passions of the soul,'* writ-*
ten in Italian. If, however, it be true that this Horatia
Landi wrote the whole of the letters attributed to Lucretia,
it is difficult to know what to believe of the history of the
latter. Her marriage at thq age of fourteen with Johi>
Paul Manfroni was unhappy. He engaged in a conspiracy
against the duke of Ferrara; was detected and imprisoned
by him ; but, though condemned, not put to death. Lu-
cretia, in this emergency, applied to all the powers ini
Europe to intercede for him ; and even solicited the grand
signior to make himself master of the castle, where her
husband was kept. During this time, although she was not
permitted to visit him, they could write to each othen But
all her endeavours were vain ; for he died in prison in 1 552^
having shewn such an impatience under his misfortunes a»
made it imagined he lost his senses. She never would
listen afterwards to any proposals of marriage, though se«>
veral were made her. Of four children, which she had»
there were bpt two daughters left, whom she placed in
nunneries. All that came from her pen was so much es«
teemed,^ that a collection was made even of the notes she
wrote to her servants : several of which are to be met with
in the above-mentioned edition of her letters. She died
at Mantua in 1^76.^
GOODAL (Walter), a Scotch antiquary, the eldest
son of John Goodal, a farmer in Banfshire, Scotland, was
born about. 1706. In 1 723 he entered himself a student ia
King^s college. Old Aberdeen, but did not continue there
long enough to take a degree. In 1730 he obtained em-
ployment in the Advocates' library, Edinburgh, of which
he was formally appointed librarian in 1735. He now as«
sisted the celebrated Thomas Ruddiman in compiling the
catalogue of that library, upon the plan of the *^ Biblio-
tfaeca C^rdinalis Imperialis,'' and it was published in foU^
» Gen. Diet. — ^Tiraboscbi. — ^Moreri.
G O O D A L. 97
in 1742. About the same time he projected a life of Mary
queen of Scots, to whose cause he was inflexibly devoted ^
but this design appears to have been relinquished for his^
publication, entitled ** An Examination of the Letters said
to be written by Mary to James earl of Boihwell/' 1754,^
2 vols. 8vo, in which he endeavoured to prove these letters
to be forgeries. In this work it is said that he had done
more, had he had less prejudice, and greater coolness. He
certainly had diligence of research, sagacity of investiga-
tion, and keenness of remark ; but his zeal sometimes car-
ried him out of his course, his prejudice often blunted his
acuteness, and his desire of recrimination never failed to
enfeeble the strength of his criticism. In 1754 he pub-
lished an edition, with emendatory notes, of sir John Scot's
^^ Staggering state of Scots Statesmen,** and wrote a pre-
face and life to sir James Balfour's ** Practicks.** He con-^
tributed also to Keith's ** New Catalogue of Scotch
Bishops," and published an edition of Fordun's ^' Scotir
chronicon," which was not executed with judgment. His
introduction to it was afterwards translated into English,
and published at London in 1769. He died July 2^9 1766,
io very poor circumstances, owing to a habit of intemper-
GOODMAN (Christopher), a noted puritan, who has
been sometimes classed among the reformers of religion in
Scotland, was born at Chester about 1520, and in 1536
entered a student of Brazennase college, Oxford, where he
took both degrees in arts. In 1547 he was constituted one
of the senior students of Christ chufch, of the foundation
of Henry VIlI. About the end of the reign of king Ed-
ward VI. he was admitted to the reading of the sentences,
and chosen divinity lecturer of the university. On the
accession' of queen Mary he was obliged to quit the king-
dom, with many other prptestants, and retire to Francfort.
Here he became involved in the disputes which arose
among the English exiles respecting forms of divine wor-
ship, some adhering to the model of the church of Eng-
land, as far as appeared in the Book of Common Prayer,
and others, among whom was Goodman, contending for a
more simple form. After these disputes had occasioned a
separation among men whose common sufferings might
have made them overlook lesser matters, Goodman went
/ ■' • . • •,..»•••.*'
1 Life of Rn^dimaQ^ by Mr. George Chalmen, pp. 127, 167.
Vou XVI. H
to Genevfty where he and the celebrated John Knox were
chosen pastors of the English church, and remained therci
until the death of queen Mary. While there he assisted
Knox in compiling ** The Book of Common Order," which
was used as a directory of worship in their congregations,
and he is said to have taken- a part in the Geneva transia*
tion of the Bible. On the accession of queen Elizabeth^
he went into Scotland, where, in 1560, he was appointed
minister at St. Andrew's, and in other respects by his pub-
lic services assisted in establishing the reformation in that
nation. About 1565 he removed to England, and accom-
panied sir Henry Sidney in his expedition against the rebels
in Ireland, in the character of chaplain. In 1571 he was
cited before archbishop Parker, for having published, du-
ring his exile, a book answering ^he question ^' How far
iuperior powers ought to be obeyed of their subjects, and
wherein they may be lawfully, by God's word, obeyed and
resisted ?" This had been written against the tyrannical
proce^edings of queen Mary ; but, as his positions were of a
kind too general not to be applicable to sovereigns of ano-^
ther description, and become an apology for rebellion, he
consented to a recantation, and an avowal of his loyalty to
queen Elizabeth. He lived many years after this, and was
preacher at Chester, where he died in 1601, or 1602.
Besides the above mentioned, he wrote ^' A Commentary
©n Amos," but not, as Wood says, **The first blast of the
Trumpet against the monstrous regiment of Women,'*
which was written by Knox.^
GOODMAN (Godfrey), an English prelate, and the
only one who forsook the church of England for that of
Home since the reformation, was born at Ruthvyn in Den-
l>ighshire, 1583. He was educated at Westminster school,
whence, in 1600, be went to Trinity college, Cambridge.
After taking orders, he got the living of Stapleford Abbots
.in Essex in 1607. Becoming acknowledged at court as a
celebrated preacher, he obtained in 1617, a canonry of
Windsor; in 1620, the deanery of Rochester, and in 1625
was consecrated bishop of Gloucester. In 1639, he re-
fused to sign the seventeen canons of doctrine and disci-
pline drawn up in a synod, and enjoined by archbishop
Laud^ who, after admonishing him three times, procured
■ Ath. Ox. ToL I.— -Sirype's Life of Parker, p. 43, 49K— &k»>ttni lifCt of
the Scotch RclbaDeiB.-*P€ok't Detid«r«ta, vol. !•
liim to be suspended, and it appeared soon after Chat he
was in all principles a Roman catholic. After this, and
during the rebellion, be lived privately in Westminster,
employing much of his time in researches in the Cottonian
library. He died, in the open profession of popery, Jan.
19, 1655. He wrote, U *^ The Fall of Man, and Corroption
of Nature, proved by reason/' 1616, 1624, 4to. 2. ** Ar-
guments and Animadversions on Dr. George HackwiPs
Apol<^[y for Divine Providence." 3. ^* The two mysteries
of Christian Religion^ viz. the Trinity and Incarnation,
explicated," 1653, 4to. 4. ^^ An Account of his Suffer-
ings,'' 1650. 5. "The Court of King James by Sit An-
thony Weldon reviewed," a MS. in the Bodleian. ^
GOODRICH (Thomas), an eminent English prelate,
was the second son of Edward Goodrich of East Kirby in
Lincolnshire. He was admitted pensioner of Bene*t col-
lege, Cambridge, soon after 1 500, became fellow of Jesus
college in 1510, commenced M. A. in 1514, and the fol-
lowing year wais proctor of the university. Being of a
studious turn, he n^ade gneat proficiency in several branches
of learning, particularly in the civil and canon laws. In
1529, he was appointed one of the syndics to return an
answer from the university of Cambridge, concerning the
lawfulness of king Henry VIII.'s marriage with queen Ca-
therine : and from his readiness to oblige Che king in that
business, was recommended to his royal favour. He was
presented to the rectory of St. Peter's Cheap in London,
by cardinal Wolsey, at that time commendatory of the
monastery of St. Alban's ; and soon after was made canon
of St. Stephen's, Westminster, and chaplain to the king*
On the death of Dr. West, bishop of Ely, his nephew and
godson Dr. Nicholas Hawkins, archdeacon of Ely, at that
time the king's ambassador in foreign parts, was designed
to succeed him ; but he dying before his consecration
could be effected, the king granted his licence to the prior
and convent, dated March 6, 1534, to choose themselves a
bishop; who immediately elected in their chapter-house
the 17th of the same month, Thomas Goodrich, S.T.P.
-which was the archbishop April ISth follow-
ing, in the parish church of Croydon.
Being a zealous promoter of the reformation, soon after
I FoUer't Clmrch Hilt. Book XI. p. 170.— Wortfaiei.— *Gent Mag. voU
UCXVIII.— Lloyd's Memoirs, foiioi p.SOK— Vther^s Life and Letters, p«
5S3«^IMd's Clu Hwt. toI. UL
H 2
his arrival be visited the prior and convent of Ely ; and
next year sent a mandate to all the clergy of his diocese,
dated at Somersham June 27, 1535, with orders to erase
the name of the pope out of all their books, and to pub-^
lish in their churches that the pope had no further, autho-
rity in this kingdom. Thia mandate is printed in Bent-
ham's ** History of Ely Cathedral," together with his in*
juncdons, dated from Ely, Oct 21, 1541, to the clergy,''
to see that all images, relics, table-monuments of miracles,
shrines, &c. be so totally demolished and obliterated, with
all speed and diligence, that no remains or memory might
be found of them for the future.** These injunctions were
so completely executed in his cathedral, and other churches
in the diocese of Ely, that no traces remain. of many fa-
nous shrines and altars, which formerly were the objects
of frequent resort, nor any signs at all that they had ever
existed. .
. In 1540 he was appointed by the convocation to be one
of the revisers of the translation of the New Testament^
and St. John's gospel was allotted to his share. He was
also named one of the commissioners for reforming the ec-
clesiastical laws, both by Henry V HI. and Edward VI. as
well as by the university of Cambridge ; and had a hand in
compiling the ** Common Prayer Book" of tlie church of
England, 154S; and likewise ''The Institution of a Chris-
tian Man,'* which was called the Bishops' Book, as being
.composed by archbishop Cranmer, and the bishops
Stokesly, Gardiner, Sampson, Repps, Goodrich, Latimer,
Shaxtou, Fox, Barlow, &c. Besides this, he was of the
.privy council to king Henry VIIL and Edward VI. and em*-
ployed by them in several embassies, and other business
of the state. In 155 hy he, was made lord chancellor of
England, in the room of lord Rich, which office he dis-«
charged with singular reputation of integrity, though in
matters of religipn he was suspected by some, of too much
disposition to temporize ia favour of popery,^ upon the
accession of queen Mary ; and Dodd, though . somewhat
faintly, claims him as a popish bishop. It is certain he
was.suffered to retain his bishopric, to hb death, although
the seals were taken from him. He was esteemed a patron
of learned men ; and expended large sums in building jind
embellishing his palaces, particularly at Ely, where the
long gallery carries tokens of his munificence. He died at
Somersham May 10, 1554 ; and waa .buried in the middle
G O O D R I C If . 101
<rf the presbytery of his cathedral church, under a marble,
with his effigies in brass, mitred, in his pontifical habit,'
and the great seal, as lord chancellor, in one of his hands,
and an inscription round it'
GOODWIN (John), one of the most violent of the re-
publican sectaries in the time of Charles I. but whom no
sect seems to own, was born in 1593, and educated at
Queen's college, Cambridge. In 1633 he was presented
to the living of St. Stephen's, Coleman-street, from which
he was turned out by what was called the *' committee for
plundered ministers,'' because he refused to baptise the
children of his parish promiscuously, and refused to ad-
minister the sacrament to his whole parish. He was an
independent, and carried on many warm disputes with the
presby terian party. What was more singular in these days,
was his embracing the Arminian doctrines, which he de-
fended with great vigour both by the pulpit and press ;
and such was the general turbulence of his temper, -and
conceit in his own opinions, that he is said to have been
against every man, and every man against him. Being a
decided republican, he peculiarly gratified the satage spi-
rit of the times by promoting the condemnation of the
king, which he afterwards endeavoured to justify in a
pamphlet called ^* The Obstructors of Jiistice," the wicked-
ness, absurdity, and impiety of which Mr. Neal has very
candidly exposed. At the restoration it was thought he
would have been excepted from the act of indemnity, but,
although he afterwards was permitted to live, a proclama-
tion was issued in 1660 against the above pamphlet, and
in that he is stated to have been ** late of Coleman-street,
clerk," and to have fled. His pamphlet was burnt by the
hands of the hangman. Returnipg afterwards, he kept a
private conventicle in Coleman-street, where he died in
1665. His works, now in very little repute, are chiefly
theological, among which the following may be mentioned:
" Redemption Redeemed," in folio. " The divine Autho-
rity of the Scriptures," 4to ; " An Exposition of the Ninth
Chapter of the Epistle of St Paul to the Romans," 4to.'
GOODWIN (Thomas), a famous nonconformist of the
independent class, was born in 1600 at Rotesby in Norfolk,
1 Benthmm't Hist of Bly.'-^Matter's Hist of C. C. C. G.^Burnet'e Reforma.
tioii,Tol II. p. S75.— Strype's Cranmer, pp. 30, 51, 134, 185, S38, S30, 233,
857, 303, 504, 41 2.— Strype's Parker, p. 16, 30, 360.
> Calamy.— Meal't Purium.'r-Bar low's Remaiot, p. 123.
and was sent, when he was thirteen years old» ta Christ
Church college, Cambridge, where he took his bachelor^s de-^
gree in 1617, and applied himself with so much diligence to
his studies, as to attract much notice in the university. Ja
1619 he was removed to Catherine-hall, of which be be-
came a fellow. Having taken orders, he was, elected lec<*
turer of Trinity church, in Cambridge, in 1628 ; in 1630
he took his degree of B.D. and in 1632 he was presented
by the king to the vicarage of the same church. In these
employments he was greatly admired and followed by the
puritans, who began to look up to him as a leader, but be-
coming dissatisfied with the terms of conformity, be re-
linquished his preferments, and quitted the university in
1634, and to avoid the consequences of his nonconform
ipity, went afterwards to Holland, where be was chosen
pastor to an independent congregation at Arnbeim. When
the parliament bad usurped all church authority, he re-
turned to London, and became a member of the Assembly
of divines, with whom, however, he did not always agree*
But his attachment to the independent party contributed
to render him a favourite with Cromwell, through whose
influence he was, in J 649, made one of the commissioners
for the approbation of public preachers, and also appointed
president of Magdalen college, Oxford. Here he formed
a meeting upon, the independent plan, or rather converted
the college into a meeting of that description, but was not
inattentive to the interests of learning. His intimacy and
favour with Cromwell seems to have been fatal to his good
sense, and probably the usurper's hypocrisy deceived him*
When he attended Cromwell upon his death-bed, he was
overheard to express himself with presumptuous confidence
on the protector's recovery ; and when the event proved
him mistaken, be exclaimed in a subsequent prayer to
God, " thou hast deceived us, and we are deceived." But
he was not the only one of the nonconformists of that
age who fancied themselves endued with extraordinary
powers. After the restoration he was ejected from Ox-
ford, and retired to London, where he was permitted to
continue in the exercise of the ministry till his death in
1679. He was buried in Bunhill-fields, where a monument
was erected to his memory, with a long Latin inscription.
He was certainly a considerable scholar, and a learned and
eminent divine. In the register at Oxford he is described
<^ in scriptis in re theologica quamplurimis Orbi notus.^'
He was a high Calvinist ; but, while he zealously enforced
what he conceived to be the doctrines of CbristiaQity, he
did not forget to enforce by every incitement in his power
the necessity of pure moral conduct He was author of
numerous pious and controversial pieces^ sermons, expa«
sitipnsy &c. some of which were printed during his life-time^
and inserted, after his death, in a coll^ection of his works
published in five volumes folio. ^
< GOOGE (Barnaby) was a celebrated poet and transla-«
tor, who lived in the sixteenth century, but of whom little
*is known, unless that be was educated at Christ's College^
Cambridge, whence he removed to Staples Inn. ' Mr*
Ellis conjectures that he might have been born about 1538*
We have no doubt that be was the same Barnaby Googe
who ,was a relation and retainer to sir William Cecil, queen
Elizabeth's minister, and who was gentleman -pensioner tQ
the queen. Mr. Churton thinks, with great probability^
that he was the father of Barnaby Googe, master of Mag«
dalen college, Cambridge, who was incorporated at Ox«
ford in August 1605, when king James was there. In 1563
he published a very elegant little volume, now of the
greatest rarity, entitled ^^Eglogs, Epitaphs, and Sonnetes;*?
One of the sonnets, superior, as the rest are, in point of
harmony, to most of the productions of those days, is ad<»
dressed to Alexander Nowell, aftervyards the. celebrated
dean of St. Paurs, and reprinted in Mr. Churton's ela«
borate life .of that divine^ It is said there are only two
copies of this volume in existence, one in the possession of
Mr, Heber, who purchased it at George Steevens's sale, and
the other in the library of Trinity college, Cambridge*
Cooge's principal translation was the ^^ Zodiakeof Life,**
from Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus, a very moral, but
tiresome satire, perfectly unconnected with astronomy, the
author merely distinguishing each of the twelve books of
his poem by the name of a celestial sign. The first three
books appeared in 1 560, and the first six in 1561; the whole
was printed complete in. 1565, 12mo. In 1570 he translated
from. Naogeorgus, a poem on Antichrist ; in 1577, Here*
baches oBcooomical treatise on agriculture; and in 1&79»
Lopes de Mendoza's Spanish proverbs, and afterwards
Aristotle's ^^ Table of the Ten Categories." The few spe-^
» Calamy.— rAth. Ox. vol. IL— Ncal'i Puritanf .
104 G O 1R D O N.
cimeiis published from these very rare works are highly^
favourable to the author^s talents and principles. ^
GORDON (Alexander), a native of Scotland, was an
excellent draughtsman, and a good Grecian, who resided
many years in Italy, visited mostparts of that country, and
had also travelled into France, Germany, &c. In 1736
he was appointed secretary to the society for the encoil-
ragement of learning, witt^ an annual salary of 50/. which
he resigned in 1739. In ihe same year (1736) he suc-
ceeded Dr. Stukeley as secretary to the society of anti*
quaries, which office he resigned in 1741 to Mr. Joseph
Ames, and was for a short time secretary to the Egyptian
club, composed of gentlemen who had visited Egypt, viz*
lord Sandwich, Dr. Shaw, Dr. Pococke, &c. In 1741 he
went to Carolina with governor Glen, where, besides a
grant of land, he had several offices, such as register of
the province, &c. ; and died about 1750, a justice of the
peace, leaving a handsome estate to his family. He pub-'
lished, 1. <^ Itinerarium Septentrionale, or a Journey
through most parts of the counties of Scotland, in two^
parts, with 66 copper-plates, 1726," folio. 2. "Addi-
tions and Corrections, by way of supplement, to the Itine-
rarium Septentrionale ; containing several dissertations on,
and descriptions of, lloman antiquities, discovered in Scot-
land since publishing the said Itinerary. Together with
observations on other ancient monuments found in the
North of England, never before published, 1732,^' folio.
A Latin edition of the '^ Itinerarium^' including the Sup-
plement, was printed in Holland, in 1731. 3. "The Lives
of pope Alexander VI. aiid his son Cse^ar Borgia, compre-
hending the wars in the reign of Charles VIIL and Lewis,
XII. kings of France ; and the chief transactions and revo-
lutions in Italy, from 1492 to 1516. With an appendix of
original pieces referred to in the work, 1729,*' folio. 4.
*< A complete History of the ancient Amphitheatres, more
particularly regarding the Architecture of these buildings,
and in particular that of Verona, by the marquis Scipio
MafFei; translated from the Italian, 1730,*' 8vo, after-
wards enlarged in a second edition. 5. ** An Essay to-
wards explaining the Hieroglyphical Figures on the Cof-
fin of the ancient Mummy belonging to capt. WiUiam
^ Phillips's Tbeatram edited by sir E. BiydgM.— Churton's Irfe of Nowell,— «
WartOD's Hist, of Poe;ry.— Strype's Life of Parker^ p. 144.— Ellii^s Specsimeoi.
•-^Censttra Iiteraria> vd. II. and V.
GORDON. 105 i
LethieulHer, 1737," folio, with cuts. 6. "Twenty-five
plates of all the! Egyptian Mummies, and other £gyptiaii
Antiquities in England," about 1739, folio. ^
GORDON (Bernard), a French physician of the thir-
teendi century, is said to have conferred honour on the
medical faculty of Mt>ntpellier, where he began to teach
and to {Practise m i^^5. As was the custom of the time^
he tot>k bis surname^from the place of his birth (Gordon, in
Rouvergne), and AtUed himself Bernardns de Gordonio,
and not Gordoniis, as it is commoiily written. According
to the accounts of some writers, who place the death of
this physician in 1305, be taught at Montpellier only twenty
years ; but others say that he was living in 1318. He left
aiconstderable number of treatises, which were published
together at Ferrara in 1487, at Venice in 1494, at Paris in
1542, and at Lyons in 1550.*
GORDON (James), a Scotch Jesuit, of the noble fa-
mily of Gordon, was born in 1543, and educated at Rome,
where he became a Jesuit, Sept. 20, 1563, and was created
D.D. in 1569.' He was professor of Hebrew and divinity
for nearly fifty years in several parts of Europe, Rortie,
Paris, Bourdeaux, Pont a Mousson, &c. and acquired
great reputatfon for learning and acuteness. He was em-^
ployed as a missionary in England and Scotland, and was
twice imprisoned for his zeal in making converts. He was
also frequently employed by the general of his order in
negociating their affairs, for which he had every requisite
talent. Alegambe describes him as a saint, without a par-
ticle of human frailty, but Dodd allows that he lived very
much in a state of dissipation^ yet was regular in all the
austerities of bis profession. He died at Paris, April 16,
1620. His only writings are ^^ Controversiarum Fidei Epi-
tome,'' in three parts or volumes, 8vo, the first printed at
Limog^ 1612, the second at Paris, and the third at Co-
logn io 1620. There was another James Gordon, of the
family of Lesmore, also a Scotch Jesuit, who was born at
or near Aberdeen in 1553, and died at Paris, Nov. 17,
1641. He wrote a commentary on the Bible, ** Biblia
Sacra, cum Comiiienttfriis, &c.'* Paris^ 3 vols. fol. 1632^
which Dnpin seems to think an useful ahd judicious work.
He wrote idsp some historical and chronological works,
*~Nic1iolt^ Bowyeir.
* ten^ Cyclopedia, from El07.^MftGlL«ii>M>i Sootch WnUn, yl I. p. 439.
enumerated by Alegambe, aad a system of moral lheo««
logy, &c.*
GORDON (Thomas), a native of Scotland, and once.
distinguished by bis party writings on political and religious
subjects, was born at Kirgudbrigbt in Galloway, about the
end of the seventeenth century. He had an university
education, and went through the common course of aca«
demical studies ; but whether at Aberdeen or St. Andrew's
i$ uncertain. When a young man he came to London^
and at first supported himself by teaching the languages,;
but afterwards commenced party writer, and was employed
by the earl of Oxford in queen Anne's time; but we know
not in what capacity. He first distinguished himself in the
Bangorian controversy by two pamphlets in defence of
Boadly, which recommended him to Mr. Trenchard, an
author of the same stamp, who took him into his house, at
first as his amanuensis, and afterwards into partnership, as
an author. In 1720, they began to publish, in coBJuncr
tion, a series of letters, under the name of *^ Cato," upon
various and important subjects relating to the public.
About the same time they published another periodical
paper, under the title of ^^ The Independent Whig,'* which
was continued some years after Trenchard's death by Gor*
don alone. The same spirit which appfears, with more
decent language, in Cato's letters against the administra-
tion in the state, shews itself in this work in much more
glaring colours against the hierarchy in the church. It is»
in truth, a gross and indecent libel on the established re-
Iigion» which, however, Gordon was admirably qualified
to write, as be had no religion of his own to check his in-
temperate sallies. After Trenchard's death, the minister,
sir Robert Walpole, knowing his popular talents,. took him
into pay to defend his measures, for which end hd wrote
several pamphlets. At the time of his death, July 28, 1750,
'\ie was first commissioner of the wine-licences, an of-
fice which he had enjoyed many years, and which di-
minished his patriotism surprisingly. He was twice mar-
ried. His second wife was the widow of his friend Tren-
chard; by whom he had children, and who survived him.
Two collections of his tracts have been preserved : the
first entitled, ^< A Cordial for Lo\y-spirits,'' in ^hree volumes;
and the second, << The Pillars of Priestcraft and Ortho-
> Alagtmb* Bibl Script Societal. Jetui.— Dodd's Church Hiftsiy, vol. II.
doxy shaken,^' in two volumes. But these^ like many other
posthumous pieces, had better have been suppressed. His
translations of Sallust and Tacitus, now, perhaps, contri-
bute more to preserve his name, although without confer*^
ring much reputation on it. His Tacitus appeared in 2
vols. fol. in 1728, with discoursiss taken from foreign com**
mentators and translators of that historian. Sit Robert
Walpole patronised a subscription for the work, which
was very successful; but no classic was perhaps ever so
miserably mangled. His style is extremely vulgar, yet
affected, and abounds with abrupt and inharmonious pe<«
riods, totally destitute of any resemblance to the original,
while the translator fancied he was giving a corre<^t imi-*
tatioh. *
GORDON (William), an Anglo-American divine and
historian, and minister ait Roxburg in Massachusetts, was
born at Hitchin, in Hertfordshire, in 1729, and educated
a^ a dissenting academy in or near London. He was afters-
wards pastor of an independent congregation at Ipswich^
where he officiated for several years. In 1772 he went to
America, and settled at Roxburg. When the revolution
commenced in America, he took a very active part. against
his native country, and was appointed chaplain to the pro-
vincial congress of Massachusetts. In 1776 he appears first
to have conceived the design of writing the history of the
revolution and war, and began to collect materials on the
spot, in which he was assisted by the communication of
state papers, and the correspondence of Washington and
the other generals who had made a distinguished figure in
the field. In 1786 he came to England, and in 1788 pub*
lished, in 4 vols. 8vo, " The History of the rise, progress,
and establishment of the Independence of the United States
of America.*' This, however, is rather a collection of facts,
than a regular history, for the writing of which, indeed,
the author had no talent ; his style is vulgar and confused,
and his reflections common-place. The best parts of it
occur where he made most use of Dodsley^s Annual Re*
gister. The colouring he attempts to give, as may be
expected, is entirely unfavourable to the English, nor does
he endeavour to disguise his partialities. He is said to
have published also some sermons ; a pamphlet recom-
1 Bio|^. Brit. art. Trenchard.^WhistOD's MS notes M the first tditioa of
this Dictionary.
10$ O O R D o N:
mending a society for the benefit of widows, another istgainst
the doctrine of universal redemption, and an abridgment
of Edwards, *^ on religious affections.*' He appears not
to have returned to America after the publication of his
history, but to have resided partly at St. Neots, and partly
at Ipswich, at which last he died in 1807.^
GORE (Thomas), a heraldic writer, was bom of an an^
cient family at Alderton, in Wiltshire, in 1631, and was
educated at Magdalen college, Oxford. Thence he went
to Lincoln*s-inn, but probably with no serious purpose to
study the law, as he retired afterwards to his patrimony at
Alderton. ]9ere his property entitled him to the honour
of being appointed high sheriff of Wiltshire in 1680, at
which time some unjust aspersions on his character ibduced
him to write a defence entitled '^ Loyalty displayed, and
falsehood unmasked/' &c. Lond. 1681, 4to. He died
March 31, 1684, at Alderton, leaving a variety of curious
MSS. and printed collections on his favourite study of he-
raldry. His publications were, 1. " A Table shewing how
to blazon a coat ten several ways," 1655, a single sheet
copied from Feme. 2. ^^ Series Alphabetica, . Latino*
Anglica, Nomina Gentilitiorum, sive eognominum pluri-
marum familiarum, quas miiltos per annos in Anglia ilo-*
ruere,*' Oxoii. 1667, 8vo. A copy of this rare book is ia
the British Museum. 3. << Catalogus in certa capita, seu
Classes, alphabetico ordine concinnatus, plerorumque om-
nium Authorum (tarn antiquorum quam recentiorum) qui
de re Heraldica, Latine, Gallice, Ital. Hisp. &c. scripse-
runt,'* Qx. 1668, reprinted with enlargements, 1674. 4.
•* Nomenclator geographicus," &c. Ox. 1667, 8vo.*
GORELLI or GREGORIO, the son of Raynier, of the
family of Sinigardi, of Arezzo, in Italy, lived in the four-*
teenth century, and was notary of Arezzo, an office of
considerable rank. In his fiftieth year he formed the de*
sign of writing the history of bis country in Italian verse,
and unfortunately took Dante for his model, w^om be was
unable to follow. The events he relates concern the pe-
riod from 1310 to 1384, and may be consulted with advan-
tage by those who will overlook the badness of the poetry.
When he died is not known. Muratori has inserted hi^s
history in his collection of Italian historians.*
1 Siipplementaiyyol. to the Diet. Hist. 1819, which oonsiits chieflf of Attie*
neaD lives, probably contributed by an Americao.
* Ath. Ox. vol. II.— Gent. Maf. vol. LXII. * Morert.
G O R G I A S. . IW
GORGIAS (LeoN/Tinus), a native of Leontium^ in Sicily^
who floarislied in the fifth century B. C. was a celebrated
orator of the school of Empedocles. He was deputed in
the year 427, by his fellow-citizens, to request succour
of the Athenians against the people of Syracuse, whom he
so charmed with his. eloquence that he easily obtained
what he required. He also made a display of his eloquence
at the Olympic and Pythian games, and with so much
success, that a statue of gold was erected to him at Delphi,
and monej^was coined with his name upon it. In the lat-
ter part of his life he established himself at Athens, and
lived till' he had attained the age of one hundred and five
years. He is reputed, according to Quiottlian, to be the
author and inventor of extemporaneous speaking, in which
art he exercised his disciples. Hermogenes has preserved
a fragment of his, from which we may infer that his man-
ner was quaint and artificial, full of antithesis and pointed
GORIO (Anthony Francis], a learned antiquary of
Florence, was born in 1691, and died Jan. 21, 17i7, in
that city. He was the author of an account of the grand
duke's cabinet, entitled <^ MussBum Florentinum," Florene.
1731, continued to 11 vols, fol.^ *' Musieiim Etruscum,**
1737, Svols.fol. ; *' Musseum Cortonense,*' Romie, 1750,
foi. He also published the ancient Inscriptions which are
found in the cities of Tuscany; Florence, 1727, 3 vols. fol. ;
and other books on Tuscan antiquities.^ His '^ Musaeum
Fiorentinum*' contains in vol. L *^ Gemmae,*' dedicated to
Gaston, 100 plates; vol. II. 1732, '^Gemmae," 100 plates;
vol. III. 1734, << Statuae," dedicated to Gaston, 100
plates; vols. IV. V. and VI. 1740, « Numismata," dedi-
cated to Francis III. 115 plates. It is divided into three
parts; one consisting of figures, two of dissertations; some-
times bound in 2 vols, and sometimes in three. In 1 748,
50 portraits of the eminent professors of painting were en-
graved, with no farther explanation than their names, the
year in which they were born and died ; but this part is
freqiiently wanting, because these portraits may be found
in the History of the Painters, 4 vols, with their lives, by
Francis Mouck^. Vol. VII. is the first volume of the
painters, 1752, 55 portraits. Vol. VIII. the second vo-
lume of the painters, 1754, 55 portraits. Vol. IX. the
1 Fabric. Bibl. Gnec-^Moreri.— Saxii Onomait.
110 G O R I O.
Ihifxl votame of the painters, 1756) 55 portraits. Vol. X.
the fourth volonae of the painters, 1762, 55 portraits%
VoU XI. contains 100 portraits of painters, which may be
found in the abbi Pozzi, and their lives by the abb<
Orazis Marrioi, Florence, 1764, 2 tom^eacb, divided int^
jtwo parts; the whole bound in 1 vol.'
GORLiEUS (Abraham), an eminent antiquary, waa
^born at Antwerp in 1549, and gained a reputation by col^
lecting medals and other antiques. He was chiefly fond (^
the rings and seals of the ancients, of which he published
« prodigious number in 1601, under this title, <^Dacty«-
liotheca, sive Annulorum Sigillariumi quorum apud priscdf
tarn Grsecos quam Romanos usus ex ferro, aere, argento^
.&. auro, Promptuarium.*' This was the first part of the
work ; the second was entitled *^ Variarum Gemmarum,
quibus Antiquitas in signando uti solita, sculpturse." This
work has undergone several editions, the best of which is
that of Leydien, 1625 ; which not only contains a vast
mumber.of cuts, but a short explication of them by Gn>*
jDOvius. In 1608 he published a collection of medals;
.which, however, if we may believe the ^^ Scaligerana,'' it
is not safe always to trust. Some have asserted, that
be never studied the Latin tongue, and that the learned
pjreface prefixed to his ** Dactyliotheca,'* was written, by
another. Peiresc, as Gasse^dus relates, used to say, that
*^ though GorlsDus never studied the Latin tongue, yet be
understood all the books written in Latin concerning medak
find coins;" but this cannot be reconciled with the accounts
of him in other authors, nor indeed with probability,
porlaeus resided principally at Delft, and died there April
15, 1609. His collections of antiques were sold by his
heirs to the pirnce of Wales.'
GORRIS (John de), in Latin Gorreus, a physician,
was born at Paris in 1505. He took the degree of doctor
x>f physic in that city about 1540, and was appointed dean
of the faculty in 1548. He is said to have possessed both
the learning and sagacity requisite to form an accomplished
physician, and to have practised with great humanity and
success. His works, which were published in 1622, folio,
by one of his sons, contributed to support this reputaUoQ.
1 Diet. Hilt— >Saxii Onomast.— Archeologia, toI. VII,
s Gen. DicU— MQreri.«-JPoppeii Sibl. Bel^.^-SaiU QMontt.
G O R R I S. 114
Hie greater part of theai consists of commentaries on dif-
lereBt portioifs of the writings of Hippocrates, Galen, and
Nkander. During the civil war, which was fatal tonu-
tnerous men of letters, John de Morris was stopped by a
party of soldiers, when on bis journey to Melun to visit
the bishop of Paris, and the fright which he sustained is
said to ]iave deprived him of his reason. This occurred ia
1561, and he lived in this deplorable condition until hia
death at Paris, in 1577. His. father, Peter dj^ Gokr}£^
was a physician at Bourges, attained considerable emi-
nence^ and left two works, one on the general ^^ practice
of medicine,^' dated 1555; the other, ^* a collection ci
brmvl3Sf\ 1560, both in Latin.'
OORTER (John de), a physician, was born in 1689^
at EuJibuysen, and after having been a disciple of the ce-
lebrated Boerhaave, became a distinguished teacher of
medicine at Harderwick, in consequence of which he was
elected a member of the academies of Petersburg, Rome,
and Haerlem, and obtained the title of physician to Eii-
satbetb, empress of all the Rassias. He died Sept. 1 1,
1762. He was the author of several works, which are
written with excellent method, and contain many interest-
ing and original observations, relating to physiological and
practical subjects, as well as to the practice of the ancients.
The principal are, 1. " De Perspiratione insensibili,"
Leyden and Padua, 1725, 4to, often reprinted. 2. *^ De
Secretione humorum in sanguine," ibid. 1727. 3. ^' Me-
dicinae Compendium," 1731 — 1737, 2 vols. 4to. 4. "Exer-
•citationes quatuor medicae," Amst. 1737, 4to, &c. His
jon, David de Gorter, professor of physic and botany in
Ae Dutch university of Harderwick, was author of Several
'local Floras of that neighbourhood, and of Elenienta Bo-
tanica. He died in 1783, aged sixty-six.'
60SSELINI (Julian), an Italian poet and miscellaneous
writer, was born at Rome in 1525, where he pursued his.
studies in the bouse of the cardinal de Santa Fiora, but in
liis seventeenth year was taken into the service of Ferdi-
nand Gonzaga, then viceroy of Sicily, and governor of
Milan, to which city he accompanied that nobleman in
1546, and became his secretary. He was afterwards taken
:to the court of Spain, where he obtained the esteem and
^ NiceroD, toI. XXXVIII.— Rees's Cyc1o|)edia.— Saxii OnooMst.
' Diet. Hitt.— Rces'fl Cyclopedia*
112 G O S S E L I N I.
favour of Philip IL Under the duke of Albuquerque be
was imprisoued on a charge of' conspiracy against the life
of John Baptist Monti, but vindicated his own cause, and
was not only released, but admitted to public employment
under the succeeding governors of Milan. ^ He died Feb.
12, 1587, leaving behind him several works, that obtained
for him high reputation ; of these the principal are, ^^ The
Life of Ferdinand Gonzaga," 1579, 4to. <' Three Con-
spiracies,*' &c. 15Sd, 8vo. << Rime,'* or a collection of
poems, several times reprinted. ^^ Discourses.** ^^ Let-
ters,** &c. ; and he translated inta Italian a French work
.entitled ^^ A true account of things that have ha^jpened
in the Netherlands, since the arrival of Don Juan of
Austria.** » "
GOSSON (Stephen), a divine and poet, was bom in Kent
in 1 554, and was admitted scholar of Christ-church, Oxford,
in April 1572, but left the university without completing^
bis degrees, and came to London, where he commenced
poet, and wrote some dramMic pjeces which were never
published. He then retired into the country, as tutor to
a gentleman*8 sons, and became by some means a bitter
enemy to the' drama and all its concerns. This occasioned
some dispute with the father of his pupils, whose service
he thereifore quitted, and took orders. His first promotion
was to the living of Gresit Wigborow, in Essex.; and his
next in 1600, the rectory of St.Botolph, Bishopsgate-street,
where he died Feb. 13, 1^23. He was a contemporary of
Speuser and sir Philip Sidney, whom, he imitated, and
was thought to have excelled in pastoral poetry. His un-
published plays were, I. ^^ Cataline's Conspiracies.** 2.
" The Comedy of Captain Mario ;'* and the " Praise at
parting.*' In opposition to theatrical amusements be wrote,
f^ Play confuted in five several actions,** 1580, and *^ The
School of Abuse,** 1587; the latter a professed invective
against poets, players, and. jesters, but with much good
sense and gooxi temper He wrote also the '^ Ephemerides
of Phialo,*' 1579, and a sermon entitled << The Trumpet
of War." «
GOTTESCHALCUS, surnamed Fulgentius, and ce»
lebrated for propagating and exciting a .controversy on
the doctrines of predestination and free grace, was bora
' Gen. Diet.— Moreri.— -Tiraboschi*
* Atb. Ox. ToU I.— Gtot. Mag. ?ol. LXV.— Biog . Drainatio««
© O T T E S C HA 1- C U S. lis
«a6erUa«lf, in the beginning, prdbably^ of the ninth t;e6-
/tiify, Fsom au-ly Ufe be ha4 be^n a monk, and bad de-
voled faudtetf to tbeolegieal inquiries. He was pecftliaitly
i»fi^ Qrf tim ^ratings (of St. Apgttstiiie> and efitered with
jo^efa sKial 'inte his sentinents. About the year 846, iie
left 'his nteoasterj^ at FuMa, and went into Dalmatia and
Panootiia, where be spread the doctrhies of St. Augustine,
under a firetence, as his eneuiies said, of preaching the
go8|)el to the iniideis. At his return, he reaiataed sokne
iime m Looibardy, and in the year 847 held a confeience
wiA Notingus, or Nothingus, bishop of Vietine^ concern*
ing predestination, who prevailed on Rabamis, archbishop
t)f MeitttZy to tiadertake the^ confutation of what was called
a siewir ireresy. This the archbishop undertook, and was
iopported by a syaod at M^Boiz, which condemned Gottes*-
chaiciis. He was farther prosecuted by Himeniar, arch"
hisfaop of fijieifiis, was degraded from the priesthood, and
^idered «o be beaten with rods^ and imprisoned. But
-as n^^biog was proved against him, except bis adhe^
iHeDoe ^ the sentiments of Augustine, which were still
heldln.esiimalaott ia dse .church, tbiis shews, in the opitiion
iof Dnpih, diat he was an injured man. He was, however,
«a aemetaely whipped in the presence of the emperor Charles
and the bishops, ^at his resohition failed him^ and be
complied with their commands so far as to throw into the
£re a wrttiog in which he had made a coUection of scrip-
tuce tekts in order 4o prove his opinion. After this he
was kept a close prisoiser by Hincmar in a monastery,
wkeeehe ooatinued to maintain his opiotans until his death
in ihe aanle prison in the year 870. Hincmar, hearing
that be lay at the point of death, sent him a formulary,
which he was to subscribe, in order to his being received
iatothe eottimonion of tbe church ; Oottesbhalcus, however,
jpgecled thec^er witb indignation, and therefore, by ord^i«
ql Hinemar^ was denied Christian burial. But even in that
a^ tiiere were men who loudly remonstrated against the
faarbafily.with whiob he had been treated. Remigius, arch*
hUkisp fOf Lyons, distinguished himself among these ; and^
im a^sftuneil held at Valence, in Daupbiny, in the year
^65^ hol^h Ootteschalcus and his doctrine were vindicated
jmd def^hded, and two subsequent councils confirmed the
decrees x>f »this connciL The churches also af Lyons^
Vienne, and Aries, vigorously supported the sentiments of
Gotteschalcus, whom nothing biit the secular influence of
Vol. XVI. I ^
Hincmar could have detained in prison, while bis catne
• was thus victorious. The only wntii>g8 of this confessor
that have reached the present limes are, two ^** Confessions
. of Faith,'' inserted in archbishop Usher's^ ** Historia Qot-
teschalci," printed at Dublin in 1641 ; an epistle to Ra-
tramnus, published in Cellot's '< Historia Gotteschalci/' at
eParis, in 1655, and some fragments of other jMeces, no-
ticed by Cave. In 1650, the celebrated Maguin publish-
red, at Paris, a collection of the treatises produced on both
sides of this controversy, entitled ^^Veterum Auctorum
qui nono saeculo de Prs&destinatione et Gratia scripserant,
. &c/' 2 vols* 4to. *
GOTTI (Vincent Lewis), a learned cardinal, was born
'at Bologna Sept. 5, 1664. He was the son of James Gotti^
a doctor of laws, and professor in the university of Bologna*
In 1680 he became of the Dominican order, and having
.completed his course of philosophy at Bologna, was sent to
study theology for four years at Salamanca in Spain. U^
on his return in 1688, he was appointed professor of phi-
losophy in the university of Bologna, and was also made
prior and provincial of his order, and inquisitor of Milan.
,In 1728, pope Benedict XIII. created him a cardinal, and
three years afterwards appointed him member of the con-
gregation for examining bishops -, and such was his reputa-
tion, that in the last conclave, held during his time, a con-
siderable number of the cardinals were for his being raised
to the papal throne. Soon after this he died at Rome in
.1742. His works are much valued by the catholics m
Italy, and display considerable erudition. Of these the
principal are, 1. ^^De vera Christi Ecclesia," Rome, 17 19,
3 vols, and reprinted with additions at Milan in 1734. 2.
<^ Theologia Scholastico-dogmatica, juxta mentem divi
Thomae Aquinatis, &c.*' 6 vols. 4to. S. ^' Colloquia Theo-
logica-polemica, in tres classes distributa, &c." Bologna,
4to. 4. '^ De Eligenda inter Dissidentes Christianos Sea*
tentia,*' written in answer to a piece with the same title,
by Le Clerc ; and an elaborate work in defence of the truth
of the Christian religion against atheists, idolaters, Maho-
metans, Jews, &c. 1735 — 1740, in 12 vols. He was em-
ployed at the time of his death in writing '* A Commentary
on the Book of Genesis.'' A long life of him, ^' De vita et
atudiis, &c.'' 4to, was published at Rome in 1742.'
1 Cs¥e<F-Diipiiii— Moreri.«-]IIiki«r'f Chnrcli Hitt. toU III. p. 242. * Morta.
G O TT SX H E D. lis
(srOTTSCHED (John Christopher), a German poet,
father, however, in theory than practice, was born at Ko-
Digsberg'in.1700, and attained the office of professor of
philosophy, logic, and metaphysics at Leipsic^ where be
. died in 1766. His works, both original and republished,
contributed in a considerable degree to diffuse a taste for
.-elegant literature in Germany, as well as to refine the
: German language. Among these we find, 1. <^ An Intro-
, duction to Dramatic Poetry, or a Review of all the trage-
t dies, comedies, and operas, which have appeared in Ger-
many from 1450 to the middle of the eighteenth century,'*
Leipsic, 1757. 2. "The German Poets, published by
John Joachim, a Suabian^'* ibid. 1736. He also compiled
■ various books of instruction in style and elocuti«n adapted
• to the then state of the German schools ; and might have
' deserved the praise of an acute critic, had he not unfortu-
nately illustrated his principles by his own poetical effu-
^sions, in which there is only a mediocrity of taste and ge-
nius.' He died in December 1766. — His wife, Louisa
Maria, had also very considerable literary talents, and had
studied philosophy, mathematics, the belles lettres, and
music, with success. She published a metrical translation
of Pope's " Rape of the Lock ;^' and since her death, in
: 1762, a collection of her letters has been published, which
is held in high esteem. Frederick the Great of Prussia,
who preferred Gellert to Gottsched, speaks with greater
• respect of this lady than of her husband, but seems to think
that both discovered more pedantry than taste*^
GOUDELIN (Peter), a Gascon poet, was born at Tou-
louse iti 1579, where his father was a surgeon. He was
educated for the law, but the muses charmed him fron
that profession, and he devoted himself to their service.
• His verses and the wit of his conversation procured him
easy access to the tables of the great, but he profited so
' little by their patronage, that he would haVe been left to
starve in bis old age, had not his fellow citizens bestowed
' a pension on him from the ^blic funds, wjiich he enjoyed
! until bis death, Sept. 10, 1649. Suc)i was his reputation
that they also placed his bugt in the gallery of the town-
hall, among those af other illustrious men whom Toulouse
had produced ; and his works were long cited with delight
and admiration. They were published in a single volume,
• • .'Diet. Hilt. - •
J 2
116 C O U D E L I N, "~^
jmmI oftan fu&Bto^ .at Toulouse^ and at AmsteFdam in 170O.
Hb rpoem .ob ^ttie 4eath of Henry <!¥. is ^ne -of bis best/ aiid
•nefof the Ukv Jtbat has borne a itraodatioti from fbe 19^j^«
lOcna language. ^
'GOUlilNIEL i(Ciw^i?DE% on^ iof tfce «arly and most ce-*
l^hrated .cooiposers of mwc to tbe fnetHrksd Frencdi 'tratis*
latioiis of tile psaloas for the use of the prot6«t«lnas, xrad a
oatiTe of Franobe-Comt^, wbo iost his Mfe ^t -Lyons^ -on
abe day of tke massacre of Fajrh in 1 5t2, ifbr bating set to
music tber psalfns of Cieaaefit Marot. Goudimel bei^^en
luudi celetbrated by the protesftants in France for fhis ami-
'Sic, vbicb w^s .never used ia 47be church of Geneva, and by
the catholics in' Italy for instructing Fdestriiia in 4be art «f
QOB^fiasirion, though k is doubtful «wbether this gresBt bar*
aaonisit and (Goudimel bad ever the least acquaintance or
mtercouvse tc^etfaer. He set the ^^ .Chansons ^^ritueUes'*
of ^be cekbrated Marc^ Ant. De Muret, in four parts, which
m0te printed at Paris, 1555. We may suppose Goudimel,
at ^s time, to have beein a catholic, as the learned Mu^et
is never ranked aoEiong hieretics by French biographers.
Ten yioars. a&Br, wheii be set tbe psalms of Clement Marot^
tbisvension wasstiU cegarded mth less horror by the cat^-
liqs tbaa in later times ; for the music which Goudimei bad
jfist to it was printed at Paris by Adrian Le Roy, and Robeirt
BoUard, with a privilege, 1565. It was reprinted in Hot-
iand, in 1^7, for the use of the protestants. His works
jwre beooine so scarce, that bis name and reputation ai^
preserved by protestant historians, more in pity of his mis*
fortunes, than by any knowledge of tlieir excellence. The
emrliest mention of Goudimd, as a composer, is in a woiik
/entttlfid ^^ liber quartus Eeclesiasticarum Cantionum 4}ua*
tuor TOCittD vulgo Motets vocant,*' printed at Antwerp, by
£usato, 1554, eighteen years before his death. These
motets resemble in gravity of style, simplicity in ike sub-
jects of fugue, and purity of harmony, the ecclesiastical
compositions of our venerable countryman Bird* Some of
bis letters are .printed anKMig the poems of bis intimate
frioid Melissus, published under die title of ^'Melisai
Scbediasmatum Reliquise/' 1575, 8vo.'
GOUGE (William), a very celebrated puritan divine,
was born at Bow near Stratford^ Middlesex^ Nov. 1^ .1575^
'1 Mpreri.— Diet Hist.
< Gen. Diet.— Dr. Barney, m Refit's Cjrdsp«di«,— Hawkins'* Hist, of Music*
G a U G R lit
aod edHfiQtoii at Eton iehotA, ^b^nce he nieat in 1595 to
King's coUeg(e> Gambridgie. He vifat endowed wtA con^
sideivdble powers of mkid, and by close appiioation to sNidy,
acGumnlated a great fund of learning. Sucb was bis ar^
doar and regularity in his ikerary pursuits, that during^ his
first thrae yearS) he dept only one dight out of eollege^
and for nine years* never missed college prayers at half-
pB9t frve in the morningt ufitess when froiti home* it wm
hia invairiabie rule to read fifte^ chapters io die Bible
eFery day, at three times. When bhosen reader of logio
and philoiopby in the college, he was equally precise< id'
regiUttffi^ of duty and attendanoe. Hamsg tsri^en bie de«
greesy aad beenadoutied into orderS) he was iu 1606 pi^*
ferred po* the rectory of St. AnneV ^cfcfriars^ London^
where he^ became extremely popular ; and* ha?ioge insti*
tuted a leetimneon Wednesday morakigS|» it vra$ fi^iiented*
by ntany persona of die first itmk Having, howie»ver, imw
bibed jHMiieof the pjrejudififta whidi wereahen so coMmm^
agaiimt the. church of Englatod^- he was oceaiibwUr cii^U**
sated, and at ^nH time threattened witba prosecudon m*
the StaiMshamfaer for having beeone^ a* meanber ctf li soeietj^
for the piHchase of imjMtopriatioiis ; but' this'did not^takd^
effidct^ aiididie subiequeat disturbancea i<dieTed,hifiS (\rom^
any £iiitbei* molestation. In 164S> he was nooiioaited one-
fit fht asiembly of divines, and took an active piArtin> die^
various pnooeedinge instituted by the then poling powon^*
for the cefonnatioa of the church* But «i^eti in 1^46, be
sav the: fevgcfas to whidi their reformations 'tevid^d^ be
united with a large body of Im bretbrisn in dedaring against
patting the hing to d^th. For forty^five yeairsj stsy^
Gyas^r, . he wan* the laborious, the exemplary, attd^: ih^^
nracb leifedi mtndster of St Anne*s Blacbfriaie,)^ wtbere^Me^
ever tboc^tor spoke- ill of him, but sueh as wei^inoliiDeid''
to thMi or speak ill of religion itself. He died 9ee^ P2f
l$6&* He appears, indeed^ to have had the' suf&ages^ of
ali his^ contemporaries, and is boeottrtAvly men^tkined' by
many foreign divines*^ He was at one time 08ewd tbe
prarofitship of King^s^ college^ but' declined it; Ma uauii^
saying was^ that it waa bis highest ambitkm ^ 4ol go firofii'
Biaokfefars* .to beaitiea%** Be published several pious tmet^
and aomie serHipns^ which buhop WiUdns elas^ofr.ani4^iijgf
the most excellent of his time ; but his principal work
was <^ A Commentary on th^ Epistle to tjie Hebrews^'*
1655, fol. He had also a share in the commentairy on the
Bible, usually called ^'The Assembly's Annotations.*' ^
GOUGE (Thomas), son of the preceding, was bom at
Bow, Sept. 19, 1605^ and was educated at Eton school,
whence he was chosen to King's college, Cambridge, in
1626. Here, after taking his degrees, he was chosen fel-
low of his college, and afterwards presented with a 'living
at Colsden near Croydon, in Surrey, where he continued
about three years. In 1638, he was removed to the living
of St. Sepulchre's, London^ and the year after married one
of the daughters of sir Robert Darcy. During a period of
twenty-four years he diischarged the duties of his profession
" with the most exemplary zeal. Besides preaching twice
every Sunday, and often on we^k-days, he visited his flock,
catechised their children, inquired into «nd relieved the
wants of the poor, and devised plans for their employment.
Such of the poor as were able to work, he employed in
spinning flax and hemp, whi^h he bought for the puipose,
and paying them for dieir work, got it worked into cloth,
which he sold, as well as he could, chiefly among bis
friends, bearing himself whatever loss was sustained. By>
this wise and humane scheme he diverted. many from
^^gs\^gf cmd demonstrated to them, that by industry they
might soon become independent of charity ; and he thus
is said to have given the hint which produced the humane
and benevolent institutions of Mr. Firmin, which have
been referred to in the memoir of that excellent citizen.
When the act of uniformity took place, he quitted- his
living of St. Sepulchre's, being dissatisfied respecting the
terms of conformity ; but after this he forbore preaching,
saying there was no need of him in London, where there
were so many worthy ministers, and that be thought he
Blight do as much or more good another way, which could
give no offence. Accordingly his time was now zealously
devoted to acts of beneficence and charity. He employed
his own fortune, which was considerable, in relieving the
wants of his poorer brethren, who, on account of their
noncoafoirmity, were deprived of their means ef subsist-
ence ; and be was a successful applicant to the rich, from
whom he received large sums, which were applied to that
humane purpose. In 1671, he set about a plan for intro^
I CUurke'i Li?e8 at the eii4 of |iis Hartyrokfyi^-Foneral Senoon by Jcnkyiu
4to*«^Wood'i Fasti* vol. I.
GOUGE. 119
4atifig knbwledge and religion into the different parts of
Wales» which at that period were in the most deplorable
d^kness. He established schools in different towns where
the poor were willing that their children should be taught
the elei^ents of learaingi and he undertook to pay all the
expences which were incurred in the outset of the business.
By degrees these schools amounted, to between three and
four hundred, and they were all annually visited by Mrr
Gouge, when he carefully inquired into the progress made
by the young people, before whom he occasionally
preached in a style adapted to their age and circumstances
in life, for, being in his latter days better satisfied with the
terms of conformity^ he had a licence from some of the
bishops ta preach in Wales. With the assistance of his
friends, whose purses were ever open at his command, he
printed eight thousand copies of the Bible in the Welsh
language ; a thousand of these were distributed freely
among those who could not afford to purchase them, and
the rest, were s^nt to the cities and chief towns in the prin«
<upality, to be sold at reasonable rates. He procured like-
wise the English liturgy, the '^ Practice of Piety," the
^' Whole Duty gf Man,'' the Church Catechism, and other
practical pieces, to be printed in the Welsh language, and
distributed among the poor. During the exercise of this
benevolent disposition, he meddled nothing with the con-
troversies of the times, and partook in no shape of the ran-
cour of many of his ejected brethren against the church of
England, with which he maintained communion to the last,
and, as he told archbishop Tillotson, ^^ thought -himself
obliged in conscience so to do.*' He was accustomed to
say with pleasure, *^ that he had two livings which he would
not exchange for two of the greatest in England." These '
were Wales, where he travelled every year to diffuse the
principles of knowledge, piety, and charity : and Christ's
Hospital, where he catechised and instructed the children
iu the fundamental principles of religion. He died sud-
denly Oct, 29, 1G81, in the seventy-seventh year of his
age. His death was regarded as a public loss. A funeral
sermon was preached on the occasion by Dr. Tillotson,
afterwards archbishop of Canterbury ; who, at the conolu-
sipa of an animated eulogium on his piety and virtue, ob-
serves, tj^at ^Vall things considered, there have not, since
the primitive times of Christianity, been many among the
sons of men, to Whom that glorious character of the Son of
God might be better applied^ that " he went about ji0ing
good.*' And Mr. Ba:!(teF, ia his Narrative of his dwn LiU
and Times, says of Mr. Gouge, ^' I never heard vaxy one
person, of whatever rank,, sort,, or sect soever, sp^
word to his dishonour, or ^ame any fault that they elnu^gedf
on his life or doctrine ; no, not the prelatists theoMelvesy
aave only that he oonfprmed nofe to their impositions; atid-
that he did so much good with so much industry.*' Tbi»
^ninent divine published a fqw practicid pieces, of twbicb
the following may be mentioned^ : ^f The Prinoipli^s 06 Re-
ligion expluned;" ^^ A Word to Sinners;'* '^ Cbristiaa»
Sinections to walk with God ;" ^} The surest and safest
Way of Thriving^ viz. by Charity to the Poor;'? «The
Young Man's Guide through the Wildernessofthib World*'*
Tbe^e were collected in an 8vo- volume ia> 1706, and^ pnb-
lisbed at London, with a fine portrait, by Van dOP GiK^ht^
and archbishop Tillotson's Enneral SermoR and Life of hint-
. GOUGH (RicHARD)t the Camden of> the eighteenth
century^ and one of the most illustrious- antiquaries Eng-
l^yod has produced, was the only son'Of Hanry Gough) esq^
of Perry-hall. This gentleman, for whom his ^on^Mrpre-
served a reverential aflbction, was born Apsil 2, 16S1, and.
in bis. eleventh year, went with his. node sir Riehar<l
Gough, to China, where he kept hir aceounts^ In 1707,
ha commanded the ship StreaJt^am, of which his younger
brother Richard was purser in 1709. He cominued to
command this ship till 1715, when be retired- with^ a de-
cent competency, and was elected a director of the £«st
India company about 1731. In this situation, his know-
ledge of the company's afiairs, the result of hjs many
voyages in their service, and bis zeal for their interests,
joined to habitual activity and integrity, gave him great
vi^eight. He became also a reprefsentative in parliament in
1734, for the borough of Bramber, for which he sat until.
hi$ death. His political career was marked by independence
of spirit Although attached to, and in the confidence of,
sir Robert Walpole, he refused several offices from that
n^inister, and yet supported him to the last He died in
17i51, and was bpried in the rector'9 vault in St.- Andrew's
church, Holborn. in 1717, he purchased of the lady of
sir Richard Shelley, one moiety of the Middlemore estafe
1 Life by TiUoUoo. abi S9pnk<-»Calsaij«— Clarke's lirsB of Ssiidiy QwMit
PersoDBi 1783| folio.
ip. 'Wajwtiiikrilim (die other moifety of wWch he before
pQ8Mfi«ed% wbioh afterwards descended to hie soe wA bete
Biic^d, tiQfgetber mtb« the property at Enfield^ whiAfa* he
purehe^di in 1723» In 1719 he married Elisabeth^
4iit4gbt)er of A^Kgan Hyindei. esq» of London^ aneoiineQt^
By tbi»le4y» who died May 27, 1774, be had an onlsr*
soe^ the sufaijeet of this article, who was born Oct.dl, 1735,
ip ^ large bouse in Wiacbester-street^. on the sitae of the
monasteiy.of the Austin- friars^ He receiFed the fihit nt*^
diments of £.a{dn and Greek under the tuition of one Bac«
oewitz, a Courlander ; and afterwards, on his deadly vraa*
eommitted to the care of the rev. Roger Pickerings a< «Bs^
senting minister, a man unfortunate in life, but au acooiii«>
phshed scholar, who died in 1755*; f^hen Mr. Gough
finuihed hia Greek studies under Mu Samuel Dyer^ the
frieud of Dr. Johnson ^)d of the oontemporairy liteiMbL
Under these ins4arM9tpni> Mr. Goug^ baa eot left qsi tm
question his pr^oiency, nor that early ambition to know
and to ceoHmunieaie, which forms tbeiostructireeditGdr and;
autbor^ At the very early age of eleven he commenced «
task whtcbi wioiild have, reflected credit on any perbd eif
li£s^ i^nri he completed it with a perseveranoe of, which,
there ia.pjmoihably no other instance ia our literary anoalii«
Thie «a» *^ The Hisliory of tl|e Bible, translated' from tbe^
French^'' (of 49 Aaisterdam edition, of 1700} ^* by. B..O.
junior/* printed atv London in 1747. Of this curiotts
voiumc^ consiatiog of 160 sbeetsvio folio^ his mother,
delighted, at such a display of liuidable applicatioo^ bore
the enpew^e of printing twenty •five copiee, aa presenta.
to ai few friends; and when completed at the presa^.
it wM.m^rliedy by way of colophon, ^^ Done at tiaelve yeava.
and. Sk half old^*' after which, i» the copy now before us,,
follow^ >^ A short Chronology of the HoJy Scripture,** m-
* ''From this iqpst aecomplishedf
ai w
ell as learned man," tsays Mr.
*' IliNiffl^lkyluwfpiedge myaelf to bare
derived i^eat advantage ; and had be
been left to indulge the liberality of
hie . tfempei^ uacontroaled by femate
and mateinal partiality ar^ peeulia*
rity, I might have been forwarded in
that styl* of 'lite to which it was bis
ambition to train me, and to which I
•ver after wanted both the spar and
the guide." This may probably al-
lude to some early view Mr. Gough
entertained of risiofg inpvMiciffe; and'
he .afterwards gives iiints , of. bttna lo«a
restrained and contronled in the pjor?
suits to which he subsequently was led
by .inelination, and wfcicb beOMn« ba«
bitual. In another place he safs#
*' The year 1T74, by the death of mjr
mother^ made mfi eanpletelj mnter
of myself.*'
12? G O U G H.
three sheets. The style is throughout juvenile and simple ;
and such were even at this early age our author's notions
of literary honour, that be would receive no aid without
acknowledgment, and therefore p^ge 24, which contains
mn account of the furniture and inhabitants of Noah's ark,
is introduced with these words i ^^ The printer gives you
this explanation." It is impossible not to contemplate this
volume with a strong impression of the excellent and
amiable disposition which conducted a mere boy, unwearied
and pleased, through so laborious a task. Mr. Gough
himself, in his mature years, appears to have looked at it
with complacency ; and the copy in Mr. Nichols's pos^
session is filled with corrections and improvements of the
' It is not difficult to conceive that his parents and friends
would be desirous to encourage a turn of mind which indi->
cated 80 powerful a sense of the value of time and instruc-
tion ; and accordingly we find him in about three years
completing a translation of ^^ The Customs of the Israelites^
translated from the Frenchrof the abbot Fleury, by R. G.^'
1760, 8vo. This was also printed for distribution among^
friends. He had about this time fully prepared for the
press, even to the title-page and preface, a work of great
labour and research, under the title of ^ Atlas Renovatus,
or Geography Modernized ; being a particular deseriptioa
of the world as far as known to the ancients, and the pre«
sent names of such places as now subsist ; containing alt '
the cities, towns, villages, castles, &c. mentioned in an-* '
ctent authors, with all the remarkable occurrences that
happened at l^e several places ; the birth-places of famous
men, the memorable sieges and battles, &c. the bounds,
soil, air, manners, government, religion of each country.
The whole being the most complete system ever composed be*
/ore. . To which is annexed a list of the Roman ways, and
a copious index to facilitate the whole. Drawn upon the
plans of Hornius's and Cellarius's maps." This is a folio
volume, dated 1751, fairly written, and now preserved in
Mr. Nichols's library, as a memorial of his consummate
industry. Such a compilation, indeed, at the age of six*
teen, is probably without a parallel ; for much of the de-
sign, arrangement, &c. is perfectly original, and sycli
intenseness of^pplication could not have been recommended
by any master.
G O U G H. 1M:
After the death of his father (July 1% 1751) Mr. Goilgb
was admitted, in July 1752, feUoiv*coininouer of Bene't<^
college, Cjunbridge. The college tutor at this time was
Dr. Joba Barnardiston, afterwards master; but Mr, GougVs
private tutor was the rev. John Cott, fellow of the college,'
and afterwards rector of Braxted, in Essex, ^^ to whom,*'
says Mr. Gough, ** I regularly repeated my lesson, with-,
out a grain of instruction on his part.'* To the university
Itfr. Gough brougbt a considerable fund of classical litera**
ture, and having already imbibed a curiosity after matters
of antiquity, found his enthusiasm heightened by a con*
nexion with a college eminent for producing a succession
of British antiquaries ; and it is certain that he here laid
the plan of his ^^ British Topography */' He applied, in
the mean time, to academical studies, with an ardour
which even at this age was become habitual, and the knom^
ledge he acquired in philosophy and the sciences was often
displayed in his future labours ; some of which prove that
he had paid no.little attention to subjects of theology atid
sacred, cnticitm ; and indeed it was inferred by the friends
w1h»Idb0W his acquisitions most intimately, that he might
have passed into any of the Learned profes«ons by a very
easy taransition. Before he left the university he had pre-
pared for-lhe press, although they all remain still in MS.
the following works : I. ^ Notes on Memnon, annexed'to
the .abb6 Gedoyn's French translation.*' 2. <^Astro-my-
tkologf^.otf a short account of the Constellations, with the
names of the principal stars in each, and their connexion
with mythelogy." 3. <^ The History of Bythynia, trans-
lated from the French of the abb6 Sevin." 4. <^ Memoirs
of celebrated Professors of the belles lettres in the aca«
demy of inscriptions, &c. at PaHs, translated and abridged
from the.Elogia, &e." 5. <* Reflections on the Egyptian
Government; and also on the Jewish, Persian, Cretan,
Carthaginian, Spartan, Athenian, and Roman Govern-
xnents." 6. *^ Memoirs of the Life and Character of Mith-
ridates, king of Pontus, extracted from various and ge-
mine authors." All these, with many voluminous common-
place bookS} were executed before our author had reached
* « While at college I had begun son's « English Topographer,'* till f
to make additions to the list of writers fancied I might commence topographer
OB the Topography of 'Great Britain myself. E formed a quarto volume/*
and Ireland, prefixed to Gibson's &c. Fragment of his Memoirs, writ-
(amden, I inserted these in Rawlin* ten by himself.
his lnirenty-fii>st y^ar. Of amusement's he imiftt cff coiuAse
hare.beeii' spano^, and this incessant pursuit. o£ kaow^
ledge^ while it acciimiilat:ed a- large fund- for tbe use of
fatiire labouris^ preserved him frdm those associaftitiiis
are so dai>g«rous^ta morals^ and enabled Um: to .pa» »longr
life not oiAy untainted with vice, but unifeanly guided by
»*sen«e of piety.
Amidst all his academicallabcrnvS) hpwerer^^his peeidi&r
attachment was to? thiat pursuit onii4iioli his fame*i« foanded,
the stably of the history and antiqpiitjr of his native country,'
which, he always acknowledged, was< fosteved mtlfin liie<
wails of a colI^;e that had trained arcfabtsiiDp Parker^ the^
g^eat reviver of trhe* study of anttqui^*. In? July 1TS6,
he finally left CamtSridge wttbouttsJdng a degiteey and en-,
tered ont an; excursion to Peterborough, Groifiland, and
(Stannfoord* Int bis. history of Groyland, pnhtisdied^ ^^owg-
after, he infoi«is>iis that his cai«er of antiquanxii pwrsake
began there, and at that time. Similar encurssona he
afterwards made ; regularly thmogli tiie different parts^ ofi
Eag^nd,. Walies^ . a»d Scotland, flrom 17*59 t(» 17QPI, oq1<*-
leeting materials,, noting observations, and' examiniog wttb^
historical and: critical precision all the remarkable' sites* of^
national antiqnities ; and until within tlvo yseaiw 06 Ui'
death, he repeated his visits to spots of particulatr krtitweet
and curiosity.. Buring this penod he fi>rmed anteictensife
acquaintance with the antiquaries of hts- time, i^htohpro««
dttced an equally extensive eorrespondeace^ la some otf -
these tours'be made several drawings, whtchi, although he
was not a. professed draftnnan, were not diseredilaUe ^t<r
has > taste and accuracy, and he alao • amused himself ooca^
sionally. wi^ etefaing, which be did in^a'^sefy-iieflit ma»ner4 •
A volume of these etchings^ now in our .possessienj by/the
kindness of his biographer,, we'treasure ak a most pleasing
and curious memorial* The result oflalLhis twenty* yeani -
e»:ursions affpeaced afterwanis in hi$t new edition of Cami- '
den's ^< Britannia.'' . 1 .
• << W9» it to be wondered at that
(the pursuit of our uatioual antiquities)
shbuld be foi^tere^ within these venerable
watls, which owed their support and
ipjeiidoar toti^rehhtfbep I^tfeer, and had
naned a 9M8ee»uo» of British Anti«
qaaries tQ< tii|>piicaent tkBe i or that>
withwt aay tmv to a degirea ar a pro-
fessiooi I should exceed the
uHiaUfT sp^t io'a oolleyel or thstiiM)
I was to return home again tor books
and study, without any prospect sT
•being able to gratify my wish of ▼!•
sitiag iMeigii' owKilnesi that desiite
shouMU by reooiU inf ^iBie poverfoHjr
to raoiMe- orer my ^wn V* Frtigabnt
QiMmaoin, as abare*
!& D U G X. US
fiKs fifst n^gokr publicatioii was oaonymoiM, <^ The
Hisfeiinjr df Oarafiaimi ; oar an examination of what has been
.BfbafNeedieD thai; subject by Geaelmer And Dr. Stubeleyv^'
JM^ «4Mi a very ebiborate and <crittcal disquwiden. In
Fehnaary 1767 be was elected a £&Uowof the society ^fae-
Aiqeasies of LoitdQ% and in 177 1^ on the 'death of Dri Gns-
fg9tty SbarfMs, maaler cf the temple, he was noaaiiiated
4irecalar ef the society^ which office he held till I>ec. If,
ll^^y when he quitted the soeiety altogether. Two years
he£M^ he >qnilted cthe royal society, of which he had .'been
ehoaeo fellow ip MarcAi ft77S* lo 1767 Jne commenced his
^MunsrsfMUidieEiee with the iGentleiiian's Magaaine^ by -an ac*
eouot-of the Tillage of Aldfriston, under the signatcue of
D. H. Ae final letters of his name, which signatune he Pe«
tainad tft the ilaat, bait not altogether uvifornly, nor is
anotber aigsature in some later Tolames, with the same
ktters^ to be mistaken for his. On the <leath of his fel*
lew-e«l)e^taB, Mr. Duncombe, in i7S€, l^be d^fiartmeat
citlm xemew m that miscellaoy was for the oMMt part oooi-
mitted to hint. ^^ If," as he says hiaciselfy *' he criticised
miA warmth and severity certain innovations atfeemp^d in
€ikva:cik and state, he wr<Me his sentuneBts with siocerity
aaid impadrtiality-^in the fnlloess of a beast deeply im-
pressed with a sense of the excellence «nd happiness ef
the Enghsb constitution both in church and state." Such
indeed were Mr« Gough's steady principles during that
period of itttelleot«al delusion which followed the French
sefoletion; and'^hegave his aid with no mean effect, to
.a saeiecotts body of writers and thinkers^ many of whom
(and ^e wish his name <ould hare been added to the
number) have lived to enjoy the full gratification of their
hcqses^. We cannot, howevac*, quit, ^is subject without
noticiiig that extensive knowledge which Mr, Gough dis-
played ifi his critical labours in the Magazine ; he seems
never to have undertaken any thing of the kind without
such an acquaintance with the subject as siiowed that his
studies had been almost universal, a^nd even occasionally
directed to those points of literature which could be least
expected to demand his attention ; we allude to the sub-
jects of theology and criticism, both sacred and classical.
The perusal of the classics in particular appears frequently
to hav« relieved his more regular labours.
126 G O U G H.
la 1768 be published in 1 vol. 4to, his '^Anecdotes of
British Topography^," which was reprinted and enlarged
in 2 vols. 1780. To have published a third edition. With
' the improvements of twenty-six years, would have afforded
..him a high gratification; and in fact a third edition was
put to press in 1806, and was rapidly advancing, when the
destructive fire (of Feb. 8, 1808,) in Mr. Nicholses print-
ing-office, and the then declining state of theauthor^s
health, interrupted the undertaking. The corrected copy^
with the plates, was given by him to Mr. Nichols, who has
since relinquished his right ; and it is hoped that the de-
legates of the Oxford press will speedily undertake a new
edition. On the utility of this work to British antiquaries
it would be unnecessary to make any remark. It points
the way to every future effort to illustrate local history.
In 1773 he first formed the design of a new edition of
Camden's Britannia, which he had partly begun to trans-*
- late before, and accomplished in abotit seven years, and
wlfich was at length published in three large folio volmAes,
in 1789. Whatever incorrectness may appear in this la-
boriotis and extensive undertaking, no trouble or expence
was spared by the liberal editor in obtaining information.
Added to his own personal inspection of every county,
proof sheets of each were forwarded to those gentlemen
who were likely to be most actively useful. Nor could
any man be more fastidious than Mr. Gough in revising
and correcting his labours ; and whatever discoveries some
critics may affect to have made, it is certain that he always
found it more difficult to satisfy himself than his readers^
and that a strict scrutiny by any person qualified for the
task was to him the highest obligation. This may be safely
averred, while at the same time it is allowed that he knew
how to repel petulant remarks with a proper sense of whiat
was due to his character, the extent o'f his industry, and
the munificence of his expences. Of this valuable work
it may not be superfluous to observe that Mr. Gough traris-
lated it from the original, and supplied his additions mth
.so little, interruption of the ordinary intercourse of life^
* « It was printed at Mr, Kichanl- The sale was rapid beyond - expecto-
son's press — on credit; my allowance tioo;,and I was on the balance be-
pot permitting^ any advance of money tween me and honest Tom Piayne»
before publication. Mr. Richardson*' gainer of sef en pounds." Ptacmeil
(this was the nephew to the celebrated of Meiuoirs.
writer} '* refused interest on his labour.
G O U G H- 127
that none of his family were aware that he was at all en-
gaged in so laborious an undertaking. The copyright be
gaye (without any other consideration than a few copies
for presents) to his old and worthy friend Mr. Thomas
Payne, who defrayed the expence of engraving the cop-
per plates ; and afterwards disposed of the whole of his
interest in the work to Messieurs Robinsons. Mr. Gough
superintended the /rx^ volume of a new edition ; but in
1806, finding that the copyright had devolved from Mes-
sieurs Robinsons to another person, he declined proceed-
ing any farther than to complex the first volume, which
they bad begun to print. Of this he announced his deter-
mination in th§ newspapers, that no improper use might
be made of his name ; and added, that it was now ^* of im-
portance to his health to suspend such pursuits."
Having heard of the difficulties under which Mr. Hutchins
laboured respecting his ** History of Dorsetshire," Mr.
Gough set on foot a subscription, and was the means of
advancing a very valuable county history, which he super-
intended through the press. It was published in 1774,
2 vols. fol. Twenty years after, he contributed his aissist-
ance to a second edition, three volumes of which have
been' published, and a fourth is in a state of great for-
wardness, under the superintendance of Mr. Nichols. In
1779 Mr. Gough was the improver and editor of Martinis
<' History of Thetford,'' 1 7 80, 4to ; published a new edition
of Vertue^s Medals, Coins, and Great Seals, by Simon ; and
in the same year contributed to Mr. Nichols's ^' Collection
of Royal and Noble Wills.^' The .preface and glossary are
by him. In 1786 he published the first volume of the
/' Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain, applied to iU
lustrate the history of Families, Manners, Habits, and Arts,
at the different periods from the Norman Conquest to the
Seventeenth Century.'' This splendid folio volume, which
contains the first four centuries, was followed in 1796 by
a second, containing the fifteenth century ; and, in 1791^,
by an introduction to it, with which he thought proper to
conclude bis labours, instead of continuing them to the
end of the sixteenth century, as originally intended. Of
this truly magnificent work it is but justice to say, with his
biographer, <' that it would alone have been sufficient to
perpetuate his fame and the credit of tl|p arts in England,
where few works of superior splendour have appeared.^*
The independent master of an ample fortune, he was in
nU respects {M^e-enunentljr qualified for tfae Idboavs of tin
4U[itiq.u«ry, which rarely ^meet with an adequate renfonerH*
lioii. Indeed this work must iiave convinced )ibe ^R^Mid
that be possessed not only the most indefatigable perse-
■ Vterance^ but an ardour which no expence coiild possibly
deter. One great object of Jiis wishes was to pitepanne
^^ The Sepuldbral Monuments" for a new edition. Wiwh
ihis constantly in v«iew, he spared neither troofale oor ex-
pellee in obtaining an aai|irie store of new and accarate
doamogs by tbe (first artists, aH wirioh, with the nuoAerous
Md beautiful plates already engraved; fonm pant of 1ms {lo-
Ue bequest %o tiie .univetisity «of Oxford. Among bis kuiedt
Mfttrate pvcUieations weve, an Aooewtit of the beMitiftil
Msaul 'preseated to Henty VL by 4;be dwcbcus of Bedford^
purchased at die dvcbess of Portland's sale by Janes G4-
; wa^ds^ esq. in whose possession it remains ; ^ Tbe History
«f Plediy^ in Essex/' 1 803, 4to ; and tbe same year, and
in the same form, tbe '^ Plates 4>f the Coins of ike Seleii-
• eidss." A few c^faer sepanU)e publications^ previous- lo
these, will be noticed at the end of this article.
Mrw' Goiugh drew up, at tbe united reqi»est of tbe pres4-
ident and fiellows, the Histi»ry of the Society of Antiqisaries
4»f Xoodon, prefixed to tbe first volume of their *^ Arebseo-*
logia," in 1770, and to the eleven succeeding vcritunes of
that irork, as well ^s to the ^ Vetustn MooifNBienta," eon-
tributed a great many curious articles *. He was equally
liberal in his communications to Mr. Nichols's *^ Biblio*
tbecft Topograpbica," and to bis ^ History of Leicester-
shire." Mr. Nichols relates with just feeling, that << for a
ioiig series of years he had experienced in Mr. Gough tbe
kind, disinterested friend ; the prudent, judicious adviser,
the firm, unshaken patron. To bim every material event .
iu liie was codfideotially imparted. In those that were
prosperous, no man more heartily rejoiced ; in such as
.viene less propitious, no man more sincerely condoled^ or
* His Papers in the *' Archsologia^' On an antient Mosaic Pavement at
are, On the Giants' Grave in Penrith Ely, p. 121; On a Roman Horolo-
Cliui«h.3|Gard, to\. If. p. ISS ; On the gium, p. 172; On P^nts, p. 163; On
Bese Matrei^ vol. III. p. 105; On the Analogy between certain . Moiw-^
Four Roman Altars found in Graham's ments, vol. XI. p. 33; On a Greek
Dyke, p. 116; On the Invention ot Inscription in London, p. 48.
Card-playing* vol. Vltf. p. 152; On la the «* Vetusta MonumtUta/' lie
the Parian Chronicle, vol. IX. p. 157; wrote the Descriptions of vaUII. Platea
On the Stamps of the antient Oculists, XXXVI. XXXVll. XXXIX. XL. XlA.
p. 8S7; On aotieat Mansioftwhouses XLII. XLIII. XLV. L. LlU. LlV.
in Northampton and Doreet Shires^ LV. Vol. I|L PSb|lM I-*-V. iKU^
tol. X. p. 7 i On Belalucader, p, 1 1 3 j XVII. XXV.
G O U G H. 123
itobre readily endeavoured td alleviate.'^ The deep con<*
cern which be feH at the dreadful fire that destroyed Mr.
Nichols's valuable property in 1806, was shewn in a series
of the kindest consolatory letters, which were among the
last be ever wrote. In one, dated September of that year,
he requested Mr. Nichols to execute a confidential com*
mission, '* which,'' he emphatically adds, *^may be the
last office you will have to do for your sincere friend.'^
This was nearly prophetic, for there was little now to be
done that could contribute to his comforts. '^ The bright
gem of intellect," says bis affectionate biographer,
*^ though frequently clouded, had intervals of its formei:
splendour ; and the frequent emanations of benevolenee
displayed through a long and painful illness, whilst they
comforted and delighted those around him, added poig«
tiancy to the regret they experienced for those bitter suf^
ferings which threatened to overwhelm a noble mind with
total imbecility ; from which, however, he was mercifoliy
relieved, without any apparent struggle at the last, oa
Feb. 20, 1809, and was buried on the 28th, in the church*
yard of Wormley, in Herts, in a vault built for that pur-
pose, on the south sideof the cbanceF, not far from the
altar which for several years he had devoutly frequented.^*
The funeral, although, in conformity to his own directions^
as little ceremonious as propriety would permit, was fol-
lowed from Enfield to Wormley by crowds whose lamenta*
tions and regrets were unequivocally shown. The poor
and the af&icted had indeed lost in Mr. Gough a father,
protector, and benefactor. Enfield and its neighbourhood
must loi^ cherish a lively and graiteful remembrance of his
benevolence, which was at once extensive, judicious, and
unostentatious. It was in him a principle and a system ;
it began early, and continued to the last ; it embraced not
only the present, but the future, and he had provided that
bis charity should continue to be felt long after the heart
that. dictated it had ceased to beat. His faithful domestics,
when unable to continue their services, continued to re-*
ceive their pay, in the shape of annuities ; and as he pos**
sessed the attribute ascribed to '^ the merciful man,'* the
generous steed, exempt by age from labour, and the cov«
Jio longer useful in the dairy, were permitted to close theiff
useful lives in a luxuriant meadow reserved for that express
purpose. The genuine personal character of Mr. Gough
eotttd only be appreciated by those who witnessed him ia
Vol. XVI. K
130 O O U G H.
bis domestic and familiar circle. Tbougb bigbly and de-
servedly distinguisbed as a scbolar, tbe pleasantry and the
easy condescension of bis convivial hours still more en«*
deared him, not only to his intimates, but even to those
with whom the forms and customs of tbe world rendered it
necessary that be should associate.
In 1774^ soon after tbe death of bis mother, an event
by which he came in possession of an excellent family re-
sidence at Enfield, with the large estate bequeathed to him
in reversion by bis father, be iadded greatly to all his other
comforts, by marrying Anne, fourth daughter of Thomas
Hall, esq. of Goldings, Herts ; a lady of distinguisbed
merit, who after a long and affectionate union, has to
lament tbe loss of him whose object through life was to
increase her happiness.
It is, however, as the learned and acute antiquary that
he will be banded down to posterity ; and from the epitaph
written by himself, he appears desirous to rest his fame on
his three publications, tbe " British Topography,*' the
edition of " Camden," and tbe " Sepulchral Monuments ;*^
sufficient indeed to place him in the very first rank of the
antiquaries of tbe eighteei^th century. But while he gave
a preference in point of value, labour, and utility to those
works, be was ia no respegt ambitious of personal honours.
He took no degree at Cambridge, and resisted the solici-
tations of many members of the university of. Oxford to
'receive an honorary degree; and when be withdrew from
tbe Royal Society and that of the Antiquaries, from causey
on which we shall not enter, but must ever regret, be no
longer appended to his name the usual initials of fellow-
ship. In politics, he was a firm friend to tbe house of
Brunswick, and a stranger to the mutability of his con*
temporaries. *^ That independence," he informs us him-
self, *^ which he gloried in possessing as his inheritance,
and which be maintained by a due attention to his income,
discovered itself in bis opinions and bis attachments. A9
he could not hastily form connexions, he may seem to have
indulged strong aversions. But be could not accommodate
himself to modern manners or opinions ; and he bad re-
sources within himself, to make it less needful to seek
them from without. And perhaps the greatest inconve-
nience arising from this disposition was the want of oppor-
tunities! to serve his friends. But he saw enough of tbe
generi^I temper of mankind, to convince him that fayour^
G O U G H. 131
should not be too often asked : and that as to be too much
under obligation is the worst of bondage, so to confer
obligations is the truest liberty.'' Such sentiments and
fiuch conduct do no discredit to men like Mr. Gough. His
talents, bis rank in society, and bis years, gave him claims
to respect, which were, what he thought them, undeniable ;
and feven where he shewed any symptoms of resentment,
they were never beyond the limits which his superior cha-
racter and long services amply justified.
His library, with the exception of his legacy to the Bod-^
leian, was sold, agreeably to his own direction, by Messrs.
Leigh and Sotheby, in twenty days, April 5 — 28, 1810,
and produced 3552/. 3^. His prints, drawings, coins, nie<»
dais, &c. were sold July 19, 1812, and the two following
days, and produced 517/. 6s, 6d. By his last will, he be-
queathed to the university of Oxford all his printed books
and manuscripts on Saxon and Northern literature, for the use
of the Saxon professor; all his manuscripts, printed books,
and pamphlets, prints, and drawings, maps, aud copper-
plates relating to British topography, (of which, in 1808,
be had nearly printed a complete catalogue) ; his inter-
leaved copies of the ** British Topography,'* " Camden^s
Britannia," and the ^* Sepulchral Monuments of Great
Britain,*' with all the drawings relative to the latter work ;
and all the copper- plates of the '^ Monuments" and the
"Topography;" with fourteen volumes of drawings of
sepulchral and other monuments in France. All these he
wills and desires may " be placed in the Bodleian library,
id a building adjoining to the picture gallery, known by
the name of the *^ Antiquaries closet." These were ac-
cordingly deposited in the closet, and a catalogue has since
been printed in a handsome quarto, under the care of the
rev. B. Banidinel, librarian of the Bodleian. A more va-
luable or extensive treasure of British topography was
never collected by an individual. The MSS. are very nu-
merous, and many of the most valuable printed books are
illustrated by the MS notes of Mr. Gough and other emi-
nent antiquaries. The remainder of his will, for which we
refer to our authority, is not less in proof of his liberality,
affection, and steady friendship. Such was the life of Mr.
Gough, of which he says, in a memoir already quoted,
*^ If I have rietieved the wants and distresses of the unhappy
without ostentation, have done justice without interest,'
have iserved the common cause of literature without vanity,
K 2
\^ G O U G H.
{aaiotained my own independence without pride or fntd«?
ence, bs^ve moderated my attacbinent to external objecls^
and placed my affections on the virtuoui^ and honest cha-»
^acterj, and may trust to have so passed tbrough things
^^;mporal as finally not to lose things eternal — I shall have
Uvf^d enough,^^
• A few of ]V|r. Gough's publications yet remain to be no-
ticed : 1. Nevtr editions of ^^ Description des Royaulmes d'An-
gleterre et d*Ecosse, composed par Etienne Perlin," Paris^
][558 ; and of ^^ Histoire de Ten tree de la Heine Mere dans
1$ Grandt Bretagne, par de laSerre," Paris, 1639; \yhich
he illustrated with cuts, apd English notes ; and introduced
by historical prefacec^ in 1775. 2. '^ A Csitalpgue of the
Coins of Canute, king of Denmark and jglngland, with
lyi^i^^iMSly" 1777, 4^0. 3. " An Essa^y on the Rise, and
l^rogre^ of Geogrs^phy in Gipeat ]p!i^itain and Ireland ; illus^^r
trs^^edt with specimens of our oldest ^»aps," 17^0, 4to ; and
^* CaitiJogue of Sarum anid Yorl^ Missals," 17^0, both ex-
tracted from the seqond ^^itipn of fajs^ ^* Britis^h Topogram
phy." 5. " A gomparative view of th^. ar\pieot ]V{p(MimeQts
of jlndiV he. 1785, 4to. 6. ^^ U&t of ^h^ i^embers of
^e Society of Antiquaries o( j^ondon, from thieir revival
in 1717 to June ]|796; arriang^4 in cbroix<?logical and al-
phabetical order," 1798^ 4to. 7. In the sanxe year he
amended a^d considerably enlarged, from the Paris edition
qi 17&9, ac^ finglish tranij^tion of the '* Arabian Night»
Entertainments," to ^hicb he. added notes of illustration,
an4 9r preface,^ in which the supplementary tales published
% Pom- Chavis, are prove4 to be a palpable forgery,
8. ". A Letter to the Loi;d 5i^o.P of l^on^xxy by a Lay-
iopa^n^" 1799, dvo, on various subjects connected with the
prosperity c^ %\^ church. 9. " Rev. Kentiett Gibson^a
CQipm^nt upoa part of the §fth journey of Antoninus
^pugh Biit^Q/' ^c« I^OQ, 4to. 10. '^ liiUcriptioii of th^
]Byeauch^mp chapel^ adjoining to the chui;ch of Sit. Mary at
Warwick," l^acH, 4to« As to his assistai^e to his friendu
engaged in liter^f^y pursuits, . it was. more extensive tbaa
probably will ev/^c be known; but some, particulars are
stated by his biographer, to which wa re^r, and many other
acknowledgments n^ay be found in yario.u3 works published
within the last forty 3^ars. It i^ to be regretted that no
portrait of Mr. Gough exists, nor is it known that he ever
would oonsent to sit to any of the many artists with whom
he was ^onne<?te,d, and to some of whom be was a ateady
patron. His person was ahor^ iucUning to corpulence.
G O U G H. ISt
His features bespoke the enet-gy and activity of his miti^.
In youth be was {Peculiarly shy^ which he attributed to &
late entrance into the World, and an irresistible habit bf
Application to books. As his intercourse with society ad-
vanced^ his manner became niore easy, and his convena«
tioU was always lively, often with a pleasant flow of hu-
mour, and his disposition communicative. ^
GOUJET (Claude Peter), a canon of St James d^
I'Hopital, and an associated academician of Marsek4es>
Roueti, Angers^ and Auxerre, was born at Paris, \ Oct. 19^
1697. His father was a taylor, with a tradesman-like
averision to learning, in the pursuit of which, however, he
foil^nd it impossible to prevent hts son from einploying bib
fearly years, tie beg^n his studies at Paris, and carried
tbetti on principally in the Jesuits* college^ and in the
tbngregation of the oratory. In 1720 be obtained a ek-
lionry of St Jauies de THojiital. He died at Paris, Feb*
2i 1767. His whole lifb appears to haVe bten a tcetie of
literary laboUr^ always Useful^ and ofteh condubted with
great judgmeht. In otdbr to pursue his studies withoet
interruption at home, or the necessity of having recourse
to foreign assistance) he acCtinlulated a fine libiltry of
10,000 volumes, in all branches df IttefatUre> but; parti-
cularly litisrary hrstory and biography. For fifty years he
continued to publish one toluihinou« compilatibn after
andther; and by close application^ sb impaired his sight
that he was almost blind ^eme titue before his death. The
last editbt of Moreri divides hi6 publications into transla-
tions, wbrks of piety, Wdrkii of literary history, lives and
eloge^, papers in the literaty Journals, and lastly prefaces ;
in all antounting to eighty-three articles. Of these the
most useful appear to be^ l. ** Les^ Vies des Saints/' Parity
1730, 7 vols. 12mo, dften reprinted in 4to, and other
forms. 2. ^< Bibliotheque des autetirs ecclesiastlques du
XVIII. siecle, pout* servif de .eoniinuation a celledeM.
du Pin, &c." ibid. 1736,- S fols. 8i^o. S. « Supplefttent'*
to Moreri*s Dictionary, ibid. 1735, 2 vols. fol. He alio
pointed dut many hundred errbrs ifi the early (editions df
that wdA. ♦. « Nouvfeau Supplement'* td (he same dic-
tionary, ibid. 1749, fol. With a volume df «< Additiofis,"
1750^ fol. 5. « Bibliotheque F^ati^oi^e^ bn himidire de la
1 Nichols's Bowyer, vol. VI. where, aad id the other Tolnmet of that intt*
rettiog serie* of litorftrt history, will be found miny particulars relative to Mr.
Gough'k connexioiit, «q4 a very oojuiderable eoUection of his epistolary conrt<^
134 G O U J E T.
Ktterature Fraii5aise," from the invention of printing, 21
▼ol& 12mo9 ibi^* ^'^^^ — 1759. This is the most useful of
all bis works. It was undertaken at the request of M.
D^ Argenson, the secretary of state. It in some measure
resembles Niceron, whom he also assisted in his useful
^^Memoires,^' and wrote bis life. 6. '^ De Tetatdes Sciences
en France, depuis la mort de Charlemagne jusqu'aeelle
du roi Robert," 1737, 12mo« This learned . dissertation
chained the prize of the academy of belles lettres, and the
members of this academy are said to have done for Goujet
what they had never done for any other man. Withput
any solicitation, or knowledge of the matter on his part^
they sent a deputation of six of their number to him, re*
questing the honour of choosing him, in the room of the
deceased abb6 de-Vertot. 7. A new edition of Richelet^s
Dictionary, Lyons, 1756, 3 vols. fol. 8. " L'Histoire du
College Royal de France,*' 4to. 9. ^^ Hist, du Pontificat
de Paul V«" Amsterdam (Paris) 1765, 2 vols. 12mo. This
was his last work, in which he is much less favourable to
the Jesuits than might have been expected from one edu-
cated among them. *
GOUJON (John), an eminent sculptor and architect
of Paris, lived under Francis I. and Henry II. and is sup-
posed to have designed the fronts of the old Louvre. This
artist's figures, in demi-relief, have never been surpassed ;
nor can any thing of that kind be more beautiful than his
Fountain of the Innocents, in the street of St. Denis at
Paris. The cariatides which support a tribune in the hall
of the Hundred Swiss at the Louvre are no less so. Many
more of his works may be seen in that city, which are the
admiration of connoisseurs, and remind us of the simple
and sublime beauties of the antique style ; for which rea-
son he is justly called the Corregio of sculpture. *
GOULART (Simon), a protestant divine, and volu*
mtnous writer, was born at Senlis, Oct. 20, 1543, and
studied divinity at Geneva, where he was ordained in Octo-
ber 1566, and i^a^ appointed one of the ministers of that
city, a situation which he filled for the long space of sixty*
two years. His residence at Geneva was never discontinued
but on account of three journies be took to France, on
matters relating to the protestant churches, the one in
1576, when he went to Forez; the second in 1582, to
1 Moreri.— Diet. Hist • Diet. Hiat
G O U L A R T. 135
Cbampagnei and the third in 1 600, to Grenoble. The rest
of bis life he devoted to his pastoral duties, and to his nu-*
inerous works, which prove him one of the most indefati-
gable writers of his time. He died Feb. 3, 1628, in his
eighty-fifth year, and in full possession of his faculties.
He preached but seven days before his death. Scaliger,
who had a great esteem for him, says he was an ingenious
man, who learnt all he knevy without the assistance of a
Among the works which be edited and commented upon,,
were those of Plutarch, St Cyprian, Seneca, &c. , He
made a collection of ** Hemarkable Histories,^' in 2 Vols,
8vo, and wrote several pieces relating to the history of his
own times, particularly a *^ Collection of the most memo*
rable. events which bccurred during the League, with notes
and original documents," in 6 vols. 4to. Many of his
pieces were anonymous, but to these he usually affixed the
initials S. G. S. signifying ^* Simon Goulart Senlisien.'' He
was so well acquainted with the secrets of literary history^
and of anonymous publications, that Henry III. of France,
wishing to know the author of a piece published under the
assumed name of Stepbanus Junius Brutus, and intended
to propagate republican doctrines, sent a person to Geneva
to consult Goqiart, but the latter refused to communicate
the fact, for fear of exposing the author to serious injury.
He had a son, who was a minister of the Walloon church
at Amsterdam, and a strenuous assertor of Arminian tenets,
but did not attain bis father^s reputation. *
an eminent English physician in the seventeenth century,
was born in Northamptonshire, and was son of Mr. William
Goulston,^ rector qf Wymondham, in Leicestershire. He
became probationer fellow of Merton college, Oxford, in
1596, where he took the degrees of B. and M. A. and after-
wards applied himself to the study of physic, which he
practised first in Oxford, and afterwards at Wymondham,
where he was much resorted to for hi^ advice. On April
30, 1610, he took the degree of doctor of physic, and be-
came candidate of the college of physicians at London^
being well approved by the president, censors, and fellows;
and the year following he was made a fellow and censor
of that college. He wi^ sgon introduced into very e:isten«»
1 Cjen, Dict«-NictroD, voK^PUX.
IS« G O U L S T O N.
iite practice in the city of London, and distingui&hed hita^
self likewise to great advantage by his skill in the Latin
arid Greek languages, and divinity, and by his writings.
His affection to the public good and to the advancemetit of
the fabulty of physic was such, that by his last will and
testament he gave two hundred pounds to purchase a
rent-charge for the maintenance of an annual ]ectur6
within the college of physicians of London. This lecture
was to be read from time to time by one of the four
youngest doctors in physic of the college, and to be upon
two, or" three, or more diseases, as the censors should
direct ; and to be read yearly, at a convenient season betwixt
Michaelmas and Easter, upon some dead body (if pro-
curable) on three days successively, in the forenoon and
afternoon. He left likewise several books to Merton col-
lege, besides several other donations, which legacies wer^
punctually paid by his widow Ellen, who being possessed
of the impropriate parsonage of Bardwell in Suffolk, pro-
cured leave from the king to annex the same to the vi-
carage, and gave them both to the college of St. John's, in
Oxford. Our author died at his house within the parish
of St. Martin Ludgate, May 4, 1632, and was interred
^th great solemnity in the church of that parish.
The public has been indebted on several occasions to
the Gulstonian institution for ingenious dissertations, de-
livered as lectiires ; as tho$e of Dr. Musgrave ; Dr. For-
dyce's treii«ise on digestion ; Dr. Saunders, &c. Dr. GouU
ston wrote, L ^^ Versip Latina et paraphrasis in Aristotelis
rhetoricam," London, 1619, 1623, &c. in 4to. 2. "Aris-
totelis de Poetic^ liber Latin^ conversus, et analytic^
methodo illustratus,'^ London, 1623, 4tQ. 3. " Versio,
varisB Lectiones, et Annotatiohes criticce in opuscula varia
Galeni,*^ London, 164p, 4to^ published by his friend Mr.
Thomas Gataker, reotor of Rotberhithe, inSurrej'. '
GOULU (Jqhn), a'Frehch writer pf some note, was the
son of Nicholas Goulu, royal professor of Greek in the
university of Paris, in 1567, and author of a translation
from Greek into Latin of Gregentius's dispute with the Jew
Herbanus, which De Noailles, the French ambassador, bad
brbiight from Constantinople, and of other works, a col-*
lection of which was printed at Paris in 158Q. His son
was born at Paris Aug. 25, 1576, and educated for tdie bar ;
\ Aih. Oz. Tolf I.— Gen. Diet.
G O U L U. 137
buty having foiled in the first cause he pleaded, he felt the
disappointment so acutely as to relinquish the profession^
and retire into a convent. He chose the order of the
Feuillans, and entered amongst them in 1604. He was so
much esteemed in his order that he always enjoyed soma
office in it, and was at last made general. The name he
took when he became a monk, was Dom John of St. Fran-
cis. As he understood the Greek tongue, he translated
into French Epictetus's Manual, Arrian^s Dissertations^
some of St. BasiPs treatises, and the works of Dionysius
Areopagita; to which he added a vindication of this St.
Dionysius*s works. He also revised his father^s Latin
translation of St. Gregory Nyssen against Eunomius, and
published it. He also wrote a book against Du MouKn's
treatise of the calling of pastors, << De la Vocation des
Pasteurs ;'' the Life of Francis de Salts, bishop of Geneva;
and a Funeral Oration on Nicholas le Fevre, preceptor to
Lewis Xni. ; but it is said that he never delivered it^ He
did not, however, gain so great reputation by all those
writings as by his angry controversy with Balzac, already
noticed in our account of ^hat writer. Goulu died Jan.
GOURNAY (Mary db Jars, lady of), a French female
wit, the daughter of William de Jars, lord of Neufoi and
Gournay, was bom either in Paris, or in Gascony, about
1565. From her infancy she had a strong turn to litera-
ture ; and Montagne publishing his first essays about this
time, she conceited an enthusiastic veneration for the
author. These declarations soon reached the ears of Mon-*
tagne, who returned her compliments by corresponding
regard for her talents. Her esteem by degrees growing
into a kind of filial affection for Montagne, when her father
died she adopted him in his stead, even before she had
seen him; and, when he was at Paris in 1588, she paid
him a visit, and prevailed upon him to accompany her and
her mother the lady Gournay, to their country mansion,
where be passed two or three months. In short, out
young devotee to the muses was so wedded to books of
])olite literature in general, and Montagne^s Essays in par-'
ticular, that she resolved never to hate any other associate
to her happiness. Nor was Montagne sparing to pay the-
just tribute of his gratitude, and foretold, in the second
) Qm. Dict.^-'Morerl.
book of his EssayS| that she would be capable of great
eminence in the republic of letters. Their affectionate
regard extended through the family ; Montagne^s daughter,
the viscountess de Jamaches, always claimed mademLoiselle
<le Jars as a sister ; and the latter dedicated her piece, *^ Le
Bouquet de Pinde,^' to this sister. Thus she passed many
years, happy in her new alliance, until she received the
melancholy news of Montague's death, when she crossed
almost the whole l^ingdom of France to mingle her tears
and lamentations, which were excessive, with those of his
widow and daughter. Nor did her hlial regard stop here.
She revised, corrected, and reprinted an edition of his
^' Essays*' in 1634 ; to which she prefixed a prieface, full
of the strongest expressions of devotion for his memory.
jShe wrote several things in prose and verse, which were
•collected into one volume, and published by herself in
1^36, with this title, -^ Les avis et les presens de la
Pemoiselle de Qournai.^' She died at Paris in 1645, and
epitaphs were oopiposed for h^r by Menage, Valois, Patin,
La Motbe Vayer, and others. It is not, however, very
leasy to appreciate her real character from these. Living
at a time when literature was not much cultivated by the
females in France, it is prqbable that she earned her re-
putation at no great ^xpence of talents, and it is certain
that her writing? are little calculated to perpetuate her
fame. It appears equally certain that she was as frequently
the subject of ridipu|e fimpng the wits, as( qf admiration
among the courtiers. Those, however, who think her cha-
racter an object of curiosity, qiay find ^mple information
in our authorities. '
GOURVII^LE (JpHN l{£|iAyLD D£), a French politician,
was born at Rochf^foucauld in 1625, and was taken by the
celebrated duke of that name into his service as valet de
phambre, from which situation be cos^ to be his confidential
friend. He was also equally honoured by the great Conde,
and was employed by the superiqtendant Fouquet, in pub-^
lie business, and was involved in his disgrace. But such
w$is the value put upon his political talents and integrity,
that he was at pne time pvoposied to the king as successor
to Colbert in the ministry. JJe died in 1705, leaving
<< Memoirs of his Life from 1642 to 1698," 2 vols, l^mo,
written with frankness and siinplicity ; and containing very
> Gea. I>ict.-*Moreri in trt. J%n de Gonmai.— NiceroDi vol. XVI.
G O U R V I L L £• n^
lively characters of the ministers and principal persons of
his time, of which, it is said, Voltaire made much use ia
^is « Siecle de Louis XIV."
It was on Gourville that Boileau was said to have written
an epitaph, in which he described him as speakingr well^
though be knew little ; as being a gentleman in manners^
although of low birth ; and as caressing all the world, al-
though he loved nobody. He proved himself, however,
the most sincere of all Fouquet's friends ; not only lending
madame de Fouquet upwards of 100,000 livres for her sup-
port, but settling the same sum on her son. ^
GOUSSET (James), an eminent protestant divine, was
born Oct. 7, 1635, of a good family at Blois, and was
iCousin*gerqaan to the celebrated I^aac Papin. He was
appointed minister at Poitiers in 1662, and remained there
till the revocajtion of the edict of Nantes in 1685. He then
went to England, aivd afterwards to Holland, where he was
phosen ininister of the Walloon church at Dort Five yeara
after he was appointed professor of Greek and divinity at
Groningen, where he died Nov, 4, 17Q4, leaving a great
number of works, both printed and in MS. : the principal
are, a Hebrew dictionary, or " Commentarii Linguae He-
braicae ;^' a valuable work, the best edition of which is that
of Leipsic, 1743, 4to; a refutation, in Latin, of rabbi
Isaac's '^ Chi^zouck Emounak,'* or Shield of Faith, Dort,
1688, Svp, and Amsterdam, 1712, fol. This refutation
has been much praised by several among the learned ; but
others doubt whether it merits such high encomiums : the
book against which it was written may be foOnd in Wa-
gensal's ** Tela ignea Satanae." He also published " Con-
siderations th^ologiques et critiques centre le Projet
4'm?e nouyelle Version de la Bible," 1698, 12mo. This
last was written against Charles le Cene's project of it
translation of the Bible, which should favour the Arminiaa
doctrines. :
GOUSSIER (John James), a leari)ed French physician^
professor of mathematics, and a member of several learned
societies, was born at Paris March 7, 1722. His first pub»
lie services in the literary world wefe the arrangement and
preparation for the pre^s of M. la Condamine^s memoir
on the measure of the first three degrees of the meridian
in> the Southern hemisphere* In the Encyclopaedia he was
1 Morcri.— Diet. Hiit. « Niceron, wot. 11. and X.— Morcri,
liO G O U S S I-£ R.
chosen fbr the department of the mechanic arts^ and his
Dumereni articles are remarkable for accuracy and perspiw
cuity. He had a great turn for mechanics^ and ihveht^d
A&veral machines still employed in agriculture and che«
inistryj &c. in France. In connexion with the unfortunate
b^ron de Marivetz^ he published a learned and elaborate
work entitled " Physique du monde," five voluriifes of
i^hich he published duritig the life of his cdtleagiie, and
afterwards three others. The whole Was to havfe been
comprized in 14 Vols. 4to, but of these eight only have
appeared. In 1779 he published "Prospectus d'un trait6
de geomietrie physique particuliere du royaume de France,'*
4to. He died at Paris in 1 800. *
GOUTHIER, or GUTHIERES (James), in Latin Gt;-
THEitiuSy £i learned and judicious antiquary, and l^nvybt,
was born at Chaumont in Bassigny, and was admitted kd«
▼ocate to the parliament of Paris. After having attended
the bar with honour for forty years, he^retihed into the
couiitry, and devoted himself wholly to study. He died
in 1638. His principal works ate, 1. " De Vetere Jurfe
Pontificio urbis Romee," 1612, 4to, which gave so much
-satisfaction at Rome, that the senate conferred the rank of
Konian citizen on him and his posterity. 2. ** De Oflficiiis
domCls Augustae, publicsB et privatsfe," 1628, 4to, and
Leipsic, 1672, 8vo, &c. 3. " De jnre Manium,** Leip-
*ic, 1671, 8vo. He wrote also two small tracts, one " De
Orbkafe toleranda ;" the other, ** Laus caecitatis,'* &c.
These works are all esteemed, and ^otne Latin verses which
he wrote have been admired for their elegance. •
GOUX (Francis le) De la BouLaye, a celebrated tra-
veller in the 17th century, wa^ the son of a gentleman af
Batig^, in Artjou, where h6 w£ls hbtn abbut 161Q. How,
or for what profession he was educated, does not appear,
but he seems to have been of a rambling disposition, and
ifpent ten yeats in visiting most parts of the world. He
published an account of his travels, 1653, 4to, which c<7d-*
tain sortie particulats that are not miinteresting. Whea
he returned from his first voyage, he was so altered, that
his mother would not own him, and he was obliged to cotti-
Hience a suit against her to recover his right of eldetdbip.
B6ing i^ent ambassador to the Turks, and the great mogul,
in 1668, he died in Persia during his journey. I
1 Diet. Bifl. 9 Moi9eri.^Dict. Hiit f Moreri.— Did. Hift.
G O U Y E. 141
GOUYE (Thomas), a French mathematician^ was bom
JSept. 18, 1650, at Dieppe, and entered among the Jesuits
in 1667. He early acquired reputation for his skill iix ma-
ibematics, and was admitted into the academy of sciences
in 16S9. He assisted constantly at the meetings pf that
academy, whose members entertained a high opinion of
his geniusu He died at Paris, in the professed house of
the Jesuits, March 24, 172^, aged seventy>five. His prin-
cipal work is entitled, ** Observations Physiques et Mathe*-
tnatiques pour servir h la perfection de PAstronomie, et de
la geogifa^phie, envoy6es de Siam, a 1' aoademi^ des sciences
de Paris, par les P. P. Jesuites missionaires ;*' with notes
and remarks, in 2 vols, the first, 8vo, the second, 4to.
These remarks may also he found in torn. 7. of the ^^ Me-
B^oires'^ qi the above academy. ^
GOVEA (Andrew), in Latin GoViEAKi^s, a learned
Portuguese, of the fourteenth century, was born at Bej^
and appointed principal of the college of St. Barbe at Paris,
where be educated three nephews, who became celebrated
for their learning. Martial Govea, ^he e>dest, was a
good Latia poet, and published a *^ Latin Grammar'^ at
Paris. Andrew, his next brother, a pviest, born m 14d^
succeeded his uncle as principal of St. Barbe, and gained
so grcsat a reputation there, that he was invited to acoept
the same office in the college of Gnienne, at Bour-deaux*
This invitatioD be accepted in 1534, and coatia»ued at
BourdeaucK till 1547, when John HL king of Portugal, re-
called him to his dominions, to establish a college at Cqim-
bra^ similar to that of Guienne ; and Govea took with him
into Portugal the celebrated Buchanan, Grouchi, Guerenti^
Fabricius, la Costa, and other men of learning, well qua-
lified to iusti^uct youth. He died June 1548, at Coimhpa>
leavingi no printed work, Anthony Govea^ the youngest
of these three brothers, and- the most eminent of all, wrote-
several pieces on phijo'sopby and law, and is mentioned
with great encomiums by l%uanu8^ Rons^rd^ and all'lhe
learned* He taught with reputation «t Bourdeaux, after-
wards at Gahors, and Valence in Dauphiny, and died in
1565, aged sixty, at Turin, to which place Phiiibert had
invited him. His principal works are, an ^' Apologetical
Discburse'' against Calvin, who bad accused' him of atheism
iu his treatise on scandal^ some works on law, fol.; ^< Va-
1 Moreri.— Diet. Hiit.
142 G O V E A.
liarum lectionum Libri duo/' fol. ; editions of Virgil stnc(
Terence, with notes ; " Epigrammatum Libri duo,'* and
'^ Epistoiss." The whole was printed at Rotterdam, lt6($f
fol. Manfred Govea, his son, born at Turin, became
distinguished for his knowledge of the belles lettres, civil
and canon law, and was counsellor of stale at the court of
Turin. He died in 1613, leaving " Consilia;" "Notes
on Julius Florus ;" some "Poetry," and a funeral oration
on the death of Philip II. king of Spain. ^
GOWER (John), one of the few poets who floarished
in the first periods of our poetical history, is supposed to
have been born before Chaucer, but of what family, or in
what part of the kingdom is uncertain. Leiand was in*
formed that he was of the ancient family of the Gowers of
Stitenham, in Yorkshire^ and succeeding biographers ap*
pear to have taken for granted ^hat that eminent antiquary
gives only as a report. Other particulars from Leiand are
yet more doubtful, as that he was a knight and some time
chief justice of the common pleas; but no information re*
specting any judge of that name can be collected either in
the reign of Edward II. during which he is said to have
been on the bench, or afterwards. Weever asserts that he
was of a Kentish family; and, in Caxton's edition, of the
<^ Confessio Amantis," he is said to have been a native of
He appears, however, to halve studied law, and was a
member of the society of the Middle Temple, where it is
supposed he met with, and acquired the friendship of
Chaucer. The similarity of their studies, and their taste
for poetry,, were not the only bonds of union. Their poli-
tical bias was nearly the same. Chaucer attached himself
to John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, and Gower to Thomas
of Woodstock, duke of Gloucester, both uncles to king
Richard II. The tendency of the ^^ Confessio Amantis,''
iti censuring the vices, of the clergy, coincides with Chau«
cer's sentiments, and although we have no direct proof of
those mutual arguings and disputes between them, which
Leiand speaks of, there can be no doubt that their friend*
ship was at one time interrupted. Chaucer concludes his
Troilus and Cressida with recommending it to the correc-
tions of ^ moral Gower," and ^< philosophical Strode ;'* and
^ Moreri ia Goutrea. — Gen. DicL-^-Clement BibL Curieufe.— Freheri Th«a«<'^
inim.— ^xii Ooomast.
G O W E IL 14*
Gdwer^ ih the Coiifessio Amantis, introduces Yiinus prais^^
ing Chaucer *^ as her disciple and poete.'' Such was their
mutual respect ; its decline is less intelligible. Mr. Tyr*
whit says, *^ If the reflection (in the prologue to the Man of
Lawes Tale, ver. 4497) upon those who relate suchstoriei
as that of Canace, or of ApoUonius Tyrius, was levelled at
Gower^ as I very much suspect, it will be difficult to re*
concile such an attack to our notions of the strict friend-
ship which is generally supposed to have subsisted between
the two bards. The attack too at this time must appear
the more extraordinary on the part of our bard, as he is
just going to put into the mouth of his Man of Lawe a tale,
of which almost every circumstance is borrowed from
Gowen The fact is, that the story of Caoace is related
by Gower in his Confessio Amantis, B. III. and the story,
of ApoUonius (or Apollynus, as he is there called) in the
Vlllth book of the sam6 work : so that, if Chaucer really
did not mean to reflect upon his old friend, his choice of
these two instances was rather unlucky."
" There is another circumstance," says the same critic,
'^ which rather inclines me to believe that their friendship
suffered some interruption in the latter part of their lives.
In the new edition of the ' Confessio Amantis,^ which
Gower published after the, accession of Henry IV. the
verses in praise of Chaucer (fol. 190, b. col. 1, ed. 1532)
are omitted. See MS. Harl. 3869. Though perhaps the
death of Chaucer at that time had riendered the compliment
contained in those verses less proper than it was at first,
that alone does not seem to have been a suflicient reason
for omitting them, especially as the original date of thd
work, in the r6th of Richard II., is preserved. Indeed the
only other alterations which I have been able to discovery
are towards the beginning abd end, where every thing
which had been said in praise of Richard in the first edi-
tion, is either left out or converted to the use of his
As this is the only evidence of a difference between
Chaucer and Gower, we may be allowed to hope that no
violent loss of friendship ensued; As' to their poetical
studies, it is evident that there was a remarkable difference
of opinion and pursuit. Chaucer had the courage to eman-
cipate bis muse from the trammels of French, in which it
was the fashion to write, and the genius to lay the founda-
tipn of English poetry, taste, and imagination. Gower,
144 G O W £ R.
probably from bis closer intimacy with the French and La-
tin poets, found it more easy to follow the beaten track*
Accordingly the first of bis works was written in French
measure. It is entitled <' Speculum Meditantis. Un Trait*
iit6f selonc les aucteurs, pour ensampler les amants ma->
rietz, au fins qils la foy de lour seints espousailies, pour-
roBt per fine loyalte guarder, et al boneur de Dieu salve-
ment tener.'' Of this, which is written in ten books, there
are two copies in the Bodleian library. It is a compilation
of precepts and examples from a Variety of authors, in
&vour of the chastity of the marriage bed.
Hid next work is in Latin, entitled <^ Vox Clamantis.**
Of this there are many copies extant ; that in the Cot-
tonian library is more fully entitled ** Joannis Gower Chro-
nica, qusB Vox Clamantis dicitur, sive Poema de Insur-
rexione Rusticorum contra ingenuos et nobiles, tempore
regis Richardi IL et de Causis ex quibus talia contingunt
Enormia; libris septem." Some lesser pieces are annexed
to this copy, historical and moral. That in the library ot
All Souk college, Oxford^ appears to have been written^
or rather dictated, when he was old and blind. It has an
epistle in Latin verse prefixed, and addressed in these
words: Hanc epistolam subscriptam corde devoto, roisit
senex et csecus Johannes Gower, reverendissimo in Christo
patri ac domino suo principi D. Thorns Arundel Cantuar.
Archiepiscopo, &c. Pr. Successor Thomas, Thomas humi-
lem tibi do me.*' This, therefore, is supposed to have
been the kst transcript he made of this work, probably
near the close of bis life. Mr. Warton is of opinion that
it was first written in 1397.
The '^ Confessio Amantis,*' which entitles him to a place
among English poets, was finished probably in 1393, after
Chaucer had written most of his poems, but before he
composed the Canterbaiy Tales. It is said to have been
begun at the suggestion of king Richard It. who meeting
him accidentally on the Thames, called him into the royal
barge, and enjoined him ^' to booke some new thing." It
was first printed by Caxton in 1 49 S. In 15 1 6, Barclay, the
author of the Ship of Fools, was requested by sir Giles
Alyngton to abridge or modernize the Confessio Amantis;
Barclay was then old and infirm, and declined it, as Mr.
Warton thinks, very prudently, as he was little qualified
to correct Gower. This anecdiote, however, shews that
Gower had already become obsolete. Skelton^ in the
G O W E R. 145
** Bote of Philip Sparrow,** says, " Gower's Englitihe is
t)lcl." Dean Colet studied Gower, as well as Chaucer and
Lydgate, in ofdef to improve his style. In Puttenham's
age, about the end of the sixteenth century, their lan-
guage was out of use. In the mean time a second edition
of the Confessio Amantis was printed by Bartbelet in
1532, a third in 1544, atid a fourth in 1554. At the dis-
tance of two centuries and a balf> a fifth was published in
the late edition of the English Poets. The only stain on
his chafactef, which Mr. Ritson has urged with asperity,
but which is obscurely discernible, is the alteration he
made in this work on the accession of Henry IV. and his
consequent disrespect for the menifofy of Richard, to whom
he formerly looked up as to a patron.
The only other circumstances of his history are, that he
Was esteemed a man of great learning, and lived and died
in afBuence. That he possessed a munificent spirit, we
have a most decisive proof in hi« contributing largely, if
not entirely, to the rebuilding of the conventual church of
St. Mary Overy, or, as it is now called, St. Saviour*s
churcB, Southwark, and he afterwards founded a chauntry
in the chapel of St. John, now used as a vestry. He ap-
pears to have lost his sight in the first year of Henry IV.
and did not long survive this misfortune, dying ac ah ad-
vanced age in 1402. He was interred in St. Saviour's
church, and a monument was afterwards . erected to his
memory, which, although it has suffered by dilapidations
and injudicious repairs, still retains a considerable portion
of antique magnificence. It is of the gothic style> covered
with three arches, the roof within springing into many
angles, under which lies the statue of the deceased, in a
long purple gown ; on his head a coronet of roses, resting
on three volumes entitled Vox Clafnantis, Speculum Medi^
tantUj and Confessio Amantis, His di^ess has given rise to
some of those conjectures respecting his history which can*
not now be determined, as his being a knight, a judge, &c.
Besides these larger works, some small poems are pre-
served in a MS. of Trinity college, Cambridge; but, pos-
sessing little or no merit, are likely* to remain in obscurity.
Mr, Wartpn speaks more highly of a collection contained
in a volome in the library of the marquis of Stafford, of
which he has given a long account, with specimens. They
are sonnets in French, and certainly are more teiider, par
thetic, and poetical than bis larger poems. As an English
Vol. XVI. ^ L
1|6 J&OW E R.
• poet, however, bis reputation must still rest on the '^ Con-
fessio Amantis ;^' but, although he coDtributed in some de-
gree to bring about a beneficial revplution in our ]an*
guage, it appears to be the universal opinion of the critics
that he has' very few pretensions to be ranked among in«-
yeiitors. It seems Ip have been his ambition to crowd all
.his erudition into his f^ Confessio,'' and therefore the most
interjecting parts are his stories brought as moral examples
from various authors.,^
GOZZOLI (B£NOZZo), an artist, boni at Florence in
. 1400, was the disciple pf Fri Angelico, buttbe imitator of
Masaccio, tp whom he was little inferior ip most, and sa-
perior in some parts of the art^ He lived long at Pisa,
where his best wor^s still exist, and appear less loaded
. yrith the gaudy ej^travagance of that missal style which de-
luded the age. The Bible-histories, with which be filled
. one entire side of the Cs^mpo Santo at Pisa, are by Vasari
styled '^ a terrible work, performances to intimidate a le-
gion of painters.^' It is in that place where he displays a
pow^r of coiQposition, a truth of imitation, a variety of
character and attitude, a juicy, lively, lucid colour, and a
.pathos of expression that places him next to Masaccio.
The inequality of the work, however, s^ems to betray
more than one band. He died at Pisa in 1478, and a se-
.piulchre, erected to his memory by the gratitude of his
.employers, is placed near the above work, with an epitaph
in his praise. His works were engraved by Lasinio, and
published in 1805 and 1807.*
, GRAAF (Reonier be), a celebrated physician, was born
f^t Schoonhaven, • in Holland, where his father was an
eminent architect, July 30, 1641. After having laid a
proper foundation for classical learning, he went to study
jpbysic at Leyden ; in which science he made so great proi*
gress, that in 1668 ,ke published a treatise f^ De Succo
Pancreiatico," which did him the highest honour. Two
ye^Mfs alter he went to France, and was made M. D^ at
Angers ; but returned to Holland the year after, and settled
At v^lft, where, he had very extensive practice. He mar-
ried in 16VS, and died* Aug. 17, 1673, when he was only
thiity-twp years of age. He published three pieces upon
.ibe. organa of generation both in men and wom^tiy upon
1 Biog. Brit.-— WartOD's Hist, of Poetry.— Johnson and Chalmers's English
Poefcs, 1610.
/. ^ Pitiu0gtQfi«<»*!Biog. Universellc in Beaozza*
G R A A F. 147
which subject he bid a very warm controversy with S wain->
inerdam. His works, with his life prefixed, were pubf
lisbed in 8vo^ at Leyden, in 1677 and 1705; and were
translated into Flemish, and published at Amsterdam ia
GRA AT, or GRAET BARENT, was an historical painter*
whose name is remembered principally upon account of
bis close imitation of the works of Bamboccio, and of his
having founded an academy at Amsterdam^ where he was
boru. The best artists of bis time resorted here to study
after living models; by which means much improvement
was obtained by those who cultivated taste and science ia
the arts* He died in 1709, aged eighty-one.*
GRABE (John Ebnest), the learned editor of the
*^ Septuagint,'' from the Alexandrian MS. in the royal
library at Buckinghamrhouse, was the son of Martyn SyU
vester Grabe, professor of divinity and history in the uni«
versity of Koningsherg^ in Prussia, where his son Ernest
was born Jan. 10, 1666. He had his education there, and,
took the degree of M. A. in that university ; after which^
devoting himself to the study of divinity, he read the worka
of the fathers with the utmost attention. These he took
as the best masters and instructors upon the important
subject of religion. He was fond of their principles and
customs, and that fondness grew>; isio a kind of unreserved
veneration for their authority. Jki&ohg these he observed
the uninterrupted succession of the sacred ministry to be
universally laid down as essential to the being of a true
church : and this discoveary so powerfully impressed his
mind, that at length he thought himself obliged, in con*
science, to quit Lutheranism, the established religion of
his country, in which he had been bred, and enter with-»
in the pale of the Roman church, where that succession
was preserved. In this temper he saw likewise many other
|>articular8 in the Lutheran faith aiid practice, not agrees
able to that of the fathers, and consequently absolutely
erroneous, if not heretical.
Being confirmed in this resolution, he gave in to the
electorid college at Sambia in Prussia, a memorial, con-
taiuing the reasons for his change, in 1695 ; and, leaving
Koningsberg, set out in order to put it in esecotien iit
t NiGeron, vol. XXXIV.— Foppeiii Bibl. BtL
* Pilking^ton.— Real's Cyclopasdia.
148 G R A B £.
«oine catholic country. He was in the road to Erfurt in
this design, when there were presented to him three tracts
ifi answer to his memorial, from the elector of Bran den*
burgh,, who had given immediate orders to three Prussiark
divines to write them for the purpose. The names of these
divines were Philip James Spener, Bernard Van Sanden,
and John William\Baier. The fii*st was ecclesiasiical coun-
sellor to the elector, and principal minister at Berlin ; and
the second principal professor at Koningsbergi The three
answers were printed the same year: the first at Berlin,
the second at Koningsberg, both in 4to, and the third at
Jana, in 8vo. Grabe was entirely disposed to pay all due
respect to this address from his sovereign ; and, having
peruised the tracts with care, bis resolution for embracing
popery was so much weakened, that he wrote to one of
the divines, Spener, to* procure him a safe-conduct, that
he might return to Berlin, to confer with him. This fa*
vour being easily obtained, he went to that city, where
Spener prevailed upon him so far as to change his design
of going among the papists, for another. In England^
says this friend, you will meet with the outward and nnin*
terrnpted succession which you want : take then your route
thither ; this step will give much less dissatisfaction to
your friends, and at the same time equally satisfy your
conscience. Our divinei yielded to the advice; and, ar*
riving in England, wasri^ceived with all the respect due
to his merit, and presently recommended to king William
in such terms, that his majesty granted hijn a pension of
100/. per annum, to enable him to pursue hts studies.
With the warmest sense ef those favours, be presently
shewed himself not unworthy of the royal bounty, by the
many valuable books which he published in England;
which, from this time, he adopted for his. own country ;
and finding the ecclesiastical constitution so much to his
mind, he entered into, priest's orders in that church, and
l^ecame a zealous advocate for it, as coming nearer in his
opinion to the primitive pattern than any other. In this
spim he published, in 1698, and the following year, "Spi-
eitegium SS. Patrum, &c.'! or a collection of tlie lesser
^orks and fragments, rarely to be met with, of the fathers
and herei^e& of .the three, first, centuries; induced to this
compilation, as he expressly declared, by th^e considera-
tion, that thei*e could be no better ejipedient for healing
the divisions of the Christian churchy than to reflect on
G R A B E. 149
the practice and opinions of the primitive fathers. Both
these volumes were reprinted at Oxford in 1700, 8.vo, ahd
some remarks were made upon tb<e first in a piece entitled
"A new and full method of settling the Canonical Authority
of the New Testament, by Jer. Jones, 1726," 8vo. From
the same motive he printed also Justin Martyr's " First
Apology'* in 1700; and the works of Irenaeus in 1702;
both which were animadverted upon by Thirlby, the editor
of^Justin Martyr, and Massuet, the editor of Ireneeus.
Upon the accession of queen Anne to the throne this year^
besides continuing his pension, her majesty sought an oc-
casion of giving some farther proofs of her special regard
for him ; and she was not long in finding one.
The *< Septuagint" had never been entirely printed from
the Alexandrian MS. in St. James's library, partly owing
^ to tbe great difficulty of performing it in a manner suitable
to its real worth, and partly because that worth itself had
been so much questioned by the advocates of the Roman
^opy> that it was even grown into some neglect. To peri
form this task, and to assert its superior oierit, was an honour
marked out for Grabe ; and when her majesty acquainted
him with it, she at the same time presented him with a
purse of 60/. by the suggestion of her minister Harley, to
enable him to go through with it. This was a most arduous^
UBdertakiug, and he sparied no pains to complete it. In
the mean time he employed such hours as were necessary
for refreshment, in other works of principal esteem. In
1705 he gave a beautiful edition of bishop Bull's work.^,
in folio, with notes ; for which he received the author's
pariicutar thanks ; and he had also a hand in preparing for
the press archdeacon Gregory's edition of the New Testa-
ment in Greek, which was printed the same year at Ox-
ford, revising the scholia, which Gregory, then dead, had
collected from various authors, and making the proper
From his first arrival he had resided a great part of hii
time in that university, with which he was exceedingly de-
lighted. Besides the Bodleian library there, he met with
several persons of the first class of learning in tiieologi*
cal and sacred criticism, among whom he found th^t free-
dom of conversation and communication of studies which
is inseparable from true scholars; but still the Alexandrian
MS. was the chief object of his labour. He examined it
with his usual diligence, and ;:ompaiing it with a copy
from that of the Vatican at Rome, he found it in so rvMi^
places preferable to the other, that be resolved to print ift
as soon as possible. With this view, in 1 704, he drew tip
a particular account of the preferences of this to the Vati-*
can MS. especially in respect to the book of '* Judges,'*-
and published it, together with three specimens, contain-*
ing so many diflfei'ent methods of his intended edition,
wishing to be determined in his choice by the learned.
This came out in 1705, with proposals for printing it. by
subscription, in a letter addressed to Dr, Mill, principal of
£dmund-hatl, Oxford; and that nothing might be wanting
which lay in the power of that learned body to promote the
work, he was honoured with the degree of D- D. early the
following year, upon which occasion Dr. Smalridge, who
then officiated as regius professor, delivered two Latin
speeches, containing the highest compliments to his inerit.
The success was abundantly answerable to bis fondesi
wishes : besides the queen's bounty, he received anotbe?
present from his own sovereign the king of Prussia ; ancj
subscription^^ from the principal nobility, clergy, and gen-«
try, crowded daily upon him from all parts.
In the midst of these encourageqiients, the first volume
of this important work came out in 1707, at Oxford, in
folio and 8vo. This volume contained the Octateuch, and
his design was to print the rest, according to the tenor of
the MS. but, for want of some materials to complete the
historical and prophetical books, he chose rather to change
that order^ and to expedite the work as much as possible.
The chief materials for which he waited not yet coming to
hand, he was sensible that the world might expect to see
the reasons of the delay, and therefore published a disser-
t-ation the following year, giving a particular account of it,
under the title of " Dissertatio de variis viijis LXX Inter-^
Eretuqi ante B. Origenis aevum illatis, & remediis ab ipso
[eyapl^ri ejusdem versionis additione adhibitis, deque hu«
jus edition^ reliquiis tam manuscriptis tam pr^lo excusis.''
The hplps h^ >vanted, as above intimated, were a Syriac
MS. of the historical books of the Old Testaonent, with
Origenis ms^rks i^poi^ th^m ; besides two MSS. one bdong-*
jng to caifdinal Cbig^, and the other to the college of Lewis
le Grand. He receivecj iiU afterwards, and made collations
from them^^ as also for a volume of annotations upon the
whqle work, as well asf for the prolegomena; all which
xequirio^ some tune to digest into a proper method j|; the
G R A B E; 15]
iOMDd voloiiie did not come oat till 171 9, when the fourth
also aippeared, and was followed by the third the ensuing yean
In the mean time, he fell into a dispute with WbistOD^
who had not only in private discourses^ in order to support
bis own cause by the strength of our author's cbaracter^
but also in public writings, plainly intimated, <^ that the
doctor was nearly of his mind about the Constitution of
the Apostles, written by St. Clement, and that he owned
in general the genuine truth and apostolical antiquity of
that collection/' This calumny was neglected by our au-*
thor for some time, till he understood that the story gained
credit, and was actually believed by several persons wha
were acquainted with him. For that reason he thought it
necessary to inform the public, that his opinion of the
Apostolical Constitutions was quite different, if not oppo-
site, to Mr. Whiston^s sentiments about them ; this he did
in '^ An Essay upon two Arabic Manuscripts in the Bod-
leian Library, and that ancient book called the Doctrine
of the Apostles, which is said to be extant in them, whereia
Mr. Whiston's mistakes about both are plainly proved."
This piece was printed at Oxford, 1711, 8 vo. In tbe-
dedication, he observes, that it was the first piece which
be published in the English tongue, for the service of the
church. He was assisted in it by Gagnier, who, about ten
years before, had come over to the church of England front
that of France, and then taught Hebrew at Oxford ; and^
being well skilled in most of the Oriental languages, bad
been appointed the year before, by Sharp, archbishop of
Yotkf to assist Grabe in perusing these MSS. having en-^
gaged the doctor to write this treatise against Whiston's
notion. But as the result of the inquiry was, that the
Arabic ** Didascaliu" were nothing else but a translation of
the ffrst six entire books of the ^' Clementine Constitu-
tionsy^' with only the addition of five or six chapters not in
the Greek, Whiston immediately sent out *^ Remarks upon
Grabe^s Essay,'' &c. 1711; in which, with his usual perti-
nacity he claims this MS. for a principal support of hi^
own opinions, and declares, the doctor could not have'
served him better than he had done in this essay. Nor has
almost, says he, any discovery, I think, happened so for-
tunate to me, and to that sacred cause I am engaged in
f«pm the beginning, as this essay of his before us. How-
ever this may be, Grabe's essay was his last publication, '
being prevented in the desigu he bad of publishing many
152 G KA B:E)
othem by. his! death, wWdi happened Nov. 12, 1712> in
the vigour of his age. He was interred in Westniiu3ter-«
abbey, where a marble monumeot, with his effigy at full
length, in a sitting posture, and a suitable hi«cription un-
derneath, was erected at the expence of the lord-treasurec
Harley. He was attended in his last illness by Dr. Smal-
ridge, who gave ample testimony of his sincere piety, and
fully refuted the aspemons cast on bis moral character by
Casiiiiir Oudin. He desired upon his death-bed that his
dying in the faith and communion of the church of. England
might he made public. He thought it a sound anH pure
part of the catholic church, notwithstanding some defects
which be thought he perceived in the reformation. He
expressed also his most hearty wishes for the union of all
Christians, according to the primitive and perfect model.
He was, however, a little scrupulous about communicat-
ing publicly in the English church, at least unless he pould
place an entire confidence in the priest that was to offioi-
ate, or ejccept . in case, of necessity. Yet, with all these
scruples, which in our days will not be clearly understood,
he always professed more esteem for the church of Eng-
land than for any other part of the catholig church. He
had so great a zeal for promoting the ancient government
and discipline of the church, among all those who had se-
parated themselves from the corruption and superstitions
of the church of Rome, that he formed a plan, and made
i^ome. advances in it, for restoring the episcopal order and
office in the territories of the king of Prussia, his sove*
reign ; and he proposed, moreover, to introcTuce a liturgy
much after the model of the English service, into that
king's dominions. He recommended likewise the use of
the English liturgy itself, by means of some of his f rife nds,^
to a certain neighbouring court. By these methods, his
intention was to unite the two main bodies of Protestants
in a more perfect and apostolical reformation than that upon
which either of them then stood, and thereby fortify the
common cause of their protestation against the errors of
popery, against which he left several MSS, finished and
unfinished, in Latin, of which the tithes in English are to
be found in Dr. Hickes's account of his MSS. Among
these also were several letters, which he wrote with success
to several persons, to prevent their apostacy to the cburcti
gf Rome, when they were ready to be reconciled to it j
apd in his letters be challenged the priests to meet h^^m ix\
G B A B E. 153
eonferences before the persons whom they bad led astra}' ;
bat ihey knowing, says Dr. Uickes, the Hercules with whom
they mujst have conflicted, wisely declined the challenge.
He left a. great naniber of MSS. behind him, which he
bequeathed to Dr. Hick«s for his life, and after his decease
to Dr. George Smalridge. Th& former of these divines
carefully performed his request of making it known, that
he had died in the faith and comniunion of the church of
England, in an account of his life, prefixed to a tract of
our author's, which he published with the following title :
^^ Some Instances of the Defects and Omissions in Mr.
Whiston's Collections of Testimonies, from the Scriptures
aiid the Fathers, against the true Deity of the Holy Ghost,
and of misapplying and misinterpreting divers of them, by
Dr.Grabe. To which is premised, a discourse, wherein
some account is given of the learned doctor, and his MSS.
and of this short treatise found among his English MSS. by
George Hickes, D. D." 1712, 8vo. There came out afters-
wards two more of our author's posthumous pieces : 1 . << Li*
turgta Graeca Johannis Ernesti Grabii." This liturgy,
drawn up by our author for bis own private use, was pub-
lished by Christopher Matthew Pfaff, at the end of ^Mre*
nasi Fragmeata Anecdota," printed at the Hague, 1715,
Svo. 2. '^ De Forma Consecrationis Eucharistia^, hoc est,
Defensio Ecclesiae Gr8ec8B,"'&c. i. e. *^ A Discourse con-
cerning the Form of Consecration of the Eucharist, or a
defence of the Greek church against that of Rome, in the
article of consecrating the Eucfaaristioal Elements ; written
in Latin, by John Ernest Grabe, and now first published
with an English version." To which is added, from the
sama author's MSS. some notes concerning the oblation of
the body and blood of Christ, with the form and effect of
the eucharistical consecration, and two fragments of a pre-
face designed for a new ^ition of the first liturgy of Ed-
ward VL with a preface, of the editor, shewing what is the
opinion of the church of England concerning Uie use of the
fathers, and, of its principal members, in regard to the nmt*
ter defended by Dr. Grabe in this treatise, 1721, 8vo.
Tbirlby and Le Clerc are the only writers of reputation
who have endeavoured to undervalue Grabe's abilities,
which have received due tribute from bis other learned-
contemporaries. It is, however, with regret we find by a
letter lately published from the Harleian MSS. that the
ye^r before bis d^atb| he was sinking udder %k§ oomplU
I5i G B A B £)
cated Ipad of {penury and iU*^ealtb« We eia^nly bop^
that the lord treasurer, Hadiey, to whom the letter fra» ad-
dressed, administered such relief as was in bis pofwer ; and
this is the more probable from his having honoured bis re*
mains by a monument in Westminster-abbey. It remain*
yet tQ be noticed that bis '^ Collatio codtcis Cottoniani
Geue3eds cum editione Romana,'' which lay long unnoticed
in the Bodleian library, had ample justice done to it in
}778, hy the attention and accuracy of Dr. Henry Owenj
and that the whole of the Alexandrian MS. has since been
very accurately published in fac-simile by the late rev. Or.
Woide of the British Museum.^
GRACIAN (Baltasar), a celebrated Spanish Jesuit^
was born at Catalaiud, formerly Bilbilis. He taught the
belles-lettres, philosophy, and theology, in his society »
preached during some years, and was rector of the college
at Tarragona, where he died December 6, 1658, leaving a
considerable number of works in Spanish, published at
Madrid in 1664, but which are not much suited to the pre-^
sent taste, 2 vols. 4to. The chief of those that have been-
translated into French a?e^ <* Le Heros/' by P. de Gourhe-^
ville, a Jesuit j Rotterdam, 1729, 12mo; ^' Refiexion&
politiqqes sur les plus grands princes, et particulierement
sur Ferdinand le Catholiqtte,'* by M. de Silhouette, Am-
sterdam, 173], 12m6, translated also by P. de Courbeville>
under the title of ^^ Le Politique Dom. Ferdinand le Ca^
thpjique," Paris, 1732, 12mo, with notes. >* L' Homme'
Universel,** by P. de . Courbeville, 12mo. ** L' Homme"
detromp6, ou le Criticon," by Maunoy, 3 vols^ 12iDO,
•^ UHomme de Cour,'* by Amelot de la Houssaye^ with
notes, ] 2mo. P. de Courbeville has likewise translated it,
with the title of ^^ Maximes de Balthasar Gracian, aveO'
des Reponsesaux Critiques de L'Homme Universel/' Paris,
)730, 12mo. His ^^ Manual on the Art of Prudence,'* was
published in English,, in 1694, 8vo,'
G&SMK (John), a young man of Scotland whose ge<#
nius i^nd learning have been most injudiciously heightened,
was born at Carnwarth, in Lanarkshire, in 1748. He waa
the youngest of the four sons of a poor farmer^ and having
discovered an uncommon proficiency in the learning taught
at the school of the village, it was resolved to educ^e him'
1 Biog. Brit.— Gen. Dict,i-*Nidiolft'K Bowjer.-*>Ssxii ^noaast*
? M«reru«»Pict. Hist*
O n M tA E;# 155
for the church. At the age of foarteeu h0 was placed at
the school of Lanark, where bk progress in grammatical
learning is said to have been rapid, and, considering his
earJy disadvantages, incredible. In 1766 he was removed
fo the university of Edinburgh, where, we are likewise told
that in classii?al learning be surpassed the most industrious
and accomplished -students of bis standing, and spoke and
Composed in L^tin with a fluency and elegance that' had
few examples. And, of mathematics, natural philosophyi
and metaphysics, his knowledge was considerable. To this
was owing a certain proneoess to disputation and metaphy-
sical refinement, for which he was remarkable, and which
be-oft0n indulged to a degree that subjected him to the
imputation of iipprudence, and of free^tbinking. His torn
for elegant composition first appeared in the solution of a
philosophic question, proposed as a college-exercise, which
^ he chose to exemplify in the form of a tale, conceived and
executed with all the fire and invention of eastern imagi-
nation. This happened in 1769 ; and his first attempts in
poetry are of no earlier date.
About this time be was presented to an eKhibition (or
bursary, as it is called) in the university of St. Andrew^
which be accepted, but found reason soon after to decline,
upon discovering that it subjected him to repeat a course
of languages and philosophy; which the extent of his ac«
quisitions, and the ardour q( his ambition, taught him to
bold in no great estimation. In 1770, therefore, he re-
stimed bis studies at E^dinburgh, and, having finished the
usual preparatory (^ourse^ was admitted into the theologi-^
cal class : bqt the state of his health, which soon after be^*
gan to decline, did not allow him to deliver any of the ex-
ercises usually prescribed to students in that sdciety. In
autumn 1771, bis ilUhealtb, that bad been increasing
almost, unperceived, terminated in a deep consumption }
the complicated distress of which, aggravated by the indi-
gence of bis situation, be bore with an heroic composure
and magnanimity, and continued at intervals to compose
verses, and to correspond witb bis friends, until after a
tedious struggle of ten months, he expired July 26, 1772y
in the 24th year of bis age. His poenaa, consisting of ele-
gies and miscellaneous pieces, were collected, and printed
at Edinburgh, 1773, Svo. There are few of tbem entitled
to superior praise, and certainly none that can justify the
leqgth to which the detail of bis life and opinions has been
156 G R JE M E;
extended. Unfortunately als®, thiese poems were reprinted
in a late collection, and among them a specimen of his
Latin poetry, called a Sapphic ode, and styled *[ a correct
and manly performance for a boy of fifteen.** But so far
from being correct, it is not even a decent attempt, and the
lines are formed with such total ignorance of the Sapphic
measure, that it has justly been said, " a boy producing
such at one of our public schools could only be considerea
as intending to insult the master." It seems difficult, there-
fore, to form any judgment of the illiteracy of those ** most
industrious and accomplished students of his standing,*'
whom he surpassed in " classical learning.'**
GR.EVIUS, or GREVIUS (John George), a cele-
brated Latin critic, was born January 29, 1632, at Naum-
bourg, in Saxony ; and, having laid a good foundation of
classical learning in his own country, was sent to finish his
education at Leipsic, under the professors Rivinus and
Straucbius. This last was his relation by the mother*s side^
and sat opponent in the professor*s chair, when our author
performed his exercise for his degree ; on which occasion
he maintained a thesis, " De Moribus Gerraanorum.*' As
bis father designed to breed him to the law, he applied
himself a while to that study, but not without devoting
much of his time to polite literature, to which he was early
attached, and which he afterwards made the sole object of
his application. With this view he removed to Deventer
in Holland, attended the lectures of John Francis Grono-
vius,. whose frequent conversations and advice entirely
fixed him in his resolution. He was indeed so much pleased
with this professor, that he spent two years in these stijdies
under his direction, and frequently used to ascribe all hia
knowledge to his instructions. Being desirous in the mean
time of every opportunity of enlarging his acquaintance
with the ablest men of his time, be went from Deventer,
first to Leyden to hear Daniel Heinsius, and next to Am-
sterdam ; where, attendfng the lectures of A lexander Monus
and David Blondel, this last persuaded him to renounce
the Lutheran religion, in which he had been bred, and to
embrace Calvinism.
His reputation for literary talents and acquirements wad
so high before he had reached his twenty-fourth year, that
he was judged qualified for the chair; and, upon tbe'deatti
,. ' * Anderson's 4>oet8.— British Criiici to), VJIr .
G R iE VI V fi. I5t
of Schnltingi actually hominsfcted to the professofsbip bf
Duisburg by the elector of Brandenburgh : who at the
same time yielded (o his desire of visiting Antwerp, Brus-
sels, Lorrain, and the neigbbouiing countries ; in order to
complete the plan he had laid down for finishing his studies
before he entered upon the exercise of bis office. Young
as he was, he appeared every way qualified for this office,
but held it no longer than two years ; when he closed with
an offer of the professorship of Deventer, which, though of
less value than Duisburg, was more acceptable to him on
many accounts. He had a singular affection for thef place
where first he indulged his inclination for these studies,
and he had the pleasure of succeeding his much-beloved
Groi>ovius, and that too by a particular recommendation,
on his removal to Leyden. It must be remembered also,
that be was a proselyte to Calvinism, which was the esta-
blished religion at Deventer, and scarcely tolerated at
Duisburg ; and in Holland also it might occur to him that
there was a fairer prospect of preferment, and in this he
was not disappointed, as in 1661, the States of Utrecht
made him professor of eloquence in that university, in the
room of Paulus JEmilius.
, Here be fixed his ambition, and resolved to move no more,
and rejected solicitations both from Amsterdam and Ley-
deo. The elector Palatine lik^wi^e attempted in vain to
draw him to Heidelberg, and the republic of Venice to
Padua, but he bad become in some degree naturalized to
Holland : and the States of Utrecht, being determined not
to part with him, added to that of eloquence the profes-
sorship of politics and history in* 1673. In these stations
be had the honour to be sought after by persons of different
countries ; several coming from Germany for the benefit of
his instructions, many from England. He had filled all
these posts, with a reputation nothing inferior to any of
bis time, for more than thirty years, when he was suddenly
carried off by an apoplexy, Jan. 1 1, 1703, in his 71st year.
. He bad eighteen children by his wife, whom he married
in 1656, .but was survived only by four daughters. One
of bis sons, a youth of great hopes, died 1692, in his 23d
year, while he was preparing a new edition pf Callima-
cbus, which was finished afterwards by his father, aqd
printed in 1697.
. . GjTtievitts did great service to the republic of letters,' not
80 much by original productions of his own, as by proc.ur-
15$ Q n JEV IM S.
* « ■
ing^ many editions of 9utborS| which he enriched \vith notes
and excellent prefaces, as Hesiod, Callimachus^ Suetonius,
Cicero, Fiorus, Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, «f ustin, C»«
sar, Lucian. He published also, of the moderns, Casau*^
bon^s "Letters," several pieces of Meursius, Huet^s " Poc-
roata,'* Junius " De pictura veterum," £remita " De Vita
aulica & civili,'' and otliers of less Tkote. But his chef
jd'ceuvre is his '' Thesaurus Antiquitatum Komanarum," in
12 vols, folio; to which he added afterwards " Thesaortrs
Antiq. & Histor. Italise,^" which were printed after hi« death,
J 704, in 3 vols, folio. There also came oot in 1707, " J.
G. Graevii Preelectiones & CXX Epistolds colleotic ab Alb.
Fabricio;'* to which was added '^ fiurmanni Oracio dicta
in Graevii funere,'' to which we are obliged for tlie parti^
culars of this memoir. In 1717 was printed " J. G. Grae^
vii Orationes quas Ultrajecti habuit,'* 8vo. A great num^
ber of his letters were published by Burman in his ** Syl-
loge Epistotarum," in 5 vols. 4to. And the late Dr. Mead,
who had been one of his pupils, was posi>es6ed of a collec-*
lion of original letters in MS. written to GrsBvlus by the
most eminent persons in learning, as Basnage, Bayle, Bur-
man, Le Clerc, Faber, Fabricius, Gronovius, Kuster, Lien*
boFch, Puffeadorff, Salms^iusi, Sp^nheim, Spinosa, Tollius^
iBeutley, Dodwell, Locke, Potter, Abb6 Bossuet, Bignp%
]9arduin, Huet, Menage, Spon, Vaillant, &c. from 1670 to
the year of his death.*
GRAFIGNY (Frances d^Isembourg D'HAPPONCotjRT,
Dame de), a French lady of literary reputation, was tb^
daughter of a mihtary oiEcer, and born about the year 1€94«
She was married, or rather sacrificed to Francis Hugot de
Grafigny, chamberlain to the duke of Lorraine, a man c^
violent passions, from which she was often in danger of her
life ; but after some years of patient suffering, she was al
length relieved by a legal separation, and her husband
finished his days in confinement, which his improper
conduct rendered necessary. Madame de Grafiguy now
came to Paris, where her merit was soon acknowledged,
although her first performance, a Spanish novel, did not
pass without some unpleasant criticisms, to wbidi, says
our authority, she gave the best of all possible answers, by
' > Botvtianni Oratio ubt supra. — Niceron, vols. II. and X.*— Gen. Diet.— ->Bnr..
manni Trajectum Eruditum. — Saxii Onomasticon. — Dr. Mead's coilection of
letters, meutioDed above, were sold at bis sale for twenty-x)iie g^uin^as, but we
have not learned who was the purchaser. They amouated to tbrte Ibottsand
tw« huadrad letters, all orisinals.
O R A F I G N y. 159
rwriting a batter, which ivss tor ** Lettres d*utte Peruvicnhe,^*
•2 vols. l2ino. This bad great success, being written with
spirit, and abounding in those delicate sentiments which
are so much admired in the French school, yet an air
of metaphysical speculation has been justly objected, as
jthrovving a chill on her descriptions of love. She aUo
wrote some dramatic pieces, of which the comedies of
^* Cenie'' & " La Fille d'Aristide" were most applauded.
Having resided for some tio^e at tlie court of Lorraine, she
became known to the emperor, who had read her ^^ Pe-
ruvian Letters'' with much pleasure, and engaged her to
.write some dramatic pieces proper to be performed before
.the empress and the younger branches of the royal family
at court. This she complied with, and sent five or six
:Sucb pieces to Vienna, and in return received a pension of
1500 livres, but with the express condition that she was
not to print thes^^dramas, nor give copies to any other
theatre. She long retained the esteem and patronage of
the court of Vienna, and was chosen aix associate of the
acadeo^y at Florence. She died, much esteemed by all
classes, at Paris in 1758, A complete edition of her works
.was published at Paris in 17S8, 4 vols. 12mo; and her
:*^ Letters of a Peruvian Pi^ncess,'* were published iii
.English, by F. Ashworth, 1782, 2 vols. JJvo.*
CRAETON (Richard), an English printer and historian,
was descended of a good family, and appears to have beea
brought up a merchant, and his works, as an author, evince
him to have had a tolerable education. He tells us him«^
self that he wrote the greatest part of Hallos chronicle
•(who died in 1547), and next year printed that work, en-
titled ^^ The anion of the two noble and illustre fameliey
of Lancastre and Yorke," foe. continued to the end of the
Feign of fienry VIIL from Hall's MSS. according to Ant.
\Vbod. It had been printed by Berthelat in 1542, but
br^Hight down only to 1532. In 1562 Grafton's ^^ Abridge
ment of the Chronicles of England,*' was printed by R.
Tottyl, and reprinted the two succeeding years, and in
1572. And as Stowe had published his ^' Summarie of the
flnglyshe Chronicles'' in 1565, Grafton sent out, as a
rival, an abridgement of bis abridgement, which he entitled
<f A M^Quell of the Chronicles of England ;" and Stowe,
not lo be behind with hisa^ published in the same year bis
i Diet, Hilt.
*J60 tJ R AFT ON.
*** Summarie of Chronicles abridged.** This rivalship was
accooipained by harsh reflections on each other in their re-
spex^tive prefaces. In 1569 Grafton published his " Chro-
nicle at large, and meere History of the affaires of Eng-
land," &c. some part of which seems to have been unjustly
Censured by Buchanan. In the time of Henry VIII. soon
after the death of lord Cromwell) Grafton was imprisoned
six weeks in the Fleet, for printing Matthews's Bible^ and
what was called "The Great Bible" without notes, and,
before his release, was bound in a penalty of lOO/. tbat be
should neither sell nor print, or cause to be printed, any
more bibles, until the king and the clergy should agrefe
upon a translation. As Whitchurch was concerned with
him in printing those Bibles, he very probably shared the
same fate. Grafton was also called before the council, oil
a charge of printing a ballad in favour of lord Cromwell ;
and his quondam friend bishop Bonner "being present, ag-
gravated the cause, by reciting a little chat between them,
in which Grafton had intimated his " being sorry to hear
of Cromwell's apprehension ;" but the lord chancellor Aud**
ley, disgusted probably at this meanness .of spirit in Bon-
ner, turned the discourse, and the matter seems to have
ended. In a few years after, Grafton was appointed prin-
ter to prince Edward, and he with his associate Whitchurch
had special patents for printing the church-service books,
and also the' Primers both in Latin and English.
• In the first year of Edward VI. Grafton was favoured
with a special patent granted to him for the sole printing of
air the statute books, or acts of parliament; and in Dec.
154S, he and Whitchurch were authorized by another
patent, to take up and provide, for one year, printers,
compositors, &c. together with paper, ink, presses, &c. at
reasonable rates and prices. Ames seems to be of opinion
that he was also a mentfoer of parliament, but Herbert, ap-
parently on good grounds, doubts this. It does not appear
with certainty in what circumstances he died. Strype sup-
poses him to have been reduced to poverty, and tliere is
not much reason to think that he died in affluent circum-
stances. No particulars, however, have been handed down
to us of bis sickness, death, or interment, nor do we find
any account qf him after 1572, when* by an accidental fall
he broke his leg.> He printed .seme of the earliest, most
correct, and splendid of the English Bibles, and many
otjher works of great importance in the infancy of the
G E A F T O N. 161
r^foi'iiiation. His ^< Chronicle'' has not preserve its re-
putation^ and has been usually sold at a price very inferior
to that of the other English Chronicles; but upon that
account, howeyer, it appears to have obtained a wider cir«
Gulation. '
GKAHAM (George), clock and watch maker, the most
ingenious and accurate artist in his time, was born at Hors-
gills, in the parish of Kirklinton in Cumberland, in 1675.
In 1688 he came up to London, and was put apprentice
to a person in that profession ; but after being some time
w^th his master, he was received, purely on account of , his
merit, into the family of the celebrated Mr. Tompion, who
treated him with a kind of parental affection as long as l^ie
lived. That Mr. Graham was, without competition, the
most eminent of his profession, is but a small part of his
Ghai*acter : he was the best general mechanic of his time,^
and had a complete knowledge of practical astronomy ; so
that he not only gave to various movements for measuring
time a degree of perfection which had never before been
attained, but invented several astronomical instruments,
by which considerable advances have been made in that
science: he also ojiade great improvements in those which
had before been in use ; and, by a wonderful manual dex-
terity, comtructed them with greater precision and accu-
racy than any other person ia the world.
.A great mural arch in the observatory at Greenwich was
made for Dr. Halley, under Mn Graham^s immediate inspec*!
tion, and divided by bis own hand : and from this incomparable
original, the best foreign instruments of the kind are copies,
made by English artists. The sector by which. Dr. Brad-
ley first discovered two new motions in the fixed stars, was
of his invention and fabric. He comprised the whole
planetary system within the compass of a small cabinet;
from which, as a model, all the modem orreries have beea
constructed^ And when the French academicians were
sent %o the north, to make observations for ascertaining
the figure of the earth, Mr. Graham was thought the fittest
person in Europe to supply them with instruments; by
which means they finished their operations, in one year;
wk^e those who went to the jiouth, . not being so well fur*** .
* Ames and Herbert's Typoi^aphjical Antiquities. «
t«3 C K A H A M.
nished) were very mnch embarrassed and retarded in tbeitf^
Mr. Graham was many years a member of the royal soei^ty«
to which he communicated several ing^iLous and important
discoveries, viz. from the 31st to the 42d volume of thdi
Philos.Transactions, chiefly on astronomical and philosophi-
cal subjects ; particularly a kind of horary alteratifOR of the
magnetic needle ; a quicksilver pendulum, and many cu-»
rious particulars relating to the true length of the simplei.
pendulum^ upon which he continued to make esrperiment^
till almost the year of his death, which happened Nov. 20^
1751, at his house in Fleet^street. He was inlerved inf
Westminster abbey in the same grave with his predeeestoi^
His temper was tiot less communicative than his genian
was penetrating ; and his principal view was the advance^
ment of science, and the benefit of mankind. As be wa^r
. perfectly sincere^ he was above suspicion ; as he was above
envy, he was candid ; and as be bad a relish for true plea^*-
sure, he was generous. He frequently lent money^ but
could never be prevailed upon to take any interest ; and for
diat reason be never placed out any money upon govern*^
ment securities. He had bank*notes, which were thirty
years old, in his possession, when he died } and his whole
property, except his stock in trade, was found in a strong*
box, which, though less than would have been headed by
avarice, was yet more than would have remained to pro*
digality. ^
GRAIN (John Baptist le), a French historian^ waa
born in 1^65, and, after a liberal education, beeame ooun^i*
seller and master of the requests to Mary de Medieis, queeti
of France. He frequented the court in his youtb^ and d^
voted himself to the service of Henry IV. by whom be wal^
much esteemed and trusted. Being a man of probity, andl
void of ambition, he did not employ his interest witk^
Henry to obtain dignities^ but 6pent the greatest part of
bis life in literaiy retirement. Among other w^rks wbiclit
be composed, are " The History of Henry IV," and " The
History of Lewid XIII. to the death of the Marshal d'An-^
ere," in 1617; both which were published in folio, tinder
the 'title of << Deteade6." The former he pi-esented «q
LewijB XIII. who read it over, and was infinitely charmed
I QtaL May. toI. liXI»— Butcbioioa'i Hiit of Cuab^iUftOi
G RvA I N* 168
mth tbe fraokaess of tbe author : but the Jesuits^ who
never were friendly to liberality of sentiment^ found means
to have 'this work castrated in -several places. They served
" The Hist(H-y of Lewis XIII." worse ; for, Le Grain hav-
ing in that performance spoken advantageously of the
prince of Cond^, hisi protector, they had the cunning and
malice to suppress those passages, and to insert others,
where they made him speak of the prince in very indeco«
rous terms. Cond6 was a dupe to this piece of knavery,
till Le Grain had ti$ne to vindicate himself, by restoring
this as well as his former works to their original purity.
He di€fd at Paris in 1643, and ordered in his will, that
none of his descendants should ever trust the education of
their children to the Jesuits ; which clause, it is said, ha(»
been punctually observed by bis family. ^
GftAINDORGE (Andrew), an ingenious Frencliman,
was a native of Caen in the. seventeenth century, and tha
discoverec of the art of making figured diaper.. He did not^
however, bring it to perfection, for he only wove squares
and flowers; but his son Richard Graindorge, living to^
tbe age of eigtity-two, had leisure to complete what his '
fsither bad begun, and found a way to represent all sorts
of animals, and other figures. This work he called Haute"
lice, perhaps because the threads were twisted in the
woof. They are now called damasked cloths, from their
resemblance to white damask. This ingenious workman
also invented the method of weaving table napkins ; and
bis son, Michael, established several manufactures in dif-*
ferent parts of France, where these damasked cloths are
become very common. Tbe same family has produced se-
veral other persons of genius and merit ; ^among these is
James Graindorge, a man of wit and taste, and well skilled
in antiquities : he is highly spokei\ of by M. Huet, who
was bis intimate friend. His brother Andrew, also,
doctor of physic of the faculty at Montpellier, was a learned
phtloi^opberj who followed the principles of JCpicurus and
Gassendi. He died January 13, 1676, aged sixty. He
left, ^' Traits de la Nature du Feu, de la Lumi^re, et des
Couleurs,^^ 4to j " Traits de I'Origine des Macreuses,'^
1680, l'2mo, and other works. M. Huet dedicated bi$
book '^ De Interpretatione" to this gentleman.*
U 2
' GRAIN6ER (James)^ an English poet and physicianr,
was botn at Dunse, a small town in the southern part of
Scotland, about 1723. His father, a native of Cumber-
land, and once a man of considerable property, had re-
moved to Dunse, on the failure of some speculations in
mining, and there filled a post in the excise. His son,
after receiving such education as his native place afforded,
went to Edinburgh, where he was apprenticed to Mr. Law-
der, a surgeon, and had an opportunity of studying the
various branches of medical science^- which were then
begun to be taught by the justly celebrated founders of the
school of medicine in that city. Having qualified himself
for such situations as are attainable by young men whose
circumstances do not permit them to wait the slow returns
of medical practice at home, be first served as surgeon to
lieut.-general Pulteney^s regiment of foot, during the re-
bellion (of 1745) in Scotland, and afterwards went in the
same capacity to Germany, where that regiment composed
part of the army under the earl of Stair. With the repu-
tation and interest which his skill and learning procured
abroad, he came over to England at the peace of Aix-la«*
Chapelle, sold his commission, and entered upon practice
as a physician in London.
In 1753 he published the result of his experience in
some diseases of the army, in a volume written in Latin,
entitled ** Historia Febris Anomalse Batavce annorum 1746,
1747, 1748,^' &c. Id this work he appears to advantage
as an acute observer of the phenomena of disease, and as
a man of general learning, but what accession he had
been able to make to the stock of medical knowledge was
unfortunately anticipated in sir John Pringle's recent and
very valuable work on the diseases of the army. During
his residence in London, his literary talents introduced
him to the acquaintance of many men of genius, particu-
larly pf Shenstone, Dr. Percy the late bishop of Dromore,
Glover, Dr. Johnson, sir Joshua Reynolds, and others^
who by Mr. BoswelPs comprehensive biography, are now
known to have composed Dr. Johnson^s society, and it is
no small praise that every member of it regai-ded Dr.
Grainger with affection. He was first known as a poet by
bis ** Ode oti SoliQide,*' which has been universally praised,
and never beyond its merits; but professional success is
aeldom promoted by the reputation of genius. Grainger's
practice was insufficient to employ his days or to provide
(3 R A I.N G S R» US
for tbem, aid be is said to h$^e accepted the office, of ttitor
to a young gentleo^an who se^itled an annuity \ipon M91 ; tipr
did he disdain such literary employment as the booksellers
suggested. Smollett, in the coi^rse of a controversy which
will be noticed hereafter, accuses him of working for bread
in the lowest employments of literature, and ai the lowest
prices. This, if it be not the loose assertion of a calum-
niator, may perhaps refer to the assistance he gave in pre-
paring the second volujne of Maitland's ^^ History of Scot*
land,^' in which he was employed by Andrew Millar, who
has seldom been accused of bargaining with authors for
the lowest prices. Maitland had left materials for the vo*
lume, and as Grainger's business was to arrange them, and
contin^e the work as nearly as possible in Maitland's plan-
ner and style, much fame could not result from his best
In 1758 be published a translation of the *^ Elegies of
Tibullus,^' begun during the hours he snatched from busi-
ness or pleasure when in the army, and finished in Lon-
don, where he had more leisure, and the aid and encou-
rageoient of his literary friends. This work involved him
in the unpleasant contest with Smollett, to which we have
just referred. Its merits were canvassed in the ^^ Critical
Review^* with much severity. The nates are styled <^ a
huge farrago of learned lumber, jumbled together to Very
little purpose, seemingly. calculated to display^the trans-
lator's reading, rather than to illustrate the sense and
beauty of the original.^' The. Life of Tibullus, which the
translator prefixed, is said to contain *^ very little either to
inform, interest, or amuse the reader.'* With: respect to
the translation, ^' the author has not found it an easy task
to preserve the elegance and harmony of the original.'*
Instances of harshness and inelegance are quoted, as. well
as of the use of words which are not English, or not used
by good writers, as noiseless^ redoubtablet /eudf ^&c. The
author is likewise accused of deviating not . only frpm the
meaning, >but from the figures of the original. Of these
objections some are groundless, and some are just, yet
even the latter are by no means characteristic of the whole
work, hut.excepttans which a critic of more.Oiandour would
have had a right to state, after be h^ bestowed the praise
due to its general merit Ju this review, however, although
unqualified censure was all the Critic had in view, no per-
sonal attack is made on the author, nor are there any allu^
sions to his situation in life.
U6 ti^RAINGElt
This appeared in tbe *^ Critical Review** for Decetnlber
1758. In the subsequent ilamber for January 1759, the
reviewer takes an opportunity, as if answerits-g a corre-
apondent, to retract his objection agai nvt* the word n^ff«
iessj because it is found in Sbakspeare, ^t observes very
fairly, that the authority of Shakspeare or Mikon will not
justify an author of the present times for intradcicing harsh
or antiquated words. He acknowledges himself likewise
^o blame in having omitted to consntt the errata subjoined
'(prefixed) to Dr. Grainger's performance, where some things
are corrected which the reviewer mentioned as inaccuracies
in the body of tbe work. But this acknowledgment, -so ap*
pairently candid, is immediately followed by a wretched at-
tetupt at wit, in these words : '< Whereas one of the Owis
bekmging to the proprietor of the M(on)ihly R(erie)Wy
which answers to the name of Grainger, hath suddenly broke
from his mew, where he used to hoot im darkness and peace,
and now screeches openly in the faee of day, we shall take
the first opportunity to chastise this troublesome owl, and
*4iive liim back to his original obscmrity.^ The allusion
here is to Dr. Grainger's •* Letter to Tobias BmoHett, M.13.
looeasioned by his <;riticism on a late Translation of Ttbul-
kis,*' a perfoftmance some parts of which every friend to
the author must wish had not been published. In tfhis
letter, however, Grainger, after quoting a passage from
tbe plan or prospectus of the " Critical Review," in which
the authors promise to revive the true spirit of cjriticism,
to act without prejudice, &c. &c. endeavourS' to proye,
that they have forfeited their word, bycnotoriously depart-
ing from the spirit of just and candid criticism, and by in-
troducing gross partialities and malevolent censures. And
these assertions, which are certainly not without founda*
«tion, are intermixed widi reflections on Dr. SmoHettHt
loose novels, aud insinuations that his partialities arise from
causes not very honourable to the cfharacter of an indepen-
dent reviewer.
But whatever truth ma^ be iu all this, the letter was an
<iHrwise and hasty prc^action, written in the moment of tlie
strongest inritation. The review appeared in December^
tad the letter in January. There was no time to cod, and
perhaps no opportunity of consulting his friends, who could
liave told him that notbityg was to be gained hy an ^-
cbange of personalities with Smollett The 'latter required
He f;reat kngtfi -of time ot -consideration to prepare an an-
fiwer, whioh* appe^urjed 9i»}ordiiigly in ibe review for Fe*^
bruary, and in which every insinuation or accii^ation is
iQtFCKlucecl that coutd ieod to lessen Dr« Grainger in the
^yea of ihe puNic^ both as a writer and as a man. But
the objections which Grainger took are by lU) meaoB satis»
foctoiily answered, and the "review is stiU liaUe to «he
suspicion of partiality. No reader of candour ox of taste
ca9 peruse the Translation, without allowing that the aui(>
tbor deserved praise, not only for the attempt, but for the
elegant manner in which he has in general transmitted the
tender sentiments of Tibullus into our Ungua^. But this
the Reviewer has wholly overlooked, confining himself te
the censure of a few defects, part of which he has not
proved to be so, and part were typographical errors.
It has been supposed that some personal animosity
prompted Smollett to such hoaitlity, but of what nature,
or excited by what provocation, is not known. All wje cam
learn fropn the Lettei^ and the Answer is, that the parties
were once upon friendly terms, but that mutual respect
bad now ceased. One circumstance, indeed, we find,
.which may account for much of Smollett's animosity : he
siipposed Grainger to be one of the Monthly Reviewers,
«nd this was provocation enough to the mind of a man, wlie
from the commencement of the Critical Review toQk everjr
opportunity, whether in his way or not, of ^reviling the pro-
prietor and writers of > that journal. As the latter selddm
deigned to notice these attacks, no better reason, we are
ftfraid, can be assigned for Smollett's conduct than the
jealousy of rival merit and success, in both which respects
•the Monthly Review had a decided superiority. Whether
Grainger was a Monthly Reviewer is not an unimportant
question, in collecting the inaterials of his literary life ;
yet his biographers have hastily subscribed to Smollett's
assertion, without examining the Review in question. The.
article of his Tibullus in the Monthly Review may convince
any person that Grainger could have little or no interest or
influence with the .proprietors. Although woitten with
^lecency apd urbanity, it has nothing of partiality or kind^
4iess ; the reader is left to judge from the specimens ez)-
4;raoted, and what praise we find is bestowed with that
iaint reluclaoce, which is more blasting to the .hopes of an
authcr than open hostility. — Even the opinion of the
-Monthly Reviewer on HGrrainger's letter to Smollett, is ex-
pressed with the brevity of one who wishes not to interfere .
in the contest.
Soon after the publication of TibuUus, Dr. Grainger
embraced the o6er of an advantageous settlement as phy-
sician on the island of St Christopher^ s. During his pas-
sage^ a lady on board of one of the merchant-men bound
for the same place^ was seized with the sma)i>-poXy attended
with some alarming symptoms. He was sent for, and not
only prescribed with success^ but took the remainder of
his passage in the same- ship, partly to promote the reco-
very of his patient, but principally to have an opportunity
of paying his addresses to her daughter, whom he married
soon after their arrival at St. Cbristopher^s. By his union
with this lady, whose name was Burt, daughter to Matthew
William Burt, esq. governor of St. Christopher^ s, he be-
came connected with some of the principal families on the
island, and was enabled to commence the practice of phy-
sic with the greatest hopes of success. It is probable^
however, that this was not his first attachment In his
preface to the translation of TibuUus, he insinuates that
his acquaintance with the passion of love gives him a pre-
ference over Dart, who had attempted to transfuse the ten-
der sentiments of that poet into English without the same
The transition from London to a West India island must
have been very striking to a reflecting mind. The scenery
and society of St Christopher^s was new in every respect,
and Grainger seems to have studied it witlr those mixed
and not very coherent feelings of the poet and the planter,
which at length produced his principal work, ^^ The Sugar
Cane.*' On his return to England, at the conclusion of the
war, he submitted this poem to his literary friends, and
having obtained their opinion and approbation, publishecl
.it in a handsome quarto volume, in 1764. To the asto-
nishment of all who remembered his dispute with Smollett,
the ^^ Sugar Cane" was honoured with the highest praise
in the '< Critical Review." But Sraiollett was now on his
travels, and the Review was under the care of Mr. Hamil-
ton, the proprietor and printer, a man who took no plea-
sure in perpetuating animosities^ and who, with great re-
spect for Dr. Smollett's memory, did not deny that his
vindictive temper was of no great service to the Review;
Mr. Bos well, in his life of Johnson, informs us that when
the Sugar Cane ^ was read in manuscript at sir Joshua
Reynolds's^ tbe assembled wits burst out into a laugb, when^
after much .blank*verse pomp, tbe poet began a new para»
graph thus :
' Now Muse, let*s sing of rats J/
And what increased the ridicuie was, that one of the com-
pimy, . who slyly overlooked the reader, perceived that th$
word had originally been vnce, and had been altered to rats
as more dignified." ** This passage/' adds Mr. Boswell,
« does .not appear in the printed work. Dr. Grainger, or
some of his friends, tt shmdd seeml having become sensible
that introducing even rats^ in a grave poem, might be
liable to banter. He, however, could not bring himself
to relinquish . the idea; for they are thus, in a still more
ludicrous manner, paraphrastically exhibited in his poem
as it now stands :
' Nor with less waste the whiskered vermin race,
A countless clan, despoil the lowland cane*.**
Of this incident. Dr. Percy furnished Mr. Boswell with
ihe following explanation. ^' The passage in question was
not originally liable to such a perversion ; for the author
having occasion in that part of his work to mention the
havoc made by rats and.mice^ had introduced tbe subject
in a kind o^mock heroic^ and a parody of Homer's battle of
the frogs and mice, invoking the muse of the old Grecian
bard in an elegant and weiNturned manner. In that state
I had seen it ; but afterwards, unknown to me and other
friends, he had been persuaded, contrary to his better
judgment, to alter it so as to produce the unlucky effect
above mentioned.'' Mr. Boswell tells us that Dr. Percy
bad not the poem to refer to, when he wrote this explana-
tion ; and it is equally evident that Mr. Boswell bad not
read the whole passage with attention, or considered tbe
nature of the poem, when he objected to the introduction
of rats* If we once allow that a manufacture may be sung
in heroics, we must no longer be choice in our subjects;
as to the alteration of mice to ratSj the former was pro-
bably an error of the pen, for mice are not the animals in
question, nor once mentioned by the poet. But it is some-
what strange that Grainger should have ever thought it
prudent to- introduce an episode of the mock-htroxc kind
in E poem which his utmost care can scarcely elevate to so«
In the same year (1764) Dr. Grainger published '< An
JBssay «ii the more common West India Diseases ; and the
17(1 G R A I N 6 E ft.
irem^dies wbich^tliat coantry ksieU^ jfroivBces: To whk^
are Ad4e<i, aome hmts on the managiement of Negroes.*'
To this pamphlet he did not affix his name. Many of di^
remarks it container, particularly those which concern the
choice and t]>eataieni of the negroes, may be found id ^^Th^
Sugar Calne/' After a short residence in Engkad, he re<*'
tiurqed to St. Christopher's, to which, it appears by bia
poeiB} he became much attached; and continued his prac«-
ticeas a physician until bis death, Dec. 24, 1767, whidi
wa^ occasioned by one ctf those epidemic fevers that fre*
qaently rage in the West India islands.
Although k' is impossible to deny Grainger the credit of
poetical genius, it must ever he regretted that where be
willed mcMTt to excel, he was most unfortunate in the
choice of a subject. The effect of his ** Sugar Cane,**
either as to pleasure or utility, mlist be toeal. Connected
as an English enerchaiRt may be with the produce of the.
West Indies, it wiUl not be easy to persuade the reader of
Soglish poetry to study the cultivation of the sugar plant
merely that he may add some new imagery to the more
ample stores whioh he can contemplate ^without study or
trocible. In the West Indjses this poem might have charms,
if readers could be found ;• but what poetical fancy can
dwell on the 'Oeconomy of canes and copper- boilers, Or find
interest in the transactions of planters aod sugar- brokers?
His invocations to his muse are so freq^uent and abrupt, thaet
*^ the assembled wits at sir Joshua Reyndlds's'^ migbt have
found many passages as ludicrous us that wjiiph -excited
their mirth. The solemnity of these iuvocations ejuiitei
expectation, which generally ends in disappointment, and
at best the reader's attention is bespoke w^hout being re-
warded. He is induced to look for sometbing grand, and
is told of a contrivance for destroying monkies, or a recipe
to poison rats. He smiles to fintt the da^es called by the
happy poetical name of swmnsy and the plantieirs itrged to
devotion ! The iinages in this poem are in general low,
and the allusions, where tbe poet would . bye minutely de*
scriptive, descend to things tittle and Tamilian Yet this is
4n some measure forced upon him. His mu&e sings of
.matters so new and uncouth to her, that it is impos^ble
^^ her heavenly plumes'' should ^escape being ^^ soiled.'*
What muse, indeed, could give a receipt for a con^ost df
*^ weeds, mouldy duJig;, and s^e," or a lively descrifition
of tjbe :syQ»p(0!B)s and cui:eof the yaws; and >preierye iuu:
G R A I N Q E R. 'itl
4^gattce 'Or porky ? Wiere, howei«er, he quit^ fhe plain
track ^ n^chanical instraetions, we have maay of diose
effasiotis of faney whicfi wilt yet preserve this poem in our
collections. The description of the hiarricane, and of the
earthquake, are truly grand, and heightened by circnm-
«taiices of Jiorror that are new to Europeans. The episode
of Montano in the first book arrests the attention very
forcibly, and many of the occasional reflections are elegant
and pathetic, nor ought the taleof Junioand Theaua to be
omitted in a list of the beauties of this poem. The '^ Ode
to Solitude,'^ already noticed, and the ballad of ftryan and
Pereene," are sufficient to attest our au thorns claim lo
poetical 4ionours ; and the translation of Tibullus gives proofs
of clas»ical taste and learning. *
GRAMAYE (John Baptist), an eminent antiquary, was
a native of Antwerp, and bom in. Ifhe end of the six-
teenth century. He studied at Louvain, where he toofk
his inaster^s degree in 1596, and became professor ot rhe«
toric and law ia that university. He was afterwards his«
toriographer to the Low Countries, and for three years
employed himself in examining their records. He then
travelled through tbe greater part of Germany and Italy,
bin, wlifle proceeding from the latter country to Spain, he
was ui^foptunately made captive by an Algerine corsair, «ntl
carried to Africa. How he obtained his release does not
appear, %ut upon hrs return to his native land he was pre-
ferred by the archduke Albert to be dean of the collegiate
church of Leusa, in Heinault, and afterwards by the same
•patronage was made president of t\e college at Loifvain.
Some years after he travelled into Moravia and Silesia, and
in the latter province he was, by cardinal Dietrichstein,
placed at the head of a college. He died at Lubec in 1635.
He published many Latin poems, and theses on a variety
ef wbjects ; but his historical and topographical works have
been found of most value. These are, 1. ^' Asia, sive his-
-toria universalis Asiaticarum gentium, &c.'' Antwerp, 1 604,
4ito. ^. .'^Bruzeila cum suo coraitatu,'* Brux.,16a6, 4to.
3. ^^ Arscotum Ducatus cum suis Baronatibus,'' ibid. 1606,
•4to. 4.^ Then® et Brabantias ultra Velpem, qute olim
•HarfbaniiB pars," ibid. 1606, 4to. 5. " Grallo-Brabantia,'*
8 part» or Tols. ibid. 1 606. 6. " Antwerpiae Antiquitates,'*
ibid« 1610. 7. ** Antiquitates ducatus Brabaatiae/' ibid.
\ Johnson and Chalmerses English Poets, 1810*
172 G R A M A Y E.
1«10^ 4to. 8. « Taxandriai,** ibid. 1610, 4to. 9. " Antiqui-
tates Gaudenses/* Ant. 1611, 4to. 10. ^* Africa illustrata/'
Torn. 1622, 4to. 11. '^ Diarium rerum Argel® gesta-
rum," Col. 1623, 12ibo. These are bis obsertations da*
ring his captivity. 1 2. ^^ Respublica Namurcensis," Am^
1634, 24^. ]^. ^^ Specimen Litterarum et Linguarum
universi orbis,'* Athi. 4to. *
GRAMM (John), a learned philologist, antiquary, and
bifttcM'ian of Copenhagen, was born at Aalburg in Jutland,
Oct. 2S, 1685. His father, who was a clergyman, carefully
superintended bis education until he was £t to go to the
university. He went accordingly in 1703 to Copenhagen,
where he very soon distinguished himself as a classical
scholar and critic. In 1 705 he took his bachelor's degree
'With great credit, and in 1707 published the first speci*
men of his learned researches, entitled *^ Arcbytae Taren-
tini fragpientum s-^i td; fiadnfialutng, cum disquisitione chro-»
nologica de setate Arcbytae.'' This was followed by other
dissertations, which raised bis fame so highly that he was
made professor of Greek at Copenhagen, and was also
appointed counsellor of justice, archivist, historiographer,
and Ubrarian, to the king, whom he had taught when a
youtb. In 1745, he was made counsellor of state, and
died March 19, 1748, leaving an elaborate work, ^^ Corpus
diplomatum ad res Danicas facientium." This work, which
be undertook by order of Christian VI. is still in MS. and
probably consists of several folio volumes. Gramm laid
the first foundation of the academy at Copenhagen, and
contributed very frequently to the literary journals of his
time. He was a man of very extensive learning, but par-
ticularly skilled in Greek and Latin, and in history, and
of such ready memory that he was never consulted oo
books or matters of literature without giving immediate
information. He corresponded with many of the literati of
Germany, England, Italy, and France, but was most ad-
mired by those who were witnesses of his amiable private
character, his love of literature, and his generous patronage
of young students.*
GRAMONT (Gabriel Bartholomew, Seignbur de),
in Latin, Gramondus, president of the parliament of
Toulouse, and son of the dean of the counsellors to the
> Foppen Bibl. Belg. — Clement BibU Curieuse. '
* BiAtM de Vitis Philologonim^ toI. IIL
e R A M o N T. ni
same parliament^ descended from an ancient family in
Rouergue^ who were long in possession of the estate of
Gramont. He wrote in Latin a History of the reign of
Louis XIIL from the death of Henry iV. to 1629. This
history, the best edition of which is 1643| fot. may be con*
sidered as a supplement to that of the president du Thou»
although much inferior both as to style and fidelity : the
author flatters cardinal de Richelieu because he hoped for
his favour; andabusesArnauldd'Andilly, and others, from
whoni he had no expectations. He died in 1654. In 1623
be publii^ed his M Historia prostratae a Ludovico XHL
Sectariorum in Gallia rebellionis/' 4to, which contains
^me curious and interesting facts, mixed with strong pre-
judices i^ainst the protestants, which lead him to such
excess, of bigotry as to vindicate the hcNrrible massacre of
St. Bartholomew. ^
GRAMONT. {Philibert, Count of), scm of Antony
duke of Gramont,. served as a volunteer under the prince
of Cond6, and Turenne, and came into England about
two years after the restoration. He was under a necessity
of leaving . France for having the temerity to pay his
addresses, to a lady to whom Lewis XIV. was known to have
a tender attachment. He possessed in a high degree every
qualification that could render him agreeable to the licen-
tious court of Charles IL . He was gay, gallant^ and per-
fectly well-bred, had an inexhaustible fund of ready wit,
and told a. story with extraordinary humour and effect.
His vivacity infused life wherever he came, and was ge-
nerally inoffensive. He had also another qualification very
well suited to. the company he kept. He had great skill
and success in play ; and seems to have been chiefly in-
debted to it for suppbrt. Several of the ladies engaged
his attention upon his first coming over; but miss Eli-
zabeth Hamilton, whom, he afterwards married, seems to
have been his favourite, though some say he endeavoured
to break ofi* the connection. She was the daughter of sir
Creorge Hamilton, fourth son of James first earl of Aber-
corn. His ^* Memoirs'* were written from his own infor-
mation, and probably in much the same language in which
they are related, by his brother-in-law, Anthony, who, fol-
lowing the fortunes of James IL entered the French ser*
vice^ and died at St. Germain's, April 21, 1720. He was
1 Gen. DiGt.«T»Moreri,«-*Clemeitt BibU Curieuse^
174 O R A M Q N T.
* 9
generatty called Coimt Haiinilton. CoHixt Oramont dieil
Jan, 10, 17Q7. There have lately been geveral editions of
the ^^ Memoira" printed here, both in French and Englisb,
and in a splendid form, illustrated with portraits. They
contain many carious particulars respecting the intrigaes
and amusements of the court of Charles II. but present
vpon the whole a disgusting picture of depraved manners. ^
GRANCOLAS (John), a Parisian, doctiDr of the Sor-
bonne^ to which honour he was adncritted in 1685, waa^
author of many works on eccle^astical rites, cerenionies,
and general history, the principal of which are, 1. ^ De
TAntiquit^ des Ceremonies des Sacreroens." 2. " Trait^
de Liturgies." 3, ^< L'Ancien Sacramentaire de PEglise.'*
4. ^ Traduction FVangoise de Cat^cheses de S* CyrilJe de
J^usalem." 5. ^' Commeiitaire historique sur le Btieviaire
Romain," &c. This last is much esteemed. 6. ^ Cri-
tiqite des Auteurs Eeclesiastiques," 2 vols. 8vo. 7. ^^ La
Science dea Confesseurs," 2 vols. J2mo. 8. ^^ Hist^ abv6«
g6e de TEglke de Paras,'^ 2 vols. i2Qio. This history was
suppressed because of ihe freedoms the author took with
the cardinal de Noailles. He died August' 1, 173^, at
Paris. The whole of bis. works are more valuable for the;
matter than tlie manner; ^
GRAND (Ax^THONY Lfi), a Franciscan friar, was born
at Douay, in the early part of the seventeenth oentmry,
and has been^styled the abbreviator of Descartes. He was
an eminent professor both of philosophy and divinity in the
university of Ikouay, where he associated much with the
English, and was sent by them as a missionary into £ng«
land. His residenee was chiefly in Oxfordshire, where he
led a retired life. He is said to have ^en the first who
ileduced the Cartesian system to the method of the schools,
and his work on this subject, which was frequeiuly printed
in England,, first in 1671, 12mo, and afterwards, much
enlarged in 4to, was also translated and published in folio^
He carried on a controversy for some time with a Mr. John
Serjeant on metaphysical subjects. H^ was sUive in Ox-
fordshire in 1695^ but no farther particulars of his history
are now known. Among his works we find the following
mentioned: 1. ^^ L'homme sans passion^ selon les semi«
m^is de Seneque,'' Hague, 1662, 12mo« %. <' Scydro*
> Moreri.-*Prefac« to the Meinoirs.-*CoUini's Peerage by sir £« Brydges.
9 li^oreri.
GRAND. 175
fliecKa, S6U Seniio quern Alpboosus de la Yida habnit^ €D«
ram Comite de Falmouth, de manarcdiiia,'' 1^69, leino*
B. *^ Apologia Renatt des Cartes eoBira Sam. ParkemiD^'*
London^ 16t9, 12nx>r 4. ^^ Historia naturs Tariia expe^^
riotientid ducidBtay'' dbid. 1G73, 8va, reptfiated there in
l€fH^j and at Norimb. 1678. 5. ^^ CompctrKliufn rerom
jucundarum, et meimnrabiltum naturae/' Notfioib. 16^1^
^vo. €. << Dissertatfo de carentia s«mu0 et cogniilioais in
Bfutis/' Leyden, 1675, 8yo. 7. ^<L'£pmtBe Sf>Lritttal» on
Ptmpire de la voiupd;^ snr les TertMs/' Paris^ ftvo. 8. <^ Hia-*
toria sacra^a mundo coodito ad Gondtantuiuiii magnuai/*
whicb is said to be hit best perforfnance. *■
GRANI> (Joachim Le), a French lustarical wnter, wm
bom Feb. 6, 1653, at St. Lo, in Normandy. . After study*
mg philosophy at Caen, he entered mto the coDgregatioa
of the oratory in 1671, whete he applied to the belies lettrei
and tfae4ilogy, hot quitted it ia 1676, and went to Paiia^
where he engaged in the edueafeion of two young mea of
Hank, the marquis de Vins, and the duked'fistrees, and
at the satne time applied himself to the study of histoiry
under the direction of father Le Coitite, who formed a very
high opinion of him. He first appeared as a visiter in 1688,
ill ^^ A History of the Divorce of Henry YIII. aM Caliban
rine of Arragon," in three vols. l2mo. The main objest
•ef this work is to refute certain facts and ai)guments con**
taiaed in the first two books of Burnet's History of the Re«*
formation. In 1685, when Burnet was at Paris, be had aa
intetview with Le Grand in the presence of Messrs. Thew
iMinot and Auzout, in which the latter proposed his doubts,
and the former answered them, both preserving a tone o£
elegance and mutual respect. The publication of the
4bove work, however^ produced a controversy, in the
course of which, in 1691, Le Grand addressed three lettera
to the bishop, to which he replied. How long the control*
versy might have continued is uncertain, as Le Grand was
iieceseraruy diverted from it in 1692, when he .received the
appoifittMnt of secretary to the abbe d'Estrees, in his em«
bassy to Portugal. In this situation he continued till 1697.
The leii(i)Ye which his diplomatic functions allowed waa
employed in translations of voyages and travels from the
P6rtuguese# In 1702 he accompanied the same ministat
i« SpcUti) trh^e he remained about two years as secretary.
17f GRAN D.
Soon after this, the marquis de Torci, minister of state, took
him into bis service, and employed his pen in drawing np
several memorials concerning the Spanish monarchy, and
other political topics, in which h^ acquitted himself with
great ability, but most of them were printed without his
name. He employed much of his time in writing a life of
Louis XI.; but, although this was quite finished in 1728, it
still remains in manuscript. In that year, however,, be
published his translation of Lobo's History of Abyssinia, with
many additions ; and about the same time his treatise ^* De
I4 succession a^ la Couronne de France.'* H& died of an
apoplectic stroke, April 30, 1733. He had been possessed
of church preferment,! and had held, for a time, the office
of censor royal of books. ^
GRAND (JoHK Baptist Le), was born at Amiens, June
S, 1737, and was surnamed d'Aussy, because his father
was a native of Auxy-le-Ch£lteau, in the department of
Pas«de- Calais. > He received his education in the college
of the Jesuits • at Amiens ; at the age of eighteen entered
into the society of his preceptors ; and, a few years after*
wards^ bad the honour of being elected to the rhetorical^
chair at Caen. At the age of twenty-six he was thrown oh.
the world by the dissolution of the order^ and was soon
employed in the elaborate work of the French Glossary,
projected by Lacurne de Sainte-Palaye, and in an.exami*
nation of the very rich library ^f the marquis de Paulmy.*
In 1770 he was appointed secretary in the direction of the.
studies of the military school. He afterwards co-operated,:
under the marquis de Paulmy, and again with the count
de Tressan,. in the 5< Biblioth6que des Romans ;'* after
which he became still deeper engaged in collecting, trans*
lating, extracting, and. commenting upon the ^^ Fabliaux^**,
or tales of the old French . poets of the twelfth and thir*
teenth centuries. In 1782 he published, in three volumes,
8vo, his '^Histoirede la Vie priv^e des Fran$ais;'' and ia
1788 his far more celebrated *^Tour to Auvergne,'' which
province he visited the preceding year, at the entreaty of
^is Jesuit brother Peter Theodore Lewis Augustin, who
was then prior of the abbey of Saint Andr6, in the town of
Clermont. This Tour he first published in one volume,
8vo; but he afterwards enlarged and republished it, in
179iy in three volumes of the same size. His contribution^^ :
> Nicttoo, Vol. XXVI.«*Morerk
GRAND. 177
to the Iiistityte were numerous^ and^ for the most part,
possessed of merit. For some years before bis death, be
had conceived the plan o( a complete history of French
poetry, and had even begun to carry it into execution ; an4
as he stood in need of ail the treasures of the national li-
brary, he was fortunately nominated, in 1796, conservator
of the French MSS. of this library ; and he now not only
renewed his intention, but enlarged his scheme : he in^
eluded in it the, history of the French tongue ; that of lite-
rature in all its extent, and all its various ramifications ; as
well as that of science, of arts, and their utility in different
applications — a monument too vast for the life and power
of an individual to be able to construct. He bad, however,
accomplished some part of his design, when, after a slight
indisposition which caused no alarm, he died suddenly in
l-SOi. : He was upon the whole a retired and taciturn scho«
lar. " His life," says his biographer, "like that of most
oth^r men of letters, may be comprized in two lines : What
were his places of resort ? The libraries. Among whom did
he live ? His books. What did he ever produce ? Books^
What did he ever say? That which appears in his books.'*
In 1779, he published his " Fabliaux,'^ or Tales of the
twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Paris, 1779, 5 vols. 8vo.
His object in this collection appears to have been an ar-
dent zeal for the reputation of his country, to which he
has successfully restored some tales claimed by other na-
tions, and particularly the Italians. Whether these tales,
which shock all probabilit}^ were worth his pains, the Eng-
lish reader may discover by a prose translation published
in 1786, 2 vols. 12mo, or by Mr. Way's metrical transla-
tion, 1800, 2 vols. 8vo. These were followed by ** Contes
devots. Fables et Romans anciens, pour servir de suite aux
Fabliaux," 1781, 8vo. He published also "Vie d' Apollo-
nius de Tyanes," 2 vols. 8vo.*
GRANDET (Joseph), was a pious and learned curate
of St. Croix at Angers, whose memory was long revered
in that city, and throughout the diocese, for the benefits,
both spiritual and temporal, which he procured to his
parish. He died in 1724, aged seventy-eight. He left
the following works : 1. " La Vie de M. Cret^, Cur^ de Nor-
mandie;" 2. " La Vie de Mademoiselle de Melun, princesse
d*£pinoy, Institutrice des Hospitalieres de Baug£ et de
' Memoirs of the Nationel Institute— Diet* Hist.
Vol. XVI. N
178 G R A N D E T.
Beaufort en Anjou ;'* 3. " La Vie du Comte de Moret/fils
natUrel de Henri IV. ;'* 4. " La Vie de M. Dubois de la
t'erte/' and the lives of sontie other persons held in great
esteen> in the Romish church.*
GRANDIER (Urban), curate and canon of Loudun in
France, famous for his intrigues and tragical end, was the
son of a notary royal of Sable, and born at Bouvere ne^r
Sabl^, in the latter paH of the fifteenth century, but we
Icnow not in what year. He was a man of reading and
judgment, and a famous preacher; for which the monks of
Loudun soon hated him, especially after he had urged the
necessity of confessing sins to the parochial priests at Eas-
ter. He was a handsome man, of an agreeable conversa*
tion,. neat in his dress, and cleanly in his person, which
made him suspected of loving the fair sex, and of beii»g
beloved by them. In 1629, he was accused of having had
a criminal conversation with some women in the very
churcli of which he was curate ; on which the oi&cial con-
demned him to resign all his benefices, and to live in
penance. He brought an appeal,, this sentence being an*
encroachment upon the civil powef; and, by a decree of
the parliament of Paris, he was referred to the presidial of
Poitiers, in which he was acquitted. Three years after*^
some Ursuline nuns of Louidun were thotight, by the vul-
gar, to be possessed with the devil ; and Grandler's ene-
mies, the capuchins of Loudun, charged him with being
the author of the possession, that is^ with witchcraft. They
thought, however, that in order to make the charge succeed
according to their wishes, it was very proper to strengthen
themselves with the authority of cardinal Richlieu. For
this purpose, they wrote to father Joseph^ their fellow-
capuchin, who had great credit with the cardinal, that
Grandier was the author of the piece etititl^d " La Cor-
donnierre de Loudun," or " The Wonwin Shoemaker of
Loudon,*' a severe satire, upon the cardinal's person and
family. This great minister, sfmOng many good qualities,
harboured the most bitter resentment against the authors
of libels against him; and father Joseph having persuaded
him that Grandier wa# the author of ** La Cordon niere de
Loudun," he wrote immediately to De LaubardemoBt^
counsellor of state, and his creature, to n^ake a diligent in-
quiiy into, the affair of the nuns. De Laubardemonit ac-
* Morerk-— Diet. HJst^
G R A N D I E R. 17*
tordingly arreted Grand ier in Dec. 1633; and, after h^
bad tboroijghly examioed the affair, went to meet the car*
dinal, and to take proper roeasutes with him. In July
1634, letters patent were drawn up and sealed, to try
Grandier ; and were directed to De Laubordemont, and to
twelve judges chosen out of the courts in the neighbour-
hood of Loudun ; ail noen of honour indeed, but very cre«
dulous, and on that account chosen by Grandi^r's enemies.
In Aug* 18, upon the evidence of Astaroth, the chief of
possessing devils ; of Easas, of Celst:^, of Acaos, of Eudon,
&c. that is to say, upon the evidence of the nuns, who as*-
serted that they were possessed with those devils, the com-
missanes passed judgment, by which Grandier wasdeclared
well and duly attainted, and convicted of the criiue of
magic, witchcraft, and possession, which by his means
happened on the bodies of some Ursuline nuns of Loudun,
and of some other lay persons, mentioned in his trial ; for
which crimes he was sentenced to make the amende honor^
dble^ and to be burnt alive with the magical covenants and
characters which were in tbe register-office, as also with
the MS. written by him against the celibacy of priests ;
and his ashes to be thrown up irnto the air. Grandier heard
this dreadful sentence witbouit any emotion ; and, when he
went to the place of execution, suffered his punishment
with great firviness and courage, April IS, 1634.
Tbe story of this unhappy person shews how easily an
innocent mian may be destroyed by the malice of the few,
working upon the credulity and superstition of the many :
for, Grandier, though centainly a bad man^ was as certainly
innocent of the crimes for which he suffered. Renaudot, a
famous physician, and the fir^t author of tbe French ga*
zette, wrote Grandier's eulogium, which was published at
Paris in loose sheets, it was taken from Menage, who
openly defends the curate of I^oudun, and calls tbe pos-
session of those nuns chimerical. In 1693 was pubUshed
at Amsterdam ^^ Histoire des Diables de Loudun;^' from
whkii very curious account it appears, that tbe pretended
}>os8ession of tbe UrsuUnes was an horrible conspiracy
against Grandier's life. As an author he is known only for
a funeral oration for Scsevola de St, Martha, which is said
io be an eloquent perfoi;mAnce.'
GRANDIN (Marti{^), a learned Frenoh divine, was
born at St. Quentin, Nov. 11, 1604, and was educated in
^ Moreri.— Gen. Diet
N 2
no G R A N B I N.
classical learning at Noyon and Amiens. At the age of
seventeen he came to Paris, where he studied divitvity
under the Jesuit Mairat, and afterwards taught a course of
philosophy in the college of cardinal Le Moine. He was
then admitted a doctor of the Sorbonne^ and in 1638
appointed professor of divinity, which office he retained
until his death, Nov. 16, 1691. He was a man of piety
and talents, and an elegant and correct speaker. His
course of theological lectures was published by M. du
Plessis d'Argentre, 1710 — 1712, in 6 vols. 4lo, under the
title of "Opera Theologica.'* »
GRANDIUS, or GRANDI (Guido), a philosopher and
mathematician, waaborn Oct. 1, 1671, at Cremona, where
his father, a branch of a decayed family, carried on the
business of an embroiderer. His mother, a woman of con.-
.siderable talents, taught him Latin, and gave him some
taste for poetry. Beiog disposed to a studious life, be
chose the profession of theology,, that he might freely in-
dulge his inclination. He entered into.the religious order
of Camaldolites, at Ravenna, in. 1687, where he was dis-
tinguished for his proficiency in the different branches of
literature and science, but was much dissatisfied with the
•Peripatetic phi l-)sophy of the schools. He had not been
here long before he established an academy of students of
his own age, which he called the Certanti, in opposition
»to another juvenile society called the Concordi. To his
philosophical studies he added those of the belles lettres,
music, and history. It appears to have been his early am-
bition to introduce a new system in education, and with
that view be obtained the professorship of philosophy at Flo-
rence, by the influence of father Carameili, although not
without some opposition from the adherents lo the old
. opinions. He now applied himself to the introduction of
• the Cartesian philosophy, while, at the same time, he b^e-
came zealously attached to mathematical studies. The
• works of the great Torricelli, of our countryman Wallis,
and of other celebrated mathematicians, were his favourite
« companions, and the objects of his familiar intercourse.
';His first publication was a treatise to resolve the problems
of Viviani on the construction of arcs, entitled '^ Geome-
trica Demoustratio Vivianeorum problematum,'' Florence,
16i^d^ 4to. ! He dedicated this. work to the grand duke,
» Moreri.— Diet. Hiit.
G R AN D I US. 181
Cosmo III. who appointed the author professor of philoso-
phy in the university of Pisa. From this time Grandius pur-
sued the higher branches of mathematics w'nh the utmost'
ardour, and' had the honour of ranking the ablest mathe-
maticians among his friends and correspondents. Of the
number may be named the illustrious Newton, Leibnitz,
and Bernouilli. His next publications were, ** Geometrica
demonstratio tbeorematum Hugenianorum circa logisticam,
seu Logarithmicam lineam,'* 1701, 4to, and '* Quadratura
circuli et hyperbolas per infinitas hyperbolas et parabolas
geometrice exhibita," Pi^, 1703, 8vo. He then published
'^ Sejaui et Rufini dialogus de Laderchiana historia S.'
Petri Damiani," Paris, 1705, aad ** Dissertationes Camal-
dulenses,'' embracing inquiries ifito the history of the Ca-'
maldolites, both which gave so much offence to the com-
munity, that he was deposed from the dignity of abbot of
St. Michael at Pisa; but the grand duke immediately ap^
pointed him his professor of mathematics in the university.'
He now resolved somd- curious and difficult problems for
the improvement of acoustics, which bad been presented
to the roy^l society in Dublin, and having accomplished
his object, be transmitted the solutions, by means of the
British minister at the court of Florence, to the Royal
Society at London. This was published under the title of
*^ Disquisitio geometrica in systema sonorum D.. Narcissi *
(Marsh) archiepi&copi Armachaui,'' in 1709, when he was'
chosen a fellow of the royal society. This was followed
by his principal work, ^* De infinitis iniinitorum, et in-
finite parvorum ordtnibus disquisitio geometrica," Pisa,
1710, 4to, and by many other works' enumerated by his
biographer, few of which appear in the catalogues of the
public libraries in this country. Among other subjects be
defended Galileo^s doctrine respecting the earth's motion,
and obtained a complete victory over those who opposed
it. He was deeply versed in subjects of political economy ;
and various disputes were referred to his decision respect-
ing the rights of fishery, &c. He was appointed commis-
sioner from the grand duke and the court of Rome jointly^
to settle some differences between the inhabitants of Fer-
rara and Bologna, concerning the works necessary to pre-
serve their territories from the ravages of inundation. For
these and other important publiciservices, he was liberaHy '
r^varded by his employers. He died at the ag^ of . se-
venty-two, in July 1743.V . ^ -. - -.
* Morcri.— Fabroni Vita Italoruim
182 , G R A N E T.
GRANET (Fhancis), deacon of the cfatirch of Aix, was
born in 1692, at Brignolles in Provence, of a mercantile
family. He was educated ia bis own country, but came
young to Paris, where bis literary taste and taletits pro-
cured him many friends, by whose assistance he increased
his stores of knowledge, and as his income was very
limited, entered upon a course of literary labours. He
was a contributor, as far as vol. XIX. to the ^^ Bibliotheque
f'ranfoise," a well-known journal printed in Holland ; and
when Desfontaines was obliged to discontinue his^< Noa-»
velliste du Pamasse,'' (in which Granet had written) and
obtained permission to carry it on agltin under another
title, he engaged Granet' s^services in this new undertaking^
called '< Observations sur les edrits modernes." It began in
173 Ji, and was published weekly until Sept. 174S, when the
King revoked the privilege. Busied as Granet was on thi«
work, he found leisure to undertake in 1738 the continua*
tion of ajeurdal entitled ^^ Reflexions sur les ouvrages de
litterature.*' This be extended as far as twelve volumes.'
It contains many extracts and remarks given with taste
and judgment, but others that are merely repetitions of
what he had written for the '' Observations sur les ecrits
x^Qdernes/* He bad also a trick of inserting letters to
himself, when he wished to publish satire without being
accountable forjt, but it is not thought that this disguise
was of much avail. It was perhaps his misfortune that he
was obliged by the narrowness of his circumstances to em*
ploy himself thus on the labours of others, and in preparing
new editions, when he might have executed original works
that would have done hiin credit. Indeed a few months
before his death he fainted to his friends that necessity-
only had forced him to this drudgery, wd that he had no
consolation but in the hope that he should one day'or othet
be at liberty to employ his talents in a more creditable
way. He had learned English, and in order to make that*
a source of profit, translated sir Isaac Newton^s *^ Chrono-
logy,*' which he published at Paris, in 1728, 4to^ with an
excellent preface, of which he took care to speak very
highly in the I4tb vol. of the ^* Brbliotheque Frangoise,'*
and, probably by way of blind-, speaks very dtfBerently
%het^ of some of his contemporaries, from what he had
advanced in bis preface. In short be appears to have per-
fectly understood the trade of reviewingk One of his best
editious is that of the works of M. da iCantioy, which wa^
G R A N E T. Hi
puUUbed 4t GeneviL, lO vols, fol. with a valuable prefacei
a life, aad a '* JLauiioiana/' consisting of very curious ar*
ticles. Moreri gives a nudierous list of other editions and
publications to which be wrote prefaces and notes. Hq
died at Paris April 2^ 1741, and a spirited eloge was writ^
ten on him by the abbe Desfontaines. '
GRANGE (Joseph pe Chancel de la), a French sa«
tiristand dramatic poet, was born 1676, in Perigord. He
wrote a little comedy in three acts, when but nine years old^
which was performed several days successively in the coU
lege of Bourdeaux, where he was a scholar; and at six-
teen, produced his tragedy of *^ Jugurtha ;'' but the work •
^hich has made him most known, is a satire against the
duke of Orleans, then regent, entitled, ^* .The Philip-
picks,'' in which be accused that nobleman of the most
atrocious crimes. To avoid the punishment this work de-
served, be 6ed to Avignon, in which city was a French
x>fficer, who had taken refuge there in consequence of
having committed a murder, and received a promise of
pardon if he could entice the author of the ^^ Pbilippicks'*
auto the French dominions. His attempt succeeded, and
I^ Grange was conducted to the isle of St^ Margaret ; but
finding means to make frieuds of his keepers, escaped in a
boat to Villa Franca, notwithstanding a violent^ storm.
The king of Sardinia gave him a considerable sum of mo«>
ney, and he went from thence into Spain; afterwards intp
Holland, where he remained till the duke of Orleans was
dead. He was then permitted to end his days in France^
where he died in 1758, at the castle of Anton iat, his family
seat. His works have been collected in 5 vols, small ISmo,
and his tragedies have been as much admired, as his lyric
efforts have been depreciated.'
GRANGER (James), a well-known biographer, but
who has been himself left without any memorial, was the
son of Mr. William Granger, by Elizabeth Tutt, daughter
of Tracy Tutt. Of the cooditiou of bis parents, or the
place of his education, we have not been able to recdvei:
any particulars. He studied, however, for some time at
Christ-church, 0:$ford, which lie probably left without
taking a degree ; and having entered into holy orders, was
presented to the vicarage of Shiplake, in Oxfordshire, a
living in the gift of the dean and chapter of Windsor. He
1 Moreri. — Diet, Hist. ' Dick Hist. .
1S4 G R A N G E R.
informs US, in the dedication of his "Biographical His-
tory," that his name and person were known to few at the
time of its publication (1769), as he had " the good for-
tune to retire early to independence, obscurity, and con-
tent" He adds, that " if he has an ambition for any
thing, it is to be an honest man and a good parish priest,'*
and in both those characters he was highly esteemed by all
who knew hinl. To the duties of his sacred office, he at-
tended with the most scrupulous assiduity and zeal, and
died in the performance of the most solemn office of the
church. Such was his pious regard for the day appointed
for religious observances, that he would not read the
proofs of his work while going through the press on that
day ; and with such an impression of what was bis duty,
found no great difficulty in resisting the arguments of hjs
bookseller, Tom Davies, who endeavoured to persuade
bim that this was a " work of necessity." It appears that
some time before his death he was anxious to obtain ^
living within a tenable distance of Shiplake, but did not
succeed. In 1773 or 1774 he accompanied lord Mounts
Stuart, now earl of Bute, on a tour to Holland, where his
lordship made an extensive collection of portraits. In
1772 he published a sermon entitled ** An Apology for the
Brute Creation, or Abuse of Animals censured." This
viras preached in his parishrchurch, Oct. 1 8, 1772, and, as we
are informed in a postscript, gave almost universal disgust;
** the mention of horses and dogs was censured as a pros-
titution of the dignity of the pulpit, and considered as a
proof of the author's growing insanity ;" but more com-
petent judges, and indeed the public at large, applauded
bim for exerting his humanity and benevolence in a case
which is so often overlooked^ the treatment of the brute
creation. Mr. Granger, who was a man of some humour^
and according to the evidence of his friend and corre-
spondent the rev. Mr. Cole, a frequent retailer of jokes,
dedicated this sermon ** To T. B. Drayman,*' for which
he gives as a reason that he had seen this man exercise
the tash with greater rage, and heard him at the same time
^wear more roundly and forcibly, than he ever heard or
saw any of his brethren of the whip in London. Mr. Gran-
ger appears to have taken some pains with this man, bu^
to little purpose. He was, however, afterwards killed by
9L kick from one of the horses whom be delighted to tor-
jmn%9 which gave Mr. Granger an opportunity of stren^tt^^*
on A N G E R. 185
euiffg his arguments with his parishioners by a warning
like this, which could not fail, fpr som^ time at least, to
make an impression on their minds, in 1773 he printed
another sermon, entitled ** The nature and extent of In*
diistry,^' preached before his grace Frederic, archbishop
of Canterbury, July 4, 1775, in the parish church of isbip-
lake. This was gravely dedicated, ^' To the inhabitants
of the parish of Shipiake who neglect the service of th«
church, and spend the Sabbath in the worst kind of idle*
ness, this plain sermon, which they never heard, and pro-
bably will never read, is inscribed by their sincere well*
wisher and faithful minister J. G." Both these discourses
were favourably received by the public, and many clergy-
men and others purchased quantities of them for distribu*
tion. His memory, however, is best preserved by his
**« Biographical History of England from Egbert the Great
to the Revolution," at which he employed himself for
many years, and lived to see two editions sold, and a taste
created for collections of portraits, which is indeed the
principal intention of the author, his biography including
only those persons of whom some engraved portrait is ex-
tant. It was first published in 4 thin 4to vols, in 1769, but
the second and subsequent editions have been printect in
8vo. The preparation of such a work could not fail to
yield the author much amusement, and likewise procured
him the correspondence of many eminent scholars and gen-^
tlemen who were either collectors of portraits, or conver->
sant in English biography. He had amassed cbnsiderable
materials for a continuation of this work, which was pre-
vented by his sadden and much-laipented death. ^ On
Sunday April 14, 1776^ he read prayers and preached ap-
parently in good health, but while afterwards at the com^.
mumon- table, in the act of administering the sacrament, v
he was seized with an apoplectic fit, and notwithstanding
immediate medical assistance, died next morning. This
affecting circumstance was happily expressed by a friend
in tbe^e lines :
'f More happy end what. saint e'er knew ?
To whom like mercy shown i
.His Saviour's death in rapturous view.
And unperceived his own.**
He was, if we mistake not, about sixty years old. His
brother John died at Basingstoke in 1810, aged 80. His
very numerous collection, of upwards of fourteen thousand
portraits^ was sold by Greenwood in 1778^ but the sile is
186 G K A N G E R*
wd to have been not very productive. That l^is e<Ie«-
brated work, the " Biographical History," is an amusing
one, cannot well be denied ; and its principal excellence
consists in the critical accuracy and conciseness with which
he has characterized the persons, who are included in hiis
plan ; but, as he includes all persons without distinction, of
vrhoni any portrait is extant, w^ find hioi preserying the
loemory of many of the nnost worthless and insignificant of
mankind, as well as giving a value to specimens of the art
of Engraving which are beneath all contempt. Mn Wal^
pole said that Granger had drowned bis taste for portraita
in die ocean of biography ; and though he began with elti'*
cidating prints, he at last only sought prints that he might
write the lives of those they represented. His work waa
grown, and growing so voluminous, that an abridgment
only, could have made it useful to collectors. Perhaps lu
more serious objection might be offered, which the author
could not have foreseen. While this work has excited a.
taste for collecting portraits not only harmless, but useful^
when confined to men of probity, it has unfortunately at
the same time created a trade very little connected with
the interests of literature or common honesty, a species of
purveyors who have n^ only lessened the value of books
by robbing them of their portraits, but have carried their
depredations into our publrc libraries, and have found en'-
couragement where they ought to have met with detectioa
and pnnishm^t'
GRANT or GRAUNT (Edward), a man of eminent
learning in the sixteenth century, was educated at Westr
minster-school, from whence he was removed either to
Cbrist*church or Broadgate's-hall, in the university of Ox;--
ford, where he took the degree of B. A. February* 27^
1 571, and that of master the 27th of March, 1 572 ; about
which time he was appointed master oi Westminster school^
where a great many peirsons who wcte afterwards eminent
in church and state, were educated under his care. In
1575 he published at London in 4to, ^^ Groooae Linguae
Spicilegium,'' which was afterwards ejMtomized by his
learned usher, Mr. William Camden, and printed at Lon*
don, 1597, in 8vo, under the title of "Institutio Grsecie
1 Granger*! Hist^— dorrespondenee published by Mr* Malcolin.-^oniHBua-
tioB of his History by the Rev. Mark Noble, 1S06, 3 toIb. Sv4iu-^Cole*B MS
Corretpoodeiioe, in the BfiUfh Mttseum. •— G«Bt Mae. voli. XLVI. Ll|.
l.XXiII. and LXXX.
GRANT. 187
Grammatices cooipendiaria in usum Regise Scbolrs' West-
monasteriensis." In 1577 our author was made pre-
beudary of the twelfth stall in the coilegiate church of
Westminster, in the room oF Dr. Thomas Watts ; and about
that tim0 being admitted B. D. of Cambridge, was incor*
porated in the same degree at Oxford in May 1519. He
was afterwards doctor of that faculty ^i Capibridge. He*
iiesigned his mastership of Westminatelr*«ciiool about tbe
month of February 1591, and was succeeded in March foK
lowing by Mr. Camden ; he was then presented to the Iiviii|^
q{ Barnet, in Middlesex, and to the rectory of Toppers-
field, in Essex, in 1598. He died August 4, 1601, atul
was interred in St.. Peter's church at Westminstar. He-
collected aod. published, the Letters and Poeois of Roger
Ascham, to which be subjoined a piece of his own, en«
^tled ^^ Oratio d^ Vita & Obitu Rogeh Aschami, ac die-
tionis elegant]^ cam adhortatione ad adolesceiitulos,**
Loadon, 1577, in 8vo. He was an excellent Latin poet,
as appi^ars from severd copies of vecses v. ricten by him,
and printed io various books 9 and was exceed^ingly well
versed in all parts of {jolite literature, fieatham says he
had been vicar of South Benfleet, in Essex, in 1584, but
resigned it soon, and that he was a prebendary of £iy in
GRANT (Francis), lord Culleo, an eminent lawyer
an(i judge in Scotland, was descended from a younger
branch of the ancient, family of the Gran^ts, of Grant, in
that kingdom ; his ancestor in a direct line, being sir John
Grant, of Grant, who married lady Margaret Stuart,
daughter of the earl of Athol. He was born about 1660,
aud received the first part of his education at Aberdeen ;
but, being ii^teoded for the profession of the law, was sent
to finish his studies at Ley den, under the celebrated Voet,
with whom he becamie so great a favourite by his singular
application, that many years afterwards the professor men-*
tioned him to his pupils, as one that had done honour to
the university, and recommended his example to them.
On his return to Scotland, he passed through the exami-*
nation requbite to his being admitted advocate, with sndi
abilities as to attract the particular notice of sir George
Mackenzie, then king's advocate, one of the most inge-
nious men, as well as one of the ablest and most eminent
lawyers, of that age.
y^iog. BiitrM5«A, Pict^^-m. Ox«Y0U Ir-Tatuer.-^'Bentliain's Elf.
188. GRANT,
Being thus qualified for practice, be soon got into fuH
employ, by the distinguishing figure which he made at the
Revolution in 1688. He was then only twenty -eight years
of age; but, as the measures of the precedieg reign had
led him to st\idy the constitutional points of law, he disco-
Yered . a masterly koowledge, when the convention of
estates met to debate that important affair concerning the
vacancy of the throne, upon the departure of king James'
to France. Some of the old lawyers, in pursuance of the
principles in which they had been bred, argued warmly
against those upon which the Revolution, which had taken
place in England, was founded ; and particularly insisted'
on the inability of*tbe convention of estates to make any'
disposition of the crown. Grants opposed these notions*
with great strength and spirit, and about that time pub->»
lished a treatise, in which he undertook, by the principles
6f law, to prove that a king might forfeit his crown for
himself and his descendants ; and that in such a case the
states had a power to dispose of it, and to establish and
limit a legal succession, concluding with the warmest re-
commendations of the prince of Orange to the regal
This piece, being generally read, was thought to have
had considerably influence on the public resolution^, and
certainly recommended him to both parties in the way of
his profession. Those who differed from him in opinion'
admired his courage, and were desirous of making use of
bis abilities; as on the other hand, those who were friends'
to the revolution Were likewise so to him, which brought him
into great jbusiness, and procured him, by special com-
missions, frequent employment from the crown* In all
these he acquitted himself with so much honour, that, as
soon as the union of the two kingdoms came to be seriously
considered in the English court, queeif Anne unexpectedly,
as inrell as without applicatiQn, created him a baronet in
1705, in the view of securing bis interest towards complet-
ing that design ; and upon the same principle her majesty
about a year after appointed him one of the judges, or (as
they are styled in Scotland) one of the sen«itors. of the col-
lege of justice.
. From this time, according to the custom of Scotland, be
was styled, from the name of his estate, lord CuUen, and
the same good qualities which had recommended him to
this post were very conspicuous in the discharge of it ; in
GRANT. 189
which he continued for twenty years with the highest re-
putation, when a period was put to his life, by an illness
which lasted but three days ; and, though no violent symp-
toms appeared, yet his physicians clearly discerned that
bis dissolution was at band. They acquainted him with
their opinion, which he received not only calmly, but chear-
fully ; declaring that he had followed the dictates of his
conscience, and was not afraid of death. He took a tender
farewell of bis children and friends, recommended to them
earnestly a steady and constant attachment to the faith and
duty of Christians, and assured them that true religioa
was the only thing that could bring a ms^n peace at the last.
He expired soon after, March 16, 1726, in his sixty-sixth
He was so true a lover of learning, and was so much ad-
dicted to his studies, that, notwithstanding the multiplicity
of his business while at the bar, and his great attention to
his charge when a judge, he nevertheless found time to
write various treatises, on very different yet important sub-
jects ; some political, which were remarkably well-timed,
and highly serviceable to the government; others of a
most extensive nature, such as his essays on law, religion,
and education, which were dedicated to his late majesty
-when prince of Wales, by whose command, his then secre-
tary, Mr. Samuel Molyneux, wrote him a letter of thankis,
in which were many gracious expressions, as well in rela-
tion to the piece as to its author. He composed, besides
these, many discourses on literary subjects, for the exer-
cise of his own thoughts, and for the better discovery of
truth, which went no farther than bis own closet, and,
from a principle of modesty, were not communicated even
to his most intimate friends.
In his private character he was as amiable as be was re««
spectable in the public. There were certain ciircum-
stances that determined him to part with an estate 'that
was left him by his father ; and it being foreseen that he
would employ the produce of it, and the money he had
acquired by his profession, in a neW purchase, there were
many decayed families who solicited him to take their lands
.upon his own terms, relying entirely on that equity which
they conceived to be the rule of his actions. It appeared
•that their opinion of him was perfectly well grounded ; for,
being at length prevailed upon to lay out his money on the
estate of an unfortunate fan>ily, who bad a debt upon it of
190 GRANT.
more tfaan it was worth, bo first put their affairs into ord^r^
and by classing the different denaands, and compromising si
yariety of claims, secured some thousand pounds to the
heirs, without prejudice to any, and of which they never
could have been possessed but from his interposition and
' vigilance in their behalf, so far was he either from making
any advantage to himself of their necessities, or of his own
skill in bis profession ; a circumstance justly mentioned to
his bonoar, and which is an equal proof of bis candour^
generosity, and compassioo. His piety was sincere and
unaffected, and bis love for the church of Scotland was
shewn in his recommending moderation and charity to tbft
clergy as well as laity^ and engaging the foroter to insist
upon moral duties as the clearest and most convincing
proofs of men's acting upon religious principles; and his
practice, through his whole life, was the strongest argu^
ment of his being thorouglily persuaded of those truths^
which, from his love to mankind, he laboured to inculcate.
He was charitable without ostentation, disinterested in bis
friendships and beneficent to all who bad any ihiiig to do
with him. He was not only strictly just, but so free from
any species of avarice, that his lady, who was a woman of
great prudence, finding him' naore intent on the business
committed to him by others than on bis own, too]c the care
of placing out his money upon herself; a^nd, to prevent
bis postponing, as be was apt to do^ such kind of affairs,
when securities offered, she caused the circumstances of
them to be stated in the form of cases, and so procured his
opinioa upon his own concerns, as if .they bad been those
of a client. These little circumstances ase mentioned as
more expressive of his temper than aeiiws of another kind
could be ^ because, in matter^ of importance, men ei£her
act from kabity <vr from nK>tives that the world cannot pene-
trate ; but, in things of a trivial natare, ajre less upon their
guard, shew their true disposition, and stand confessed for
what they ace. He passed a long life in ease and .honour.
His sincerity and steady axtacha>eot to hts principles re-
conunended.him to all parties, even to those who difiered
from him most ; and his charity aifecl foodjeralion* coni^rted
this respect into affeotion, so that not many of his muk
had more friends, and pechaps nomt could boast of hmog
fewer enemies. He left behind hind three sons and fivi?
ilajLighters,-, his eldeH 4Qn> Arobihald firant, esq. in im
* father's li^«>time, represeated in pafAtamcat tdoe shire of
> GRANT. 191
Aberdeen; and becoming by hia demise sir Archibftldl
Grant, bart* was chosen again for the same county in 17 it*
His second son, William, followed his fatl^r'a professiot^,
was several years lord-advocate for Scotland ; and, in 1757^
one* of the lords of session, by the title of lord Preston*
grange. Francis^ the third son, was a merchant, and three
»f the daughters were married to gentlemen of fortune. *
GRANVILLE, Greenvile, or Grenville (George),
viscount Lansdowiie, an English poet^ was descended of a
family distinguished for their loyaJty ; being second son of
Barnard Granville, esq. brother to the first earl of Bath of
this name, who had a principal share in bringing about the
restoration of Charles IL and son of the loyal sir Bevil
Greenvile, who lost his life fighting for Charles L at Lans-*
downe in 1643. He was born in 1667, and in his infancy
v?as sent to France, under the tuition of sir William EUys^
a gentleman bred up under Dr. Busby, and who was after-
wards eminent in many public station^. From this excel-
lent tutor he not (»nly imbibed a taste for classical learning,
but was also instructed in all other accomplishments suit'^
able to his birth, in which he made so quick a proficiency,
that after he had distinguished himself above all the youths
of FVauce in martial exercises^ be was sent to Trinity-col*
lege, Cambridge, in 1677, at ten years of age; and before
be was twelve, spoke some verses of his own €K>mposing to
the duchess of York, afterwards queen-consort to James Ih
at her visit to that university \€k 1679. On account of his
extraordinary merit, he was created M. A. at the age of
thirteen, and left the college soon after.
In the first stage of hi$ life, be seems irather to bave
made his Muse subservient to his am^bition and thirst after
military glory, in whfch there appeared such a force of
genius as raised the admiration 6f Mr. Waller. But his
ambition shewed itself most adtive on tlie duke of Mon^
gnouth^s rebellion ; and be requested his father to let him
arm in defence of his ^vereign; but being then only
eighteen years of age, he was thought too young for such
an enterprise. It was not without extreme reluctance that
he submitted to the tenderness of paternal restraint ; which
was the more mortifying, as his uncle the earl of Bath had
iDU this occasion raised a regiment of tobl for tbe king's
^tririte; with the behaviour and discipline of w4ncb bis
> Bio;, firlt.
majesty was so well pleased, that, on reviewing ih^m tt
Hounslow, as a public mark of his approbation be epn^
ferred the honour of knighthood upon our author's elder
brother Bevil, who was a captain, at the head of the regi-
ment. Thus, forbidden to handle his pike on this impor-
tant occasion, he took up his pen after the rebellion wasi
crushed, and a<ldressed some congratulatory lines to the
When the prince pf Orange declared his intended expe-
dition to England, our young hero made a fresh applica-
tion, in the most importunate terms, to let him prove his
loyalty. His letter to his father, on this occasion, which
is printed by Dr. Johnson, is an elegant composition ; but
this was likewise unavailing, as the danger was now in-
creased in a greater proportion than bis age. The king'd
affairs were.become so desperate, that any attempt to serve
bim could, only have involved him in his royal master's,
ruin. On this he sat down a quiet spectator of the revolu-
tion, iu which most of his family acquiesced, but was cer-
tainly far from being pleased with the change ; he saw no
prospect of receiving any favours from administra-
tion; and resolving to lay a^ide all thoughts of pushing bis
fortune either in the court or the camp, be endeavoured
to divert bis melancholy in the company and conversation
of the softer sex. His adopted favourite was the countess
of Newburgb, and he exerted all his powers of verse in
singing the force of this enchantresses charms, and the
sweets of his own captivity. But he sang in vain, hapless
like Waller in his passion, while by his poetry hQ endea-
voured to raise his Myra to the immortality which Waller
iiad given to Sacharissa. In the mean time soni[e of his
friends were nauch grieved at this conduct in retiring from
t)usiness, . as unbecoming himself, and disgraceful to bis
family. One of these in particular, a female relation,
whos.e name was Higgins, took the liberty to send to hinoi
an expostulatory ode in 1690, in hopes of shaming him
out of hi^ enchantment; but this was his age of romance,
and he persisted in asserting that his resolution was un-
changeable, and that he would barter no happiness for
that of a lover.
In this temper he passed the course of king William^s
reign in private life, enjoying the company of his Muse,
which he employed in celebrating the reigning beauties of
that age, as Waller, whom he strove to imitate, ha d done
«R A N'V 1 LJL E. M3
4ho0e of di0 preceding. We have also peyelral dramatic
pieces written in this early part of Jife, of which the
<< Briti^ Enchanters/' he tells us bimsdf, was the first
essay of a very infant Muse ; being written at his first en-
trance into his teens, and attempted rather as a task in
hxmrs free from other exerciser, than with any view to pub-
lic exhibition. But Betterton, the celebratied actor, hav-
ing accidentally seen it many years i^r it was written,
^gg^4 i^ for the stage, where it found so favourable a
reception, as to have an uninterrupted run of at least forty
days* His other dramatic pieces were also well received ;
but although we are assured they owed that reception to
their own merit,^as much as to the general esteem and
respect which all the polite world professed for their author,
that intrinsic merit is not now discoverable. Addison,
however, joiued with Dryden in sounding Granville^s
praises ; the former, in the *^ Epilogue to the British En-
chanters;'' and the latter, in some verses addressed to him
upon his tragedy of ^' Heroic Love."
Upon the accession of queen Anne, he stood as fair in
the general esteem as any man of his years, now about
thirty-five. He had always entertained the greatest vene-
ration for the queen, and he made bis court to her in the
|K>litest manner in Urga^nda's prophecy, spoken by way of
epilogue at the first representation of the ^' British Enchan-
ters," where he introduced a scene representing the queen,
and the several triumphs of her reign. He entered heartily
into the measures for carrying on the war against France ;
and, with a view to excite a proper spirit in the nation, he
translated the second ** Olynthian" of Demosthenes, in
1702. This new specimen of his learning gained him
many friends, and added highly to his reputation; and,
when the design upon Cadiz was projected the same year,
he presented to Mr. Harley, afterwards earl of Oxford, att
authentic journal of Mr. Wimbledon's expedition thither,
in 1625; in order that, by avoiding the errors committed
in a former attempt upon that pli^ce, a more successful
plan might be formed. But, little attention being given
to it, the same mistakes were committed, and the same
disappointment ensued : with this diiFerence only, that
the duke of Ormond had an opportunity to take his Ire*
venge at Vigo, and to return with glory, which was not
Wimbledon^s fate.
By a laudable (sconomy Granville bad hi^erto pre^-*
Vol. XVI. fi
1S4 Q » A N V I L L E.
served himself from those embarrassments, which in nm^
advanced life he is said to have incurred,- and his father,
who was just dead, had made some provision for him,
which was increased by a smalL annuity left him by his
nnqle the earl of Bath, who died not long after. These
' advantages, added to the favours which his coustn John
Grenville had received from her majesty in being raised to
the peerage by the title of lord Grenville of Potheridge,
and his l>rother being made governor of Barbadoes, with a
fixed salary of 2000/. the same enabled him to come into
the house of commons, as member for Fowey in Cornwall,
in the first parliament of the queen. In 1706, his fortune
was improved farther by the loss of his ^eldest brother, sir
. Bevil^ who died that year, in his passage from Barbadoes, in
the flower of his age, unmarried, and universally lamented.
Hence our younger brother stood now as the bead-branch
of his family, and he still held bis seat in the house of com*
mons, both in the second and third parliaments of the
queen. But the administration being taken out of the
hands of his friends, with whom he remained steadily con-
nected in the same principles, he wa$ cut off from any pro-
spect of being preferred at court.
In this situation he diverted himself among his brother
poets ; and we find him at this time introducing Wycherley
• and Pope to the acquaintance of Henry St. John, esq.
afterwards lord viscount Bolingbroke. This friend, then
displaced, having formed a design of celebrating such of
the poets of that age as he thought deserved any notice,
had applied for a character of the former to our aujihor,
who, in reply, having done justice to Mr. Wycherley's
merit, concludes his letter thus : <^ In short. Sir, FU have
you judge for yourself. I am not satisfied with this imper-
fect sketch ; name your day, and I will bring you together;
I shall have both your thanks ; let it be at my lodging. I
can give you no Falernian that has out-lived twenty con-
sulships, but I can promise you a bottle of good claret,
that has seen two reigns. Horatian wit will not be wantii^
when you meet. He shall bring with him, if you will, a
youngpoet newly inspired in the neighbourhood of Cooper's-
hili, whom he and Walsh have uiken under their wing,^
'His name is Pope, he is not above seventeen or eighteen,
years of age, and promises miracles. If he goes on as he
has begun in* the pastoral way, asi Virgil first tried his
' strength, we may hop6 to see English poetry vie with the
G R AN V i L^L E. 19S
Itoman^ and this Swan of Windsor sing as sweetly as* die
Mantuan. I expecl^your answer.''
Sac&everelPs trial, which happened not long after,
brought on that remarkable change in the ministry in 1710,
when Mr. Granville's friends came again into power. He
was elected for the borough of Helston, but, being returned
at the same time for the county of Cornwall, he chose to
represent the latter; and on September 29, he was de-
clared secretary at war, in the room of Robert Walpole,
esq. afterwards the celebrated minister. He continued in
this office for some time, and discharged it with reputation ;
and, towards the close of the next year, 1711, he married
the lady Mary, daughter of Edward Villiers, earl of Jersey,
at that time possessed of a considerable jointure, as widow
of Thomas Thynne, esq. He had just before succeeded to
the estate of the eider branch of his family, at Stow ; and
December 31, he was created a peer of Great Britain, by
the title of lord Lansdowne, baron of Bideford, in the
county of Devon. In this promotion he was one of the
twelve peers who were all created at the same time; and so
numerous a creation, being unprecedented, gave much
offence, although but little in his case. His lordship was
now the next male-issue in that noble family, in which two
peerages, that of the earl of Bath, and that of lord Gren-
ville of Potheridge, had been extinguished almost toge-
ther : his personal merit was universally allowed ; and as to
his political sentiments, those who thought him most mis-
taken, allowed him to be open, candid, and uniform. He
stood always high in the favour of queen Anne; and with
great reason, having upon every occasion testified the
greatest zeal for her government and the most profound
respect for her person. For these reasons, in the succeeding
year, 1712, he was sworn of her majesty's pirivy-council,
made controller of her household, about a year after ad-
vanced to the post 6f treasurer in the same office ; and to
bis other honours, says Dr. Johnson, was added the dedi-
cation of Pope's " Windsor Forest." His lordship con-
tinued in his office of treasurer to the queen, until her
death, when he kept company with his friends in falling a
sacrifice to party- violence, being removed from his trea-
surer's place by George I. Oct 11, 1714.
His lordship still continued steady to his forn^er connec-
tions, and in that spirit entered his protest with tbem
against the bills for attainting lord Boiiugbroke and the
o 2
i9« ^t^^'vittlL
duke of Ormofid, in 1715. He evf^ti «nMfed dteply into
the scheme for raiting an imnn^l:ftiol|^in tlflfe Wetft of Eng^
land, and was at the head of it, if W^ ttiaj beliieve lord
Bolingbroke, who represents hitn pos^eils^ now with the.
tame political fire and frenzy for the Pretender as he had
shewn in his youth for the father. In conseqoenee, how-
ever, of being suspected, he was apprehended September
26, 1715, and committed prisoner to tbeTow^r of London^
where he continued untilFebruary S, 1716-17, when he Wis
released without any form of trial or acquittal. Howevtftr
sensible he might be at this tim^ of the mistake in his con-
duct, which had deprived him of his liberty, yet be was
far from running into the other' extreme. He seems, in-
deed, to be one of those tories, who are said to have be<^
driven by the violent persecutions against that party into
jacobitism, and who returned to their former principles as
soon as that violence ceased. Hence we find him, In
1719, as warm as ever in defence of those principles, the
first time of his speaking in the bouse of lords, in the
debates about repealing the act against occasional con-
form ity.
His lordship continued steady in the same sentiments,
which were so opposite to those of the court, and incion-
sistent with the measures taken by the administration, that
he must heeds be seiistble a watchful eye was kept ever
iipon him. Accordingly, when the flame broke out again^
his friends, on 'account of what is sometimes called Atter-
bury*s plot, in ^722, his lordship, is some say, to avc^d a
second rmprisonment in the ToWer, withdrew to France,
but others attribute his goirfg thither to a degree of ptofu-
sion which had embarrassed 'bis circumstances. He had
been at Paris but a little while, when the first volume of
Burnetts " History of his ow^ Times** was published.
Great espectadons had heen raised of this work, which ac^
cotdingly he perused with attention ; and finding the cha-
racters of the 'duke '6f Albemarle and the earl of Bath
treated in a 'manner he thought they did not deserve, he
formed the design of doing them justice. This'led him fo
consider what had been said by other historians coneerning
his family; and, as Clarendon and Echard had treated his
uncle sir Richard Granville more roughly, his lordship,
being possessed of memoirs from which his conduct n>ight be
set in a fairer light, resblved to ibllow the dictates of duly
and inclination, by publishing bis sentiments upon tkoif
GRANV{I,t.E» 197
* • • •
liMds. These pieces are printed ifi bis w^rks, under the
tiile of <* A Vindication of General Mopk," &c. and '^ A
Vindication of Sir Richard Greenyille, General of the West
to King Charles I/' &c. They were answered by Old*
mixon, in a piece entitled " Reflections historical and
politic,'' &€. 17S2, 4to, and by judge 3urnety in <* Re*
marics,'' &c. a pamphlet. His lordship replied^ in '* A
Letter to the author of the Reflections/' &c. 1732, 410,
and the spring followingi there came out a very rough
answer in defence of Echard, by Dr. Colbatch, entitled
** An Exaqdinatiou of Echard's Account of the Marriage
Treaty," &c. '
. He continued abroad at Paris almost the space of ten
years; and, being sensible that many juvenilities had es*
caped his pen in his poetical pieces, made use of the opr
portunity furnished by this retirement, to revise and cor-
rect them, in order to republication. Accordingly, at hif
return to England in 1732, he published these, together
with a vindication of his kinsman just mentioned, in two
volumes, 4to. To these may be added a tract in lor^
Somers's collection, entitled ** A Letter from a nobleman
abroad to bis friend in England,^' 1722. The late que^^
Caroline having honoured him with her protection, th^
last verses he wrote were to inscribe two copies of his
poems^ one of which was presented t/o her majesty, an4
the other to the princess royal Anne, late princes^ dowager
of Onuige. The remaining years of his life were passed
in privacy and retirement, to the day of his death, which
happened January 30, 173^, in his sixty-eighth year ; hav<*
tRg lost his lady a few days before, by wnom having no
pale issue, the title of lAusdowne became in him extinct.
His character, as drawn by Dr. Johnson, seems now un*
contested. He was, says that eminent critic, a man illus-
trious by birth, and therefore attracted notice; since he is
atyled by Pope *^ the polite," he must be supposed elegant
in his maimers, and generally loved -, he was in times of
contest and turbulence steady to bis party, and obtained
aliat /esteem which is always conferred upon firmness and
consistency. As a poet. Dr. Johnson has appreciated his
taierit with equal justice. * He wasandeed but a feeble imi-
tator of the feeblest parts of Waller, and is far more to be
praised for his patronage of^ poets, and the judgment he
shewed in the case of Pope, than for any pretensions to
rank among them; His prose style, howeveri is exceUeuti
198 G R^A N V I L L E.
and far beyond that of his early contemporaries. DrJ
Warton notices, as proofs of this, his " Letter to a young
man on his taking orders ;'* his " Observations on Burnet/*
his " Defence of his relation sir Richard Greenville," his.
translation of some parts of Demosthenes, and his Letter
to his father on the Revolution, written in 1688. The
same critic, who must have been acquainted with some
who knew him intimately, adds that his conversation was
most pleasing and polite ; and his affability, and universal
benevolence and gentleness, captivating.'
GRASSWINKEL (Theodore or Thierrt), a learned
lawyer, was born at Delft in 1600. He wrote various
works upon legal and political subjects, by which he ac-
quired a considerable reputation. Among these are '* Li-
bertas Veneta, seu Yenetorum in se et suos imperandi
Jus." This was published in 1634, and in 1644 he de-
fended the republic of Venice, in a dispute with the duke
of Savoy concerning precedence ; for which service, that
republic created him a knight of St. Mark. He had also
before this, attempted to confute Buchanan^s treatise ** De
Jure Majiestatis,^' in a work dedicated to Christina, queen
#of Sweden, who Was known to be a great assertor of regal
privileges. Grasswinkel defended the liberty of the seas
against Selden, and Burgus, a native of Genoa, in bis work
" Maris Liberi Vindiciae,*' and with so much judgment, in
their opinion, that the States of Holland gave him a pen-
sion of 500 florins, with the title of Advocate-gen ecal of
the marine, until an opportunity offered of rewarding his
merit with a more honourable employment; which was
afterwards'that of advocate of the exchequer, and register
and secretary of the chanibre-mi-partie. He was author,
likewise, of a treatise in two volumes, 4to, **On the Sove-
reignty of the States of Holland.^' He died of an apo-
plexy at Mechlin, Qct 12, 1666.*
GR ATAROLUS (William), a learned physician of the
sixteenth century, was born at Bergamo in Italy in 1510^
iand was educated at Padua,, where he took his degrees
with great reputation ; but having embraced the doctrines
of the reformers, with which Peter Martyr made him
acquainted, be was obliged to make his escape, and
went into Germany, that he might live undisturbed in the
1 Biog. Brit. — Johnson and Chalmers's Poets, 1810. — :]p,owles'8 edition of
Po|>« ; sec lD<lex.---Park*8 edition of Lord Orfoi'd's Royal a^d ^Mt Authors,
* Morer'u-r-Geo. Diet — Fopipei]{ Bib]. Belg.
G R A T A R O L»U S. 199
inrotestant religion. After some stay at Basil; be was in-
vited to Marpurg to be physic-professor ; but in a short
time returned to Basil, and died there in 1562, or as some
think in 1666, or 1668, which last seems most correct
He wrote a great many books, as, ^< De Memoria repa->
randa, augenda, conservanda, ae Reminiscentia. De
Praedictione Morum, Natu^arumque Homininn fatili, 4^*
Inspectione parti urn corporis. Prognostica Natoralia de
Temporam mutatione perpetua, ordine Literarum. De
Literatorum & eorum qui Magistratibus funguntur^ con-
servanda, preservandaque valetadine. De Vini Natura^
artificio & usu ; Deque omni Re Pptabili. De Regimine
iter Agentium, vel Equitum, vel Peditum, vd Navi» vel
Curru viatoribus quibusque Utilissiipi Libcii.duo.** He
likewise made a collection of several tracts. jtouching the
sweating-sickness in England. , Some of these works are
honourable to his talents, and -evince a large share of
knowledge ; but in others he shews an attachment to the
absurdities of alchemy, much superstition, aod opinibns
which do not imply a sound judgment.'.
GRATIAN, a celebrated Benediqtine of tbe twelfth,
century, was bom at Cbiusi, and spent near twenty-four
years at the monastery of Bologna in = composing a work
which has gained him great fame, and which he published
about 1 151, under the title qf ** Decretal,'* or ** Concor-
dantia discordantium Canpnum,^' in which be endeavours
to reconcile those canons, wfaioh seem to contradict each
other ; hut as this author has been guilty of some errors,
l^ mistaking a canon of one coiincil, or a passage of one
father, for another, and has frequently quoted spurious de-
cretak, several writers have endeavoured to correct these
faults, particularly Anthony Augustine in his valuable
work entitled ^^ De emendatione Gratiani,'' an excellent
edition of which was published by Baluze. The popes
are indebted principally to Gratian^s Decretal for the high
authority, they exercised in the thirteenth and following
centuries ; but all their pretensions are supported in this
work upon suppositious canons, which that age was too
ignorant to suspect. This work forms one of the principal
parts of the canon law. The editions of Rome, 1582, 4
vols, folio, and of Lyons,. 1671, 3 vols, folio, are the best.
There is a separate edition of this Decretal, Mentz, 1472,
* Niccron, yo\, 2DCXI.-— Gen. Dic^— -^Moreri.-— Frtheri Tbestrum.— .Saxii
Ooomafttioon. * Ca?e.— Dupiq.— Moreri.— Saiii ODOUiasticoD.
200 O'R A T I A N I,
OHATIAKl (Antonio Maria), a learned bishop of
Amelia^ was born in 1536 in the little city called Borgo-^
dirsan^Sepulcro in Tuscany. He w^s educated by cardi^
nal Commendo, who trusted him with the most inlportanC
affairs, and gave him a rich abbey. After this CardinaPi
death, Gratiani was secretary to pope Sixtus V. then to
pardinal Montalto ; and Clement VIII. who was partly in-*
debted to him for his elevation to the papal chair, made
him bi^^op of Amelia, sent him to Venice as nuncio, and
' would have even created him cardinal, but was dissuaded
from it by cardinal Aldobrandino, because Gratiani was
the duke of Florence's subject. The air. of Venice not
Agreeing mih his health, he retired to Amelia, devoted
himself to ->tbe' duties of a holy bishop, and died there,
1611. He>l^ <^ Synodal Ordinances;" "The Life of
Cardinal Comdiieiido," 4to, which has been translated into
French by M. Flecbier ; « De Bello Cyprio," 4to ; « De
Casibus adversis illustrium virorum sui sevi," 4to, trans-
lated into French by le Pelletier. In 1745, a posthumous
work was published at Florence, *^ De Scriptis in vita Mi-
nerva ad Albysmm fratrem libri viginti,** 4to. *
GRATIUS (FalIscus), an eminent Latin poet, is sup-'
posed to have been contemporary with Ovid, and pointed
pu^ by him in the last elegy of the fourth book <^ De
Ponto," " Aptaque venanti Gratius arma dedit.'* We
have a poem of his, entitled << Cynogeticon, or. The Art
of hunting with Dogs ;" which in strictness can only be
called a fragment. The style of this poem is reckoned
pure, but without elevation ; the poet, like Others who
have adopted the didactic plan, having been more soli-
citous to instruct than to please his reader. He is also
censured by the critics as dwelling too long on fabler;
and as he is counted much superior to Nemesianus, who
has treated the same subject, so he is reckoned iii all
points inferior to the Greek poet, Oppian, who wrot^ his
Cynogetics and Halieutics under Severds and Caracalla,
to whom 'he presented them, and who is said to have re-
warded the poet very magnificently. The. first edition of
the ** Cynogeticon^ was published in 1504, Bonon. folio,
along with Nemesianus, and often reprinted ; but the best
edition is that of London, 1690, in 8vo, ** cum Notis per«
petuis ThomsB Jonson, M. A.*^ *
* Moi«ri.-*Erythnei Pinacotheca.
* Vottittftda Poet. Lat— 'Fabric Bibl. Lat.
G R A T I US. 201
GRATIUS (OnTUiRUs), a nttlve of Holhwic in the dio-
eese of Muiitteri whose tittaie W9m Graes^ taught etbid
and pbiloftpphy at Cologn, in a college of which be became
the bead, and died there May 92^ 15424 His attachment
to the catholic rellgidn involved him in disputes with
Reachlin, Hutten, and other professors ; who/ to ridicule
the style of the Romish divines, the monks, and some re«
ligious ceremonies, are supposed to have published *f Epis^
tolie obscurorum virorum ad Dominum Magistrum Ortui-*>
nnm Gratium,*' 1516 and 1517, 4to, in two parts^ of which
there have been editions since» But it ia more probable that
this book was really written by Van Hutten and John Joeger^
afias John Crotns, Luther's contemporary and friend, and
who afterwards returned to the church of Rome, and was the^
reproached by Christopher Olearius for writing such a satire,
Erasnsns is said to have been so pleased with it, as to be thrown
into a violent fit of laughter, which burst an imposthume in
hia'face. In 1710, a beautiful edition was published in I2md,
at London, dedicated to the author of the Tatlen It wab
condemned by Leo X. March 15, 1517 ; and Gratius wrotfe
in opposition to it, ^ Lamentationes obscurorum viroruth
lion prohibitoe per Sedem Apostolicam,'' Cologn, 1518,
tvoj reprinted in 1649. He also* published ^'Triumpbus
B. Job,*' in elegiac verse^ in three books, Cologn, 1537,
folio ; ** Fasciculus rerom expetendarum et fugiendarum,*^
Cologn, 1535, folio, reprinted under the inspection of Ed-
ward Brown, London, 1690, 2 vols. foMo; which isacu*
rious collection of pieces respecting the council of Basil. ^
GRAUNT (John), the celebrated author of the << Ob-
servations on tiie Bills of Mortality,^* was the son of Henry
Graant of Hampshire, who being afterwards settled in
Bfrchin-lane, London, had this child bom there, April 94,
1620» ' Bdiug a rigid puritan, he bred him up in all the
itricfoeiss of those principles; and designing him for trade,
gave bim no more education than was barely necessary for
that purpose ; so that, with the ordinary qualifications of
reading, 'Writing, and arithmetic, he was put apprentice to
a indberdaslier in the city, which trade he afterwards fol-
lowed, bdt become a freeman of the Drapers' company.
He came early into business, and in a short time grew so
ttuch into the - esteem of his fellow^iti^ens, that he was
* M«r6ri.— Foppen Bibl. Belg.
302 G R A U N T.
frequently chosen arbitrator for cooDponng differences be^*
tween neighbours, and preventing law-suits. With this
reputation be pa3sed through all the offices of his ward, as
far as that of a common council- mani which he. held two
years, and was 6rst captain and then major of the train
bands* These distinctions were the effects of a great share
of good sense and probity, rendered aqiiable by. a mild
and friendly disposition ; which was all that was in those
days expected from a tradesman of no great birth, and of
small breeding. But Graunt's genius was far from being
confined within those limits : it broke through all the. dis-
advantages of his slender education, and enabled him to
form a new and noble design, and to execute it with as
much spirit as there appeai:ed sagacity in forming it.
The exact time is not known when he first began to col-
lect and consider the Bills of Mortality; but he tells us
himself, that he had turned his thoughts that way several
years, before he had any design of publishing the disco-
veries he had made. As bis character must have been emi-
neutly distinguished in 1650, when, though not above
thirty years of age, his interest was so exten^ve, as to
procure the music professor's chair at Gresbam, for his
friend doctor (afterwards sir William) Petty ; so it is more
than probable, that his acqaain|anQe and friendship with
that gentleman, was the consequence of a similarity, of
pursuits; and that our author had then communicated
some of his thoughts upon this subject to sir William, who,
on his part, is likewise said to have repaid the generous
confidence with some useful hints towards composing .his
book. This piece, which oontained a new and accurate
thesis of policy, built upon a more certain reasoning than
Was before tliat time known, was first presented to the
public in 1661, 4to, and met with such an extraordinary
reception, that another edition was called for in . the fol-
lowing year ; and our author's fame, and the usefulness of
bis book, began to be spoken of both at home and abroad.
Immediately after the publication of it, Lewis XIV* of
France, or his ministers, provided, by a law, for the most
exact register of births and burials, that is any where in
Europe ; and in England Charles IL conceived such a high
iesteem for his abilities, that at the first institution of the
royal society, his majesty recommended him to their
choice for a member ; with this charge, that if they found
any more such tradesmen^ they should be sure to admit
G R A U N T. 205
them jEctt, Qe had dedicated tbe. work to sir Robert Moray,
president of the royal society, and had sent fifty
be dispersed among their members, when he was pro-
posed (though a shopkeeper), and admitted into the so^
ciety, February 26, 1661-2; and an order of council
{fassed, June 20, 1665, for publishing the third edition,
which was executed by the society's printer, and came out
that same year. After receiving this honour, he did not
long continue a shopkeeper, but left off business ; and on
September 25, 1666, became a trustee for the manage-
ment of the New-river, for one of the shares belonging to
sir William BackKbuse, who dying in 1669, his relict;
afterwards countess of Clarendon, appointed Mr. Graunt
one of her trustees.
This account of the time of our author's admission into
the government of the New-river is taken from the minute
books, or registei", of the general court of that company, ^
and sUflSciently clears him from an imputation thrown upon
his memory by bishop Burnet; who, having observed that
the New- river was brought to a bead at Islington, where
there is a gr^at room full of pipes that conveys it through
the streets of London, and that the constant order was to
set all the pipes running on Saturday night, that so tbe
cisterns might be all full on Sunday morning, there being
a more than ordinary consumption of water on that day,
relates the following story, which he says was told him by
Dr. Lloyd (afterwards bishop of Worcester) and the coun^
tess of Clarendon : " There was,'* says he, " one Graunt^
a papist, who under sir William Petty published his Ob<*
servations on the Bills of Mortality. He had some time
before applied himself to Lloyd, who bad great credit with
the countess of Clarendon, and said hb could raise that
estate considerably, if she would make him a ,trustee for
'her. His schemes were probable; and he was made one
of the board that governed that matter, and by that he
'had a right to come as often as he pleased to view their
^works at Islington. He went thither the Saturday before
-die fire broke out, and called for tbe key where the head^
of tbe pipes were, and turned all the cocks of the pipe^i
that were then open, stopt the water, and went away and
carried the keys with him ; so, when the fire broke but
<next morning, they opened the pipes in the streets to find
water, but there was none. Some hours were lost in send*
ing to Islington, where the door wa3 broke open, and ihe
f04 GH A U K T.
codes turned^ and it was long before ibe Water got to Loii*
don. Graunt, indeed, denied that be bad turned the
cocks ; but the officer of the works affirmed^ that be badv
according to oarder, set them all running, and that nci piar-f
son had got the keys from bim besides Graunt, wbo coit**
fessed he bad carried away the keys, but said he did it
without design/' This, indeed, as Burnet observes, is but
a presumption ; and, we may add, a groundless calumny ;
aince it is evident,^ from the above account, that Graunt
was not admitted into the government of the New^river
company till twenty -three days after the breaking out of
the fire of London, to which may be added a farther proof
that the parliament met September 18, 1666^ and, on the
very day that be was admitted a member of the New-river
company, they ap|)ointed a comniittee to inquire into the
causes' of the fire.
The report made by sir Robert Brooke, cbairt^an of
that committee, contains abundance of extraordinary re*
latioiis, but not one word of the cocks being stopped, or
any suspicions of Graunt It is true, indeed, that be
changed bis religion, and was reconciled to the cbur<:b of
Kome some time before bis death ; but it is more than
probable be was no papist at this juncture, since, in the
title»page of his book in 1665, be is styled ca^aifi, and
.Wood informs us, that he had been two or three years a
major when he made this change, which therefore could
not have iiappened before 1667 or 1668 at soonest. How^
ever, the circumstances of the countess of Clarendon't
saying he was her trustee oiakes it plain that the atory was
not invented till some years aftar the fire, when> Graunt
was known to be a papist. It was apparently not invented
till after his^ death. . The first time of its appearance in
public seems to have been in Ecbard's '* History of Eng-
land.'* And according to bishop Burnetts account, the
story could not be told to him till after 1667, when Graunt
was s^ypcKnted trustee for the countess of Clarendon. The
report, however, never reached his ears, and so could not
disturb him in the prosecution of his studies, which he c«>
tied on after this change in his religion with the aanie asiJK
duity as before, and made some considerable obsenrationa
within two years of his death, wbicfa happened April 18, 1674/
in the vigour of his age^ hatingnot quite completed :bis 54th
year. He was intended on the 22d of the same month in
St Dunstan^ cburch) ia Fleet-street, the corpse being 9t^
6 R A U N T. SOS
tieaded by many cff the most ingenious and laamed persona
^ the tintt^ and particularly by sir Williain Petty, wtio
paid his last tribute with tears to his memory. He left
his papers to this friend, who took care to adjust aad in-
aert them in a fifth edition of his work, which he published
in 1676, 8vo, and that with so much care, aiMl so. much
improved, that he frequently cites it as his own : which
probably gave occasion to bishop Burnet's mistake, who,
as we have seen, called it sir William's book, published
under Graunt's name. It is evident, however, that his
observations were the elements of that useful science,
which was afterwards styled *' Political Arithmetic,'' and of
which Graunt must have the honour of being the first
founder ; and whatever merit may be ascribed to sir Wil«
liam Petty, Mr. Daniel King, Dr. Davenant, and others,
upon the subjeet, it is all originally derived from the first
author .^ the ** Observations on the Bills of Mortality." '
GRAVELOT (Henr¥ Francis Bourionon), a French
Artist, well known in this .as well as his own country, was
born at Paris March 26, 1699. He does not appear to
have had much edacaticm io his profession, but soon made
some figure as a draughtsman. He accompanied La Rochh-
lard, who was appointed goveriior<-general of St. Domingo,
>«nd meeting in that island with the artist Frezier, was em-
ployed by hhn on a map of the country. Gramelot re-
turned to France in 1745, Where he applied principally to
<lrawing ; but finding^ himself in the midst of a nomber 4»f
eminent artists, among whom he despaired of distinguish-
ing himself, he came over to London, where he lived thir-
teen years. He possessed great fertility of invention, and
-composed, with much judgment, small subjects for vig-
nettes and other book ornaments ; he drew also admirably
ancient buildings, tombs, and prospects, and was much
"Maployed in all these branches by the artists of London.
fle drew the monuments of the kings for Vertue, and gave
^ designs, where invention was necessary, for Pine?a
plates of the tapestry in the house of lords. He was also
for some time employed in Gloucestershire, drawing
ehmrche^ and antiiquities. Vertue compares his neat man-
ner to Picart,^ and owns that in composition and^eidgn, be
even excelled his favourite Hollar. ' He sometimes at-
tempted painting small histories and conversations, and he
I BiOf « BTit.-«Ckni. Dtet.— Dodd's dniroli Hitt.
^OB G,R A y E L O T.
designed sts. well as engraved some of the prints to sir Thtr*'
mas Hanmer's edition of Shakspeare^ and those belpngii^
to Tiieobald's edition : but the finest specimen of. his aibi-
lilies as an engraver, is his large print of Kirkstall abbey*
He returned to France about the beginning of the precept
reign, and executed for the booksellers of Paris, the beau-
tiful designs with which they ornamented the works of
Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, Boccaci:io^ Arioato, Marmon-
tel, &c. He died at Paris in, 1 773, He is. said to ha^ve
been a man of wit and talents, and perfectly acquainted
with the history and theory of bis artV
GRAVEROL (Francis), a very eminent French anti-
quary and lawyer, was born at Nismes in the beginning of
1635, and being educated for the profession of the law^
became an advocate of the parliament of Toulouse, and^ of
the presidial court of Nismes, and director and secretary of
the academy of that place. During his researches ^ in to
loatters of history and antiquities, he made a very fine col-
lection of medals and manuscripts, among which were the
originals of the proceedings of the popish inqui^tors
against the Albigenses. So highly was Qraverol esteemed
for learning, that no strangers of distinction visited Nismes
without paying their respects to him, and such was his re-
putation in Italy that, in 1691, he was elected an associate*
of the Ricovrati of Padua; and when, the states of Langue-
doc formed the plan of collecting their records respecting^
their fiefs and seignories, they considered Graverol as the
. only person fit to execute the work, which he was earnestly
requested to undertake by the cardinal Bon^zi. But bis
adherence to the protestant religion impeded his advance-
ment in Ufe, and involved him in serious troubles*, He
retired first to Orange in 1685, where he was very &vour-.
ably received, but not thinking that a place of safety, left
it for Swisserland or Holland. During this jouroey he
was arrested and confined at Montpellier for about two
months. After this he must have been released, and per-
mitted to go bome> as we find he died at Nismes Sept 10,
1694. Anaong the works which contributed most to -his
reputation, are, 1. ^^ Observations sur les arrets du parle-
ment de Toulouse recueilles par la Rocheflavin,^' Toulouse,
1682. 2. <^ Notice ou abreg^ historique des vingt-^deux
' villes chefs des dioceses province de Languedoc,'^ »
. 1 Diet. Hist.«*Stnitt.— Walpole's Bnfraveri.
G R A V E K 0 L. 207
)ri>8thumoas work published in 1696. 3* '^ Sorberiana,
sire exeerpta ex; ore Samuelis Sorbiere,*' Toulouse, 1691,
1714, Paris, 1694, and 1732. His other works were dis-
sertations on medals and antiquities, most' of which are
printed with the '^ Sorberiana.** In the Journal des Savans
for March 1685, two considerable works are announced by
him, which the persecution he -afterwards met with pro-
bably, prevented him from completing ; the one was a col-
lection of letters to several crowned heads, written by car-
dinal Sadblet in the name of Leo X. ; the other, a '^ Bib-
liotheqtie du Languedoc,*' a kind of literary journal, in
which he was to give the lives of the eminent men of that
province, and particulars of its history, &c.*
GRAYEROL (John), a learned protestant divine, bro-
ther to the preceding, was born at Nismes, September 11,
1636. He was minister at Lyons, but left that place on
the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and went to Amster-
' dam, and afterwards to London, where he exercised the
"ministerial office, and died in 1718. His works are nume^
rous ; the principal one is, '* Moses vindicatus,^' Amster-
dam, 1694, 12mo, in which he brings proofs of the crea-
tion, and of the acqount given by Moses, agrainst Dr. Tho-
mas Burnetts " Arcbeeologia Philosopbica.** *
GRAVES (Richard), an English divine and miscella-
neous writer, was a younger son of Richard Graves, esq.
of Mickletoh, in Gloucestershire, where he was born in
1715. His father, who was an able antiquary, died in
1729. HiB son, Richard, was educated partly at home,
under the rev. Mr. Smithy curate of the parish in which his
father resided, and partly at a public school at Abingdon,
' in Berkshire, whence, at the age of sixteen, he was chosen
a scholar of Pembroke college, Oxford. Soon after his
atirival he joined a party of young men who met in the
* evening to read Epictetus, Theophrastus, and other Greek
authors, seldom read at schools ; and a short time after
became the associate of bis contemporaries, Shenstone
the poet, and Anthony Whistler, who used to meet to
read poetry, plays, and other light works. In 1736 he
was elected a fellow of All Souls college, where he sic-
quired the particular intimacy of sir William Blackstone ;
but instead of pursuing the study of divinity, according to
his original intention, he now devoted his attention t(^
I Moreri, > (bid.
physic, and atlended ip London two courses of anatoiQy*
A severe illness, however, induced him to resume, tbye
study of divinity, and in 1740, after taking l^is pa^ter^s
degree^ he .entered into holy orders. About the saniie
time he removed with Mr. Fitzherbert, £a.^er of .lord St,
Helen's, to the estate of that gentleman at Tifisington, in
Derbyshire, where he remiiined three years :^pjoying 'w^
his housQ the highest pleasures of rf 6ned society. At the
end of that period, he set off to vaake the tour of the nortb^
and while at Scarborough, ^cidentally ip^t ivith a dfistant
. relation, Dr. Samuel Knight, archdeacon of Bprkshirj^^
and the author of the Lives of Colet and Erasmus, by
whose recommendation he obtained a curacy near Oxford,
This was particularly gratifying to JVIr. Giiaves, who was
then coming, by turn, into o^ce in t^e coUege, ai^d bad
been for some tinie desirous of procuriqg st^ch a situation.
He immediately tg^k possesf jon of his cpracy, but as the
parsonage-house wiu» out pf repair,, be took a lodging wit^
a gentleman -^^rcper in the neighbpurhood. The attrac-
tions of the farmer^s youngest daughter 9iade such a power-
f al impres^^on on the he^rt of Mr. G^vfui that lie resigned
h^s fellowship and married faer« After residing ^bout two
years on his curacy* he v^as presented by^ Mr. SkriuiO
to the rectory of Clav^rton, where hie went to Reside in
1730, and till his death, was never abj»ept from it a monUi
at a tim^. A$» the narrowness of his circjuimstances obliged
him to superintend in person the education of his chikir^|iy
he likewise resolved to take other pupils imder: hi^ tuition p
and this practice he continued, with great <uredit to him*
self, upwards of thirty years.* In 1763, through the in*
terest of Ralph Allen, esq. of Prior-Park, he was pre*
sented to the living of Kilmersdon, in addition to that of '
. Claverton, and that gentleman likewise procured l^n^ the
appointment of chaplain to lady Chatham. His caqyersa-
tion was rendered highly agree^tble by th^t epigrapoiiatic
turn which points his writipgs of the lighter kind. E(is
constant good humour rendered him an acceptable com-
panion in every society, his colloquial impromptus^ being
frequently as happy as the jeux d'esprit of bis pen, yf\nie
both were invariably the unmeditated effusions of a t^portiv^
fancy and guileless heart. He died at Claverton, Nov.
.23, 1804, at the advanced age of ninety.
Mr. Graves's publications were very numerous. His first
was *^ The Festoon; or, a collection of Epigrams, with an
G A A V te S. 209
Essay on tfe'at species ojf copi'position," In 1772 he pro-
duced "The Spiritual Quixote," in 3 vols, intended as a
satire, on the itinerant arid iUiterate preachers among the
hie^hodis'ts, and which ihight have been pronounced one
of the most amusing and interesting novels of his time, had
he not, in pursuit of his main object^ incautiously intro7
duced the language of scripture, which, whether used by
methodists, or others, can never be a legitimate subject of
ridicule, rie next published " A Tk-anslation from the
Ifaliah of Galates j or, a treatise pn Politeness, by De 1^
Cask, arclibiSbop of bfehevento." He soon after publi8he4
" Columella, or the dikressed Anchoret,*' in 2 vols, to
sboiv the consequeiice of a person of education and talents
retiring to solitude and indolence in the vigour of yout^i :
in this It is thought he alluded to his friend Shenstone. H^
flso publishe'ci two volumes of poems undler the title of
" Eu^hrosyne,** which have gone through several editions,
but he is rather entitled to the merit of an agreeable ver-
sifier, .than that of a genuine poet. Then appeared his
"Eugeriius; or. Anecdotes of the Golden Vale," in 2
vols. In 1778 appeared "Recollections of some particu-
lars in the life of William Shenstone, esq. in a series of
letters to W. Seward, esq. F. R. S.'* This was published
to vindicate the character of his friend from the criticisms
and censure of Dr. Johnson, Mr. Gray, and Mr. Mason.
The following is a list of his subsequent publications, al*
thougii probably not in chronological order. " Plexippus ;
or, the aspiri^ig Plebeian,'* in 2 vols. ; " Hiero on the
^^oridition of , Royalty," from the Greek of Xenophon ;
" Fleiirettes, -' a translation of Fenelon's Ode on Solitude,
and other French authors ; *' The Life of Commodus,''
froiri the Greek of lierodian ; " The Rout," from a young
man in town to his friend in the country; ^' The Medita^
trons of Antoninus, translated from the Greek;" "The
Reveries of Solitude,*' consisting of pieces of prose and,
verse ; " The Coalition ; or. Opera rehearsed," a comedy
in three acts ; " The Farmer's Son," a moral tale, in the
ballad metre ; 'f Sermons on various subjects," in 1 vol. ;
** Senilities/' consisting of pieces in prose and verse. His
last publicatipn was *^ The Invalid, with the obvious means
of enjoying Life, by a Nonagenarian." The above, we
briieve, is a tolerably correct list of the publications of Mr.
Graves ; whose works, although the *« Spiritual Quixote"
only will be much called for hereafter, will always be read
Vol. XVL P
with pleasure, there being a sprightliness and epigram*'
matic turn in his writings which was peculiar to himself,
and which he retained to the last. In Mr. Graves ended
the bright associates of their time, composed of Shenstone,
Whistler, and Jago. *
S'GRAVESANPE (William James), an eminent Dutch
philosopher, was born Sept. 26, 1688, at Bois-le-duc, in
Holland, of an ancient and honourable family. He was
educated with the greatest care, and very early discovered
an extraordinary genius for mathematical learning. He
was sent to the university of Leyden, in 1704, with an in-
tention to study the civil law ; but at the same time he
cultivated with the greatest assiduity his favourite science.
Before he was nineteen, he composed his treatise on per-
spective, which gained him great credit among the most
eminent mathematicians of his time. When he had taken
his doctor's degree in 1707, he quitted the college, and
settled at the Hague, where he practised at the bar. In
this situation he contracted and cultivated an acquaintance
with learned men ; and made one of the principal members
of the society that composed a periodical review, entitled
** Le Journal. Litt6raire." This journal began in May
1713, and was continued without interruption till 1722.
The parts of it written or extracted by Gravesande were?
principally those relating to physics and geometry. But
he enriched it also with several original pieces entirely of
his composition, viz. " Remarks on the construction of
Pneumatical Engines ;'* " A moral Essay on Lying ;^*
and a celebrated " Essay on the Collision of Bodies;*'
which, as it opposed the Newtonian philosophy, was at-
tacked by Dr. Clarke, and many other leariled men.
In 1715, when the States sent to congratulate George I.
on his accession to the throne, Gravesande was appointed
secretary to the embassy. During his stay in England he
was admitted a member of the royal society, and became
intimately acquainted with sir Isaac Newton. On bis re-
turn to Holland, when the business of the embassy was
over, he was chosen professor of the mathematics and
astronomy at Leyden; and he had the honour of first teach-
ing the Newtonian philosophy there, which was then in its
infancy. The most considerable of his publications is
>• 'I
1 G«iit. U9%. rol, LXXIV.— Seuitities, p«Mim.— DodsUy's and PtarohV
PocoDf.— Ni«faol«*8 Bowyer, where is an accouQt of his father.
G R A V E S A N D E. 211
'^ An Introduction to the Newtonian Philosophy; or> a
treatise on the Elements of Physics, confirmed by experi*^
ments/' This performance, being only a more perfect
copy of his public lectures, was first printed in 1720; and
has since gone through many editions, with considerable
improvements. He published also *^ A small treatise on
ihe Elements of Algebra, for the use of young students.^'
After he was promoted to the chair of philosophy in 1734,
he published '^ A Course of Logic and Metaphysics.'' He
bad a design too of presenting the public with ^^ A System
of Morality,^' but his death, which happened in 1742,
prevented his putting it in execution. Besides his. own
works, he published several correct editions of the valuable
works of others. His whole mathematical and philosophical
works, except the first article above, were collected an^
published at Amsterdam, 1774, in 2 vols. 4to, to which is
prefixed a critical account of bis life aad writings, by pro*
fessor Allamand.
He was amiable in his private and respectable in hif
public character ; for, few men of letters have done more
eminent services to their country. The ministers of the
republic consulted him on all oqcasions in which his talents
were requisite to assist them, which his skill in calculation
often enabled him to do in money affairs. He was of great
service also in detecting the secret correspondepce of their
enemies, as a decipherer. And, as a professor^ none ever
applied the powers of nature with more sucqess, or to mor^
useful purposes. '
GRAVINA (John Vincent), an eminent scholar, and
illustrious lawyer of Italy, was born of genteel parents at
Roggiano, February 18, 1664; and educated under Gre-.
gory Caloprese, a famous philosopher of that time, .and
his cousin-german. He went to Naples at sixteen, and
there applied himself to the Latin and Qreek languages,
and to civil law; which application, , however, did not
make him neglect to cultivate, Y^ith the utmost exactness,
his own native tongue. He was so fond of iitudy,. that he
pursued it ten or twelve hours» tQ.the very lasjtyear^
of his life ; and, when his friend^ remonstrated agaiR)$t thin
unnecessary labour, he used to tell theiQ that be kqew of
nothing which could afford him more pleasure. He went
to Rome in 1689, and some years after was .made, p^rofessor
... - '
^ Protp«r Marcband, vol. II. — Diet. Hist.— Huttoa^f Dictionarf.
P 2
of canon law, in the college of Sapienzia, by Innocent
XL who esteemed him much ; which employment he held
as long as he lived. He does not, however, seem to have
been of an amiable cast; at least be had not the art of
making himself beloved. The free manner in which he
spoke of all mankind, and the contempt with which he
treated the greatest part of the learned, raised him up many
enemies; and among others the famous Settano, who has
made him the subject of some of his satires. It is said that
he missed a cardinals bat because of his satirical turn of
mind. When at Rome he used to bow to coach-horses,
'^ because," said he, '^ were it not for these poor beasts,
tfaetie great people would have men, and even philoso-
phers, to draw their coaches." There were ^t one time
doubts of bis religious principle6> ai)d his pupil Metastasio
seems inclined to jtt^tify these^ by sinking this part of his
history. Many universities of Germany would have drawn
Gravina to them, and made proposals to him for that pur*
pose ; but nothing was able to seduce him from Roitie.
That of Turin offered him Uie first prdfessor^hiji of law, at
die very time that he waft attacked by th<^ distemper of
which he diisd, and which seeoi^ to haVe beeh a ihortifica-
tion in his bowels. He ^tts ttidubl^d with pains in thosd
parts for many years befdrej bat they did hot provfe fatal
to him till Jan. 6^ 1718; He had mfetde his ilirill iii ApHl
171^) in which h0 Ordered his body tb bO opened and
His first publication was a piece entitled '^ Pirlici Ceii-
sorini Photistici Hydra Mysiica; liive, de cdrriit)ta itio^ali
docttina dialogus,'' Cotonieb, 1691^ 4to ; but really priilttid
at Naples. ThiA was withoilt a ham^, atld is verjr scsli-c)^ ;
the author having pritlled only fifty eopies^ whii:h he dis-
tributed dmong bis friends. 2. ** L'Endidiione di Erilo
Cleoneo^ Pastore Arcstd^i con Uii Diseofso di Biotie Cr^-
teo," Rome, 1692; 12mo. The fendymioh i^ Aleicind^i^
Guidl^s, who, Ih the academy of th^ Arcadiati^j weht titl^
der the name of £i^ild Cleooeo ; And the discourse annekdd,
wbil:h illustrates the beauties of this pastoral, is Gravina^s,
who conceals himself Undei* that of Bioiie Crialt^o. i.
<< Delia Antlche FavdlV' Rome^ 1696^ i2mo. 4. A €61-
lectioa of pieced under the nabie df ^' Opuscula," at Roitie
in 1696, 12mo; containing, fitst^ *' An Essay iipon ati kn-i
cient Law ;'* secondly, ^ A Dialogue concerning the ex-
C^^ence of the Latin Tongue V thirdly^ ^^ A Discourse of
O R A V I N A. 215
tb^ chaiag^ wlilch has haftpened in the Sciences^ particu-
larly in Italy ;'' fourthly, " A Treatise upon the Contempt
of De^th;" 6fthly, upon "Moderation in Mourning ;•*
sixthly, " The Laws of the Arcadians*** A collection of
isuch of these as regard literary history and study was pub-
lished in 1792, £or the use of young students, by the pre-
sent learned bishop of St. Davidf s. But the greatest of all
his works, and for whjch he will he ever memorable, is,
^. Bis three books, ^' De Ortu et Progressu Juris Civilis ;'»
the first of which was printed at Naples, ia 1701, 8vo^
and at Leipsic in 1704, 6vo. Gravina afterwards sent
the two other books of this work to John Burehard. Menc-
ken, librarian at Leipsic, who had published the first there,
and who published these s^lso in 1708, together with it, in
one volume 4to. They were published also again at Na-
ples io 1713^ in two volumes, 4to, with 'the addition of
a book; *^ De Romano Imperio ;^* and dedicated to pope
Clement XL who was much the author's friend. This is
reckpned the best edition of this famous work ; for, when
it was reprinted at Leipsic with the ^* Opuscula'* above*
mentioned, in 1717, it w^s thought expedient to call it
in the title-page, ^* Editio novissima ad nuperam Nea-
politanam et aucta.'' Gravina's view, in this
*^ History of Ancient Law," was to induce the Roman
youth to study it in its original records — in the Pandects,
the Institutes, and the Code, and npt to content them-
selves, as he often complained they did, with learning it
frorn modern abridgments, drawn up with great confusion,
and in very barbarous Latin. Such knowledge • and such
language, he said, might do well enough for the bar^ where
a facility of speaking often siipplied the place of learning
and good sense, before judges who had no extraordinary
share of either; but were what a real lawyer should be
grieatly above. As to the piece *^^De Romano Imperio,"
J-e Clerc pronounces it to be a work in which Gravina
has shewn the greatest judgment and knowledge of Roman
antiquity. The next performance we find in the list of his
works is, 6. " Acta Consistorialia creationis Emin.Jet Re^-f
Cardiualium institutae k S. D. N. Clemente XL P. M. diebus
17 Maii et 7 Junii anno salutis 1706. Accessit eorundem
Cardinaliura brevis delineatio," Colonise, 1707, 4to. 7.
" Delia Ragrone Poetica Libri duo," Rome, 1 708, 4to.
To a subsequent edition of this in 1716, was added a letter
^^ De Poesi," from which Blackwell, in his ^nquiry into
214 G R A V I N A.
the life and writings of Homery has taken many observa-»
tions. Dr. Warton says that Gravina's remarks have a
novelty and penetration in them. 8. " Tragedie cinque,**
Napoli, 1712, 8vo. These five tragedies are, " II Pa*
piniano;^* " II Palamede ;" " L' Andromeda ;" " L*Appio
Claudia;" " II Servio Tullio." Gravina said that be com-
posed these tragedies in three months, without interrupting
lus lectures; yet declares in his preface, that be should
}ook upon all those as either ignorant or envious, who
should scFuple to prefer them to what Tasso, Bonarelliy
Trissino, and others, bad composed of the same kind.
This at least shews that Gravina, great as his talents were,
bad too high an opinion of them. They could not, it is
true, have been written by Sophocles himself in a more
Grecian style ; but he is entitled to more fame from having
educated and formed the taste of Metastasio, who was his
pupil, and to whoih hef'left a legacy, amounting in our
money to nearly 4000/. with his library, and a small estate
in the kingdom of Naples. D. '^ Orationes,^' Nap. 1712,
12mo. These have been reprinted more than ODce, and
are to be found with his " Opuscula*' in the edition of
** Origines Juris Civilis,'* printed at Leipsic, in 17 17. 10.
" Delia Trageclia Libro uno," Napoli, 1715, 4 to. This work,
his two books " Delia Ragione Poetica," his discourse
upon the " Endymion'* of Alexander GuiJi, and soir.e
other pieces, were printed together at Venice in 1731,
4to, but a more complete: edition of his works was pub-
lished at Naples by John Antony Sergi, 1756 — 1758, 3
vols. 4to. * %
GRAVINA (Peter), an excellent Latin poet, was born
at Palermo, ■ in Sicily, of a family originally of Gravina, a
city in the kingdom of Naples; He was canon of Naples,
and died at Rome of the plague, in 1528. It isthouo-ht
that the greater part of his works were lost when the
French went to Naples under Louis XII. in 1501, but a
collection of what remained was published there in 1532,
4to ; a few of them are also inserted in the " Carm. Illust.
Poet. Ital." His epigrams are preferred by Sannazarius
to those of all his contemporaries. Paul Jovius and others
also bestow high encomiums on bis poetry.'
' Niccron, vol. XXIX — Fabr<«ni Viiae Italorom.— Warton's Etsay on Pope,
— Burney'i Life of Metaslasio, vol. 1. p. 12,
* Moroii. — Diet. Hist.— >Roscoe's Leo X.
GRAY. 215
GRAY (TitOMAs), an eminent English poet, was the
fifth child of Mr. Philip Gray, a citizen and money-scri-
vener of London, and a man of such brutal manners, that
his wife (whose maiden name was Dorothy Antrobus) was
obliged in 1735 to apply to an eminent civilian for his ad-
vice as to a separation. Thomas was born in Cornhill,
Dec. 20, 1716, and was the only one of many children who
survived. The rest died in their infancy, from suffoca-
tion, produced by a fulness of blood ; and he owed his life
to a memorable instance of the love and courage of his
mother, who removed the paroxysm which attacked him,
by opening a vein with her own hand ; an instance of af-
fection which he long remembered with filial reverence.
Indeed it was to her exertions when her home was rendered
unhappy by the cruelty of her husband, that our poet was
indebted for his education, and consequently for the hap-
piness of his life* We may readily, therefore, believe
what' Mason has told us, that ** Gray seldom mentioned his
mother without a sigh.*'
He wa? educated at Eton, under the protection of Mr.
Antrobus, his maternal uncle, who was at that time as-
sistant to Dr. George, and also a fellow of Peter-house,
Cambridge, where Gray was admitted as a pensioner in
1734, in his nineteenth year. At Eton his friendship with
Horace Walpole.(the late earl of Orford), and more parti-
cularly with Richard West, commenced. In the latter,
who was a son of the Irish lord chancellor West, he met
ivith one whose proficiency in literature was considerable
for his age, whose mind was amiable and ingenuous, whose
disposition was similar to his owp, but whose loss he had
to deplore, after a strict friendship of eight years. When
Gray removed to Peter-house, West went to Christ cHurch,
Oxford, and Wklpole to King's-college, Cambridge. It
is difficult to trace the line of study which Gray pursued
at college. His correspondence at that time treats chiefly
of his poetry, and other private pursuits; and he seems to
have withdrawn himself entirely from the severity of ma^
thematical studies, white his inquiries centered in clas-
sical literature, in the acqtiisition of modern languages, in
history and other branches of polite literature. During
bis residence at college from 1734 to 1738, his poetical
productions were some Latin verses entitled '* Luna habi-^
tabiiis," inserted in the ** Musae Etonenses;" a poem " On
the n)arriage of the prince of Wales ;" and a " Sapphic
^16 GRAY.
Ode to West," in Latin ; also a Latin v)^r,sioQ <?f the
" Care selve beate" of the Pastor Fido, apd fraygoxents of
translations in English iron) Statins and Tass^.
In 1738 Mr. Gray removed from Pe^er-bo use to, London,
intending to apply himself to the study of the law in ihe
Inner temple, where his friend Mr. West had begun tl^cr.
same pursuit some months before, but on an iiivitatiai>
which Mr. Walpqle gave him to be his companion in hisf
travels, this intention was laid aside for the present, anct
never after put in execution. From his letters to Mr. West,
he seei^s to have been a very diligent traveller, his j^tten-
tion being directed to every work of art that was curious
and instructive. Architecture both of Gothic and Grecian
origin, painting and music, were all studied by him, witli
the manners and customs of the inhabitants. Their tour
was the accustomed one through Fran,ce and Italy. In
April 174Q they were at Reggio, vyhere an unfortunate
difference took place betweeh them, and they parted.
Much has been said of this famous quarrel, t>ut the real
cause has never been sufficiently explained. Walpole,
however, affected to take the blame on l^imself, and pro-
bably spoke truth j and it is certain that the parties were
afterwards reconciled, as to outvyard respect, which no
man knew better than Walpole h9w %o pay in such pro-
portions as suited his convenience, and in such \yarm and
animated language as could not fail to be successful where
he was not known. Cole, however, says, that when mat-
ters were made up between Gray and Walpole, the latter
asked Gray to Strawberry-hill, and when he came, l^e
lyithofUt any ceremony told Walpole, that he came to yirait
on him as civility required, but by no nieans would be
ever be there on the terms of his former friendship, which
he had totally cancelled. Cole's narratives are sometimes
to be received with cautiop, and although Gray's late ex-
cellent editor and biographer thinks this worthy of credit,
and not inconsistent with the independence of Gray's cha-r
racter, yet if he did address Walpole in such language, it
is difficult to conceive that there could have ever beeii
any intercourse between them aftervtrards, which we are
certain was the case.
Gray returned by himself to England in 1741, in which
year his father died. With a small fortune, which her
husband's imprudence had impaired, Mrs. Gray and a
ihaiden sister retired to the house of Mr^. Rogers, another
G R AY. 217
fister, alt S^oke, neai; \yinds9r ;: a;^c!l Gtd^y thinking bis
i^rtune not aufficieiU tq enabjte. him 19 pcosecute the study
i^ tb^ law, and yet unwiHing ^o Ymxi the. feelings of bis
onotber, by appearing entirely to forsake bis profession,
pcetended to change tbe line of study, and went tQ Gam-
bridge to take bis degree in civil law, but had certainly no
t^figbts of that as a pi:o;fi^ssiop. He went accordingly to
Caoibridge, in the winter 1742, where be took bis degree
of bachelor of civil law, and employed himself in a perusal
of tbe Greek authors with sucb assiduity, that in tbe space
of ab.Qut six years there were ba,rdly any writers of note in
that language, whom be bad not only read but digested ;
i^em^rking, by the mode, of common-place, their contents,
their difficult and corrupt passiages, and all this with the
^curacy of. a critic, added to tbe diligence of a student.
^0 bis first year also he translated some parts of Proper*,
tins, and selected for his Italian studies the poetry of Pe-
trarch. He wrote a heroic epistle in Latin, in imitation
of the manner of Ovid ; and a Greek epigram which be
communicated to West; to whom, also, in tbe summer,
when he retired to b^s family at Stoke, be sent bis ^^ Ode
to Spring," which was written there, but which did not
arrive in Hertfordshire till after the death of his beloved
friend, who expired June 1, 1742, aged twenty -six. In
the autumn of this same year. Gray composed the ode on
♦* A distant prospect of Eton College," and the " Hymn
to Adversity," and began the " Kle^';y in a Country Church
Yard." Aq affectionate sonnet in iMiglisb, and an apo-
strophe which opens the fourth b(M>k of his poem '^ De
principiis cogitaiidi" (his last compi>>ition in Latin verse)
bear strong marks of the sorrow left on his mind from the
death of West ; and of the real aflFectioji with which he ho-
noured the memory of his worth and of his talents.
In 1744 the difference between Walpole and Gray was
adjusted by the interference of a lady who wishexi well to
both parties. The lapse of years had probably softened
their mutual resentment in a sufficient degree to admit
again of correspondence on amicable terms. About this
time Gray became acquainted with Mr. Mason, then a
scholar of St. John^s college, whose poetical talents he had
noticed, and some of whose poems he revised at the re*
qbest of a friend. His bequests to Mr. Masoii show
that this intimacy was improved into tbe strictest friend-
ship and confidence. He maintained also a correspond-
Hit G R A Y.
ence with another friend, Dr. Wharton of Durham, and
seems to have been on familiar terms with the celebrated
Dr. Middleton, whose loss he afterwards laments. " I find
a friend," he says, " so uncommon a thing, that I cannot
help regretting even an old acquaintance, which is an in-
different likeness of it.**
In 1747, Gray appeared first as an author, by the pub-
lication of the " Ode to Eton College," folio, of which, 'ac-
cordmg to Dr. Warton, little notice was taken. Walpole
now wished him to print his own poems with those of his
deceased friend West, but this he declined, thinking the
materials not sufficient; but he complied with another
wish of Walpole, in commemorating in an ode the death
of his favourite cat. Soon after this he sent to Dr. Whar-
ton a part of his poem " On the alliance of education and
govern mejit," which he never pursued much further. It
was indeed Gray's misfortune seldom to execute his plans.
Iji 174il he finished his *' Elegy," which we have seen he
began seven years before, and vvhi(?!h being now handed
ahopt in manuscript, was read with great applause, and
when printed, was, as it continues to be, the most popular
of all his'works. Mason iustlr attributes this to the af-
fecting and pensive cast of the subject. Tliat it has not
ceased to be admired even by scholars appears from the
many translations which it has undergone, into Latin, by
Messieurs Anstey, Roberts, and Lloyd, and into Greek
by Dr. Cooke, Dr. Norbnry, Dr Coote, and Messieurs
Tew and Weston. This elegy was soon aft^r added to a
well-known edition of his pi>ems printed in 4to, with de-
signs by Mr. Bentley. In March 1753 he lost his mother,
whom he had so Jong and so affectionately loved, and
placed over her remains an inscription which strongly
marks his filial piety and sorrow. .
In 1754 and 1755 he appears to have written "An ode
to Vicissitude," that " On the progress of Poetry," the
** Bard," and probably some of those fragments with which
he seems to have amused himself u;ithout much design of
completion. About this period he complains of listless-
ness and depression of spirits, which prevented his appli-
cation to poetry ; and from this time we may trace the
course of that hereditary disease in liis constitution which
embittered in a considerable degree the renrainder of his
days ; and whose fatal strength not even the temperance
and regularity of a whole life could subdue. In 1756 he
G R A ¥• 219
lefi Peter-house, where he had resided above twenty years,
on account of some incivilities which he met with, which
Mason thus mentions. Two or three young men of for-
tune, who lived op the same staircase, bad for some time
inteniionally disturbed him with their riots, and carried
their ill-behaviour so far as frequently to awaken him at
midnight. After having borne with their insults longer
than might reasonably have been expected even from a
man of less warmth of temper, Gray complained to the
governing part of the society, and not thinking that his
remonstrance was sufficiently attended to, quitted the col-
lege. He now removed to Pembroke-hall, which he de-
sciibes ^^ as an sera in a life so barren of events as his.*'
In July 1757 he took his " Odes*' to London for publi-
cation, but they were first printed at the Strawberry-hill
press. It seems agreed that they did not succeed with the
public, although they have since deservedly entitled him
to rank among the greatest of our lyric poets. In the
same year, on the death of Cibber, the office of poet-
laureat was offered to him by the duke of Devonshire, then
lord chamberlain, which he politely declined. In 17^8
he composed for his own amusement the little book which
he calls " A Catalogue of the Antiquities, Hojuses, &c. in
England and Wales," which after his death was printed
for private distribution by Mr. Mason, and in 1787 for sale.
About this time the study of architecture seems to have
employed much of his time, and some very acute obser-
vations by him on this subject appeared afterwards in
Bentham's '* Histo'y of Ely,*' a work which was m a great
measure the fruit of " voluntary contributions.*' In Ja-
nuary 17,59, the Briiish Museum was opened to the pub-
lick ; and Gray went to London to read and transcribe the
ma!)uscripts of the Harleian and Cottonian collections. A
folio volume of his transcripts was in Mr. Mason's hands,
out of which one paper alone, the speech of sir Thomas
Wyat, was [)ublished in the second number of lord Orford's
" Miscellaneous Antiquities." In 1762 the professorship
of modern history at Cambridge, a place worth -400^ a
year, became vacant, and Gray, by the advice of his friends,
applied to lord Bute for it, which was however given to
Mr. Brocket, the tutor of sir James Lowther.
In the summer of 1765 he took a journey into Scotland,
to improve his health, which was then weak and uncer-
tain, and to gratify his curiosity with the natural beauties
220 GRAY.
aad aotiquities of chat wild and romaptic cojinUy. He
went through Edinburgh apd Perth to Gian^es-castle, the
s/eat o( lord Strathmore, wbepe h§ re^id^d soip^ ti}ja^> and
afcervyards went to the north, where he ^raied an ai^c^uainr
taoce with Dr. !^eattie, " vvhoi??," ^y§ D/:. Johnson, " h^
found a poet, a philpsppher) and a good tp^n,'^ but ajt
that time Uttle kuown be>ond (he circle of his fiiends a^
Aberdeen. Gray's account of this journey, says Dr. John-
son, ^^ so far as ijt extends, is curious and elegant; for as
his comprehension ^as ample, his curiosity extended to
all the works of art, all the appearanpes of nature, and ail
tlie monuments of past events." Part qf the summer of
1766 and 1767 he passed in journies in England, and had
intended a second tour to Scotland, but returned to Lon-
don without accomplishing his design. At Dr. Beattie^a
desire, a new edition of his poems was printed by the
Foulis's of Glasgow, then the most elegant printers in the
island ; and at the same time Dodsley was also printing
them in London. In both the^^ editions, the ^^ Long
Story'' was omitted, as the plates from Beptley's designs
which illustratecf it were worn out, but some pieces of
Welch and Norwegian poetry, written in a bold and ori-
ginal manner, were inserted in its place; of which the
** Descent of Odin" is undoubtedly the most valuable^
though in many places it is obscure. This bis late biQ«*
grapher attributes to his having translated only that pari
of it which he found in the Latin version of Bartbolinus.
In 1768, the professgrship of modern history again bjs-
came va.cant by the accidental death of Mr. Brocket, apd
the duke of Grafton, then in power, bestowed it upon
Mr. Gray without the smallest solicitation, although the
contrary was at that time reported ; and in the following
year, when his noble patron ^v:as installed as chancellor of
the university, Gray wrote the Ode that was set to music
pn that occasion. When this ceremojiy was past, he weot
on ^ tour to the lakes of Cumberlai>d and Westmoreland,
of which he has given an account in his correspondence.
^* He that reads hi,s epistolary narrative," says Dr. John-
son, *^ vyishes, to travel, and to tell his travels, bad
been more of his employment : but it is by staying at home
that we must oijiriin the ability of travelling with intelli-
gence and improvement." In April 1770, he complains
much oKadepressipn of spirits, talks of an intended tour
into Vv^ales in the sumimer, aqd of meeting his friend Dr«
G 11 A Y. 221
Wharton at Mr. Mason's. In July, however, he was still
at Catobridge, and wrote to Dr. Beaitie, complaining of
itiilesrs and pain in his head; and in this letter, he sent
him some criticisms on the first book of the " Minstrel,'*
Which have since been published. His tour took place in
the autumn, but he does not appear to have written any
jliarttal of it. In May 1771 he wrote to I/r. Wharton,
just sketching the outlines of his tour in Wales and some
of the adjacent counties. This is the last letter that re-
mains in Mr. Mason's collection. He there complains of
an incurable cough, of spirits habitually low, and of th^
ttneasiness which the thought of the duties of his profes-
sorship gave him, which, Mr. Mason says, he had now a
determined resolution to resign. He had held this office
nearly three years, and had not begun to execute the du-
ties of it, which consist of two parts, one, the teaching of
ihodern languages ; the other, the reading of lectures on
Modern History. The former he was allowed to execute
by deputies, but the latter he was to commence in person,
by reading a public lecture in the schools, once at least
in every term. He was at liberty to chuse his language,
ahd chose the Latin, which Mr. Mason thought somewhat
injudicious; and "although we do not find that he proceeded
farther than to draw up a part of his introductory lecture,
he projected a plan of very great extent, of much greater
?ndeed than from his inactivity, whether the effect of illness
or inddlence, he would probably have been able to execute.
His death, however, prevented the trial. A few days after
Writing the letter just mentioned, he removed to London,'
^hi^re \i\i health more and more declined. Hlfe physician,
Dr. GisbOrne, advised freer air, and he went to Kensington.
Therift h^ in Isbmfe degree revived, and returned to Cani-
brid^fe, irilehding to go from th^t place to Old Park, near
btrfham, th6 i"^sld'ericd of his friend Bh Wharton. On
th^^4th df Jhiy, hoWever, while at diiiner in^he college-
hall, he was seized with an attack of the goiit in his sto-
ixlach, of whifch hte died in the evening: of the 30th, 1771,
in £he fifty-fifth yfeac of his age, Sensible almpst to the!
last; aWk^e of hi^ dangl^i*, dnd feJcjiressing no visible cdn-
t^'c^ at the thdhght of his approaching death. Hi^ ^t^s
ihtei^red by Ihl^ sidfe of his mbther, ih the church-yard of
lU hii^ private character many vittUes were united ; be*
nevofenid^, temperance, integrity, and oeconomy, patience
222 GRAY.
under the contempt of hjpercriticism^ and a friendly and
afFeclionate disposition. He had also some failings, among
which are enumerated a want of personal courage, a re-
servedness and caprice of temper, and a foppish attention
to dress. This was somewhat singular in one who to his
other qualities, added a great portion of humour, and had a
quick sense of the ridiculous. His sensibility was even mor**
bid, and very often fastidious and troublesome to his friends.
He seemed frequently overwhelmed by the ordinary inter-
course and ordinary affairs of life. Coarse manners, and
vulgar or unrefined sentiments, overset hiiii. Mason's ex-
cuse for all this will not perhaps be thought the excuse of a
friend ; he attributes it rather to " an affectation in delicacy
and effeminacy, tban the things themselves," and says
that Gray " chose to put on this appearance before persons
whom he did not wish to please." '
Gray appears to have written in a desultory manner; his
efforts were such as he could accomplish probably at one
time, and he had not in many instances affection euougti
for his subject to return tor it. Hence no poet of modern
times has left so many specimens or samples, so mush
planned, and sp little executed. Activity and labour it ap-
pears he could never endure, unless rn storing his mind,
with various knowledge for his own curiosity and satisfac-
tion. Hence, although he read itiuch and read critically^
and amassed a vast fund of general learning, his reput9.tion
in this respect has hitherto stood upon the evidence of those
who know him most intimately. He was above fifty y^ars
of age before he became sensible of the necessity of con-
centrating his knowledge in one pursuit, and as he had
never accustomed himself so to regulate his acquisitions as
to render them useful to others, he apparently sunk under
the task which his professorship imposed ; and it is much
to the credit of his independent spirit, that when he found
It impossible to execute the, duties, he determined to re*
sign the emoluments of his place.
As a poet, it may be sufficient here to refer to our au-
thorities, which are in the hands of every reader, with
perhaps theexception of an excellent edition of his works,
just published, by the rev. John Mitford, which we can
re^commend with perfect confidence. Dr. Johnson's cha-
racter of his poetry has excited a controversy, from which
it may be truly said that Gray has emerged with additional
lustre, yet if mere popularity were to determine the ques*.
GRAY. 22$
tion, that critic has iu some instances spoken the senti-
ments of the majority, as well as his own. It were, how-
ever, to be wished for his own sake, that in his general
colouring of .Gray's life and works, he had attended more
to what he calls ** the common -sense of readers, uncur-
rupted with literary prejudices.'* Had this been the case,
while some of his strictures might have been allowed, he
would have been a povferful ally of those whose superior
minds know how to feel and how to appreciate the merit
of Gray, and who have assigned him one of the highest
places among the English poets of the eighteenth century.'
GRAZZINI (Antony Francis), an Italian scholar and
poet of considerable eminence, was born at Florence
March 22, 1 503, of a noble family, which can be traced as
far as the thirteenth century, but was now decayed, as we
find that Grazzini in his youth was brought up as an apo-
thecary. He had, however, studied philosophy and the
belles lettres, and from the timethatbe acquired some re-
putation in the literary world, gave up his medical busi-
ness. In 1540 he became one of the founders of the
academy of Florence, which was first called the academy
of the Humides, and each meniber distinguishing himself
by some appellation relative to the water, Grazzini adopt-
ing that of Lasca, which signifies a roach. From the first
establishment of this academy, he was appointed chancellor,
and when, some months after, the grand duke changed its
name to that of the academy of Florence, he was chosen
ovefseer, or superintendant, an office which he afterwards
filled three times. As the number of members, however,
increased, the juniors began to make new regulations with-
out consulting the founders, and a schism broke out, at-
tended with so many unpleasant circumstances, that Graz-
zini withdrew, and became the founder of a new academy,
known still by the name of La Crusca. T\^e object of this
society was to polish the Italian language, to Bx a standard
for it, to point out such authors as might be always models
* Mason's Life and Works of Gray. — Mitford*t, whose arrangement of the life *
we have most generally followed.-— Lord Ovford's Works, vol.'IL p. 39?, IV.
p. 445, V. p. 137, 147. — BeattieN Life, by Sir W. Forbes. — Johnson's PoeU.—
Bos well's Life of Johnson. — Cole's MS Aihense and Correspondence in Brit,
Mas.— ^Bowles's edition of Pope ; see Index. — Censura Literaria. Mr. Mathias.
has aiuiottneed selections from Mr. Gray's manascript*, which will probably
throw 'Diach light on those learned researche;^ that employed so much of hi^i
time. See also Mr. Tyson's Letters in Nichols's Bowyer, rol. Vlll.
21S4 G 11 A 2 2 I N I
for those ^ho chose to improve their styte^ to opp6se the
progress of false taste; and to sift the flour from the bran
of literature, crusca signifying bran, Grazzini was well
qualified to assist an academy instituted for these purposes.
He had enriched the language with several choice phrases
and new modes of expression, and the academicians have
very justly ranked him among those authors to whom they
have been obliged for examples, in correcting their great
vocabulary. In iJie mean time his growing fame induced
his frieVid Leonard Salviati to endeavoui* his re-introduction
into the academy of Florence, which was successfully ac-
complished in 1566, twenty 3'ears after he bad left it; iri
return for which he prociared admission for Salviati among
the Cru&canti. Grazzini died at Florence in February
1583. tie was a man of unquestionable genius, spirit, and
humour, and wrote with great elegance, and although
there are some indelicate passages in his poems, which
wa& the vice of the times, he was a man of strict morals^ ^
and ev^ti, says his biographer, very religious. Many of
' his works are lost, and among these some prose tales, and
iiiany pieces of poetry. There remain, however, twenty-*
6he tales, six comedies, a great number of capitoli, or
satirical chapters, and various poems, of which the best
edition is that of Florence, 1741, 2 vols. 8vo. His Tales
6r Novels were printed at Paris, 1756, 8vo, from which
some copies have been printed in 4to, under the title of
London. An excellent French translation of them appeared
in 1775, ^ vols. 8vo, in which nine histories wanting in the
third evening are said to be inserted from an old French
translatibn in MS. He wrote also " La guerra di Mostri,
Poema giocosb,'* Florence, 1584, 4io. Grazzini pub-
lished the 2d book of Beriii, Florence, 1555, 8vo; and
'* Tiitti i trioii'fi, carri, mascherate o canti carnascialeschi
dal tempo di Lorenzo de Medici a questoanno 1559,'' Svo;
1 00 pages are frequently wanting in this work, page 297
being pasted iipori page 398. These pages contained 51
canzoni, by John Baptist dell Ottomaio, which had been
inserted without his consent, and which his brother, by
authority from the magistrates, had cancelled. They were
priUted sepal-ately by the iuthor, in a similar size, the
jear following, and must be added to the mutilated copies ;
but though they consist of 55 sbtigs instead of 51, those
found in the origiiial collection are preferred, as the othera
*have been altered. This collection was reprinted in
G R A !2 2 I *I t 225
i?509 2 tols. 8vOi Coiftindpolij but this impression is not
▼alupd. '
GREATRAKES (Valentine)^ an empiric, whose won-
<}erful cures have been attested by some of the most emi*
nent niert of the seventeenth ceiituryj was the son of Wil-
liam Greatrakes, esq. and born at AfFane^ co. Waterford,
in Ireland, Feb* 14, 1628. He was educated a protestant
in the free-school of Lismore, until the age of thirteen,
when his friends intended to have removed him to Trinity
college^ Dublin, but the rebellion breaking out, bis mo-
ther took refuge with him in England^ where he was kindly
received by his great uncle Edmund Harris, brother to
sir Edward HarriSj knt. his grandfather by the mother's
tide. After his uncle's death he spent some years in the
study of the classics and divinity und^r a clergyman in De-
vonshire, and then returned to Ireland^ which was at that
time in so deplorable a state that he retired to the castle of
Caperquin^ where he spent a year in contemplation, and
ieems to have contracted a species of enthusiasm which
never altogether left hiiti. In 1649 hie entered into the
service of the parliament^ and continued in the army until
3656^ wben> a great part of the English being disbanded,
he retired to bis native country of AiTane, and by the in-
terest of the governor there, was made clerk of the peace
for the coUtity of Cork, register for transplantation, and
justice of the peace. At the Restoration all these places
were taken from him, and his mind being disturbed partly
with this disappointment, and partly for want of any re-
gular and useful occupation, be felt an impulse, asj)e calls
it, that the gift of curing the king^s evil was bestowed upon
him ; and accordingly he began his operations, which were
confined to praying, and stroking the part affected; and
such wonderful cures were effected, that he determined
not to stop here. Three years after, he had another im-
pulse that he could cure all kinds of diseases, and by
the same simple remedy, which must be administered
by himself. When however he pretended to some super-
natural aid, and mentioned the Holy Ghost with irre-
verent presumption, as his assistant, he was cited to the
bishop's court, and forbid to take such liberties. This
probably was the cause of his coming to England in Ja-
nuary 1665, where be performed many cures, was invite4
1 Gingueni Hist. Lit. d'lUtic— Tiraboscbi.-^Dkt. Hist.— Moreri.
Vol. XVI. Q
826 G K E AT RA K E S.
by tbe king to Whitehall, and hifi imputation apread. mosft
extensively. Even Dr. Henry Stubbe, an eminent phy-*
sician, published a pamphlet in prais^e of bifi skitt. Ha«ing
failed in one instance, that of a Mr. Cres$et i« Charter*
bouse square, there appeared a pamphlet entitled '< Won«
ders no miracles : or Mr. Valemine Gr^ai;rak<es Gift of
Healing examined," &c. Lofid. 166$, 4tx)« This was writ-
ten by Mr. David Lloyd, reader to the Cbarter-^house, who
treated Greatrakes as a cheat. In answer to tbis, he pub<-
lished '^ A brief account of Mr. Valentine Greatrakes, and
divers of his strange cures,*' &c, iUd. 1666, 4to. This
was drawn up in the form of a letter to the rigbft bon. Ro<-
bert Boyle, who was a patron of our physician, as waa abo
Dr. Henry More, and several othier members of the royal
society, before whom Greatrakes ww$ examined. To his
cures we find tbe attestations of Mr. Boyle, sir Wiiiiam
Smith, Dr. Denton, Dr. Fairdongb, Dr. Faber, sir Na-*
thaniel Hobart, sir John Godolphin, Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Whicb*
cot (a patient). Dr. Cudwortb, and many other persoos of
character and reputation. The truth se^ms tx> be, that he
performed cures in certain cases of rheumatism, stijff joints^
&c. by friction of tbe band, and long perseTemoce in that
remedy.; in all wfaicb there would have been nothing ex-«>
traordinary, as the same is practised till this day, bad he
not excited the astonishment and enthusiasm of bis patients
by pretensions to an extraordinary gift bestowed upon him,
as be insinuates in one place, to cure the people of atbeisnk
When he left England or died is Rot known. Mr. Harris
says he was living in Dublin in 1681.*
GREAVES (John), an eminent mathematician and an*
tiquary, was eldest soo of John Greaves, rector of CoU
more, ne^r Alresford, in Hampsbijne, where bis son was
born in 1602, and probably instructed in grammar learning
by bis father, who was the most celebrated school-master
in that country. At fifteen years of age he was sent to
Baliol college, in Oxford, where be proceeded B. A. July
6, 1621. Three years after, his superiority in classical
iearning procured him the first place of five in an eleetioo
to a fellowship of Merton-coUege. On June 25, 1628^
he commenced M. A. and, having completed bis fellowship,
w^s more at liberty to pursue the bent of his inclination^
1 Biog. Brit, id art. Stabbe.^—Accooat ^f him, 1 $66, 4to.^Harris*8 edition
•f Ware's ttidtorjrof Irelmt^.
wbtch leading biin chiefly to oriental learning and the ma-
thematics, he quickly distinguished himself in each of
tl)e$e studies ; and fats eminent skill in the latter procured
him the professorship of geometry in Gresbam coiiege^
which be obtained February 22, 1630.
At this tim^he had not only read the writings of Coper-
nicus, Regiomontanus, Purbach, Tycho Brahe, and Kep*
ler, with other celebrated astronomers of that and the pre**
ceding age, but bad made the ancient Greek, Arabian,
and Persian authors familiar to him, having before gained
an accurate skiirio the oriental languages ; but the ac^
quisitions he had already made serving to create a tkirst
for more, he determined to travel for farther improvement.
Accordingly he went to Holland in 1635, and having at*>
tended for seme time the lectures of Golius, the learned
professor of Arabic at Ley den, he proceeded to Paris^
where he conversed with the celebrated Claiuiius Hardy>
about the Persian language ; but finding very scanty aid
in that country, he continued his journey to Rome, in or^^^
derto view the antiquities of that eity. He also visited
other parts of Italy ; and before his departure,^ meeting
with the earl of Arundel, was offered 200/. a year to live
with kts lordship, and attend bim as a companion in his
travels to Greece ; the earl also promising every other act
of friendship that might lie in his power^ A proposal so
advantageous would have been eagerly accepted by Mr.
Greaves, b ut he had no w projected a voyage to Egy pt^ aivd was
about to return to Enghind, in order to furnish him^f with
every thing proper to complete the execution of his design.
Immediately after his return, he acquainted archbishop
Laud, who was bis liberal patron, with his intentions, and*
being encouraged by his grace, set about making prepa-
rations for it. His primary view was to measure the( py->
ramids with all proper exactness, and also to tnake astro^
nomical and geographical observations, as opportunities
offered, for the improvement of those sciences. A large
apparatus of proper mathematical instruments was conse*
quently to be provided ; and, as the expence of purchasittgr-
these would be considerable, he applied for assistance to
the city of London, but met with an absolute denial. This
be very much resented, and in relating the generosity of
bis brothers upon his own money falling short, he observes.
*' That they had strained their own occasions, to enable
him, in despite of the city, to go on with his designs.**
'q 2
He had been greatly disappointed in his hopes of ndeeCing
with curious books in Italy ; he therefore proposed to make*
that another principal part of his business ; and to compass
jt in the easiest manner, he bought several books before
his departure, in order to exchange them with others in
the east. Besides his brothers, he had probably some
help from Laud, from whom he received a general discre-
tionary commission to purchase for him Arabic and other
MSS. and likewise such coins and medals as he could pro-
cure. Laud also gave him a letter of recommendation
to sir Peter Wyche, the English ambassador at Constan-
Thus furnished, he embarked in the river Thames for
Leghorn, June 1637, in company with his particular
friend Mr. Edward Pococke, whom he had earnestly so-
licited to that voyage*. After a short stay in Italy, he
arrived at Constantinople before Michaelmas. Here he
met with a kind reception from sir Peter Wyche, and be-
came acquainted with the venerable Cyril Lucaris, the
Greek patriarch, by whom he was much assisted in pur-
chasing Greek MSS., and who promised to recommend
him to the monks of Mount Athos, where he would have
the liberty of entering into all the libraries, and of coU
lecting a catalogue of such books as either were not printed,
or else, by the help of some there, might be more cor-
rectly published. These, by dispensing with the ana-''
themas which former patriarchs had laid upon all Greek
libraries, to pre^rve the books from the Latins, Cyril
* Our «utbor*8 (cnerosity on this gre«9, fall down upon the butineu of
^>ccasion desenres particular mention, the coBsaUhip, and how honourable a
In a leUer to this friend» Dee. 23, 1S36, thing it woald be if you a'ere sent out
be writes thus : ** I shall desire your a second tine, as Golins, in the Low
^vour in seading up to me, by my Countries, was by the States, aftey he
brotbei^ Thomas, Ulug Beig's astro* had been once there before. If ray
Bomical tables, of which I purpose to lord should be pleased to resoWe and
make this use. The next week I will compass the business, I khall like it
fthew them to my lord's grace [Laud] well ; if not, 1 shall procure 300/. for
tod highly commend your care in pro- you and myself, besides getting a dia-
curing those tables, being the most penaation for the allowances of our
accurate that ever were extant ; then places in our absence, and by God's
will I discoirer my intention of having blessing, in three years dispatch the
them printed and dedicated to his whole journey. It shall go hard, bat
grace $ but because I presume that I will Loo get some citizen in, as a be*
there are many things which in these nefactor to the design ; if not, 300/. of
parts cannot perfectly be understood, miner whereof I give you the half, to-
J shalLAC<|uaint 0^ lord with my de> gether with the return of our stipends,
sirf of taking a journey into those will, In a plentiful manner, if I be not
countries, for the more emendate ^ceiTed, in Tuitey matatain iiai.
edition of them^ afterwards, bji de-
fimposed to . present to archbishop Laud, for the better
4>rosecution of his designs in the edition of Greek authors ;
bujt ail this was frustrated by the death of that patriarch,
who. was barbai^ously strangled June i6S8, by express
command of the grand signior, on pretence of holding a
correspondence with the emperor of Muscovy.
Nor was this the only loss which our trareller sustained
by Cyril's death ; for having procured out of an ignorant
monastery which depended on the patriarch, fourteen good
MSS. of the fathers, he was forced privately to restore the
books and lose the money, to avoid a worse inconvenience;
Thus CoDstantinople was no longer agreeable to him, and
the less so, because he had not been able to perfect him*
self in the Arabic tongue for want of sufficient masters,
which be hoped to have found there. In these circumr
stances, parting with his fellow-traveller Pococke, he em-
braced the opportunity then offered of passing in company
with the annual Turkish fleet to Alexandria, where, having
in his way touched at Rhodes, be arrived before the end
of September 1638. This was the boundary of his in*
tended progress. The country afforded a large field for
the exercise of his curious and inquisitive genius ; and he
omitted no opportunity of remarking whatever the heavens,
earth, or subterraneous parts, offered, that seemed any
way useful and worthy of notice ; but, in his astronomical
observations, he was too often interrupted by the rains,
whicbi contrary to the received opinion, he found to be
frequent and violent, especially in the ijaiddle of winter;
He was also much disappointed here in his expectations of
purchasing books, finding very few of these, and no learned
men. But the principal purpose of his coming here being
to take an accurate survey of the pyramids, he went twice
to the deserts near Grand Cairo, where they stand ; and
having executed his undertaking entirely to his satisfac-
tion, embarked at Alexandria in April 1639. Arriving in
two iBonths at Leghorn, he made the tour of Italy a se-
cond |:ime, in order to examine more accurately the true
state of the Roman weights and measures, as he was now
furnished with proper instruments for that purpose, made
by the best bands.
From Leghorn be proceeded to Florence, where he was
received with particular marks of esteem by the grand
duke of Tuscany, Ferdinand II. to whom he had inscribed
a h^titi poem from Alexahdria, in which be exhorted that
MO G E « A V E S.
fr\nat to clear those seis of plratesi with whool tb^ were
extoeoiely infested. He obtained, likewise^ admittance
into the Medicean library, which had been denied to bin
as a stranger whea be was here in his former tour. Frooft
Florence he went to Rome^ and took roost exact measure-
nients of all the ancient remains of that city and neigh'*
bourhood ; after which he returned to Leghorn, where
taliiog bis passage in a vessel called tbe Golden Fleece, at
the end of March, he arrived at London before Midsummer
1^40, with a curious collection of Aiabic, Persic, and
Greek MSS. together with a gtfeait nuadber of gems, coins,
and other valuable anciquitiesy having spent full three
years in thia agreeable tour.
But upmt his return, the ensuing national trotiblen
proved greatly detrimental to his piivate affairs, and he
suffered much for his loyalty to tlie king and his gratittide
to Lattol. After a short stay at Gresham college, which
was no longer a place of safety for him, he went to Oic*
ford, and set about digesting his papers, and preparing
suish of them as might be most useful for the pre^. In .
this business he was assisted by archbishop Usher, to whom
he bad been long known ; and here .he drew a map of
X^iesser Asia at his grace's request, ^vfao was writing his dis-
sertation of that country, printed in 1641.
All this white he gave himself no concern about bis Gre«
sham lecture, from which the usurpitig powers removed
bim on November iS^ 1643. But this loss had been more
than abundantly compensated by the Savilian ppofessor$hip
<^ astronomy^ to which he was obosen tbe day before, in
the Toom of Dr« Bainbridge, lately deceased ; and be had
a dispensation from the king, to hold his fellowship at
Merton-oollege, because the stipend was much impaired
by means o£ the civil wars. The lectures being also im-
practicable on the same account, he was at full leispre to
continue his attention to his papers ; and accordingly we
find that he bad made considerable progress by September
the following year ; some particulars of which may be seen
iu a letter of thsit date to archbishop Usher. Among other
things, it appears that be. had made several extracts from
them concerning the true length of the year ; and happ^en-
ii&g, in 1645, to fall into discourse with some persons of
figure u the court then at Oxford, with whom he moefi
associated, about amending the Kalendar, be proposed a
laediikdjof^ing it by omitting tbe intefeaiary ^y in the
6 R e A V E ^ £31
|eap*ycAl- for forty yc»r», «am1 Io fender il conformable t^
the Gregoriiiii *, He. drew up a scheme for that purpoa^,
which was approved by the kiog and council ; but the state
of the tifD«a would not permit the execution of it. The
publicatioii of bis ^ Pycaoiidegrapbia/' and the ^^ Descrip-*
tioQ of the Booian Foot and Denarius/' employed him the
two.ftubsequem years: he determined to bc^in with these,
as they contained the fruit of bi^i labours io the primary
view of htft travels f, aod he W9S not in a condition to pro-
ceed any farther at present*
Hitherto he bad b«en able^ in a considerable degreey t9
eurmouBt his dif&ouUies, there being still left some memr
bers in the house of commons who bad a regard for learn*
ing, . among whom Selden made the greatest figure. That
gentleman was biirgess for the university of Oxford ; and,
being well known to our author before his uavels, be de*
dicated his *' Roman Foot*' to him» uuder the character of
his noble and learned frlei^ : and bis friendship was veiy
aerviceable to Greaves^ in a prosecution in the parliament,
in 1647, occasioned lv)r bis executorship to Dr. Bainbridgeb
Thia trust had so involved him in law^suita as entirely to
firustrate bis design oS going Io Leydem to consult some
Persian MS^S* neeesaacy for pfubltsbing some treatises iju
that language^ Upon the arrival of the parliamentary com*
missionera at O&ford, several Qomplaints wefe made t9
them against him on the same account ; which being sent
by tbem tathe conraitttee of the house of comoaons, our
autbor, probably by the iaterest of Selden (wbo was a
member of that committae), was there acquitted, after
which be applied ' to the court of aldermen and the com**
mittee of Camdea>*house for restitution. But though be
evaded this farther difficulty by the assistance of some
pow^rftil fviends, yet this res(Hte was but short ; however,
* The same method had b^^ii pro- Greaves is in the Phil. Trans. No. 257^
posed to pope Gregory, who rcjetitecf f These are the most gencraHy-nse-
it, M Mf. Graaves myf, that fate might fiii pa^ q( hit wovkf. Th« latter i$
kiv Ui9 liflnour of floiof it 9t oof <|, ranked among the classics, and is
and thereby o^ calling that year Annus nearly allied to the former; the exact -^
Gregorianus, wfrich our author did net ness of which is put beyond all doubt
doubt nrifkt juiU^ Ike cail^. Anaits ii|4ipieot of sir Isaac Neir|on» pub*
ConfiuipAis» as the ancienus called that lished .ilong with the most correct edi-
year m which Julius Caesar corrected tions of it, in 1737, 8vo. Mr. Greaves
thecaleildarrVir asubtrttctianofdaye, toek care to pmscrvie, ta t^e latest
aiWr tK sffpQ manner. But we h^rf times, the pcesent standard of the mea-
lately seen this method of doing it at sures used in all nations, by taking
ctoce p'ut io praetiee, iirit^out any ill the ^meations of th^ inside of the
csMicqttBnOfsat slit ..This pifoe 9ik ^r. h^tP^ pinuQid witk (lie J^nfUsh foot
be made use of that time in publishing a piece begun :by
'Dr. Bainbridge, anc) completed by himself, -printed atOxr
ford in 1648, under the title of ^' Jobunnis Btinbriggit
Canicularia, &c.^' He dedicated this piece to doctor (af*-
tefwards sir George) Ent, with whom he bad commenced
an acquaintance at Padua, in Italy ; and that gentleman
gave many proofs of hi^ sincere friendship to oar aiitboc,
as well a's to Dr. Pococke, in these times.
But the tyrannical violence of tbe parliamentary visitors
was now above all restraint, and a fresh cfaavge was drawn
up against Greaves. Dr. Waltei* Pope informs u«, that,
considering the violence of the visitors. Greaves saw k
would be of no service to him to make any defence; sxid^
(inding it impossible to keep his professovship, be made it
his business to procure an able and worthy person ta suc-
ceed him. By the advice of Dr. Charles Scarborough ^®
physician, having pitched upon' Mr. Seih Ward, be opened
the matter to that gentleman, whom he soon met witii
tber6 ; and at the same time pvoposed a method of com-
passing it, by which Ward not only obtained the place,
but the full arrears of the stipend, amounting to 500/. due
to Greaves, and allowed him a considerable pan of bis
salary. The murder of the king, which happened sodn
after, was a sliook to Greaves, and lamented by. him m
pathetic terms, in a letter to Dr. Pococke : ^f O my^ good
friend, my good friend, never waa aof row like our sorrow ;
excuse me now, if I am not able to write to you, attd^tQ
anf^wer your questions. O Lord God, avert this great sin
and thy jildgments from this nation.-' However^ he bore
vp against his own injuries with admirable fortitude ; and,
iixing his residence in • Londop, he married, and, liviog
upon his patrimonial estate, went on as before, and pro*
duced some other cDvious Arabio and Persic treatiseri
translated by him with notes, every year. Besides wbtcb,
he had prepared s^vepl Qtbers for tbe public view, and was
meditating more when he was seized by a fatal disorder^
which put a period fo his life, October 8^ 1652, before be
was full fifty years of age. He was iqter^ed iq the church
of St. Bennet Sberehog, in London. His loss was lauch
lami^nted by his frjei^ds, to whom he wa§ particularly en-
deared by joining the gentleman to the scholar, lie was
endowed with great firmness of mind| steadiness in friendr
s^ip, and ardent zeal in the interest which he espoused,
though, asf he declares himself, not at all inclined to.ooiNr
O H E A V E S. ess
feniSon. He was highly esteemed by the' learned in fo-
reign parts, with ftiany of wbom he corresponded. Nor
was be \eu valued at home by all who were judges of his
great worth and abilities. He had no issue by bis wife, to
wbom he be<)iieatbed bis estate for her life.; and having
left his • cabinet of coins to bis friend sir John Marsham,
author of the ^* Canon Chronicusy" he appointed the eldest
of his three younger brothers (Dr. Nicolas Greaves^,
bis executor, who by will bestowed our mftor^s astrono-
mical instruments on tbe Savilian library at Oxford, where
they are reposited, together with several of his papers ; but
many others were sold by his widow to a bookseller, an^
lost or dispersed.
• Besid^ bis papers in the Philosophical Transactions, his
works printed separately am, 1 . '^ Pyramidologia ; or a
description of the Pyramids in Egypt,*' Lond. 1646, 8vo.
•^. ^* A Discourse of the Roman Foot and Denarius,'* ibid.
1647, 8vo. 3, ^ Elementa Unguse Persicae," ibid. 1649,
4to. 4. *^ EpocfasB celebriores astronemis, historicis, chro-
tiologis Chataiornm, Syro-grsecorum, Arabum, Persarum,
&o. usitatse, ex traditione Ulug Beigi ; Arab, et Lat.'' ibid.
il4S0f 4to. 5. ** Chorasmis et Mawaralnabne, hoc est,
regionum extra fluvium Oxiim^ descriptio,'* ibid. 1 GSa,
j4to. • 6. '^ Astronomicm quasdaro, ex traditione Shah ChoU
git Persse, una cum bypotbenbus pianetanim,'' &c. ibid.
>65>2, 4to. In 1737 Dr. Birch published tbe '^Miscella*
oieous Works'^ of our author, 2 vob. 8vo, containing some
of the above, with additions, and a life.
Mr. Greaves - had three brothers, Nicholas, Thomas,
and Edward, all men of distinguished learning. — Dr. Ni*
■CHQLAS Greaves was a commoner of St. Mary's Hall, in
Oxford, whence in 1627 he was elected fellow of All-Souls
college. In 1 640 he was proctor of that university. No*
vember 1 st 1 642 he took the degree of B. D. and July 6th
the year following, that of D. D. He was dean of Dro-
more in Ii«land.-*-Dr. Thomas Greaves was admitted a
scholar of Corptis Christi college in Oxford March 1 5th,
1637, and chosen fellow thereof in 1636, and deputy
reader of tbe Arabic during the i^bsence of Mr. Edward Pd-
eock in 1637. He took the degree of B.- D. October 22,
1641, and was rector of Ditnsby ki Lincolnsbh-e during the
times preceding the Restoration, and of another living near
Lqndoli. October 10th, 166 1, he had tbe degree of D. D.
conferred iipon him, • and a prebend in tbe church of Pe-
hH <& £ E A Y £ a
lerborough in 1666, being then rector of.Benefteld in Nor-
tbampjbombijrey ^* which benefice he resjigned lome yean
before bis death through trouUie fi^om fads pmshionera^ who,
«becaoae of ihit sbwnesft of speech and bad uttoranee^ held
ium uittufficient for it,, notwithstanding he was a man of
^eat learning.^* In the latterpairt of his life he retired to
Weldou in NtMrthamptonshire, where he bad purchased an
estaibe^ and diedv there May .22, 1676^ in tbe sixty-fifth
.year of his age, and was interred in the chancel of the
«bur<}h. tbers. His writings are, <^ De Lingua Arabics^
titilitate et pnastantt^, oratio Oxonii faabita 19 Julii 1637/'
Oxford,. 1637, 4to ;: ^^ Obserrationes qoadam in Persicstt
Pentateuchi versionem,'* printed in tbe sixth volume of the
Polyglot Bible.; ^^ Annotationes qnsedam in Persicam in-*
iterfMretationem ETangeliorun," prinlod in the same vw-
lume. These annotauioos were translated into Latin by
JMn ^dJSiuel Clarke. It appears likewise, by a letter of \m
.to the celebrated n6nconfonaiist Baxter, that he bad made
considerable progress in a refutation oi Mahometanisaa
from the Alcoran, upon a plan that was likely to have been
.useful in opening the eyes of the Mahometans to tbe im-
postures of their founder. He corresponded much with
the learned men of his time^ particularly Selden, and
Wheelocke, the Arabic professor at Cambridge. — ^Dr. Eo**
WAao Greaves^ the youngest brother of Mr. John Greaves^
was bom at oe near Croydon. in Surrey, and admitted pro-
bationer fellow of All<^uls college in Oxford in 1634;
and studying physic, took tbe diegree of doctor of that
fsculty July 8, 1641, in which year and aftarwards he prac-
tised with good success about Oxford. In 1643 he was
elected, superior, lecturer of pJ»ysic in Mertoo college, a
chair feundod by Dr. Thomas Lioacre. Upon tbe de^
dining of tbe king's cause he vetired to London, and prac*-
tised there,. and sometimes at Bath. In March 16^2 he
was examined for the first time before the college of pby«>
siciaas at London, and October J, 1657^ was elected
fellow. Afber the Restoration be was appointed physioiau
in ordinary to king Charles XL and waa. created a bmonet.
Ml, Wood styles him a pretended baroUct ; but we &od
.that he . takes this tkle in hiv oration beibre the college of
physicians ; and in the sisth edition of G«iUim*s Herakdry
are his arms in that rank. He died at his house in Covent
Garden, November 11, 1680, and was interred in thepai-
riih church there. He wrote and published << Morbus
G R EAVES. 295
icas, itiio. 164$; or, the New DiBease, wHb mg^
causes, lefMcUes/' &€. Oxfiscd, 1943| 4to, written u|Mm
occasion of a disease called ^VMorbut Campestrb/' which
laged in Oxford ' while the king and cxnirt were there.
<' Ofatio babita in £dibtts OoUegii Medicmruni Londinen-
sium, 25 July, 1661, die Harreii memori« dicato,'' Lend.
1667, 4to.*
GRECINUS (Juiiius), a Roman senator, and a man of
letters, flourished in the oeign of Caligula, and was greatly
distingubhed for eloc[uence, and for the study of philo«
sopby, as well as foramoital conduct surpassing that of
many of his comtemporaries.: He refused to obey the com^
mand of the emperor to appear as the accuser of Maraus
Silaoiis, and suilered' death in consequence, in the 40tk
year of the Chrisciae sera. Seneoa, who never speaks of
htm wi^ut admiration, saya, that he was put to death
because he was too good a man to be permitted to live
under a tyrant. He is said to haire written a treatise oon-
ceming agrioulture and the management of vioes. He
was the father of the illustrious Cn. Julius Agricola* *
GREEN (John), an English prelate, tints bom about
1706, at Beverly, in Yorkshire^ and received the rudi«
menta of his education at a private schooL From this he
was admitted a aiaar in St. John's college, Cambridge ;
and after taking his degrees in arts, with great credit as a
dasnciil scbolaf, engaged himself as usher to a school at
Lichfield, before Dr. Johnson and Mr. Garrick bad left
that oi^, with both of whom he was of course acquakited,
but he continued here only one year. In 1730 he was
elected fellow of St. John's, and soon after the bishop of
Ely procured him the vicarage of Hingeston from Jesus
college, which was tenable with a fellowship of St. John's^
but ooold not be held by any fellow of Jesus. In 1744|
Charles duke of Somerset, chancellor of the univemty,
appointed Mr. Green (then B; D.) his domestic chaplain.
In Jenuairy 1747, Green was presented by his noble patron
to the rectory of Borough-green, near New-market, which
he held with liis fellowship. He then returned to coUegeji
and wet appointed bursar. In December 1748, on the
death of Dr, 'Whalley; he was elected regiua professor of
divieity, with w.hkh office hb heM die living *of Bamyw in
Biog» Brit.— Usher»s ijfe and Letters.— Life by Dr. Birch.— Ward's Grethan
ProwwMTs. t Monrii - '
its G R E E N.
SafFolk, and soon after was appointed one of his majeBiy'a
chaplams. In June 1750, oii the death of dean Castle^
master of Beoe^t college, a majority of the fellows (after
the headship had been declined by their president, Mr.
Scottowe) agreed to . apply to archbishop Hercing for his
jrecvmniendation ; and his grace, at the particular request
of the duke of Newcastle, recomniended professor Greetv
who was immediately elected. Among the writers on the
subja^t of the new r^gulations pcoposed by the cbaoceUor^
and established by the senate, Dr» Green took an active
pert, in a pamphlet published in:the following winter, 1750,
without his name, entitled *^ The Academic, or a disputa-
tion on the state of the university of Cambridge.'' On.
March 22, 1731, when his friend Dr. Keene, master of
St. Peter's college, was promoted to. the bishopric of Ches-
ter, Dr. Green preached the consecration«'sermon in £ly*
houae chapel, which, bv oider of the archbishop of York,
was soon after published. In October 1756, on the death
of Dr. George, he was preferred to the deanery pf yncolii,
and resigned his professorship^ Being, then eligible to the
qffice of vjce«cbaocellor, he was chosen in November fol-
lowing. In June 1761, the dean exerted his polemical
talents in two letjbers (published without his name) *^ on the
principles and practices of the Methodists," the first bA^,
dressed to Mr. Berridge, and the second to Mr. Whitfield,
Qn the translation of bishop Thomas to the bishopric of
Salisbury, Green was promoted. to the see of Lincoln, the
last mark of favour which the duke of Newcastle had It in
his power to shew him. In J 762, archbishop Seeker (who
had always a just esteem for bis talents and abilities) be*
ing iudisposed, the bishop of Lincoln visited as his proxy
the diocese of Canterbury. In 1763 he preached the 30th
of. January, sermon before the house of lord9» which was
The bishop resigned the mastership of Bejie't college in
July 1 764. After the death of lord Willopghby of Parbam
in It65, the literary conyersation meetings of the royal
^ocieiy^ &c. which used to be held weekly at his. lordship's
house* ^ere transferred to the bishop of Lincoln's in Scot-,
land yard, as one of their most accomplished membera.
In July 177I9 on a repr^seotation to his majesty » that, with
distinguished learning and abilities, and a most extensive
diocese, bishop Green (having no commendam) had a very
inadequate income^ he vras presented to the residentiary^.
G' K e: E W. fl$t
ship of St. Paul's, which bishop Egerton facacted on- bb
translation to the see of Durham. He now removed tk> his
residentiary-house in Amen-corner, and took a small eoun-^
try-house at Tottenham. It has often been noticed ^ a
circumstance conducing to our prelate's honour, that, iti
May 1772, when the bill for relief of protestant dissenters^
&c. after having passed the house of commons, was re«
jected, on the second reaiifing, by the house of .lord§
(i02 to 27), he dissented from his brethren, and was the
only bishop who voted in its favour. Without any parti-
cular previous indisposition, his lordship died suddenly in
fats chair at Bath, on Sunday, April 25, 1779. This ele«
gant scholar was one of the writers of the celebrated
** Athenian Letters/* published by the earl of Hardwicke
in 1798, 2 vols. 4to. *
GREEN (Matthew), an ingenious Engli^ poet, was
descended from a family in good repute among the dis«
sehters, and had his education in some of the sects into
which that body is divided. He was a man of approved
probity, and sweetness of temper and manners. His wit
abounded in conversation, and was never known to give
offence. He had a post in the custom-house, where he
discharged his duty with the utmost diligence and ability^
and died at the age of forty-one years, at a lodging i»
Nag's-head' court, Gracechurch-street, in 1737.
Mr. Green, it is added, had not much learning, but
knew a little Latin. He was very subject to the hip, had
some free notions on religious subjects, and, though bred
amongst the dissenters, grew disgusted at the preciseness
and formality of the sect. He was nephew to Mr. l^ner,
clerk of fishmopgers'-hall. His poem entitled *^ The
Spleen," was written by |Aece-meal, and would never
have been completed, had he not been pressed to it by his
friend Glover, the celebrated author of ** Leouidas,'* &c.
By this gentleman it was committed to the press soon after
Green's death. /
This very amusing author published nothing in his life«»
time. In 1732 he printed a few copies of " The Grotto,"
which was afterwards inserted in the ith volume of Uods^-
ley-s Collection. •
TbQ following anecdotes are given from indisputable
I <3ent. Mag. -1779 ; see Index. *«^le*8 MS Atheno in the British MtisQiim.
r-NichoU*s Poems, vol. VXlI.-^See alsQ Mr. T^soa** Letters in the ** l,ii«rary
AttccdoMi/' fpli VIII. -
338 G K £ C N«
aiathority :-*-Mr. Sylvanus Bevan, a qaaker and a friend of
Mr* Green, was mentioning, at Bataoii^s coffee-house^ that,
while b^ was bathing in the river, a waterman saluted him
with the usual insult of the lower class of people, by call*
iiig out, ^^ A quaker, a quaker, quirl !** He at the samp
expressed bis wonder, how his profession could be known
while be was without his cloa^tbs. Green immediately re^
plied, that the waterman might discover him by bis swim'^
ming against the stream.-^The department in the custom-
house to which Mr. Green belonged was under the con troul
of the duke of Manchester, who used to treat those imaie<*
diately under him once a year. After one of these enter-*
tainments^ Mr. Green, seeing a range of servants in the
ball, said to the first of them, ^' Pray, air, do you give
tickets at your turnpike ?" — In a reform which took phice
in t^e custom-house, amongst other articles, a few pence,
paid weekly for providing the cats with milk, were ordered
to ba struck off. On this occasion, Mr. Green wrote* a
humourous petition as from the cats, which prevented the
regulation in that particular from taking place.— -Mr. Green's
conversation was as novel as his writings, which occasioned
one of th^ commissioners of the customs, a very dull man^.
to observe, that he did not know how it was, but Green
always expressed himself in a different manner from other
Such is the only information which the friends of this
poet have thought proper to band down to posterity, if w^
except Glover, the author of ^be preface to the first edi*
tion €^ ^< The Spleen," who introduces the poem in these
words :
'^ The author of the following poem bad the greatest part
of his time taken up in busitfess ; but was accustomed at
his leisure hours to amuse himself with striking out small
sketches of wit or humour for tiie entertainment of his
friemls, sometimes in verse, at otlier times in prose. Tbe
greatest part of these alluded to incidents known only
within the circle of fiis acquaintance. The subject of the
following poem will be more generally understood. It
was at first a very short copy of verses ; but at the desire
of the person to whom it is addressed, the author enlarged
it to its present state. As it was writ without any design
of its passing beyond the hands of his acquaintance, so
the author's unexpected death soon after disappointed
mai^y of bis most intimate friends in their design of pre^
0 Be £ N.^ 439
vaiUag pn fcia). to iteview and prdpiurejt for tte sight of the
public. It tbarefboe now appears under all the disadvan**
tages that can attend a posthasaous work. But it is pre^
sumed every imperfeotiou of thisktad is abundantly overt-
balanced by the peculiar and unborrovred cast of tfapugJiS
and expressioni which mamfests iti»df throughout, and se*-
cures to this performance the first and principal character
necessary to recoxnmend a work of genius, that of being
an original'*
^^ The Spleen" had not been long published before iC
was admired by. those whose opinion was at that tune de*-
cisive. Pope said there was a great deai . of originality ia
it ; and Cray, in his private corre6poDd<enoe with the lattf '
lord Orford^ observes of Green's poems, then published vx
Dodsley's Collection, <^ There is a profusion of wit every
where; reading would have formed hb judgment, audi
harmonized his verse, for eveo his wood^ootes ofteh break
out into strains of real poetr}^'* ^' The Splee^^
was first printed in 1737, a short time after the .author's
death, and afterwards was taken, with his other pbemsy
into Dodsley's volumes, where they remained until the
publication of the second. edition of Dr. Johoson^s Poeta.
In 1796 a very elegant edition was published by Mes$i&
Cadeil and Davies, which^ besides some beautiful engrav*
ings, is enriched with a pre£BU;ory essay from the pen of
Dr. Aiktn. ^
GREENE (Maurice, Dr.), an eminent Ekiglish musi*
cian, was the son of the. Rev. Thomas Greene, vicar of St*
Olave Jewry, in Loudon, and nephew of John Greene,
Serjeant at law. He was brought up in the choir of Sl
Paul, and when his voice broke w^s bound apprentice to
Brind, the organist of that, cathedrai He was early m><*
ticed as an ekgant organ«player and composer for the
church, and obtained the place of organist of St. Dunstan
in the West before be was twenty years of age. In 1717,
oh the death of Daniel Purcell, he was likewise elected
organist of St. Andnew's, Holbom ; but the next year^ his
master, Bricid, djring, Greene was appointed his successor
by the dean and chapter of St. Paut*s ; upon which event
he quitted both the places he bad pretiously obtained. In
1726, on the death of Dr. Crofts, he was appointed orgaiw
}st and composer to the chapel royal ; and on the deatb of
' Jobiuon «Qd Cbalniirt^ £nglUh Poets. 18 10.
240 d R £ It K E.
Eccles, 1795, master of bis majesty's banfd; Iti^ ll^i^S
obtained the degree of doctor in music at Cambridgey and
was appointed public music professor in the same university^
in the room of Dr. Tad way. Greene was an intelligent
man, a constant attendant at the opera, and an acute ob«
server of the improvements in composition and performance^
which Handel and the Italian singers employed in his
dramas, had introduced into this conntry. His melody is
therefore more elegant, and harmony more pure, than
those of his predecessors, though less nervous and original.
Greene had the misfortune to live in the age and neigh*
bourhood of a musical giant, with whom be was utterljr
unable to contend, but by cabal and alliance with his
enemies. Handel was but too prone to treat inferior artists
with conteaipt ; and for many years of his life never spoke
of Greene without some injurious epithet. Greene's figure
was below the common size, and be had the misfortune to
be very much deformed ; yet his address and exterior man-^
ners were those of a man of the world, mild, attentive, and
Greene had the honour, early in life, to teach the dn^^
chess of Newcastle, which, joined to his professional me-^
rit, and the propriety of his conduct, was the foundation
of his fevour witli the prime minister and the nobility. In
1730, when the duke of Newcastle was installed chancellor
of the university of Cambridge, he was appointed to set
the ode, and then not only obtained his doctor's degree,
but, on the death of Dr. I'udway, he was honoured with
the title of professor of music in that university. As an
exercise for his degree, he set Pope's ode for St. Cecilia's
day ; having first had interest sufficient to prevail on the
author to make new arrangements in the poem to render
it more fit for music, and even to add an entire new stanza,
between the second and third, which bad never appeared
in any of the printed editions.
Greene had sense and knowledge sufficient, in his
younger days, to admire and respect the abiliti^ of the
two great nnqpsical champions, Handel and Bononcini, but
owing probably to Handel's contemptuous treatment ojf
him, became a partizan on the side of Bononcini. Greene's
merit and connections were such, that he soon arrived at
the most honourable appointments in his profession : for
besides being organist of St. Paul's, in 1727, on the death
of Dr. Croft, he was appointed organist and composer of
the cbapel royal; and in 1735 he succeeded Eccles as
eomposer to his majestyi and master of bis band, in which
fUtioa he set all the odes of the laureat CoUey Ctbberi
as long as he lived.
The compositions of Dr. Greene were very tiumerous^
particularly for the church. Early in bis career he set a
Te Deum, and part of tlie Song of Deborah, which were
never printed ; but the anthems and services which he pro«
duced for St. Paul's and the king^s chapel he collected
and published in two vols, folio; and of these the merit is
so various as to leave them open to much discrimination
and fair criticism. There is considen^ble merit of various
kinds in his catches, canons, and two-part songs ; the com-
position is clear, correct, and masterly ; the melodies, for
the times when they were produced, are elegant, and de-
signs intelligent and ingenious. The collection of harpsi*
chord lessons, which he published late in his life, though
they discovered no great powers of invention, or hand,
had Its day of favour, as a boarding-school book ; for being
neither so elaborate as those of Handel, nor so difficult as
the lessons of Scarlatti, or the sonatas of Alberti, they
Eve but little trouble either to the master or the scho-
. During the last years of his life he began to collect
the services and anthems of our old church composers^
from the single parts used in the several cathedrals of the
kingdom, in order to correct and publish them in score ; a
plan which he did not live to , accomplish, but as he be*
queathed his papers to l!>r. Boyce, it was afterwards exe-
cuted in a very splendid and ample manner. Dr. Greene
died in 1755. »
GREENE (Robert), an English poet and miscellaneous
writer of the Elizabethan age, and memorable for his ta-
lents and imprudence, was a native of Norwich, and bom
about 1560. His father appears to have been a citizen of
Norwich, the fabricator of his own fortune, which it is
thought he bad accumulated by all the tricks of selfishness
and narrow prudence. He educated his son, however, as
a scholar, at St. John^s college, Cambridge. Here he took
ihe degree of A. B. in 1578^ and for some time travelled
into Italy and Spain. On his return, he took his master^s
degree at Clare-hall, in 1583, and was incorporated in the
same at Oxford in 1588^ no inconsiderable proof that his
* Bonitty and Hawkmt'i Hist of Mask.— Rvei'« Cy«l0p94it %y Burnflf *
Vo^. XVI. R
,2*2 e ji i: i: N f:.
prQjJMji^cy in jixis jtpdies had b^^n vgry ^OR^pjpuQus, ^j^^
|ha|t th.ere was nothing at this time g^rassly objpptioi^blj? i{i
hi3 nao^aj d.en^efLno.ur. It is supposed thft ^e t;ook 9rd€^79
after his return from his travels, and th^t h^ wfis the ^?i^
I^oliert Greeny ^yho wj^s pr/es^enj^d to the vill^e pf ^pjles-
bury, in pssex, June 19, 1584. Jf this be the casp, iti|8
probable tha^ he did not long reside, or was perhaps dfiyqn
from Tolleshury, ])y hi^ irregular life, the greater pii^rt*^
wbicl^ was spent in ^ondpn. Here, from some pa^^a^^
cited \^y Mr. Beloe, it would appear that ^le gave hvns^ejif
up to writing plays a.pd lov^ painphlpts, a^nd fropa the d^^tf
of his " JVJyrrqur of ]>Iodesti,e," 1584, it is pvat^ahl^ %\x^
from tliis tinrj^ he became an author by profe^sjpp ; buf 9jf
jTonr years aft^r he was incorporated M. A. j^t Qxfor^j W
are still willing to believe that his career of fpUy had p^
comm^oced so ao.Q^i^ oif been so generally known as it ly^
sometime after. It was his fate t^o fn^U ^mong diss.oIi^
cpinpa(iion$j who, ^^lough men of g^piu3 like himself^ prp«'
^^^^y^ ipncoui*<7.g^d each other in every sensual en^oyipaien^
An^png |:bese v^ere Christopher M$irloiy, G.e9i;g.e P^l^
and Thpmas Nash; for D?. Thiopas Lodg(9, ap^othJ^r of tb^J^r
asspciate^ is n.ot lo9,ded ^ifb the ^^nje stigtpa.. " The his-
tory of gePiius," say$ ong of our authorities, with eq^^al jiy^r
tice ana fueling, " is too oft^n a deliail of immoral ii:x;egU7
larjties, followed by indigence a^i.d misery. Such, ii? aUef
tini^s^ was the meI?gn.choly tale of Otw^y ?^nd Lee, of Sa.-^
va^e^ Bpys^,, Sn?art, Burns, Dero^ody, and pnai^ otheiSt
Pertiaps th^ writers of the draoi^ haye^ of all pthers,. l>i?($f)
the i^ost unfortunate in this respect \ perh^p^ ^ere i^
something which more immediately seizes ail tb« ayenuq^
of th^e fancy in the ^prgeou9 ^Kshihitioos of (b^ sn^age;
wjxich leads mep ^way frpjp the re9l circumsita^^es pf theii;
fp.rtune, to th,e d.eltisipn? of hope, and to pursue the fajry
lights so hps^le to sobejc truth.^' }n what species of 4i^i^
f>atipn^ ^nd to vvhat d^gr^e Greene ind^lg<^a, i^ w^r^ 14^1^
ess now to inquire : his f|ult^ vk^er^ probably ^^a^gier^^Q^
by the rival wits o( l^is day ; ajid (lis pccupatipn s^ a pli^y^
writer being in itself ^t that tiha^ Ipojied ifpon as qrimin^ln
was barely tojei-ated* Amon^ his errors, abqi^t wbipl^ w€(
%r^ afraid there is qo\^ no doubt, may bjs [peruipned b^
nia^rying an amiable Hdy, whooi he deserted a]|4 iUri^e$||
pis career, however, was short. He died Sep^ ^, 1 j^^^;?*
at ah obscure lodging near Dowgate, not without signs of
cozitiitiQD,^ nor indeed without leaving behind hm written
O R E E N £ •«•
leflitifBotiies that he was more frequently conscious Cif all
}H-speui life thati able or willing to amend it. In some of
his works also, he made strenuous exertions to warn the
lin thinkings and escpose the tricks, frauds, and devioetof
bis miscreant companions. His works, says one of bis
hiographera, contain the i^eeds of virtuei while his act^
display the tares of lolly. From such of hid writings ai
hare ^llen *in our way, he appears to possess a rich and
glowing foicy, great command of languagei aiid a perfect
knowledge of the manners of the times. As a poet he hai
considerable merit, and few of his contemporaries yield a
more pleaaaot employment to the collectors of specimens*
Bis writlngsi attained great popularity in his day, but until
▼ery lately, have been seldom consulted unless by poetical
antiquaries. The following list of bis works, by Mr. Hasle^
Wood^ is probably complete : 1. '* The Myrrour of Mo<'
destjic,'' 1584. 2. <^ Monardo the Tritameron o^ Love,*^
]5S4, 1587. $. << Planetomacbia,'' 1585. 4. Translation
of a funeral Sermon of P. Gregory XIII. 1585. 5. <* £u-
pbuea^a censure to Pbilautus,'* 1587, 1634. . 6. << Arcadia.
Or Menaphon, Camiilae^s alarm to slumbering Eupbues/*
1587,1589, 1599, 1605, 1610, 1616, 1634. 7. " Pan-*
dosto the Triumph of Time,'' 1588, 1629. 8. *^ Peilmedes
tke hiackesmith,'' 1538. 9. " The pleasant and delightfiil
history of Domstns and Fawnia,'' 1588, 1607, 1675, 1703,
1723, 1735. 10. << Alcida, Greene's Metamorphosis,^
1617. 1 1. " The Spanish Maaquerado," 1589. 12. « Or-
pkarion," 1599. 13. <* The Royal Exchange^ contayning
sundry aphanisins of Pbilosophie," 1590. 14. ** Greene's^
Qiaurnifig garment, given him by Repentance at tbe fune^^
wis of Love," 1590, 1616. 15. "Never too late," 1590^
1600, 1607, 1616, 1631. 16. ^< A notable discovery ol
Cooaenage," 1591, 1592. 17. ^< The ground work ol
Conny Catching," 159K IS. << The second and last pa vf
rf Conny Catchiiig," 1591, 1592. 19. *^The third and
last port ef Conny Catching," 1592. 20. '< Disputation
between 4k hee conny-catcber and a shee conny-catcker,'*
1592. ■ 21.' " Greene's. Groatsworth of wit bought with ik
ITriUkw of repentance," 1592, 1600, 1616, 1617,. 1621,
16^9^ 16371 Of this a beautiful edilsion was hifeiy printed
by sir Egentoo Bifydges^ M. P. at tbe private psesa at Lea;
Priory, (only 6 1 copies for presents], with a biographicfil
preface, to. which this article is essentiailly indebted : bia
and Mn Haslewood's account of Greene, aia oettpod^tate^
dictated by true taste and discrimination^ and by Jast
liloral feeling* 22. <^ Philomela, the lady Fitzwalter'^
nightingale/' 1592, 1615, 1631. ^ 23. <^ A quip for air
upstart courtier,^* 1592, 162(>, 16^5*, 1635, and reprinted ior
the Harleian Miscellany. 24; ^* Ciceroni» amor, TuUie'd
love,'* 1592, 16H, 1615, i616, lfr2S, 1639. 25. " New^
both from heaven and bell," 1593. 26. ^ The Black
Book's Messenger, or life and d^eath of Ned Bfowne," 1592.^
Tf. " The repentance of Robert Greeae," 1592. 285,
** Greene's vision at the instant of bi» deathy'^ no date..
29. '^Mamiilia, or the triumph of Pallas," 1S93. SO.
*^ Mamillia, or the second part of the triumph of Pallas,*^
15'93. 31. " Card of Fancy," 1593, 1608. 32. <* Greene**
funerals," 1594; but doubtful whether his. 33. <<Tbe
honourable history of Fryer Bacoi» and Fryer Bongay, 9
comedy," 1594,1599, 1630, 1655. 34. ** The history ol
Orlando Furioso, a play," 1S94, 1599. 35. ^< The comical
historic of Alphonsus king of Arragon, a play," 1597, 1599.
36. ^^ A looking-glass for London and England," a comedy,
jointly with Lodge, 1594, 1598. 37. " The Scottish His-
toric of James the Fourtbe, slaine at Flodden, intermixed
with a pleasant comedie," }598, 1599. 38. " Penelope's
Webb," 1601. 39. « Historic of Faire Bellora," no date,
afterwards published, as ^^ A paire of Turtle doves, or the
tragical bistoiy of Bellora and Fidelio," 1606. 40. '< The
debate between Follie and-Love, translated out of French,'*
1608. 41. ^< Thieves falling out, true men come by theiv
goods," 1615, 1637, and reprinted in the Harleian Miscel*
lany. 42. " Greene's Farewell to Folic;' 1617. 43. « Ar*
basto, the history of Arbasto king of Denmarke," 1617,
1626. 44. *<Fair Emme, a comedy," 1631. 45. "The
history of lobe/' a playj destroyed, but mentioned in War*
burton's list. A few other things have been ascribed tOt
Greene on doubtful authorhy.*
GREENE (Thomas), a worthy English prelate, wa& the
son of Thomas Greene of St. Peter's Mancroft in Norwich,
where he was horn in 1 658. • He was educated in the free*
•chool of that city, and in July 1674, admitted of Bene*!
college, Cambridge, of which he obtained a scholarship^
and in 1680 a fellowship, and became tutor. Be took bi»
degree of A. B. in 1679, and that of A. M. in 1682. Hi»
_„„. account by sir E. Bridget,— «nd by Mr. Ha«l«wood in Cent. tSt^
T0I. VIlL-rSee aho ToU V. and yoU IX.— Iel9f'i Anecdottt. ToU il.— 4>*li>-
raeU's Calaaitiet, flic
first fitep from the university was into the fiunilj of sir Ste*^
phen Fox, grandfather of the late hon. Charles Fox, to
whom he was made domestic chaplain through the interest
•of archbishop Tenison, who soon after his promotion to
the see of Canterbury, took him under the same relation
into his own palace; and collated him April 2, 1695, to
the vicarage of Minster in the isle of Thanet ; he b^ng,
since 1690, D. D. by the archbishop's faculty. To 'the
same patron he was likewise obliged for a prebend in tbe
cathedral of Canterbury, into which he was installed in
May 1702; for the rectory of Adisham cum Staple in
Kent, to which he was collated Oct 28, 1708, and for the
iNrchdeaconry of Canterbury, into which he was installed
^e next month, having been chosen before one of the
proctors of the clergy in convocation for that diocese.
Upon these preferments he quitted the vicarage of Minster,
as he did the rectory of Adisham upon his institution (in
Feb. 1 7 Ifi) to the vicarage of St. Martin's in the Fields,
Westminster ; to which be was presented by the trustee*
of archbishop Tenison, for the disposal of his options, of
whom he himself was one. This be held in commendam
with the bishopric of Norwich, to which he was consecrated
Oct 8, 1721, but was thence translated to Ely, Sept 24,
^, 1723.
^ Long previous, however, to these high appointments,.
)ie was elected. May 26, 1698, master of BeneU college,
upon the recommendation of his friend Tenison, and
proved an excellent governor of that society. Soon after
lie became master, he introduced the use of public prayers
in the chapel immediately after the locking up of the gates,
jkbat he might know what scholars were abroad, and if ne- *
,fDessary, visit their chambers : this practice was found so
heneficial as to be continued ever since. In other respects,
when vice-chancellor, which office he served in 1699 and
1713, and at the public commencement, he acquitted him-
self with great skill and dignity. The zeal also which he
•be wed for the protestant succession in the house of Hano*
ver, upon the death of queen Anne, and his prudent con«
duct at that juncture, were so acceptable to the court,
that they are thought to «have laid the foundation of his
churc}i preferments ; an earnest of which George I. gave •
. him in appointing him one of his domestic chaplains the
yeaff following. Dr. Greene resigned tbe mastership of
lus college in 1716. He married Catherine sister of bishop
U9 G B E E N lu
Tnnintil, by wbdm be bad two sdnt tnd s^reo jaiighi«rs«
Having fnad^ a bandaoine provisian for this family^ he dtad
ia a good old age. May 18, 173H» and waa buried in bis
oatfa^ral. Those who knew him most intimately itifdrin us
that it was his unfeigned and uniform endeavour to exer*
CHae,a conscience void of offence towards God aad mian»
and to discbarge his duty, in the several retations be horn
to his fellow creatures, to the best of bis judgmeat and abi*^
lities, with the same faith and spirit which appeal* through
all bis writings. These writings are, I. *^The Siu^rtoent of
the Lord's Supper explained to the meanest capaeities^'^
Lond. 1710, lemo, in a familiar dialogue between aminis^
t^r and parishioner. 9. ^^ The principles of reiigion er<-
plained for the instruction of the weak," ibid. 1726, l'9niQ»
3^ *^ Four discourses on tbe four last things^ viz. Deaths
Judgsaent, Heaven, and Hell,'' ibid. 1754^ ISsMi; and
seven occasional sermons.' *
GREEN-HAM (RicfiAKB), a puritan divine of consider^
' ajble talents and popularity, was born about 163.1^ anil
. ^ucated at Pembroke«ball, Cambridge, where be took kia
dfgl^ees in arts, and became a fellow. Quitting the «fti«
viafisity, he was appointed to the living of Dry Drayton
^ear Cambridge, where be continued about twenty-one
years, after which he reiAoved to London, and died twa
yiears aft^r, in 1591, of the plague, according to Fuller,
ni^hO) as weU as Strype, bishop Wilkins, and others, giv«
him a high character for piety, useluliiess, and moderation
of smiiment, although a nonconformist in so«ne. poJnls*
His works, conststiag of sermons, treatises^ and a commen-
tary on Paalm cxix. were collected into 9ne, volume^ folmv
and published in 1^01, and again in 1612.'
GREENHILL (John), a very ingenious Englisfa painter^
vi(«# deseended from a good family in Salisbury, where be
itas bora. He was tbe most successful of all the disciples
of sir Peter Lely, who is said ta have considered hio^ so.
mucb as a rival, tba^ lie never suffered him to see hioi
paint. Greenbili> however, prevailed with sir Peter to
djsaw hb wife^s picture, and to^k the opportunity of oh*
sieving bow <he managed his peoeil ; which was die gseat
point aimed aft. He* ie said to bajre been equaily 4|iiahfied
by oatare foi tbe sister-arls of painting «id poetry:; but
1 M^iten 'i Bht. of Corpus Chriiti Co]|e|f » Cmxkhn^
^ CUrfc'iLivei at. tbe eqidof.his MsrtffsT9nr.---Broi»lt'iIifSSsf(&e?ttriians.
b RE El* rf I L L.
IHsl to6^ ina un^intf^d^a m^Angf of liVing ^Arsts pl^bl^biy tli'^
biMtAati erf hts e^Ty dfentH i hfid only snflei^d KiiVi ink i6
WtiVd ertottgh <rf bis fcintf, to iriake tis wish he hard bl5^ii
more cafeful of a life so hkely to do honotrr to his cotintr*y,
Mi*s. Btfthfi, #ith whorfi Vre wa^s a great fa:vdtirite; ertctei-*
iotntA to perpettidtfe hh lueinory by anf degy, to b^ fouricf
aitioiigr htr <«^ofks. H^ jSaititfed st portraft of bishop Wii^d;
HAHkh is notf irr tihe tdwn-haH of SatHsBury. He di^d Ma^
If, 1 ei6}
' GREENVILLE (Sit Richard), a gallaiti naVal offifcdi^,
*iy tbfc sM of iit Roffer, of an ancient fantify, Ifi the w^st
•f EhgUtid^ and was bdrn abont 1540. At the a^e* of iit-t
<*6iv, bf the petmhudtf of qiieert Elizabeth, he sei*ved in
** iiiipelri^ afmy irt Htin^giry, agdiist the Turks. Upbri
6fe ftttfrtt; he engaged with the troops empfoyerf tor thrf
yedtrctfo^ 6f Ireland ktid obtim^d so mtitrh reptftatiohr as
ttt'be tfppointeJ sheriff of the city of Cork, and iti f5f I,
he I'e^tteirted the cdurity of CornwatH in p^rHattie^ht. tte
^^ ifter'vi^afds Mgh sheriff of the county, ind fedmedt
tbe bonbtir df knighthood ; btit the bias dt hi.^ trtind'^ \frai'
diiefiy dxeA ttptm pisins of foreign discovery atid i^etrfe-'
jHeftt, prop'6^dd by his relation sir Watfer Rale?gh, M&
vAten tfv6 patf^trtrf were tnade outf, hef obtairiedf the' 6dttf-
Bidnd of St sicjtfadrott fitted' ottt for the ptirp-ose; consist-
ing of sevifeii stfitfff ^es^ls. With these' he sailed' irt th^
spritrg 6t f ^85, andf feathing the coast of Florid'a iii Jane,
he ten thefe i Colofty <rf one hiftiif<fred men; and then sailed;
h'aiiieW4r<fs. Me* Aiade dther voyages, anrf oti occasion of
thfrSpaiAh invasion-, was aj^rnted on6' Of a cbiin^il df
War; tbcc/neert mearis cf defence*, andf received' th6 qife^i^n'V
coiA^atitis' not to^ quit the cotrnty of Coyh\vaH: In I89t
y^Wats jippoirtted Vice-admiral of a sqtfad'ron; fitted btft
fw the ptirpose of rnterceptS'rt'g a rich Spanish fleet fVom '
the WestI Irfrfies. Thi^ fleet, wfienf it appeated, wis <f6h-
vbyed by a: vety superior force, and Greentilie' Was tivged
t6 tatet ^out ; but he prtefenredv and no do^abtfcis'sAiFors
agreed with him', taking cbantie of bfe^kirtg* throtigfii -the
ctitftfiy's* flec^, which almost itnnrtted^ately sim^otrttlea' hita'.
'l*be' Spatttl^h ddmiraf , wkh fbur other ships, began t cfos^*
attack 4t' three iit tSre afternoon-; the engagettiie'nt Idsferf
tifl* hteAot diy rtext morning; dWing Which the Sjniiiiarrfs,
notwithstaotling their vaJSt superiority, were' dtiveh* dff tiU
1 Walpole's Alil^adte^.^Pilkington.
teen tines. At length the greater part of the Engli^
crew being either killed or wounded, and the ship reduced
to a wreck, no hope of escape femained. The brave com-
mander had been wounded at the beginning of the actioa^.
but he caused his wounds to be dressed on dfeck, and re-
fused to go down into the hold, and in that state he was
shot through the body. He was now taken to the cabioi^
and while in the act of being dressed, the surgeon was
killed by his side. The admiral still determined to hold
out, wishing rather to sink the ship than surrender, but
the offers of quarter from the Spaniards induced the men
to yield. Sir Richard was tsJien on board, the Spanish ship,
and honourably treated, but died of his wounds in about
three days. He has sometimes been blamed for rashness,
bfut of this his censurers appear to be very imperfect judges.*;
GREENVILLE (Sir Bevjl), a brave and loyal officer,
grandson of the preceding, was born in 1596. He was
educated at Exeter college, Oxford, where his accomplish- •
ments were acknowledged, and his principles of loyalty,
and relieion indelibly fixed, under the care of Dr. Prideaux..
After taking possession of his estate he sat in parliament ;
and in 163d attended the king with a troop of horse, raised
at his own expence, in an expedition to Scotland, on which.
Occasion he received the honour of knighthood. Abhorring,
the principles which then broke out in open rebellion, he>
joined the royal army, and had a command at the battle of
Stratton, in 1643, when the parliamentary forces were de-
feated^ and greatly distinguished himself in other engage^
ments, particularly that at Lansdown, near Bath, fought
successfully against sir William Waller, July 5, 1643, but
received a fatal blow with a pole-axe. Many of his brp-.
ther officers fell with him, and their bodies were found
surrounding his. Lord Clarendon says, ^^ That which,
would have clouded any victory, was the death of sir Be-
vil Greenville. He. was, indeed, an excellent person, whose
activity, interest, and reputation was the foundation of
^what had been done in Cornwall, and his temper and affec-
tion so public, that no accident which happened could
make any impression on him ; and his example kept others
from taking any thing ill, or at least seeming to do so ; in
a wordy a brighter courage and gentler disposition were
. sever married together, to make the most cheerful and
? Bioff, Brit.
O U £ E N V I L L C« 249
ifiiioeent conventation/'^ His desicendaeit, lord Laii9downe»
eittcted a monument on the spot where be was killed.'
GREENVILLE (Denis), a younger son of the pre-
ceding, and brother to sir John Greenville first earl of Bath
of bis name, was bom in Cornwall, admitted gentleman
commoner of Exeter college, Sept. 22, 1657, actually
ci:eated in convocation master of arts Sept. 28, 1660*
About this time he married Anne, the daughter of Dr.
Cosin, bishop of Durham, who conferred several prefer<-
ments on htm, as the rectories of Easington and Elwick ia
the county palatine of Durham ; the archdeaconry of Dur*
ham, to which he was collated on the death of Dr. Gabriel
Clarke, Sept. 16, 1662, and to the first sull of preben-
daries of the church of Durham, Sept 24, 1662, from
whence he was removed to the second, April 16, 166S»
On Deoember 20, 1670, he was created doctor of divinity,
being then one of the chaplains in ordinary to Charles II. $
and on the 14th of December, 1684, he was installed dean
of Durham in the place ctf Dr. John Sudbury deceased. Ia
the register of Eton college we find that immediately
after the restoration, Dr. Greenville was recommended in
very strong terms to the master and fellows for a fellow*
ship, by three several letters from the king, but for what
reason this recommendation did not take effect, does not
appear; probably he might wave his interest on account
oiJF other preferment which was more acceptable to hiau
On the 1st of February 1690, he was deprived of all his
preferments upon his refusal to comply with the new oaths-
of allegiance and supremacy to the prince of Orange then
in possession of the throne, a change which he utterly ab«
borred, always considering the revolution as a rebellion
and usurpation. Soon after the prince of Orange's landing,
he left Durham in order to retire into France ; and some«>
times lived at Corbeil (from whence it is supposed his fa-
mily originally sprung), but more frequently at Parib and
St. Germain's, where be was very civilly treated and much
countenanced by the queen-mother, as we find in several
of his 4>wn letters, notwithstanding what has been falsely
asserted by Mackay in an account of the court of St Ger-
main's. He owns he was sometimes attacked by the
priests, but with much good manners and civility, Mr«
Wood says, that during his retirement, he was, on the
I Fiojip, Brit"— ClarendOB'i History,
&«» G Jt i & K V 1 1 L e.
d«Mb 6f Dr. Ldtnptitgb^ liotniMted io ttl« ite «C Tirrk, l^f
' king Jame0 II. though nevtt dotfseeirftMd; tnic tttto ftMOln
"ftry doubtfnl. In April 1695 he canfife iMognitif iMo Efig-
liiAd ; but MMHi retmrned. For *aiti6 tilM b^fof^i hi4 detftik
he «fyj<>]f «d but II T«ry fttdifferent 8«ftte ef h«dklfl^ b4tii^
been mtich troubled with a sciMct, mA otb^ toflfttikiesi
He died at Pftris, nft6r a series 'of^ ffltifty duffifrittgs^ 6:^
A]f]hrii 7, 1703, N< S. and Was buried l»i the loW^r ei^d ef
Ibe Hdly IfinoGetit®' cbureb in tbinc city. Lord LMsdown^
ill a leuer to a nephew of his, who tfM gtAng to mtet itii^
boljr orders^ 9*ys of hii», << You bad ati uncle WhO^e i6e-«
«K>ty I shall ever revere : make bim your eicample. SMt-^
tity sate so easy^ 90 unaffected^ afid so ^rae^fdl U|>oti Mtet,
that in bim nve b^^ld the very beauty of bdKness.r Hd
was as eheerM, ea fatiiiliaf, m condeseending t* bis Mtt^
Tersation, as be was striet, regolir, and exeoiptory iil hM
piety ; as well bred and aceompHshed aa a eoortier, and
AS reverend and venerable as an apostle.. He wns indeed
upost^ticat in every thing, for he abandoned dl to feKovif
ftis Lord irnd Master." Tbere seenfis littte reason' to doubl
ibis ebsinieter, as ht as it respects Dr. GreenvtHe's priwB^
ebaracter, bat in bigotry for restoration ef Jajo^eS' II. h^
yyobably excelled ail his -contemt^oraiies^ afld frofii s6ni#
eorrespondence la^ly pufblbbed in the Li^ Of Dr< €oix^bery
Ilia successor in fbe deanery of Durhaiti, there is reason td^
deubt whether in bis htter days bis mind «^as net uiMmind.* -
' Me pubfisfaed^ I. <^The Con^plete Confermist^ or se^
aonable advice concerning strict conforo^ity and frecftfentf
eelebration of che Holy Comeiunionf/* preached ew Ibe 7^
of January, being the frrst Sunday after the t^fAphtityi
3%$^y in the cathedral chdrch of Ddrbatti, on Joh» i. 29^,^
Lond. 1 6S4, 4to. Td whieh is added ** Adviee : o# s( le^ei^
written to tbe clergy of the swrtjideaconry of Durbltitf,** te>
the same purpose. 0. ** A Sermon preached In fbe cetbe^
dra^ ehur^b of Durbam, open the revival of' the Mcietlt:
' aind taudabfe practice of thai and sdi)fie other eatliedruk, kt
having sermons on Wednesdsys and Fridays^ d«ring Adveff#
atifd Lent," oir Ron)^. KtVu 11, Lend. 1686y 4t0. 3. "CoUrt*'
seh and Divections divine and moral : in pfain arrd^ femili«r
letters, of ddvice to a young gentleman^ his nephew^ sOOfl-
after his admisstow into a college in O^^ford,*' Lond.^ ($^5y
aro; BesFfdes these pfecesi wbich we beve just ei^tioned^
our author, immediately after bis retiring into France, pub«
lished some small tracts at Rouen^ wbicfii are very scarce^ '
Slid Mt very correctly primed ; and perhaps it k i'eaiark«'
«Me that Btich an ttnosottl faroiir should he petaiitfced in t
popish eoiinrtry to a dignified elergytnati of the churcfar of
£»giiiiMl. The title* of the {Neces printed at Rottea are,
vte. 4< <<The resigned attd resolved Cbridtian and faitfafuil
and ttfidaunted lojralist : in tvro plaine fareirelt sermons,
add a Wjral forewell visiutioii speech. Both delivered
aaofidst the laiftencable cofifusions occasioned by the late
f«reigvi tfi^^ion end home-defeotion of his tnajestie^tf stib-'
jeeM in England. By Denis Oranville^ D. D. deatie and
arohdkeAoon of Durham, now in exile^ chaplaine in ordinary
th bis iiiajestie....Whereamo are added certaine Letters to
his reldtioos and friends in England, shewing the reasoni^
and milliner of his witbdrawiog but of the kingdom.'' ^ A
Letter to bis btiQther the e^rl of Batbe.^ ** A Letter to
bis bbbep t»he bishop of Durbatfi.'' ** A Letter to bis bre-*
tkreit-lhe prebendaries.'* '* A Letter to the clergy of bitf
afvitidetteotffy.'' <* A Letter to his curates, at Easington
and SedgeAeld," printed at Ro«ien, 1689. 5. ^* The
chiefest matters contained in. sundry Discourses made to*
the cl^gy'of the archdeaconry of Durham, since his ma-
jestie^s eomiog to the crown. Summed up arid seasofiaUy '
broogbt again to their view in a loyal farewell visreatioti
speech on tlie I3tb of November b^t, 98, being ten day«
s^lUir the landing of tbe prince of Orange.'' This is datetf
frott bf* study at Roaen Nov. 15, 1689. Witb a preface
to Ae reedet and an ad^ertisemeiit. 6. " A copy of a
paper penned at Durham, by the author, Aug. 27, 1688,
by way of reflection on tiie ttien disiHal prognostics of the
time.^ 7. *• Directions wbicb Dr. GtanviBe, archdeacfon
o# Durham, rector of Sedgefield and Easingcon, enjoins to'
be- observed by the curates of those bis parishes, given
tfaetti in charge at Easter-visitation held at SedfgeBelrd, in
tbe year i(W9."*
GRBOORY, sumamed the GafcAT, Was b<^n ^ a pa-
tricliin family^ equally conspicuous for it* virtue and nabi-
lily al RoiAe, vrhei^ his father Oordian was a senator, and
efttrem^y rich ; tod, marrying a lady of distiaction, <5aHed
S^tai, bad by ber this son, about the year 544. From
bfa* earliest ^eart^ be diseovere'd genius and judgment ; and,
applying himself particularly to the apophthegms of cfte
1 CtoB. Dwt— Biof. Bdt—Ath. 0x.^6l. Ik— H«tolanwrfS X^hmiH *•!• »
p«I6T.— <^m6€r'8jSfe of GomUsr, pp.139, 909.
452 IG R E G O R Y,
ancients, he fixed evexy thing worth notice in bis memoffy^
where it was faithfully preserved as in a stere-house ; he,
also improved himself by the conversation of old men, ia;
which he toctk great delight. By these methods be made,
a great progress in the sciences, and there was not a mw
in Rome, who surpassed him in grammar, logic, and rhe-
toric ; nor can it be doubted but he had early instructions
in the civil law, in which his letters prove him to have,
been well versed : he was nevertheless entirely ignorant of
the Greek language. These accomplishments in a young
nobleman procured him senatorial dignities, which he filled
with great reputation; and he was afterwards appointed
prsefect of the city by the emperor Justin the Younger;
but, being much inclined to a monastic life, he quitted
that post, and retired to the monastery of St. Andrew,. .
which he himself had founded at Rome in his father^
bouse, and put it under the government of an abbot, called
Valentius. Besides this, he founded six.other convents ia
Sicily ; and, selling all the rest of his possessions, be gave
the purchase- money to the poor. »
He bad not, however, enjoyed his solitude in St. An«
drew^s long, when he was removed from it by pope Pela4
gius II. who made him his seventh deacon, and sent him as
his nuncio to the emperor Tiberius at Constantinople, . to .
demand succours against the Lombards. The pope, it i^
said, could not have chosen a man better qualified than Gre-
jgory for so delicate a negociation ; but the particulars of
it are unknown. Meanwhile, he was not wanting in exertr
ing his zeal for religion. While he was in this metropolis,
he opposed Eutycbius the patriarch, who had advanced an
opinion bordering on Origenisra, and maintained, that,
after the resurrection the body is not palpable, but more
subtile than air. In executing the business of his embassy,
he contracted a friendship with some great men, and so
gained the esteem, of the whole court, by the sweetness of
bis behaviour, that the emperor Maurice chose him for a
godfather to one of his sons, born in the year 583. Soon
after this he was recalled to Rome, and made secretary t6
the pope ; but, after some time, obtained leave to retire
again into his monastery, of which he had been chosen
Here he had indulged himself with the hopes of gratify-
ing his wish, in the enjoyment of a solitary and unraflled
lite, when Pelagius II. dying Feb. 8, 590, be was dbctei^
pope by the clergy, the senate, and the people of Rome ;
to whom he had become dear by bis charity to the poor.
Whom the overflowing of the Tiber, and a violent plague,
had left perishing with hunger. This promotion was so
disagreeable to him, tl^at he employed all possible methods
to avoid it ; be wrote a pressing letter to tbe emperor,
conjuring him not to confirm his election, and to give
orders for the choice of a person who had greater capa«
city, more vigour, and better health than he could boast ;
and hearing bis letter was intercepted by the governor of
Rome, and that his election would be confirmed by the
imperial court, he fled, and hid himself in the most solitary
part of a forest, in a cave ; firmly resolved to spend bis
days there, till another pope should be elected : and, the
people despairing to find him, a new election ensued. la
this <^ase, the Roman clergy, always fond of miracles, tell
^s that Gregory would never accept the papal chair, till be
bad manifestly foQnd,bysome celestial signs, that God caljed
him to it. It is pretended, that a dove flying before those
who sought for him, shewed them the way they were to go;
or that a miraculous light, appearing on a pillar of fire
over his cavern, pointed out to them the place of bis re-
treat -
However that be, it is almost as certain that his reluct*
ance was sincere *, as that be at length accepted the dig-
nity, and was enthroned pope, Sept. 3, S90. And it ap-
peared by hi;} conduct, that they could not have elected a
person more worthy of this exalted station; for, besides
his great learning, and the pains h.e took to instruct the
church, both by preaching and writing, be had a very
happy talent to win over princes, in favour Of the tempo*
fal as well as spiritual interests of religion. ^ It would be
tediqus to run oyer all the particulars o£ his conduct on
these occasions ; and his converting the English to Chris-
tianity, a remarkable fact in our history, is on that account '
generally known f. In this attempt Gregory owed his
*^ Hit famoiiB paftoral is alledsed appelUtioo, ''Your Beatitude, ^•'^
(SB the fide ef his slncerily. Gregory which had been girtn to his predeces*
wrote it in answer to John, bishop of son.
%avennai who had giren him .a friendly f He first set oat on his mistioB
rsfUVMif for hiding fainself, in order to himself; while he was a monk only^
avoid the pontificate. This condnet is and was adranced three days' joamey.
aseribad, and not nndesenredly, to his when Pelagias, then pope, reokltM
Wmiiity ; and, after his promotion, he him to Rome at the instigation* of th*
f^re another evidence of his sincerity, people, who etea elamorously prassa^
Jacoli8taDtlydicIariaghJi4itlil(«ofthe hint^it.
jM s » E o 0 R y.
•uc^^f^ -to the nasiflitiatio^ qF qwen £tbelI>lHr|^ wko no^
only prompted th^ king Etb«lbert her consort, tp Irent the
pope's missionaries kiiHlIyi but also to becooio tumsdtf s
The new pope, according to custpm, h«ld a 9yiiod at
Kome.ihe same year, 591 ; whence he sei^t letten^ to thm
iioor patriarchs of the East, with a confession of hip. faitb^
declaring his reverence to the four general coue^ils^ and
the fift]^ too, a$ weU as the four gospels. In tbie mo4esty
he ^Wk pot followed by bis successors ; and he even ex-*
iseeded pome of his predecessors in that and other virtuea,
f^bich for many ages pa^t have not approached the chair
pf St« Pete5 A^ he had governed his: monastery with jn
^verity u|)paralle)ed in those times; so now be was partis
f{|ilar)y careful to reguUte his house and person according
tp 3t. Pa^l^s direptions to Timothy. Even in performing
divine worsjiip, he jused ornameati of bet a moderate
prif;es and hip common garments were still noore simple*
Nothing was moipe dectol iban the furniture of his boMSOf
fmd hie reteiiied none but clerks and religious in his servicer
$y this mei^as his palace became a kind of monastery, io
vbich theie were na \19eless people; every thing ip his
house bad the appearance of an angelic life, and his cha^
rity surp^ed all description. He employed the revenues
^ the ehurch entirely for the relief of the poor ; be wan
a cpmitant ^nd indefatigable preacher, and devoted all Ua
talents f9r the inatructioo of his flock;
In the oaesin timOt be extended bis care ^ the otbec
eburfhea updear bis pontifical jurisdiction, and aapeciatlji
tbQ%e of Sicily, for whom he had a particukar respect ; be
put i^n end ^ the scbiati in the chutch of Iberia tbe sfime
yesM^ : tbia was. effected by the gentle methods of pertmn
^ion^ to wbicb^ however, he had not recourse tiU after be
bl4 beeu hindered from uaiug violence. Upoo this ae^
9oqnt be is censured as an intolerant^ and it ia oeitain iua
maxima en ibat bead were a little inconsistent. He dbi^
not, for instance, approve of forcing the Jews to receive
baptism, and yet he approved of compelling heretics tg^
return to the church. In some of bis letters too he e»r
claims against vielence 111 the method of making eonvertsy
yet at the same time was for laying heavier taxe;;^ on sucb^
2ia would not be ooovefted by penutasive means ; and i»
the year 599^ he sejit ^ nuncio tp Constantinople, and
wrote a letter the same^year to the empttr^ JDdauxicet de«>
j^r§9.^hp^^ the «fime resp^t to (b^ kiogf pf Italy, (bpugb
'tbipy we^ie hqretica.
[ The sim^ ye^r hQ coiuposeid hit ^' DUlogueS)^' a wort:
j5II^d with fabulous mir^'cle^ and iacredible stari^t; tb^
Myl^ is al^o Ipw, and the narra^on coarse \ yet they ww$
jTQceiv^d with astonishing appUuse^ and Tbeqdi|tio4%
i^uei^il of the Lombard^! having cqnvert^d b«r bu«banU t0
ibe catholic faith, the pope rejoiced at % aud aent hi$
^' Dialogu^V' c^ompoaed th^ following y^ar, to Uv^t prU^
c^$s.. 3h9 i9 thought to have noade x\m^ of bia book at tbi$
iipfie for (he pon version of that pepplo^ who were ea^ilj^
j|pSu4^ap§d by «uqh compositions. For tbe wijm r^aaoa
ppp^ ^^haryi about 150 year3 after, tf^nal^itod it iatu
yi^ek for tbi^ i^e of those people^ who wer# 90 4eligb<)94
ivitb it» that they gave St. Gregory tb^ avrnaweof Oia*
fogist. Still t^h^sje di^tpgu^^ b^iug (he ^ooipoaition of
{^r^ory i$ a ppint, now thought v^y doub^fui la the
y^at Jt94| biE^ ^QomiQunicated find sKspi^aded the bi»bp|l
of Sa(9na» tb^ o^iropplis of PaLmatia^ wh^^ hQw^var, panl
DOt X^^^^ to the e^^rci^ q( his^ px^w^r ia tb^s^ «^i;\9^K(if«
T^fi papa'e year W laboured tp cmveiift t^e i^fidfU in Si^r^
^ini^ by gpntle wethqd?, according to bis sy^tenft : wbioki
^^ io punish ber^tiqs, ^specially s^t ^tbeir iirat ri9e» ad
XQ})i^h. and tcaitor^^ but to coippel infidels ooly iodirecitty 9
£b^t 19^ greatlng the obstinate with saqfiq rigoar» ainl per-*
suadipg tb^o^ as nc^u<;h by proooisieSf . tbreat^j an4 g^n^il^
i^everi^^s, as by arguoieut and reason. Thvs v^as the dia^
tLU<;tip.Q he made io treating with th^ Mai^icheei&and pagai^w
Ivy th^.yj^ja^ 5dj^> be refused to s^nd the efpp^es^t Coiir
st,^jni.(ia apy reUQ9^ pf St. Paul» .isfbich she had ijeque^/t^
desufing tP look; at the body of that apostle. On tbia ocn
^asioa he cel^jte^ several miraculous piinishments for sudla
a r^sh attempt^ a}l as simply devised as tbo^e in hj/» *< Dii^
logue$/' The sam^ ye^r he warmly opposed Johp pa^
tjri^rch of Cojn^^ntinopl^, for assuming ti)^ title of oeiQuoa^
uical px UQJ;vQ^$al». which he himself disclaimed, a^ having'
DO ri^bjt to i;educe the other bishops to be bis subfi^itute« ;.
and. aftejr^ards. forbad his nuncio there to CQ0imui^<;j8^e
^iib th^ft paf^rl^rchi) till he sboi^d renpuaee tb^ (title. Hia
humility^ bowevec, did not keep him from veseatin^ aJ9b
affroat^ pxit, i^ppn b^^ understanding, as be thpqght^ by th^
emperor, for proposing terms of peace (o the Lombamk^
who b^ieg^d Rpipe this year : the samayei^r he epceou^tod
l|ie fiiinous mission into England ; and as Bninehaut^ qneeft
of France, had been very serviceable in it, he wrote ^
letter of thanks to her. on the occasion. The princess is
represented as a profligate woman, but very liberal to the
ecclesiastics ; founding churches and convents, and even
iueing to the pope for relics. This was a kind of piety
which particularly pleased Gregory; and accordingly, he
wrote to the queen several letters, highly commending her
conduct in that respect, and carried his complaisance so
far as to declare the French happy above all other nations
in having such a sovereign. In the year 598 j at the re«
quest of the Christian people at Caprita, a small island at
the bottom of the gulph of Venice, he ordered another
bishop to be ordained for that place, in the room of the
present prelate, who adhered to the Istrian schism. . This .
was done contrary to the orders of the emperor Maurice^
against taking any violent measures with schismatics.
In the year 599, he wrote a letter to Serenus bishop of
Marseilles, commending his zeal in breaking some images
which the people had been observed to worship, and throw*
iBg them out of the church ; and the same year a circular
letter to the principal bishops of Gaul, condemning simo^
niacal ordinations, and the promotions of laymen to
bishoprics : he likewise forbad olerks in^holy orders to live
with women,' except such as are allowed by the canons ;
and recommended the frequent holding assemblies to re«
Jrulate the affairs of the church. The same year he re^
used^ on account of some foreseen opposition, to take
ijbgnizance of a crime alleged against the primate of By-
;Eacena, a province in Africa. About the same time he
wrote an important letter to the bishop of Syracuse, con-
cerning ceremonies, in which he says, '* That the church
of Rome followed that of Constantinople, in the use of
ceremonies ; and declares that see to be undoubtedly sub-
ject to Rome, as was constantly testified by the emperor
and the bishop of that city.*' He had already this year
reformed the office of the church, which is one of the most
remarkable actions of his pontificate. In this reform, as i|
is called, he introduced several new customs and supersti*
tions; amongst the rest, purgatory. He ordered pagan
temples to be consecrated by sprinkling holy water, and
an annual feast to be kept, since called wakes in England,
on that day ; with the view of gaining the pagans in Eog*
land to the church-service* Besides other least importaat
G ft E G O R Tf .
^er0inoTii^9 a4<led to the pabiic fornas of prayier, be mad*
it hU chief care to reform the psalmody^ of which he vfa$
excessively fond. Of tbis kind he composed the ^' AntU
phone */' and sUch tunes as best suited the psalms, th^
hymnS) the prayers, the verses, the canticles, the lessonsi
tike epistles and gospels, tlie prefaces, and the Lord's
prayer. He likewise instituted an academy of chanters fo^
1^1 the clerks^ as far as the deacons exclusively : he gav$
them lessons himself, and the bed, in which he continued
to chant amidst bis last illness, was preserved with great
* It is to tbit pope that t^e dire the
ifiVJentioB, if^ed tn this day, of etprestf-
tegp mu8ica4 souods by tte teTv^n firsi
letters of the alphabet. Indeed the
Qreeki* lAade use of ihe lettert of theif
al|»lmbaet to tbe like ptWpoee : but id
tb^ir scal« ihev wanted more signsi or
nmrkf, than there were letters, which
%ert fttppHed oat of th« same adphS'^
bei, by ititfcmg the sajne fetter exprett
different notes, as it was placed upright,
bf Reversed, 6t otherwise put Out of the
•omnion p<»sition $ alto makiiig them
liaperfeot by cutting off sometbiugf or
by doubling some strokes, ^or exaiti-
)>lr, tbt letter Pi ftitpfeMes different
notes in alt these posiiioot o«d forftts,
ft n C G rt n &c. Tbey who are
fkiired io musii*, oeed not be totd what
A task the iebolar hod in this method
to loam, la Boethiiis's time the Ro-
miins eased themselves of tbis diffi-
oiiky at onoecOHary, by making o«e
•oly of tbo ffrst 15 letters of tfaoir al-
phabet. But afterwards, this pope,
Coftsiderinjr that the octavo #H8 the
iftoto iit effSset with the first noto, add
thftt tbo order of degrees was the same
in the upper and lower octave of the
4iagnim> introduced the use of seven
letters* whiicbwera repealed in a differ-
rent character. Malcolm on Music,
ebdip. tit. § 4. Dr. Burntiy ftayft on
lhl» aokijeety ** Baclesiaatioal writers
leem unanimous in allowing that it was
the loarrned and active pope Gregory
tiie Great, whooollected the iiHtf»idal
lM|;0ientoof tuoh AUcient hymns ami
psalmt as the first fathers of <he church
llOil dpproted, and recoitfniended to
llMr ^imitivo CtaristioM j mA thot ^e
aelected, methodized, and arranged
fheito irt the order which was long con-
ffHued at Rotde, and ioo» adopted by
^ ekief pari Of tbo. weotfra ehiirch.
TUo anouymous aotbor of bis Ufe«
Vot. XVI.
published by danisiust speaks of thif
transaction in the following Wot-ds &
'* This pobtiff oompostd, arran^ad^
aiKl coosntu'ed the Aniiphonarium and
chants nsed io the mornjog and even^
ia^ service." Fleuryt in his HM
EcOl. todi. VI [, p. 1 5U, <ivf B a cii oual*
stantial accouut of the Scola Cantorum^
inaUtuted by St. Oregtn y. It stiliftigu
ed dOO years after tihe death tif that
pontiff, which happenexl in the yeaf
604, ab *d are inroriAed ISy ^ohn Dia-
codnS) author of his life. Tw^ ook
leges wece appropriated to these st-ti«
dies ; one near the church of St. Pe^k
ter, and one near that of ^. Jdhi> Ln^
teran ^ both of trhieb woro teidowoA
with lands.
*< It hab b«eb inlagined that Sit. dfe-»
gofy was rather a compiler tb<in «
composer of ecelesiastioal chanU, a#
music had been established in tlio
church loi)g before hfs pooti6cate ; atwl
Joiia Diaconu?, hi biit life, (lib. u ■
cap. 6.) calls his collection * Anlipho*
niLrium Ceiltonem,* the grOund-Worlt
of whioh *as the ancient Gr^k ehiKitf
upon the principles of which it wA«
formed. This is the opinion of the
abhig Lebceuf, (Traitfc Historitjoe et*
Pratic^ue sur ie Chant Bociesiaatii^UV^
chap, iii.) and of many others, Tho
derivatioil \% respectable ; but if th^
Romans in the time of St< AiabFOM
had any music, it must have t>«eq
composed upon the Greek system : all
the arts at Rome, during the time of
the emperors, were Q reek, and chte6yi
cultivated b'y Greek artists; and wo
hear of nr> mtlslcal systetti id ds6
amoog ttie RooMuS, or at leAlt^dOM
is mentioned by their writers oo tbo
art, but that of the Greeks.^' fiur-%
noy'» Hist, of Musio, and Hett^A Cy«
olcq^adiai art*Q^|iooaT.
«5f 6 a £ G O & Y.
veneration in the palace of St. John Lateran for at long
time, together with the whip with which be used to threa*
ten the young clerks and singing boys, when tbey sang
out of tune. He was so rigid in regard to the chastity of
ecclesiastics, that he was unwilling to admit a man into the
priesthood who was not strictly free from defilement by any
commerce with women. The candidates for orders were
according to his commands questioned particularly on that
subject. Widowers were excepted, if they had observed
a state of continency for some considerable time.
At this time, as well as the next year 600, he was con*
fined to his bed by the gout in his feet, which lasted for
three years ; yet he celebrated mass on holidays, al*
though with much pain. Thi$ brought on a painful bnru-
ing heat all over his body, which tormented him in the year
601. His behaviour in this sickness was very exemplary.
It oiade him feel for others, whom he compassionated^ ex-
horting them to make the right use of their infirmities^
both by advancing in virtue and forsaking vice. He was
always extremely watchful over his flock, and careful to
preserve discipline ; and while he allowed that the misfor-
tunes of the times obliged the bishops to interfere in
worldly matters, as he himself did, he constantly exhorted
them not to be too intent on them. Thi;^ year he held a
council at Rome, which made the monks quite independent
by the dangerous privileges which he granted them. Gre-
gory forbad the bishops to diminish in any shape the goods^
lands, and revenues, or titles of monasteries, and took from
them the jurisdiction they ought naturally to have over the
converts in their dioceses. But many of his letters shew,
that though he favoured the monks in some respects,, he
nevertheless knew how to subject them to all the severity
of their rules. The same year he executed a second mis-
sion into England, and, in answer to. the bishop of Iberia,
declared the validity of baptism by the Nestorians, ai
being performed in the name of the Trinity.
The dispute about the title of Universal Bishop and the
equality of the two sons of Rome and Constantinople still
subsisting, and the emperor Maurice having declared for
the latter, our pope saw the murder of him and his family
without any concern by Phocas. This usurper having sent
his picture to Rome io the year 603, Gregory received it
with great respect, and placed it with that of the empress
his consort (Leontia) in the oratory of St. Cassarius in the
0 R E G 0 R Y. 25^
}>a;tdte ; and soan after congratulated Pbocas^s accession to
the throne. There are stiil extant, written upon this oc«
caaioDy by the holy pontiff, three letters, wherein be ex-
presses his joy, and returns thanks to God, for that e^e*
crabie parricide's accession to the crown, as the greatest
blessing that could befall the empire ; and^ he praises God,
that, after suffering under a heavy galling yoke, bis sub-
jects begin once more to enjoy the sweets of liberty under
ills empire : flatteries. unworthy a man of honour, and es-
pecially a pope ; and for which his historian, Maimbourg,
condemns thein. But Gregory thought himself in con-
science obliged to. assert the superiority of bis see above
that of Constantinople, and he exerted himself much to
secure it. In general he had the pre-eminence of the
holy see much at heart; accordingly this same year, one
Stephen, a Spanish bishop, having complained to him of
an unjust deprivation of his bishopric, the pope sent a
delegate to judge the matter upon the spot, giving him. a
. -memorial of his instructions, in which among other particu-^
]ars he orders thus : ** If it be said, that bishop Stephen
bad neither metropolitan nor patriarch, you must answer^
that he ought to be tried, as he requested, by the holy see,
which is the chief of all churches.'* It was in the samb
spirit of preserving the dignity of his pontificate, that he
resolved to repair the celebrated churches of St.Peter and
SU Paul ; ' with which view, he gave orders this y^ar to tha
. subdeaeon Sabinian (afterwards his successor in the pope?
dom), to fell all the timber necessary for that purpose in
» the country of the Brutii, and send it to Rome : he wrote
several other letters on this occasion, which are striking
.proofs of his zeal for carrying on the repairs of old churches,
although he built no new ones. . .
i But while he was thus intent in correcting the mischiefs
of the late war, he saw it break out again in Italy, and $till
to the disadvantage of the empire, the affairs of which
were in a critical situation, not only in the . provinces. pf the
west, but every where else. Gregory was much afflicted
with the calamities of this last war, the s^me time
his illness increased. The Lombards made a truce in No-
vember 603, which was to continue. in forc« till April $05.
Some time after, the pope received letters from queen
Theodiiinda, with the news of the birth atid baptism of hec
son Adoaldus. She sent him also some writings of. the
abbot Secundinus upon the fifth council, and desired hioi
S 2
t«0 O R E G O K T.
CO answer them. Gregory ^< congratttlates faer on bamg.
eausied the young prince^ destined to reign over die Loin-»
bards, to be baptised in the catholic cfaurch." And as to
Secnndinus, he excuses himself on account of his iUness;
^^ I am afflicted with the gout^'' says he, *^ to soch a de«^
gree, that I aiq not able even to speak, as yjour envoys'
know; they found ine ill when they arrived here, and left
me in great danger when they departed. If God restcnrea
siy healtb> I will return an exact answer to all that tbm
abbot Secundinus bas written to nie« In the mean time, I
send you the council held under the emperor Justinian^
that by reading it he may see the ftilsity of all that be baa
beard against the holy see and the catholic church* God
forbid that we sfaoul4 receive the opinions of any heretie,
or'^depart in any respect from the letter of St. Leo, aa4
the four councils :\' he adds, '> I send to the prince Ado«
aldus, yt^t ^on, a cross^ and a book of the gospel in a Per«
iian box ; and to your daughter three rings, desiring yoa
to give them these things with^ytitor own band, to enhance
tbe falue of the preisent I likewise beg of you, to cetum
|liy> thanks to tbe king^ your coosoct, £of the peace he made
for us, and engage him to maintsUn it, as you have akready
t This letter, wyitjten in January 604, is the last of Gre«
gory^s that bas any date to it; he died tbe 12th of Mareb
feUowiftg, worn out: with violent aiyd almost incessant ill*
ne^. His remains were interred in a private manner, near
the old sacristy of St. Peter's church, at tbe end of tb^
great portico, in the same place with those of some.pre^
ceding po{>es« It is thougti^ he was not above sixty yean
of age. W4> ^all oaly add one particular rehiting to our
own country. Augustin the missionary having followed
the rule approred by former popes of dividing the revenues
of all the English chprches into four parts, the first for tb«
hhhfgifpf the second for the elergy, the third for the pooi^
mnd the fourth for repairing the church ; this divisioa mm
cobflmed \fy Gregory, who directed farther, tbat die
bisho^*s share should be not only for himself but likewise
for all his nedessary^ attendants, and to keep np hospital ity»
. It remains to be observed, in justice to thi^pope^ ttnit^
ib^ ebat^ of bis causing tbe noble monuments of the an^ '
tient splendour of tbe Roimans to be destroyed, in ordct to
prevent tboee who went to Rome from paying more atteii>»
tion to .tb# triumphal archesi &ew thao to ibingt saored^ m
O R £ C O R Y. 261
bj P)iitin» aa a ca1umi>y. Nor is the story, tboagh
^rediied by several learned autbors, particularly by Brucker,
0i bis reducing to ashes the Palatine library founded by Au-
•gQstiw, and the burning an infiuite number of pagan bocjcsy
particularly Livy, absolutely certain. However, it is un*
deaiable, be bad a great aversion to all such books, which
be carried to that excess, that be flew in a violent passios
with Didier, archbishop of Venice, fur no otber reason
tbun because he sufiered gramnfiar to be taugbt in bis dio^
Mse. In this he followed the apostolical constitutions:
Ibe compiler whereof seeros also to have copied froa Gre^
gory Nasiaazien, who thought reading pagau books would
tttjra the minds of yo«tb in favour of their idolatry ; aiKt we
bave seen more recently the same practice zealously de^
fended) and upon the same principle too, by Mr. Tilleoiont.
Yet Julian tbe apostate is cb^trged with using the same
probibitioni as a good device to effect the ruin of ChriSf-
|iamty» by rendering tbe professors contemptible on ac«-
eouut of tbeir ignorance^ Dupin says, that bis genius ,waa
well suited to morality, and be bad acquired an inexbaus^
^le fand of spiritual ideas, which be expressed noUj
tnoiigb, generally in periods, rather than sentences; bis
eompcu^ition was laboured, and bis languid inaocurate^ but
easy, well connected, and aWays equally supported. H#
ieft more writic^ behind him than any otber pope from
ibe foundation of tbe see of Rome to tbe present penod.
Tkiese ooasist of twelve bac^s of ^' l^etters," amounting to
lifMrards of eigbt buudred in number^ ^' A oonmienfe om
Ibe book of Job,'* generally k0own by tbe naviQ of ** Gre*
geory^s Morals on Job.'' <^ A PastoraV* or a. treatise oil
tbe dtuties of a pastior, This work was held in sucb vene«
f ation by tbe Galliiean cburcb^ that all tbe biahopa were
obliged, by tbe canona of that church, lo be thoroughly
aoquainted with it, aad punctually to observe the rules
eoatuiHed in it He was author also of '^ Homilies^ on tb«
prophet Ezekiel-; and on the gospels, aad of four books
ftf (' CisJogues.'^ Bis works have been printed over and
ovtti again, in almost all forma, and at a numbeir of differ
rem pbcea on ibe continent, as Lyons, Paris, Rotten,. Basils
Antwerp^ Venice, and Rome. Tbe best edition, is tbat of
Pafis> is 1705, in 4 vols, fotio.^
1 Qfn, Diet.— Bower's Hist, of the Popes.— Cave,, vol. I.— Pii|ini,— -Milacr^
^liureh History, in which Iris works «r«> jumlyzed^
262 G R E G O R Y.
GREGORY XIII. the principal event in whose life i»
the reformation he introdUiced in the Roman calendat, was
l>orn at Bologna in 15012. Hi$ name before his promotion
was Hugh Buoncompagno. He was brought up to the
study of the civil and canon law, which he taught iii his
irattve city with uncommon reputation. He was afterwards
appointed judge of the court of commerce at Bologna.
From this city he removed to Rome, where, after variouik
preferments, he was on the death of Pius V. in 1572, una-
nimously elected his successor, and at bis consecration he
took the name of Gregory XIII. His reformation of the
calendar, was according to a method suggested by Lewis
Lilio, a Cala/brian astronomer, which after his death was
presented to the pope by his brother. This method, which
was immediately adopted in all catholic countries, but was
rejected by the protestants and by the Greeks, was intended
to reform the old or Julian year, established by Julius
Csesar, which consisted of S65 days 6 hours, or 365 days
and a quartefr, that is three years of 365 days each, and
the fourth year of 366 days. But as the mean tropical
year consists only of 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 57 se^
conds, the former lost 1 1 minutes^ 3 seconds every year,
.which in the time of pope Gregory had amounted to "lO
.days, and who, by adding these 10 days, brought the ac-
count of time to its proper day again, and at the same time
appointed that every century after, a day more should b6
added, thereby making the years of the complete centu-
ries, viz. 1600, 1700, 1800^ &c. to be common years of
•365 days each, instead of leap-years of 366 days, which
makes the mean Gregorian ye£lr equal to 365 days 5 hours
.45 minutes 36 seconds. This computation was not intro-
cluced into the account of time in England, till 1752, when
the Julian account had lost 11 days, and therefore the 3d
of September, was in that year by act of parliament ac^
counted the 14th, thereby restoring the 1 1 <lays which had
thus been omitted.
In 1584 Gregoiy incurred the suspicion^ although some
think without foundation, of having encouraged the assas*
sination of Elizabeth queen of England, by Parr,, an Eng«
lish <;atholic, who was detected in a conspiracy against the
queen's life. This pope contributed greatly to correct and
amend Gratian's decretals, which he enriched with learned
DOtes. He died of a quinsey, in the eighty-fourth yeay of
Usage, and the l4thof his pontificate, in 1566. Several
of his '* Letters,'* << Harangues," &c, are said to be in' ex*
GREGORY (Nazianzen), was born A. D. 324, at Azl-
anzum, an obscure village belonging to Nazianzuao, . a
town of the second Cappadocia, situated in a poor, barren,
and unhealthy country. His parents were persons of rank,
and no less eminent for their virtues : his father, whose
name was also Gregory, had been educated in a religion
called Hypsistarianism *, to which, being the religion of hit
ancestors, he was a bigot in his younger years ; and the
{deserting it not only lost him the liindness of his friends,
jbut estranged him from his mother, and deprived him of
bis estate. This, however, he bore with great cbearfuU
Jiess for the sake of Christianity, to which be was converted
byhis wife, though not without the help of an emphatical
diceam ; be was afterwards made bishop of Nazianzum,
being the second who sat in that ch^ir, where he behaved
with great prudence and diligence. Nor was our author's
mother less eminent; descended of a pious family, she
was herself, for piety,. so much the wonder of her age, that
Ibis son was said to have been the pure effect of bet
prayers, and of a vow to devote him to God, after the ex-*
ample of Hannah : and upon his birth she was careful to
perform her vow.
Thus advantageously born, he proved a child of preg-^
nant parts ; by which, and the advantage of a domestic
institution under his parents, he soon outstript his contem-
poraries in learning. Nature had formed him of a grave
and serious tempier, so that bis studies were not obstructed
by the little sports and pleasures of youth. After some
time, he travelled abroad for his farther improvement ; in
which rout, the first step be took was to Csesarea, and having
riBed the learning of that university, be travelled to Ca^sarea
Philippi in Palestine, where soipe of the most celebrated
masters of tliat age resided, and where Eusebius then sat
bishop. Here he studied under the famous orator Tbespa-
sias, and bad among pther fellow<-pupils, Euzoius, afterwards
* This wai a kind of Samaritan abstinence from some kind of meats,
mixture, made of Judaism and Pagan- but disowned circumcision. They
iuQ, or rather some select rites of each, pretended to worship no other deitjr
With the Gentiles, they did honour to but the almighty, supreme, and most
hre and burning lighu, but rejected high God; whence they assumed
ideU and sacriieet; with the J«ws, their character'istic aboTe-mentioned,
tbey ebserred the nbbaUi* and a strict v^itlot, signifying The Most Hi^k.
A Moreri.-«>Dvpiu.— Bower.
114 a R E G O R V,
1^ Arian bishop of that place. He it|l]^Ited htflnsbiif pi^v
tlculariy to rhetoric, minding t^e elegance, not the iranity
and affectation, which then too much disgraced that pror
feBsion. Hence he removed to Aieicandrid', who^ schooU
were famous nest to those of Athens, which he designe4
^r his last stage ; and therefore went ahoard a ship be*'
longing to £gina, an Island not far from Athens, the )iia«-
yiners of which were bis familiar acquaintance ; but it being
about the middle of November, a season for rough weather,
they were taken with a storm in the road near Cyprus; an4
the case was become desperate, when suddenly the tem^
jpest, it was affirmed, ceased by the prayers of Gregory.
Thu^ miraculously preserved, he arrived safe at Athens^
where he was joyfully entertained, his great abilities ren*
dering him the admiration both of the scholars and profesr
aers. Here he commenced a friendship with St. Basil, tb«
great companion of his life; here too he became acquainted
with Julian, afterward9 emperor and apostate, ao even^
which he remarkably foretold, althoegb at tbi^t time JuV
lian bad given no ground for suspicion.
After the departure of his friend, Nazianzen was prer
Tailed upon by the students to undertake the professor'flf
place of rhetoric, and he sat in that chair with great ap?
piauee for a little while ; but being now thirty years of age»
and mi:)ph solicited by his parents to return botne, he com<«
j)Iied, taking his journey by lend tb Constantinople. Here
he met his brother CsBsarius, just then arrived from Alex«
andi'ia, so accomplished in all the polite learning of thaf
age, and especially in physic, which he had made his par<«
tieular study, that he had not been there long before be
had public honours decreed him, matches proposed iVoi^
noble families, the dignity of a senator offered him, sind a
^mmittee appointed to wait upon the emperor, to tntreal
him, that though the city at that tinle wanted no leamec!!
men in any faculty, yet this might be added to all its otliev
glory, to have Cesariu^ for its physician and inhabitant
But Nazianzen's influence prevailed against all thesa
temptations ; and the two brothers returned honie together,
to the great joy of their aged parents,
Nazians^en ocxw thougl^t it timp to fulfil s^ vow whiph blS
had made during the storm aboye-mentioaed, to oonse*'
cnite himself to God by baptism. Afterwards he was or*
cfattiuMl a presbyter by his father, who soon had occasion
to ayaii himself of his assistance. Gregory, the father,
G R E G 0 R 7. t€B
#iii(in^ 8«Wrft} of the eastern bishops, had reoeiveiJi a creed
i^ompoeied by a convention at Constantinople, in the jear
^9Sf in which the word consubstantial being laid aside,
ihat-article was expressed thus : ^^that the Son was in all
things like the Father, according to the Scriptures.** In
consequence, the monks of Cappadocia, in denying him
communion, were foliowe<l by a great part of the' people.
Nazi^n^en, therefore, zealously endeavoured to make up
4his breach. He first convinced his father of the error,
•ivhich he found him as ready to recant, and give public
satisfaction to the people ; then he dealt with the other
p^ty, whom he soon prevailed with to be reconciled ; and,
pb bind all with a lasting cement, he made on this occasion
bis first oration, ** Concerning Peace.'*
. Julian had now ascended the throne ; and in order to
^oppress Christianity, published a law, prohibiting Chris-
tians not only to teach, but to be taught the books and
learning of the Gentiles. The defeat of this design, next
U> the two ApoUinarii in Syria, was chiefly owing to Na-
^ianzen, who upon this ocpasion composed a considerable
p^rt qf Jhis poems, comprehending all sorts of divine, grave,
arid serious subjects, in all kinds of poetry; by which
paeans the Christian yoi^th of those times were completely
funiisbed, and found no want of those heathen authors
ifaat were taken from them. Julian afterwards coming to
Csosarea) ip the roM to his Persian expedition, one part
pf the ^my was quartered at Nazianzum, where the com^
mander peremptorily required the church (which the elder
Gregory had not long since built) to be delivered to him.
JBut the old m^n stoutly opposed him, daily assembling the
people to public prayers, who were so affected with the
common cause, that the officer was forced to retire for his
ewp safety. : Jiihan being slain not long after, Nazianzen
published, two ipvective orations against him, which are at
onee remarkable proofs of hi^ wit and eloquence, but which
qualities were mixed with %o,o much virulence and acri*
mony. '
Haying by Julianas death obtained some^ respite from
pnblie concerns, he amade a visit to his friend Basil,
who. was then in monastic solitude upon a mountain in
iVuMto^, whither he had often solicited Naeianzen*s com*
pany. The Utter was naturally inclined to such a course
oi life, and always looked upon his entering into orders as
m kipd of force an4 tyranny pqt upon him, wbieh he coal4
bardly digest ; yet he knew not bow to desert bis parei^
But his brother Csesarius being now returned frosd coart,
where he bad heen for some years^ with a purpose to fix in
his possession, at home, gave him an opportunity to in«
dulge his inclination. He accordingly retired to his old
companion, with whom in bis solitary recess be reqoained
several years, passing the time in watching, fasting, and
alt the several acts of mortification. He waa thus employed
when the necessity of affairs at home obliged bim to quit
his retirement. His father laboured under the infirmities
of age, and being no longer able to attend his charge, pi^e*
vailed with bim to come home ; he retorned accordingly
about Easter, and published a large apologetic in excuse
of his flight, which bad been much censured. He bad
not long entered upon his charge of assistant to his father,
when the family had the misfortune to lose his brother
Csesarius, who departed this life October 11, 358. Somie
time after, died of a malignant fever, his sister Gorgonia^
whose funeral-sermon be preached ; as he did also that
of his father, the aged bishop of Nas^ianzumy who died not
long after, uear one hundred years old, having been for ty-*
five years bishop of that place. In the conclufiion of tbif
latter oration he addressed himself to his mother Norma,
to support her mind under so great a loss, consolations
which were proper and seasonable : for she, being. tbuB
deprived of her affectionate partner, and being nearly of
equal years to her husband, expired, as may probably be
conjectured, soon after.
By these breaches in the family, Nazianzen was suf-
ficiently weaned from the place of his nativity ; and, though
he was not able to procure a successor to his father, he
resolved to throw up his charge, and accordingly retired to
Seleucia, famous for the temple of St« ThercU, the virgin*
martyr ; where, in a monastery of devout virgins dedicated
to that saint, he continued a long time, and did not return
till the death of St. Basil, whom he deeply regretted be
could not attend at his last hours, being himself confined
by sickness. About this cinae be was summoned to ^coun*
cil at Antioch, holdea anno 378, « to consider the em-^
peror's late edict for tolerating the catholics, in ordef to
suppress Arianism ; and, being ordered by the council to
;^x himself for that purpose at Constantinople, be preaeatlj
repaired thither. Here be found the catholic interest at
the lowest ebb : the Ariansi favoured by Yalens, bad posf*
'•esfied themselves of all the churches, and proceeded to
ftiich extremities that scarcely any of the orthodox dsured
AVOW their faith. He first preached in his lodgings to
those that repaired thither, and the congregation soon
growing numerous, the house was immediately consecrated
by Nasianssen, under the name of the church of Anastasia,
or the resurrection ; because the catholic faith, which in
'.that city bad been hitherto oppressed, here seemed to
have its retMirreetion. The opposition to his measures but
increased bis feme, together with the number of his au-
ditors, and even drew admirers and followers from foreign
parts ; among whom St. Jerom, lately ordained presbyter,
caoie on purpose to put himself under his tutelage and
jdiscipUna; im honour in which Jerom glories on every oc-
casion* As the catholics grew more considerable, they
xshose him for their bishop, and the choice was confirmed
by Meletus of Antioch, and Peter who succeeded Athana-
«ius at Alexandria; but be was opposed by the Arians,
-who consecrating Maximus, a famous cynic philosopher
and Christian, gave him a great deal of trouble. The
Arian bishop, however, was at length forced to retire, and
:his successor Demophilus was deposed by the einperbr
Theodosius, who directed an edict to the people of Coni-
stantinople, February 27, 380, re*establishing the ortho-
>dox faith; and afterward coming thither in person, h^
treated Nazian^eu with all possible kindness and respect,
atid appointed a day for his instalment in the see.
But this ceremony was deferred for the present at his
own request; and falling sick soon after, he was visited by
crowds of his friends, who all departed when they had
made their compliments, ex<:ept a young man with a
pale look, long hair, in squalid and tattered cloaths, who,
standing at the bed's feet, made all the dumb signs of
the bitterest sorrow and lamentation. Nazianzen, start-
ing, asked him, '^ Who he was, whence he came, and
what he wanted ?" To which he returned no answer,
but expressed so much the more passion and resent-
ment, howling, wringing his hands, and beating his breast
in such a manner that the bishop himself was moved to
teaiv. Being at length forced aside by one who stood
by, he told the bishop, ^^ This, sir, is the assassin, whom
tome had suborned to murder you ; but his conscience has
^molested him, and he is here> come ingenuously to confess
bis fault, and to beg your pardon.'* The bishop repliedi
»as Q E E G O R y.
y Friendy God Almighty be propiuoqs to you, bU gmciooi
preservation of me obligQ^ me freely to forgive you ; tbr
desperate attempt you designed has made you mine^ nor
do I r^uire any other reparation^ than that bencefortb yov
desert your party, and sincerely give vp yourself to God."
Theodosius being highly solicitors abouit the peace of the
churchi summoned a council to meet at Constantinople in
May anno 3^43. This is called the seoopd general council^
in which the Nicene Creed w^s ratified ; audi because the
article concerning the Holy Ghost was but. barely ineiir
tioned, which was become one qf the principal QontrOf
irersies of the age, and for the determination pf whidb the
council had been chiefly summoned, the fathers now drew
up an explanator}^ creed, composed, as it iai»id> by Grer
gory of Nyssen, and is the same which in our litjjrgy ia
called the Nicene Creed. The see of Constantinople waa
ulso now placed nea^t in precedence to ib^ of IWme. Ouir
ftutbor carried a great sway in tbat council, where aU
things went on smoothly, till at last they fell into disturi*
b^pces on the following occasion.
There had been a schism for some time in tbe..ehurQb ef
Antioch, occasioned by the ordination of two bishops to
that see ; and one of those^ named Melitus, happening to
die before the end of the council, Na^ianzen proposed tia
continue the other, named Paulinus, then grown old, for
bis life. But a^ strong party being mafle for one Fl^vianusb
presbyter of the church, these last carried it ; aed, not
content with that, resolved to deprive their grand, opp^ser
of his se^t at Constantinople. To prevent this he made>
formal resignation to the emperor, ^nd went to his paternal
estate at Na^ianzum, resolving never to epiacopise any
more; insomuch, that though, at bis* return, be.foiiQdtbe
see of N^zianzum still vacant, and over^run with.the heresy
of Apollinarius, yet he pertinaciously resisted all io,trealies
that were made to take that cbfurge upon him* And,, whett
be was summoned to the re-s^sembUng of thie couucil tbe
following year, he refused to give bis attendance, and even
did not stick to ceu^ure all such qteetillgs as factious, %iid
governed by pride wA f^mbition. I|i tbe ivieao timo» tft
defence of his conduct, he wrote letters tQ the lUwan pnr^
torian pr^efect, and the consul ; assuring tbemn ^^al, 'though
he had withdrawn himself from public afikirs, it wtia pel, aa
some im^ginedi Arom any discontent for tbe losa ol tht
great place he h^d quitted { and that he WQiild ftot^ibiwiiditji
q^ R £ G O R Y. Mf
U^tt 600)0100 intek-^iU of religion ; that his retireineoi wtit
ann^ter of choice more thaii necetsiiy, in n^hich he took
at great pleasure as a man that has been tossed in a long
atorxD at sea does in . a safe and quiet harbour. And^ in*"
dtf^dy being now freed from all external cares, he entirely
gave himself ap to solitude and contenaplauon, and the
exercise of a strict and devout life. At vacant hours be
cefresbed the weariness of his old age with poetry^ which
be generally employed upon divine subjects, attd serious
reflections upon the former passages of his life ; an ae*
couat of which he drew up in iambics^ whence no incon*
sideyable part of his memoir is derived. Thus be passed
the remainder of his days till his death in the year 3S9«
He made a will, by wbicbi except a few legacies to some
relations, lie bequeathed his whole estate to the poof of
the diocese of Naaiaazum. In this spirit, daring the three
years that he. enjoyed the. rich bishopric of Constantioople»
be never .touched any part of the revenues, but gave it alt
to the poor, to wliom he was extremely liberal.
. He- was one of the ablest champions of the orthodox faith
cioiicerning the Trinity, whence he had the title given hint
of i,dsi>(n!^f ^^ The: Divine/' by unanimous consent. His
mav^X and religious qUalitieft were attended with tiie natural
graces of a sublime wit, subtle apprehension, clear judg-^
ment) and easy, and ready elocution, which were all set off
vdiik as great a stock of huodan learning as the schools of
the £asii, as Alexandria, or Athens itself, was able to afford.
AH these excellences are seeu in his works, of which we
have the following character by Erasmus ; who, after bav<*
log enriphed the western church with many editions of the
anueien^ Catbera^ confesses^ that he was altogether discou*'
raged from attempting the translation of NazLanzen, by
the acumen arid smartness of his style, the grandeur and
sisbUmity of his matter, and those somewhat obscure allu«»
aions that sure frequently interspersed among his writings*
Upoa the whole, Erasmus doubts not to affirm, that, as he
lived .in the most learned age-of the church, so he was the
beat scholar of that age* His works consist of sermons,
letters, and poems, tbe latter evidently imbued with ge^
Aitti, and have been printed in Greek and Latin, Paris,
IM9 and 1^11,2 vols. fol. with notes by the learned abbo«
4e Billi, who was also author of tbe Latin translation. Thie
edition is more esteemed than tbe new one of 1630. There
»10 GUtGOnt,
are some poems by St. Gregory in ^^ Tollii insignia idtteM
rarii lialici,'* Utrecht, 1696, 4to, never printed before. *
GREGORY (Nyssen), was the younger brother of St*
Basil, and had an equal care taken of bis education, being
brought up in all the polite and fashionable modes of leartir*
ing; but, applying himself particularly to rhetoric, he
valued himself more upon being accounted an orator than
^ Christian. On the admonition of his friend Gregory
Naziauzen he quitted those studies ; and, betaking him**
self to solitude and a monastic disciplinei he turned his
attention wholly to the holy scriptures, and the contro-
yersies of the age ; so that be became as eminent in the
knowledge of these as^ he had before been in the course of
more pleasant studies. Thus qualified for the highest dig**
nity in the church, he was placed in the see of Nyssa, »
city on< the borders of Cappadocia. The exact time of his
promotion is not known, though it is certain he was bishop
in the year 371. He proved in this station a stout cham-*
pioQ for the Nieene faith, aDd so vigorously opposed the
Arian party, that he was 6oou after banished by the em-
peror Valens ; and, in a synod held at Nyssa by the bishop
of Pontus and Galatia, was deposed, and met with very
hard usage. He was hurried from place to place, heavily
fined, and exposed to the rage and petulance of the pb«
pulace, which fell heavier upon him, as he was both un^
used to trouble, and unapt to bear it. In this condition
be remained for seven or eight years, during which, how-
ever, he went about countermining the stratagems of the
Arians, and strengthening those in the orthodox faith ; and
in the council of Antioch in the year 378, he was» among
others, delegated to visit the eastern churches lately ha-
rassed by the Arian persecution.
, He went not long after to Arabia; and, having dis-
patched the affairs of the Arabian churches, be proceeded
to Jerusalem, having engaged to confer with the bisht^s of
those parts, and to assist in their reformation. Upon his-
arrival, finding the place overrun with vice, schism, and
faction, some shunning his communion, and others setting
up altars in opposition to him, he soon grew weary of it,
and returned with a heavy heart to Antioch : and being on
this, occasion ' consulted afterwards, whether it \vas an es-
sential part of religion to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem
I Cave.— Da^in.— •Moreri.— Milner's Cburcb Hist.— Stxii OdmmiI.
i(whkh, it seems, was the opinion of the monastic discipli-
narians at th^t time), he declared himself freely in the ne«
gative. After this, he was summoned to the great council
at Constantinople, where he made no inconsiderable figure,
his advice being chiefly relied on in the most important
cases ; and particularly the composition of the creed, called
by us the Nicene creed, was committed to his care. He
ccrmposed a great many other pieces, commentaries on
different parts of the scriptures ; sermons; liyes, and let-
ters. There is a good edition' of his works by Fronton da
Due, 1615, 2 vols. fol. and another of 1638, 3 vols. fol.
more ample, but not so correct. They are, however, ia
'less estimation than the works of almost any of the fathers^.
He lived to a great age, and was alive when St. Jerom
wrote his ** Catalogue of Ecclesiastical Writers" in the year
392 ; and two years after was present at the synod of Con-
stantinople, on adjusting the controversy between Agapius
and Bagaditts, as appears by the acts of that council. He
died March 9, 396. He was a married man, and lived
with his wife Theosebia, even- after he was bishop. Gre-
gory Nazianzen, in a consolatory letter to his sister on her
death, gives her extraordinary commendations.'
GREGORY {THEODORDS)^surnamed Thaumaturgus, was
descended of parents eminent for their birth and fortune,
at Neo-Cesarea, the metropolis of Cappadocia, where he
was born. He was educated very carefully in the learning
and religion of the Gentiles by his father, who was a warm
zealot; but, losing this parent at fourteen years of age, he,
enlarging his inquiries, began by degrees to perceive the
Vanity of that religion in which he had been bred, arid
turned his inclinations to Christianity. Having laid the
necessary ground-work of his education at home, and
stiidied the law for some time, to which he bad no great
inclination, be resolved to accomplish himself by foreign
travels, to which purpose he went first to Alexandria, then
become famous by the Platonic school lately erected there.
Departing from Alexandria, he came back probably through
Greece, and staid awhile at Atb^n^.; whence returning
home, he applied himself to his old study of the law ; but
again growing weary of it, he turned to the more agreeable
speculations of philosophy.
* The fame of Origen, who at that . time bad opened a
■ ' /
. 1 Cart't Lires.of tke Fathers.— Milaec's Charch Hist. — Saxii Onomasticon,
2ii Gregory.
schdol at C«er&re», id Palestine^ ami vrho9^ retiOfrfl m
doubk was great at Alexandrk, «oon reached bis Mrs. Tqr
Ibat city therefore he betook himself, wbi^e itfeettng wkb
Fermilian, a Cappadocian gentleman, aod Hfter^ards bi^bop^
of Caraarea, in that counti^y he eooimenced H frieiidsfaiil
with him, tbefe being an rxtfaordinary sympanhy and
agreement in their tempers and studies ; aod they jointly
put themselves, together witb bis .brother AtbenodmriM^
under the tutorage of that celebrated master. Origen en^
deavoured to settle him in tbe full belief of Cbristiamtyi
of which he had some insight before, and to ground him ia
the knowledge of the holy jcriptur es, as the best sysleaa eS
true wisdom and philoso^y.
Neo^Caesarea was a large and popuknis place, but being
miserably overgrown with superstition and idolatry, Cbris^
tiaiiity had as yet scarce made its entrance .tbere» How«»
ever, our young pbilxMopbet was appointed lo be a gitid^
of souls in the place of his nativity. Pfasedinius^ bishop of
Amasia, a neighbouring city in that province, east his. eye
upon him for that purpose ; and it was thought biavela^
tion to the plaee would more endear the emp)oyfireii>t to
him. But,' upon receiving the first iniimiattofi of the. de?
sign, he shifted his quarters, gnd^ as oft as soogbt for, .0ed
from one desert to another ; so that the btshcq^ by all bis
arts and industry i^ould* not obtain inteiligeiice of him ; be
therefore constituted bim bishop of the plate in bii ab*
sencey^and bow averse soever he seemed to be befose, be
now accepted the charge, when perbapa he bad a ntkote
formal and solemn eonsecration. The proriace be entefdd
upon was difficult ; the city and neighbourhood beii^
wholly addid^rd to the worship of demons, arid there not
being above sevente^i Christians in those parts^ so that he
must find a church befone be could govern it. The couo*
try was overrun witb heresies ;^ and fatmielf, though ae^
complished sufficiently in bQQMua learnings was. allogetfaer
unexercised in theological studies and the mysteries of re^
ligion. But here again be had immediai:e asMstance frool
heaven ; for, one night, as it is related by his biographer^
Gregory of Nyssen, with the sttperstkioas. ^fmrit then pre^
Talent, while he was naussng upon tliese tthiogs^ «iid dis«
cussing matters of faith in his own mind, he had a visionjt
in which St. John the evangelist and the. blessed virgiqL ap-
peared in the chamber where he was, and discoursed be-
fore him concerning those points, tn ootiset[ueiite, after i
G R E o o a T. im
their departure, be immediately penned that canon and
jrule of faith vrbicb they bad d^atred. To this creed be
always kept himself, and bequeathed it as an inestimable
deposit to bis successors. The original, written with his
own hand, we are informed, was preserved in that church
in bis ntoie. It is cited by Dr. Waterland, as express and
eii:plicit respecting the doctrine of the Trinity* There can
be no doobt of its authenticity, although the Socinians
hare taken much pains to ,proTe the contrary.
Thus furnished, be began to apply himseif more directly
to the cbai|;e ccmimitted to him, and be was said to be en-
dowed with the power of working miracles : hence the title
of Thaumaturgus, or wonder-worker, is colistantly ascribed
ta him in the writings of the church. St. Basil assures
us, tliat upon this account the Gentiles «sed to call him a
aecbnd Moses. In thk faithful and successful government
of his flock he continued quietly till about anno 2 JO, when
lie fled from the Decian persecution ; but, as ^oon as the
storm was over, he returned to his charge, and in a general
visitation of his diocese, established in every place anni-
versary festivids asd solemnities in honotft of the martyrs
wbo had soflered in the late persecution. In the reie^ of
GaHenus, about the year 260, upon the irruption of the
Aorthera nations into the Roman empire, the Goths breaking
into Pontus, Asia, and some paru of Greece, created such
/confusion, that a neighbouring bishop of those parts wrote
to Gregory for advice what to do : our author's answer,
sent by Eupbrasymus, is called bis ^^ Canoivical Epistle,*^
still extant among his works. Not long afterwards was
convened that synod at Antioch, wherein Paul of Samosata,
bishop of the place, which he dUd not care to losei, made a
feigned recantation of bis heretical opinions. Our St. Gre-
gory was among the chief persons in this synod wbith met
«n the year 264, but did not long survive it, dying either
this or most probably the following year.
St. Ba»l says he was an evangelical man in bis whole
life. In his devotion he shewed the greatest reverence :
yea and nay, were the usual measures of bis communica-
tion. He weas also a man of uncommon meekness and hu-
mility, and a firm adherent to truth. With respect to the
miracles ascribed to him, they do not rest upon the autho-
rity of his contemporaries, and are more num^erous and
extraordinary than ^ili now be readily credited. His works
we^e printed in Greek and Latin, 1626, folio^ and in the
f^4 c a t G o R r
library of the fathers. Gerard Vossiut ^it^d prtih«d M
edition at Mentis in I664, 4to. Many of his mttitlgs
however, are supposed to be lost* - ^ •
GREGORY of Toufs, St or frequently called Oeoroiub
FLoa£NTiDS Gregorius, an eminent bishop and writer af
the sixth century, descended from a npbie family of Ao^
▼ergne, was born about the year 544. He was edfu;i||tfll
by his uncle Gallus, bi»hop of Cle^mont,^ and beoanie so
eminent for learning «nd virtue, as to be appointed bishoip
of Toura in the year 573. He assisted at the coutieti bei4
at Paris in the year 577, respecting Pretextat, bishop xlf
Rouen, and strongly opposed the violence of some of the
members of that assembly, particularly Chilperic and Fr^
degonde. He went afterwards to visit the tomb of the
apostles at Rome, where he formed a friendship wkh St.
Gregory the Great, and died November 27, 595^ Tkk
bishop wrote a. *< History of France,** in ten booka^ ^igiit
books of <<The Miracles, or Lives of the Sainta;V ami
other works, in the library of the fathers. The bc^edii.
lion Is that by Dom Ruinart, 1699, fol. His history is^very
useful; for though the style is dry aud^cmrsey and the
author extremely aimple aad cjpedulous, yet atr iagenkMlt
critic may easily separate the truths contained ilk it frcKk
the fiilsehoods. This work has been tmnslated into Freoeh
by the abbi de Mavolles, 1668, 2 vols^ 8va* ^'^-
GREGORY of Rimini, general of the Augustinei 1357,
who died in 135B, was a celebrated scholastic dtvsine, stir-
named the Authentic Doctor, and wrote a .'^ Comtn^itaiy
on the Master of the Sentences,*' Vaientia, 1500^ foi^ ^ith
an addition, printed at Venice, 1522, fol.; *^ A Treatise
on Usury,'* and other works, Rtmtni, 1522, foL'
. GREGORY of Sc Vincent, a Flemish geometrician^ was
born at Bruges in 1584, and became a Jesuit at Rome at
twenty years of age. He studied mathematics' under the
learned Jesuit Clavius. He afterward became a reputable
fyrofessor of those sciences himself,^ and his instructions
were solicited by several princes : he was called to Prague
by the emperor Ferdinand II. ; and Philip IV. king of Spua
was desirous, of having him to teach the mathematics toiiis
SOB, the young prince John of Austria. He was not :le$s
' . -
» CaYC-^Motbeim. — ^MiJner't Cburcb Hiit — Douglas's Criteriun, p. 397.—-
9s»t] Onomast.
, • Papio.-^Momri.— Vostiat dt Hist« L«t.<««CtTC, roL I.
6 R E 0 0 R Y. f 7«
tttimable for bis virtues than his skill iii the sciences. His
lipeU*nieaRt endeavours were very commeudablei when his
holy zeal, though for a false reli^ioP) led him to fuUow the
jurmy in Flanders one conipaign^ to confess the wounded
and dying soldiersi in which he received several wounds
jiimself. He died of an apoplexy at Ghent^ in 1667, at
eighty-three years of age.
Asa writer, Gregory of St Vincent was very diffuse and
voluminous, but he was an excellent geometrician^ He
fiublisbed, in Latin, three mathematical works, the prin*
cipal of which was his ^^ Opus Geometricum Quadraturas
iSirculi, et Sectiooum Coni,*^ Antwerp, 1647, 2 vols, folio.
^Idioogh he has not demonstrated, in this work, the' qua*
drature of the circle, as he pretends to have done, the
book nevertheless contains a great number of truths and
^portaiit discoveries ; one of which is this, viz. that if one
a^mptote of an hyperbola be divided into parts in geome?
incal prog^ression, and from the points of division orditiates
be-drawn parallel to the other asymptote, they vjrill divide
the space between the asymptote and curve into equal por«
liona; from whence it was shewn by Mersenne, that, by
iaking the continual sums of those parts, there would be
ejbcained areas in arithmetical progression, adapted to ab«
f eissea in geometrical progpressioo, and which therefore
were analogous, to a system of logarithms. '
GREGORY (James), the first, of an emment family of
learned men in Scotland, was the son of the Rev. Mr. John
{Gregory, minister of Drumoak in the county of Aberdeen,
aiid was born at Aberdeen in November 1638. His mother
was a daughter of Mr. David Anderson of Finzaugb, or
Finshaugh, a gentleman who possessed a singular turn for
mathematical and mechanical knowledge. This mathema-
lical genius was hereditary in the family of the Andersons^
fuid from them it seems to have been transmitted to their
descendants of the names of Gregory, Reid, &c. Alexr
ander Anderson, cousin -german of the said David, wa^
professor of mathematics at Paris in the beginning of
the seventeenth century, and published there several va-
luable and ingenious; works; as may be seen in our vol. IL
The mother of James Gregory inherited the genius of her
family ; and observing in her son, while yet a child, a
strong propensity to mathematics, she instructed him her-
1 lloreri.— Hutton't OicUoasi^.
T 2
i7» O R E G O H Y.
ilelf in the elements of that science. His edueattcm in iim
languages be received at the gramniar»6chool of Aberdeeoi
lind went through the usual course of academical studies at
Marischal college, but was chiefly delighted with pbilosa*
phical researches, into which a new door bad been lately
opened by the key of the' mathematics. Galileo, Kepler^
and Des Cartes were the great masters of this new method;
their works, therefore, Gregory made his principal study,
tind began early to make improvements upon their disco*^
Teries in optics. The first of these improvements was th^
invention of the reflecting telescope, which^still bears hit
name; and which was so happy a thought, that it bas
given occasion to the niost considerable improyemifents
made in optics, since the invention .of the telescope. Ha
published the construction of this instrument in bis ^^ Optica
jpromota,^' 1663, at the age of twenty-four. This disco*
very soon attracted the attention of the matbematiciansi
both of our own and foreign countries^ who immediately
perceived its great importance to the sciences. Sut the
manner of placing the two specula upon the same axis ap«
t^ >earing to Newton to be attended with the disadvantage of
osing the central rays of the iai^er speculum, he proposed
an improvement on the instrument, by giving an oblique
jposition to the smaller speculum, and placing the oj'e^glast
in the side of the tube. It is observable, however, that
the Newtonian construction of that instrument was long
abandoned for .the original or Gregorian, which is now
always used when the instrument is of a moderate sijce^
though Herschel has preferred the Newtonian form for the
conistruction of those immense telescopes which he has of
late so successfully employed in observing the heavens.
About 1664 or 1665, coming to London, he became ac«
auainted with Mr. John Collins, who recommended him to
le best optic glass-grinders there, in order to have bis
telescope executed. But as this could not be done for
want of skill in the artists to grind a plate of metal for the
object speculum into a true parabolic concave^ which the
design required, he was much discouraged; and after a
few imperfect trials made with an ill-polished spherical dQe,
which did not succeed to his wish, be dropped the pursuit,
and resolved to make the tour of Italy, then the mart of
Mathematical learning, in the view of prosecuting bis &•*
Tourite study with greater advantage.
He had not been long abroad when tlie same inventive
G R I G O K Y« t77
g^enids, tvht<$h Kad before Aewo itself in practical mslhe^
itiatict, Carried him to some new improvements m the spe«<
culative part. The ftublime geometry on the doctrine of
curves was then hardly passed its infant state, and the
femed problem of squaring the circle stiil continued a re-
proach to it ; when our author discovered a new analytical
method of summing up an infinity converging series, by
which the area of the hyperbola,- as well as the circle,'may
be computed to any degree of exactness. He was then at
Padua ; and getting a few copies of his invention printed
there in 1667 under the title ^^ Vera Circuli et Hyperbola
Quaclratura/' he sent one to his friend. Mr. Collins, wh6
communicated it to the royal society^ where it met with
the commendation of lord Brounker and Dr. Wallis. He
teprinted it dt Venice, and published it the following year,
1668, together with another piece entitled '^ Geometric
pars universalis, inserviensquantitatum curvarum transmu*
tationi et mensurfis," isi which he is allowed to have shewn,
for the first time, a method for the transmutation of curves.
These works engaged the notice, and procured the author
the correspondenee of the greatest matbemati<fian8 of the
age, Newton, Huygens, Wallis, and others. An account
of this piece was also read by Mr. Collins before the royal
society, of which Gregory, being returned from, his travels,
was chosen a member, admitted the 1 4th of January: this
year, and communicated to them an account of the contro*
versy in Italy ^bout the motion of the earth, which waa
dented by Riccioli and bis followers.
The same year, hir quadrature of the circle being at*
tacked by Mr* Hnygens, a controversy arose between those
two eminent mathematicians, in which our aUthot pro«
doced some improvements of his series. But in this dis^
pute it happened, as it generally does in most others, that
the antagonists, though setting out with decent temper,
yet grew too much heated in the combat. This was the
case here, especially on the side of Gregory, whose de^
fence was, at his own request, inserted in the *^ Philoso*
phical Transactions;^' but Leibnitz, who allows Gregorf
the highest merit for his genius and discoveries, is of opi*
nion, that Huysens has pointed out, though not errors,
sonde considerable deficiencies in the treatise above-men-^
tiofled, and has shewn a rnnch simpler method of attaining
the same end. Gregory also received from Mr« GoUine,
about this time, an account of the series inreoted by sk
97* GEE GO R Y.
Iiatfc Newton ; who th tbat bad actually elfedted wbat'ovf
muthor was stiffly contending against Huygent to be utterly
impossible : that is, the ratio of tbe diameter of a circum-'
ference, expressed in a series of simple terms, indepetidenl
of each otber, and entirely freed froni the magic vinottluixi
of sards, in which they had till then been tndissoiubly held*
In 16j68 our author published at London another werk^
entitled ^f Exercitationes Geometricie," which contributed
still much farther to extend his reputation. About thi4
time he was elected professor of mathematics in the iini?er4
sity of St. Andrew's, an office which he held for six years.
During bis residence ^there he married, in 1669» Mary,
the daughter of George Jamesoo^ thie celebrated painter^
whom Mr. Walpde has termed the Vandyke of Soot^
)and, mid wl|o was fellow discij^e with that great artist
in the schoof of Rubens at Antwerp. His fame piaoed btqi
in so great esleem with the royal academy ^t Pftris, tbat|
in the beginning of 1671, it was resTolved by t\^% aca<»
demy to recommend htm to their grand monarch fpr J|
pensidn ; and tbe ^design was approved even by Mr. Hay?
gens, though he said he had reason to think himself ink^
properly treated by Mr. Gregory, on account of the gon-r
trorersy between them. Accordingly, several members of
that academy wrote to Mr. Oldenburg, desiring him to ae»
quaint the council tf tbe royal society with their proposal i
iqforining him likewise, that the king of France wa« willing
to allow pensions to one or two learned Engltshmeui whom
they should recommend. Biit no answer was ever made
to t)iat proposal ; and our author, with respect to this par*
tieular, looked ppon it as nothing qiore than a compliment,
In 1678 he published ^* The great and new art of weigh*
jng Vanity : or a discovery of tbe ignorance and arrogance
of the gi^at and new atrtist, in bis pseudo-philosophical
vfrifings. By M. Patrick Mathers, arch^bedal to the um«
Tersity of St. Andrew's. To which are annexed some ten-»
tamina de naotu penduli et projectorum.'^ Under this
assumed name, our author wrote this little piece to expose
tbe ignorance of Mr. Sinclare, professor at Glasgow, in
his bydrostatioa^l writings, and in return for some ill-usage
of that author to a colleague of Mr. Gregory's. In the
same year, sir Isaac Newton^ on his wonderful discoveries
ill thp nature of light, having contrived a new refliecting
leliefcopey and made several objections to Mr. Gregory^'S,
thisgave birth tp i^ duipute between thqse two pbUMoph^n;^
GREG O R Yv 2»
vilmlibiiqtt, ooatniued during that and the following year^ in
ibeiDoscaaiii^le manner on each side; Mr. Gregory de«
li^adiag bis Qivn construction so far, as to gi\'e his anta-^
gowist the whole honour of having made the catoptric te«^
ktspopes preferable to the dioptric ; and shewing, that the|hese ii^truments were not so much owing
^jk defect in the object^speculum as to the diflPereut re-
^aogthiJity of the rays of light. lii the course of this dis*
po^y oAir author described a . burning concave mirror^
whieh was approved by sir Isaac, and is still in good
esteem. Several letters that passed iu this dispute ar4s
priiited by Dr. Uesaguliers, in an appendix to the English
edition of Dr. David Gregory^s ^^ Elemeau of Catoptrica
and . Dioptrics.^' AU ibis .while he attended the proper
{Misijness of his professorship with great diligencoi which
^ing up the greatest part of his time, especially in the
jfioiter season^ interrupted him in th^ pursuit of his propet
s|iidies» These, however, led him to &rtber improvementi
jfft the iaveotion of infuute series, which be occasionaUyi
comiDunicated to his intimate frieod and correspondent
Mr. Collins. In 1674 Mr. Gregory was .called to Edia*
burgh, to fill the chair of mathematics in that.ttniversity«
This place he liad held but little more, than a yeap, when,
ia October 1675, being employed in shewing the satellites
of Jupiiter through a telescope to some of his pupils, . he
^sy| suddenly struck with total blindness, and. died a few
daysjtfter, to. the great loss of the mathematical world, at
only thirty-seven years of age.
. The most shining part of Gregory^s character is that of
his. mathematical genius as an inventor* In this view, par«
iicalarly, he merits a place in these memoirs } aodthere^
fore we /shall conclude this article, with .a list of the tnpsl
leaiarkableof his inventions. His reflecting telescope ; bumir
ing concave mirror; bis quadrature of the circle, by an infi-
oi4^ converging series ; and his method for transformation of
eurvesy have been already mentioned. Besides these, h%
was the first who g^ve a geometrical deinonstration.of lord
Brounker's series for squaring the hyperbola, aa it had
been explained by Mercator in his *^ Logarithraotechnia.**
He was likewise the first >yho demonstrated the meridian
line to be analogous to ^> scale of logarithmic tangents, of
the half compliment of latitude*. He also invented and
' * yh\% intention it of great us* in inYeqlor of'lhe deiqonitratioa of it mf%
aavrf ation $ S«l bit just mtrit i»9 Ctie aficrwarcltsMertcdli/Or.HstlejiWhi^
aftO G.KEO O R Y.
demonstrated geometrioally, by the help of the bypeibbia,
a very simple converging series for making the iogartthmSf
and therefore recommended by Dr. Halley as very proper
for practice. He also sent to Mr. Collins the solution of
the famous Keplerian problem by an infinite series. He
found out a method of drawing tangents to curves geo-»
metrically, without any previous calculations. He gave a
rule for the direct and inverse method of tangents, which
Stands upon the same principle (of exhaustions) with that
of 'fluxions, and differs not much from it in the manner of
applicatipn. He likewise gave a series for the length of
the arc of a circle from the tangent, and vice versa; a*
also for the secant and logarithmic tangent and secant, and
vice versa. These, with others, for certifying, or measor*
ing the length of the elliptic and hyperbolic curves, were
sent to Mr. Collins, in return for some received from htm
of sir Isaac Newton^s ; and their elegance being admirable,
and .above whatever he had produced before, and after the
manner of air Isaac, gave room to think he had improved
himself greatly by that master, whose example be foUowedi
in delivering his series in simple terqns, independent on
each other.
We are assured, that at his death he was in pursuit of a
general method of quadrature, by infinite series, like that
of sir Isaac. This appeared by his papers, which came
into the hands of his nephew, Dr. David Gregory, who
published several of them ; and he himself assured Mr.
Collins, be bad found out the method of making sir Isaac's
series; who thiereupon concluded he must have written a
treatise upon it. This encouraged Mr. Stewart, professor
of mathematics in Aberdeen, to take the trouble of- exa*
mioing his papers, then in the hands of Dr. David Gre«
gory, the late dean of Christ church, Oxford ; but no such
treatise could be found, nor any traces of it, and the same
had been declared before by Dr. David Gregory ; whence
it happens, that it is still unknown what his method was of
making those serieses.. However, Mr. Stewart affirms,
that, in turning oyer his papers, be saw several curioi^
however, at the same time obsenrcs. Curios, vol. If. 1727. The truth i%
that it wair performed, not without a Gompiieation, tediousness, and intri*
IcMig train ef eonseqneneet, and com- caoy, were fanlti compiatned of in all
l^licatioQS ef nroportioni, whereby the bis seriett before be had learned to ifli«
evidence ef the demoostration was in a prove them by a sight of those of sir
freat measure lost, and the reader Isaac Newtoo. Comm/^rCi EpistoL No*
wearied before he attains it. Miscel. 53.
onei irpoif particalar subjects, not jet printed. On the
contrary, some letters which he saw confirmed Dr. David
Gregory^s remark, and made it evident, that our author had
never compiled any treatise, containing the foundations o(
this general method, a very shoit time before his death ;
so that all that can be known about his method can only be
collected from his letters, published in the short history of
his *^ Mathematical Discoveries,** compiled by Mr. Collins^
and his letters to that gentleman in the ^^ Comtnercium Epi*
stolicum." From these it appears,, that, in the beginning of
1670, when Mr. Collins sent him sir Isaac Newton's series
' for squaring the circular zone, it was then so much above
every thing he comprehended in this way, that after hav-
ing endeavoured in vain, by comparing it with several of
fais own, and combining them together, to discover the
m^hod of it, he concluded it to be no legitimate series ;
till, being assured of his mistake by his friend, be went
again to work, and after almost a whole year's indefatiga-
ble pains, as be acknowledges, he discovered, at last, that
It might be deduced frdfil one of bis Own, upon the subject
of the logarithms, m wtfieb he had given a' method .for
finding the power to any given logarithm, or of turning
the root of any pure power into ^n infinite series^ and in
the same manner, viz. by comparing and combininig his
own series together, or else by dediiction therefrom, he fell
upon several more of sir Isaac's, as well as others like them^
in which he became daily more ready by continual prac*
tice ; and this seems to have been the utmost he ever
actually attained to, in the progress towards the discover*
ing Any universal method for those series.^
GREGORY (David), elder brother of the preceding,
was born in 1627 or 1628, and although he possessed all
the genius of the other branches of his family, was edii*
cated by bis father ifor trade, and served an apprenticeship
CO a mercantile house in Holland. Having a stronger pas*
ston, however, for knowledge than for money, he aban*
doned trade in 1655, and returning to his own country, he
succeeded, upon the death of an elder brother, to the estate
of Kinardie, situated about forty miles north of Aberdeen^
where he lived many years, and where thirty«two children
were born to him by two wives. Of these, three sons made
^ Bm^. Brit — ^Hutton's Oici.-«-M«vtiii*8 Biog. PkUmk— Pre&et to Dr. Joha
Gregory's Works, &l]t, 1788, 4 tols. 12mo.
a conspicuous figure in the republic of letters, hetng aH
professors of matheoiatics at the same time in three of the
British universities^ viz. David at Oxford,. James at Edin^
'burghy and Charles at St Andrew's*
Mr. Gregory^ the subject of this memoir, while he lived
at Kinardie, was a jest among the neighbouring gentlemea
for his ignorance of what was dpipg about his pyrn farni^
but an oracle in matters of learning pnd philosophy, and
particularly in medicine, which he had studied for his
amusement, and began to practise among his poor oei'gh-
hours. He acquired «uch a reputation in that science,
that he was employed by the nobility and gentjemeu of
that county, but took no fees. His hours of study. were
singular. Being much occupied through the day with
those who applied to him as a physician, he went early to
bed, rose about two or thr;ee in the morning, and, after
upplying to his studies for some hours, went to bed^agaiu^
and slept an hour or two before breakfatt. He was thi^
first man in that country who had a barometer; and bav^
ing paid great attention to the changes in it, and the cor**
responding cbaAges in the weather, he was once in danger
of being tried by the presbytery for witchcraft or conjura-
tion. A deputation of that body waited upon him to an<»
quire iuto^ the ground of certain reports that had come to
jtlieirears; but, affording them ample satisfaction, a prose«
putio^i was prevented,
. About the beginning of the last century, he removed
with his family to Aberdeen, and 19 the time of queen
Anne's wars employed his thoughts upon an improvement
in artillery, in order to make the shot of great guns more
destructive to the enemy, and executed a model of the
engine he had contrived. The late Di*- Reid, in his adr
ditions to the lives of the Gregorys, published in Hutton*s
dictionary, informs us that he conversed with a clock-
maker at Aberdeen, who had been eipployed in making this
model ;. but having made many different pieces by direction
without knowing their intention, or how they were to be
put together, he could give x\o account of the whole. After
making some ei^periments with this model, which satisfied
him, Mr, Gregory was so s^qgpine in the hope of being
useful to the allies in the war against France, that he set
about preparing a field equipage with a view to make a
tampaign in Inlanders, and in the mean time sent his model
to his son the Savilian professor, the subject of our next
ftrtiele, that he might have hiS| and sir Isaac Newton's opi«
hion of it. His son shewed it to Newton without letting
hiai know that his own father was the inventor of it. Sir
Isaac was much displeased with it, saying, that if it had
tended as much to the preservation of mankind, as to their
destruction, the inventor would have deserved a great re-
ward : but, as it was contrived solely for destruction, and
would soon be known by the enemy, he rather deserved
to be punished, and urged the professor very strongly to
destroy it, and if possible, to suppress the invention. It
is probable the professor followed this advice, as he died
'soon after, and the model was never found. Sir Isaac's
f^ljection, however, appears rather to be fastidious, and
might apply with equal force to any improvement in rous*
keis, Sec. or to gunpowder itself.-^Wheh the rebellion
broke ^ out in 1715, Mr. Gregory went a second time to
Holland, and returned when it was over to Aberdeen,
where he died about 1720, aged liinety-three, leaving be-
hind him a history of his own time and country, which was
never published. One of hisidaughters was mother to the
late celebrated Dr. Thomas Reid of Glasgow, by whointhe
above particulars were first communicated.'
GREGORY (David), son of the preceding, and nephew
to the inventor of the reflecting telescope, was born June
24, 1661, at Aberdeen; where be also received the first
grounds of bis learning, but was afterwards removed to
Kdinburgb, and took his degree of M* A. in that university,
l^he great advantage of his uncle^spapers induced his friends
to recommend the mathematics to him ; and he had a natu«»
ral subtilty of genius particularly fitted for that studj', to
which he applied with indqlatigable industry, and suc-
ceeded so well that he was advanced to the mathematical
chair, at Edinburgh, at the age of twenty-three. The
same year he published a treatise, entitled *< Exercitatio
Geometrica de dimensione figurariim,^' Edinb. 1684, 4to^
in which assuming the doctrine of indivisibility, and the
arithmetic of infinites, as already known, he explained a
method which not only suited his nucleus examples, left by
him without any way of finding them, but discovered others^
by which an infinite number of curve-lines^ and the areas
contained between thpiu and righ^ lines (such as ho other
itoethod then known extended to) might be measured. He
> Htttton'tf Pick.— Oleig's $applemeut to the Eoeypl, Brit«nDica-.
bad already seen some hints in bis und^^s papers 'conc($m#
ing sir Isaac Newton's method, of which he made the best
use he could * ; and the advantage he found thereby raised
an ardent desire in him Xo see that method puhlished.
Under this impatient expectation, the ** Principia'^ was ho
sooner out in 1€S7, bnt our author took it in band, and
presently made himself so much master of it as to be able
to read his professorial lectures upon the philosophy con**
tained in it, and, causing his scholars to perform their ex**
ercises for their degrees upon several branches of it, be^
eaihe its first introducer into the schools.
. .He continued at Edinburgh till 1691, when, bearing of
Dr. Bernard's intention to resign the Savilian professorship
of astronomy at Oxford, he left Scotland, and, coming to
London, was admitted a member of the royal society : and
paid bis addresses to sir Isaac Newton, who took the first
opportunity of recommending him to Mr. Flamstead (masf
ter of the mathematical school in Christ's- hospital, Lon*
don), with a letter, recommending his mathematical merit
,ebove all exception in these terms : ** Sir, it is almost a
fortnight since I intended, with Mr« Paget and another
friend or two, to have given you a visit at Greenwich ; but
sending to the Temple coffee-house, I understood you had
not been in London for two or three weeks before, wbioh
maide me think you were retired to your living for a time.
The bearer hereof, Mr. Gregory, mathematic professor <tf
Edinburgh coll<^e, in Scotbmd, intended to have given
you a visit with us. You will find him a very ingenious
person, and a good mathematician, worth your acquaint*"
ance.'* In proceeding, be mentions our author as a fit
person, in case of Mr. Flamstead's death, to carry on his
astronomical views. Thus recommended, the royal astro«-
Bomer used his best interest to procure him success at Ox»-
ford, where he was elected astronomy-professor this year,
bavine been .first admitted of Baliol college, and incorpo*
rated M. A. February 8, and he was created M. D. on the
* In his Latin <* Treatise of PracU-
tal Geometry," there is a series of
Jiis vncle's, vbieh be reeeoBmeods for
jH)uaring die circle>'thimigh it eonfevf ••
so slow, as to be otteHy of no use in
pr»etiee» without some farther artifice'.
This is obserred by Mr. Maclaiirtn,
who published an English translation of
it in 1745,8¥0, with additions, and the
second edition vat printed tt Edin*
burgb, 1751, 8vo. However, Mr. Mao*
laiirin*s remark shews our author's «^in
in infinite series to be eery iai|>erftfot»
at the time of reading those leetores,
from which the tract waa compiled
after his death ; and Mr. Celes. of Caw-
bridge, spohe alighUy of bit abilities hi
that doctrine. Gen. Diet. fol. IV, p^
G R E G O R T.
19th of the •atne month, but he had no relUh for the tech*
nical part of hia profession, and was seldom seen in the
abserratory. His genius lay more to geometry, and in
that way he succeeded very well, both in his elements of
optics*, and of physical and geometrical astronomy. This
last is reckoned his master-piece ; and, having finished it
in 1702, folio, he immediately engaged in carrying on the
noble Resign of his predecessor, Dr. Bernard, to print all
the works of the ancient mathematicians, the first-fruits of
which appeared in an edition of Euclid's works in Greek
and Latin, folio, the following year. In the same design
he afterwards joined with his colleague. Dr. Halley, in. pre-
paring an edition of '^ Apollonius's Conies f * Dr. Bernard
had left materials for the four first books, which our author
undertook to complete, but was prevented by his deaths
which happened October 10, 1708. He died at the Grey-
hound-inn, at Maidenhead, in Berkshire, in his way from
London to Bath. His disorder was a consumption. He
was interred at Maidenhead, but there is a handsome
marble monument erected to his memory in St. Mary*s
church at Oxford, by his wife.
• Our professor's genius lay chiefly in inventing new and
elegant demonstrations of the discoveries made by others^
He gave the first demonstration of that curve, which is well
known since by the name of catenaria, or the curve that is
formed by a chain fastened at each end ; and first disco*
vered, that thi?* curve iuverted gave the form of a true and
legitimate arch, all the parts supporting each otherf* There
are several other papers of his in the *^ Philosophical Trans-
actions," vols. XVIII. XIX. XXI. XXIV. and XXV. He
left also in MS. " A short treatise of the nature and aritb*
metic of Logarithms," which is printed at the end of Keill*^
translation of Commandine's Euclid ; and the <' Treatise of
Practical Geometry" menUoned in the note, as published
by Mr. Madaurin. .His explication of sir Isaac Newton's
. * It »«« published in 1^95, in La-
tio, entitled ** CatoptricB & Dioptrics
Spherics Eleraenta, Ox<».^Bro, and
vat codBiMled from' hw leotttKi* read
at fidinhursh in 1684. In H he g^ivet
the preference to lir Isaac Newton's
rafleeclng telescope^ above thatofhli
fade James Oregory. It was much
fsteemed for the neatness and easiness
tf the demonstrations ; and a seoond
edition ir' fiofiish came ovt in 1703,
by Dr. Browne ; and a third in 1*735,
by Dr. Desa|:uliers, who added an ap-
pendix, containinif the history of tlio
two reAootins tolesoopet, with theU
seTeral improvements at that time.
t This is printed in the Phil. Trans.
No. Sdl. He obsarrtts, that arches af
all othar fotms, in stone* bfick. and ihe
1ilce» are only supported by incladim
jomecatenary curve, within the breadth
of their farming stones.
i$e O R E G O R r.
method, to construct the orbit of a comet by three. ncoci^tM
observations, is commended by Dr. Halley. Oar author wa«
a most ioiimate and confidential friend of sir 'Isaac, and
was intrusted with a manuscript copy of the ^' Principia,**
for the purpose of making obsenri^ions on it. Of these
Newton availed himself in the second edition, they having
come too late for his first publication, which wa? exceed-
ingly h«rried by Dr. Halley, lest Newton's backwardness
might not let it appear at all. There is a complete copy
of these observations preserved in the library of the vni-
vemty of Edinburgh, presented to it by Dr. James Gre^-.
gory, the present professor of the practice of medicine*
These contain many sublime matlinematical discussions^
many valuable commentaries on the ** Principia,*' and
many interesting anecdotes. There are in it some para^
graphs in the band-writing of Huygens relative to his
theory of light.
Dr. David Gregory married, in 1695, Elizabeth, the
daughter of Mr. Oliphant of Langtown in Scotland. By
this lady he bad four sons, of whom, the eldest, Davip,
was elected, from Westminster school in 1714» student of
Christ church, Oxford ; became rector of Semly in Wilt*
shire; was installed canon of Christ church, June 8, }7S6|
and dean, May 18, 1756. He was appointed the first pro^
fessor of modern history and languages on the foundation
of that professorship by George I. prolocutor of the lower
house of convocation, and master of Sherbuni hospital^
near Durham. He died and was interred in Christ church
cathedral, 1767, in the seventy-first year of his age, in the
same grave with his wife Mary (Grey), who died in 176^.
When Dr. David Gregory, the Savilian professor, quitted
Edinburgh, he was succeeded in the professorship at that
university by his brother Jam£S, likewise an eminent ma-
thematician ; who held that office for tbirty-three ye&rs^
and, retiring in 1725, wss succeeded by the celebrated
Maclaurin. A daughter of this professor James Gregory,
IT young lady of great beauty and accomplishments, was
the victim of ah unfortunate attachment, that furnished the
subject of Mallet^s welUknown ballad of ^* William imd
Margaret." Another brother, Charles, was created prcM
fessor of mathematics at St. Andrew^s by queen Anne, in
1707. This office he held with reputation and ability for
thirty^two years; and^ resigning in 1739, was succeeded
G RE G O It T. 4t9
hfhu 9on^ who eminently inherited the tttentt of hiii fa^
mily, and died in 1763.*
GREGORY (John), professor of medicine in the oni*
Tersity of Edinburgh, was born at Aberdeen in 1724. He
was the third son of James Gregory, M. D. professor of
medicine in King's college, Aberdeen, by Anne, daughteir
of the rev. George Chalmers, principal of King^s college
there. His grandfather was David Gregory of Kinardie,
and his grand-uncle the James Gregory, whose life we
have first given, the inventor of the reflecting telc^scope.
Though the father of Dr. John Gregory died when he wai
very young, his education was carefully superintended, and
be made a rapid progress in his studies, and like the rest
of bis ancestors became deeply versed in mathematical
knowledge. He also cultivated an elegant and just taste,
(dearoess and beauty of expression, with precision of
judgment, and extensive knowledge. He was the early*,
iatimate, and constant friend and associate of Drs. Grerard,
Beattie, and the other eminent men. who belonged to the
university of Aberdeen. In 1742, he went to Edinburgh
to prosecute the study of medicine, and thence to Leydeii
in 1745, and to Paris in 1746, for further improvement;
On his return lie was appointed professor of philosophy in
King's college, Aberdeen, and had at the same time the
degree of M. D. conferred upon him. He held this pro^
fessofship for a few years. In 1754, he went to London,
frberehe cultivated the acquaintance, and fixed the esteem
atid friendship of some of the most distinguished literati
|bere. Edward Montague, esq. an eminent matheniatician^
iQaintaiued a firm friendship for the doctor, founded on a
similarity of manners and studies. His lady the celebrated
Mrs. Montague, and George lord Lyttelton, were of the
number of his friends; and it is not improbable that he
would have continued in London, and practised there in
bis profession, if the death of bis brother Dr. James Gre-*
gory, professor of physic in King's college, Aberdeen, in
1756, had niot occasioned his being recalled to his native
university to fill that chair. His occupations in physic now
began; to be active ; be gave a course of lectures in physic^
aad practised in his profession^ with great success. ' In the
* Biof . Brit.— »Hutton't I^iCtionary.— Gleig's Supplemeot to the Eneyclop,
Britari.— -Letters by Eminent Persout> 1S13, 3 rols 8?o, by which we have
heen enabled to eprrect the date of Dr. Gregory *»<leatb|' giren erfontouily by
all his biographer*. . ... >
,SW G K £ O O K T.
Above-meDtioncd year, while at London, he was elected e
fellow of the royal seciety. In 1766, on the death of Dr.
Robert Wbytt, the ingenious professor of the theofy of
physic at Edinburgb| Dr. Gregory was called to succeed
him, as his majesty's first physician in Scotland ; and about
the same time he was chosen to fill the chair of professor of
the practice of physic, which was. jast resigned by Dn
Rutherford. Dr. Gregory gave three successive courses of
.practical lectures. Afterwards by agreement with his in*
genious colleague, Dr. Cullen, they lectured alternate ses-
sions, on the practice and institutions of medicine, with
just and universal approbation, till the time of Dr. Gre-
gory's death. j
The doctor having attained the first dignities of his pro-
fession in bis native country, and the most important me^
dical station in the University, far from relaxing firom that
attention to the duties of his profession which had raised
bim, endeavoured to merit the rank he lield in it, and in
the public esteem, by still greater exertions of labour and
assiduity. It was during this time of business and occupa*
tion, that he prepared and publbbed his practical Syllabus
for the use of students, ifrhich, if it bad been finished,
would have proved a very useful book of practice ; and
likewise, those admired ^* Lectures on the Dutte^ Office^
and Studies of a Physician.^'
Dr. Gregory, for many years before his death, fek the
approach of disease, and apprehended, from an hereditary
and cruel gout, the premature death, which indeed too
soon put a period to his life and usefulness. In this anSEious
expectatioa, he had prepared ^' A Father's Legacy to his
Daughters.'' But for some days, and even that preceding
his death, he had been as well as usual ; at midnight, he
w%9^ left in good spirits by Dr. Johnstone, late physician in
Worcester, at that time his clinicid clerk; yet at nine
o'clock in the morning of the 10th of February, 1773, be
was found dead in his bed.
Pr. Gregory was taU in person, and remarkable for the
sweetness of his disposition and oountenance, as wdl as for
the ease and openness of his maimers. He was an univer-
sal and (elegant scholar, an experienced, learned, sagadou%
and humane physician — a professor, who had the happy
talent of interesting his pupils, and of directing their at-
tention to sttl^jects of importance, and of explaining diffi-
culties with simplicity and clearness. He- entered with
groM mnmh into the interests and conduct of his heare^^
and gave such as. deserved it every encooragement and as«
sistaace ia bis power : open^ frank, soKcia!, and'tindisgaised
in his life aad manners, sincere in his friendships, a ten«-
der husband and father : and an unaifected> cheerful^ can-
did^ benevolent man.
Dr. Gregory married in 1752, Elizabeth, daughter of
William lord Forbes-: he lost this amiable lady in 1761 :
she left the doctor three sons and three daughters. HiA
eldest son, James Gregory, M. D. now professor of medi-
cine in £dinborgh, is likely to perpetuate the honours of
this learned family, which has given sixteen professors to
British universities.
Dr. Gregory published : 1. ** Comparative View of the
state and faculties of Man with those of the Animal World,**
8vo, This work was first read to a private literary society
at Aberdeen, and without the most distant view to publica-
tion. Many bints are thrown out in it oii subjects of con-
sequence, with less formality, and more freedom, than if
pnbUcation bad been originally intended. The author put
bis -name to the second edition of this work ; many additions
are 4I90 joined to it; and it is dedicated tb George lord
Lyttelton, who always professed a high esteem for thist
author and his writings. This work, indeed, if the author
bad left no other, must convince every one, that, as a man
of science, he possessed extensive knowledge, exquisite
taste and judgment, and great liberality of mind. 2. " Ob-
servations on the duties and oflBices of a Physician, and oft
the method of prosecuting inquiries in Philosophy," 177O',
9vo, published by one who heard the professor deliver them
in lectures ; but they were acknowledged, and republished
in a more correct form, by the author^ in the same yean
3. ^^ Elements of the practice of Physic for the use of
Students,** 1772, republished 1774, and intended as a text
hook, to be illustrated by his lectures on the practice of
physic ; but be died before he had finished it, and before
he had finished the first course of lectures which he gave
on that text.
The doctor's death happened while he was lecturing^ oh
the pleurisy.-— His son, Dr. James Gregory, finished that
course of lectures, to thd general satisfaction of the uni-
Veisity ; and published in 1774, a small tract of his father's,
entitled << A father's Legacy to bis Daughters ;** which
was written solely for their use (about eight years before
Vol. XVI. U
150 G fl t dr O R T.
the author died) ii^ith the tei^derest aflPeetioii, and deepest
concern for their happiness. This work evinces great
kndwiedge of huaaafii nature, and of the worlds and mani'-
fests such jtoUcitude for their welfare as strongly recoai-
mends the advice which he gives. In 1788,^ all his works
were published together in 4 vols* 8?o, with a life of hixxt^
nelif and an accotint of his fainilj.'
GREGORY (Johk)» a learned divine of a different fa^
mily from the preceding, was born November lOy 1607, at
Agmondesham^ in Bttckinghamshire. There appeared in
his infancy such a strong inclination to learning, as reccmi-
mended him to the notice of some persons of the best rank
in the town ; and, his parents being well respected for their
piety and honesty, it was resolved to give him a liberal
education at the university, the ezpence of which they
were not able to support. To thi» purpose^ he was chosen
at the age of fifteen, by Dr. Crooke, to go with sir William
Drake to Christ church, in Oxford, whom he attended in
the station of a servitor, and be was soon after retained by
sir Robert Crook in the same capacity ; Dr. George Mor*-
ley, afterwards bishop of Winchester, was their tutor. Mr.
Gregory made the best use of this favour, and applied
8o closely to his studies, for several years at the rate
of sixteen hours each day, that he became almost a pro*
digy for learning. He took his first degree in arts in 1628,
and commenced master in 1631 ; about which time, enter*
ing into orders, the dean, Dr. Brian Duppa, gave him
a chaplain's place in that cathedral. In 1634, he published
a second edition of sir Thomas Ridley's ^^ View of the Civil
and Ecclesiastical Law," 4to, with notes ; which was weU
received, and afforded the world eminent proofs of his ex«
tensive knowledge ; the notes shewing him well versed in
historical, ecclesiastical, ritual, and oriental learning, and
a considerable master of the Saxon, French, Italian, Spa-
nish, and all the eastern languages. All these acquisitiona
were the pure fruit of his own industry ; for he had no as*
iistance, except for the Hebrew tongue, in which Mr. Joha
Dod, the decalogist, gave him some directions, during on«
vacation that he resided with him near Banbury. Hia me-
rit engaged the farther kindness of Dr. Duppa; and, when
that prelate was promoted to the bishopric of Chichett^
in 1638, he made Mr. Gregory his domestic chaplain^ Md
I Life prefixed t* his YfotkM^^^mi m tbe Mandietter Umoin^ 1786.
O R E O O R T. f91
'teme time after gave him a prebend in that church. His
^patron also continued his favours after his translation td the
see of Salisbury in 1641, when he seated him in a stall -of
that cathedraL
But he did not enjoy the benefit of these' preferments
long : being a firm loyalist, as well as his patron, he was
deprived of both by the tyranny of the usurpers, and was
reduced some years before his death to great distress. In
these circumstances, he was taken into the bouse, of one
Sutton, to whose son he had been tutor ; this was an ob*
scure ale-house on Kiddington-green, near Oxford^ where
he died March 13, 1.646, of an heredkary gout, with which
be had been troubled for above twenty years, and which
at last seized his stomach. His corpse was carried to Ox-
ford, and interred, at the expence of some friends, in that
cathedral. He was honoured with the acquaintance and
favour of the greatest men of the age, and held a corre-
spondence with several eminent persons abroad, as well
Jews and Jesuits, as others. His works are, ^' Notes. and
Observations oh some passages of Scripture,^' published a
little before his death in 1646, 4to, and besides being re-
printed four times in the same form, were translated into
Lalin^ and inserted in the ** Critici Sacri.^' • His posthu-
mous works were published by his friend Mr. John Gur-
gany, B. D. of Merton college, in a quarto volume, entitled
«<Gregorii Posthuma," 1650, 1664, 1671, and 1683. This
volume contains, I. *^A Discourse of the LXX Interpreters;
the place and manner of their interpretation." II. ** A
Discourse declaring what time the Nicene Creed began to
be sung in the Church." III. ^^ A Sermon upon the Re-
surrection, from 1 Cor. xv. verse 20." IV. " Koiiw JaJry®-,
or, a Disproof of him in the third of St. Luke, verse 36.?
V. '* Episcopus Puerorum in die Innocentium.^' YI. *^ De
Mtis & Epochis, shewing the several accounts of time
among all nations from the creation to the present age.'f
VII. ^^ The Assyrian Monarchy, being a description of its
* rise and fall." VIII. ^* The description and use of the
: Terrestrial Globe." Besides these, he wrote a tract en^
titled ** Alkibla," in which he endeavoured to vindicate the
. antiquity of worshiping towards the East. There is a
manuscript of his entitled ^^ Obseirvationes in Ip^a qusedam
;l excerpta ex Johannis MalelsB chronographia," in the pub-
lic library at Oxford ; and he intended to have published a
l4ttin translation of that author with annotations. He
u 3
traislaftefl Mke^int^trota Greeds ititc^ latin, 1. ^^Palladitis de
Gc»tib«M Iniim A BraebmanibiM ;'* 2. << S. Ambrosiiis de
Moribiis BracbmannoFum 9^' S. '^ Anonymus de Braeh-^
manibus t^* wbich translations came after his deatb into
die bands of Mr. Edmund Cbilmead^ cbaplaki of Cbrist
chnrcby Oxfofd, and then into those of Edward Byshe, esq;
who publiflbed tbetn in bis own name at London, 1665, 4tOv
I GREGORY (Gboroe), D. D. a divine and miscella*
iieous writer, was descended from a family, originally from
SeotUnd, but a branch of wbich was settled in Ireland^
His father, w&o had been educated in Trinity college,
Dublin, held, at the time of his son^s birth, the living of
£dernin, and' a prebend in the cacbedral of Ferns. Pr<
Gregory was born April 14, 1754, and after bis father's
death io 1766, was removed to Liverpool, where his mo-
ther fixed her residence. He passed some time under thd
tuition of an excellent schoolmaster of the name of Holden,
Iby whom be was much distinguished for his proficiency ia
learning. As it was his mother^s desire that bcf should be
brought up to commerce, be spent some years in mer-?
eantile employments ; but a taste fbr literature, which con-^
tinned to be his ruling propensity, produced a final deter-
mination in favour of a learned profession. Although the
regular process of education for this purpose had been in-
terrupted, tbe intervening variety of pursuit and observa^
tion proved the foundation of a great store of information
relative to the arts and sciences, to commerce, 'manufac-
tures, and political institutions, that was very useful in his
subsequent compilations. When his destination was fixed,
be passed an interval of study at the university of Edin-
burgb, and in 1776 entered into holy orders. He first ofli-
ciated as a curate at Liverpool, where he distinguished
himself as a preacher, and wrote some occasional pieces in
the periodical journals and magazines, particularly against
the slave trade, which he had the spirit to attack in tbe
principal seat of that traffic. In 1782 he removed to Lon-«
don, and obtained the curacy of St. Giles's Cripplegate> in
which parish he became very popular, both in that capa-
city and afterwards as their morning preacher. His t>ther
London preferments, if they toay be so called, were the
curacy and lectureship of St. Botolph's, the lectureship of
1 Life prefixed to hi* PosUmmoat Worki.— Gen. Diet— Biog. Brit Sttppl^
musaX.-^AOu Ox. foL II.— Uojd'i Memoir*, folioi p. 86.— FuUer^i WoiUuci.
6 b:e G O B Y. in
St. L^ke%:QBe <>{the weekly lectureships of St Aiitholin*s.
^nd a small, prebend jq St. Paul's, which he relinquished
fQr the rectory o£ Stafdeford in Hertfordshire. He was
also spme. time one of the evening. preachers at the E'ound^
ling hospital. . In 1804 he was presented by Mr. Adding-^
ton, now ;lord Sidmouth^ to the valuable living of West
Ham in Essex, where in a little .tinie the powers of his
Gonstitutiopy, although apparently a strong one, suddenly
gave way, and he died, after a short confinement, March
12, 1808.
. The. greater part of Dr. Gregory's time, after his arrival/
in London, was spent in literary employment, rand princi«
pally in compilations that were successful and useful* He
was tb^ first who, about 1762-3, suggested a. series efex^
tracts from eminent authors, which were published by the late
i/Lr, Kearsley of Fliaet-stve^ under the name of -^^ Beau-
tiiss," and Md a very .extensive sale. He afterwards pub^
lished an original work, entitled ** Essays historical and
iDonU/* nSSf 8vo, which introduced him very favourably
to the notice of the ;public, and Ieacbed^a second edition
in 178S. This was followed by, l.A translation of Lowtfa'a
Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews, 17S7.** 2..
*« Church History," 1788, and 1795, 2 vols. 3. *Mife rf
Chattertpn," 1766, 8vo, inserted afterwards in the <* BiO*
graphia Britannica," for which it was originally intended.
4. " Sermons," 1769. 5. A translation of Telemachus, or
rather a reWsal of Hawkesworth^s translation, 1796, 4 to.
C. " The Economy of Nature," 3 vols. 8vo. 7. <« A Dio-
tionary of Arts and Sciences," 1 806, 2 vols. 4to. To some
of these it is supposed he contributed little more than his
Dame; but the number of works which he compiled with-
put bis name, would furnish perhaps a more numerous li^.
Among others he was many years editor of the ^^ New An-
nual Register," conducted through the whole of the French
wmx with bitter hostility to the meai^ores of the British go-
viernment. He took advantage, however, of the short in-
terval of peace, to give it a turn favourable to the then ad-
ministration, which it is said procured him the living of
West Ham. He left in the press '< Letters on Natural aiM
Experimental Philosophy," and a ^' Series of Letters to
}iis Son,"' which have since been published.^
GRENADA (Lewis de), a celebrated Dominican in the
sixteenth century, one of the greatest masters of what
1 Athensum^ vol. III.—GeDt, Mas* ▼ol. LXXVIII*
ft9^ 6R E N A da:
Roman catholics call the spiritaal life, was born in 1504, at'
Grenada. He was educated in the house of the marquis
de Mondejar, and acquired great reputation by his piety^
preaching, and writings. The kings of Portugal and Cas-
tile had a particular esteem for him, and would have raised
him to the highest ecclesiastical dignities, but he per-
sisted in refusing their offers. He died December 31^
1588. His works have been translated into French by
Mr. Girard, in 2 vols, folio, and 10 vols. 8vo. They are
said to be written with uncommon eloquence of style, and
contain solid instruction. The principal are, '^ The Sin-
ner's Guide,** 1 vol. ; the ** Memorial of the Christian Life,**
with the supplement, 3 vols. ; a ** Treatise on Prayer,'* 2
vols. ; an excellent '< Catechism," 4 vols. ; the edition of
1709 is more complete than the preceding ones. ^'In-
structions for Preachers,*' 8vo, a treatise on the duties of
bishops; '< Sermons,** 6 vols. 8vo, Antwerp, 1604, in
Latin ; the Life of the Holy Priest, Avila, &c.^
GRESHAM (Sir Thomas), descended of an ancient
family distinguished by many honourable persons, which
took its name from a town so called in Norfolk, was the
younger son of sir Richard Gresham, knight, silderman,
sheriff, and lord mayor of London, an opulent mer^^hant,
and a man of great public spirit, who died in February
1548. His brother, sir John Gresham, was also an opu-
lent merchant, and had served the offices of alderman,
sheriff, and lord mayor. He died of a pestilential fever in
1556, after, among other acts of munificence, endowing the
free school of Holt in Norfolk, and bestowing the govern-
nent of it on the fishmongers* company in London. Tho-
mas, the son of the preceding sir Richard, was born in
1519 at London, and bound apprentice to a mercer -there
while he was young : but, to enlarge his mind by an edu«
cation suitable to his birth and fortune, was sent to Gains
college, then Gonvil-hall, in Cambridge; where he re-
.mained a considerable time, and made such improvements
in learning, that Gains the founder of the college s^les
him '* doctissimus mercator,** the very learned merchant
However, the profits of trade were then so great, and such
large estates had been raised by it in his own family, chat
)ie afterwards engaged in it, and was admitted a member
pf th^ Mercers* company in 1543. About this time hQ
V Diet, Hist.«^Moreri,
6 R E S R A M. 29C
ttnried Anne, fhe daughter of William Fernley, esq. of
West Creling, in Suffolk, and widow of William Reade, of
Falbam, in Middlesex, esq^ by whom he had a son named
Richard, who not long after succeeded his father in the office .
of agent to king Edward for taking up money of the mer-
chants at Antwerp, and removed to that city with his family
in 1551.
The business of his employ gave him a great deal of
trouble and much uneasiness. The usual method in which
the business of taking up money of the merchants at Ant-
werp for the king's use, had been managed, was greatly to
the prejudice of the crown of England, as well by giving a
very large interest for the money borrowed, as other in«
conveniencies, when the principal was not paid Within the
time of the contract > And as the money which was now
taken up in Mr. Gresham^s agency, was not paid at the
time agreed on, this gave him great uneasiness, his busi-
ness being then to get it prolonged, which was not to be
done without the consideration of the king's purchasing
jewels or some other commodities to a large amount, as a
consideration for prolonging the debt, besides continuing
the interest. But this way of proceeding he neither thought
for his majesty's honour nor his own credit, as his agent,
and therefore projected the following scheme to bring the
king wholly out of debt in two years — Provided the king
and council would assign him 1200^. or 1300/. a week, to
be secretly received at one man's hands, that so it might
he kept ctecret, he would so use that matter in Antwerp,
that every day he would be seen to take up in his own
name 200/. sterling by exchange, which would amount in
one year to 73,000/. and so doing it should not be per-
ceived nor give occasion to make the exchange fall. He
proposed farther, that the king should take all the lead
into his own hands, and making a staple of it, should put
out a proclamation or shut up the custom-house, that ho
iead should be conveyed out of the kingdom for five years;
by which the king might cause it to rise, and feed them at
Antwerp from time to time, as they should have need. By
which means he might keep his money within the realm,
and bring himself out of the debts which his father and the
late duke of Somerset had brought upon him. This scheme
being put into execution, had the proposed effect in dis-
charging his majesty's debts, which were very consider-
^le^ as well as in raising his majesty's credit so high
ftbroad> that be might have boirowied #hat wois he jfleased;
and| by the adrants^geous turn which by ibis m^ans was
given to the exchange in favour of England, not only the
price of all foreign commodities was greatly sunk and
abated ; but likewise gold and silver, which before had
been exported in large quantities, were mosjt pientifuDy
brought back again.
In the performance of ^h^se servic^s^ -Gr^bam often
stretched his own credit,, and kept up the eKcbanige at
his own risk, by which be frequently losit several hundred
pounds at a time; and on one particular time he iook up
50,000/. for the king's service.. In the course of thesSe
transactions, he had frequently occasion to meddle wiih
political affairs, as well as those immediately committed to
his charge, through the application of the empieror's Stis-
ter, then regent in .the Netherlands, as well as that of 'tiie
king his master ; so that be made at least forty joitrneys
from England to Antwerp during ihe remainder cif the
short reign of Edward VL These services werje so acc^-
able to the young monarch, that abcmt three weeks before
his death, be granted to Mr. preshatn, as a mark of his
favour, lOOZ. a year to him and his ^irs for evert Mr.
Gresham also obtained, in t|ie course of that reign .grants
of estates and reversions to the value of about 300/. a;year.
fie was but a young man when first employed by king Ed*
ward; and the skill and prudence ^displayed in the various
matters in which he was employed, discovered an uncom-
mon knowledge of mercantile affairs. But notwithstanding
his abilities, and the considerable services he had rendered
to the crown, he was, upon the accession of queen. Mary^
removed from his agency. This induced him to. draw up
a memorial of his services to the late king, which he sent
to a minister of state to be laid before her majesty ; and
the services represented as done, not only to the king, but
to the nation in general, by the increase both of money
and trade, and the advancement of the public credit, being
observed to be fact, be was taken soon after into the
queen^s service, and reinstated in his former employment,
its appears by the commissions given him at different times
during, that reign. After the decease of queen Mary, in
1558, he was taken immediately* into the service of queeh
Elizabeth, who employed him on her accession to provide
and buy up arms; and in 1559 she conferred on him the
bonoor of knighthood, and appointed him her agept m
G'R E S H A M. 297
Mtign paiti. In tbis stttte ctf cte&it bnfl rieputation, ht
thou^tfvrdper to prdvide himself with a mansion -^^hmise in
die city, snitable to his station attd dignity ; and with tbb
spivk built a large and sumptoous 'house for his ewn dWelU
ingy on the west-side of Bishopsgate-street, London, af^
terwards called Gresham-college, where he 'maintained an
establishment becoming bis character and station. Bai
this fiow of profiipemy received a heavy check by the lost
6£ bis only son, aged 16 years, who died in 1564, and
was buried in St Helen's church, opposite to his mansTod
At this time the merchants of London met in Lombard^
street, exposed to the open air and all the injuries of the
weather. To remedy which inconvenience, sir Thomases,
fieither during his shrievalty wrote a letter to ^ir Thomas
Audeley then lord-privy-seal, acquainting him that there
were certain houses in that street belonging to sirOeorg^
Monoux, which if purchased and pulled down, a bandslom^
exchange might be built on the ground ; he therefore de«-
sired his lordship to move his majesty, that a letter might
be sent to sir George, requiring him to srell those houses
io the mayor and commonalty of the city of London for
that purpose. The building he supposes would cost up-
wards of 2000/., 1000/. of Which he doubts not to raise
before he was out of his office : but nothing effectual was
done in it. Sir Thomas therefore took up 'his father's de-
sign, dnd improving upon his spirit, proposed that if the
citizens would give him a piece of grbund in a proper
place large enough for the purpose, he would build an
exchange at his own expence with large and covered
walks, where the merchants and traders of all sorts might
daily assemble and transact businiess at all seasons, without
interruption from the weather or impediments of any kiud.
This generous offer was gratefully accepted, and in 1566
several houses upon Cornhill and the back of it, with three
alleys, called Swan-alley, New-alley, and St. Christo-
pber'is <Llley, containing in all eighty houses, were purchased
by the citizens for more than 3532/. and sold for 478/. on
Condition of pulling them down, and carrying off the stuf£
Tbis done, the ground- plot was made plain at the charges
of the city, and possession given to sir Thomas, who wad '
Atyled " Agent to the queen's highness ;** and who, on the
7th of June, laid the first stone of the foundation ; and
Ifce^^ork was forthwith followed with such diligence, that
t98 G R E S H A M.
by Not. 1567, the same was covered with slaiei and the
abell shortly after fully finished. It is said that the tiinbec
of which this fabric was built, was first framed aod put to-
gether at Battisford, near Ipswich, in Suffolk, and dkence
1>l'ought tQ London.
The plan of this edifice was formed from the exchange
at Antwerp, being an oblong square, with a portico sup-
ported with pillars of marble, ten on the north and south
fides> and seven on the east and west ; under which stood
the shops each seven feet and a half long, audi five feet
broad, in ail 120, twenty-five on each side east and west^
^nd thirty-four half north, and thirty-five and an
half south, each of which paid sir Thomas 4L lOs, a year
upon an average. There were likewise other shopa fitted
up at first in the vaults below, but the dampness and dark-
ness rendered these so inconvenient, that the vaults were
soon let out to other uses; upon the roof stood at each
corner, upon a pedestal, a grasshopper, which was the
crest of sir Thomas's arms. This edifice was fully com-
pleted, and the shops opened in 1569; and Jan. 29, 1570,
queen Elizabeth attended by her nobility, came from Somer-
set-house thither, and caused it by a trumpet and a herald
to be proclaimed *^ The Royal Exchange.'' The story, how-
ever, of sir Thomas's having on this day reduced a costly
pearl to powder, and drank it up in a glass of wine, seems
to rest on very .slender foundation, and is very incon-
sistent with his character, who knew' how to unite the
magnificence of the nobleman with the prudence of the
In the mean time he had scarcely entered upon the exe-
cution of this noble design, when in 1566, he vrsa sent
over to Antwerp to take up the sum of 14,667/. Flemish
money, for her majesty, and prolong the time of payment
for 34,385/. more; and in December of the same year,
there was another debt of the queen's prolonged of 8532/*
Flemish. Sir Thomas, however, perceiving the disad-
vantage of borrowing money from foreigners, at an exor-
bitant iaterest, advised her majesty to take up what money
she wanted of her own merchants ; which advice, however,
was not imqnediately adopted, but in 1569 an opportunity
occurred which rendered his advice necessary. The quar-
rel which at this time took place between <|ueen Elis^abeth
and the king of Spain, obliged the English merchants to
«end th^ir effects to Hamburghi on which the duke of
iliva, goyetnor of the Netherlands, prohibited all com^
merce with England. Upon this, secretary Cecil, who was
then at the head of the exchequer, had his fears lest the
merchants would not have money enough to carry on their
trade, and the queen lest the falling off in the duties on
cloth might prevent her paying her debts abroad. Sir
'Thomas, however, when consulted, told the secretary that
in his opinion the queen needed be at no difficulty to pay
her creditors, if she saw her merchants well paid in London
their first payment, which was half of her debt to them ;
for by the time the other half should be payable, the mer-
chants would have plenty of money both here and at Ham-
Irargh* He assured him, that the commodities shipped by
•our merchants from Hamburgh were well worth 100,000/. ;
and those shipped hence with our goods thither, were
i¥orth upwards of 200,000/< so that the duty upon cloths
'(10,000/. at least) would enable the queen to discharge her
debt. As to the secretary's fears respecting the mer«
chants, sir Thomas observed that there was no foundation
.for them, considering the great vent our commodities had
at Hamburgh already, and were likely to have, and there-
fore he advised that the first payment agreed on at Ham-
burgh should above all things be provided for ; assuring
the secretary, that he knew certainly that the duke of Alva
was more troubled with the queen's great credit, and with
the vent of her commodities at Hamburgh, than he was
with any thing else, and ** quaked for fear ;'* that this was
one of the principal hindrances to the payment of the tenth
penny, then demanded by the duke for the sale of any
kind, of goods in the Netherlands ; which he believed would
be his undoing. He then renewed his advice respecting
'borrowing of her own subjects in preference to foreigners,
urging many reasons grounded on facts. When, however,
the motion of lending money to the queen was first pro-
posed among the merchants by sir Thomas, it met with
great opposition, and was negatived in the common-hall;
but upon more mature consideration afterwards several of
the merchants and aldermen lent her majesty various sums
• of money, to the value of 16,000/. for six months, at 6 per
cent, interest for that time. She gave bonds to each of
them separately for re-payment, and likewbe other accus*
tomed bonds to discharge them of the statute of usury; and
when the six months were expired, she prolonged the pay-
' went for six months more, paying the same interest, whk
900 O !R £ S H A M.
brokag&r A$ her majesty was thus: enabled to borrow
money of her own subjects, instead of foreigners^ ,aad;the
commerce with Flanders, particularly Ant werp» wf» nom
prohibited, sir Thomas's office as agent, for her majes^ n
those parts, (leased of course. . But in 1^72, to sh^w b&c
regard for him, she was pleased to. appoint him, together
with the archbishop of .Canterbury, tbe^bi^^P of*. London,
jind other persons of eminence, assistants jto the lord mayor
for the government of the city .of Loudon .dpring her iur
tended progress that summer. . This , method wfts.afterr
wards .continued on similar, occasions^ and sir Thoauus
Gresham wasjoinedin-the commission till 157S. ..
Though sir Thomas had purchased very large estates, io
several counties of England, yet he thought a country seait
near London, to which he might retire from business And
the burry of the city as often as he pleased, would be veiy
cotivenient. With this view he bought Osterleyrpark, aesir
Brentford, in Middlesex, where he built a large magni&-
cent seat within the park, which he impaled; .beipg well
wooded, and furuished with many ponds stocked witk fish
and fowl, and of great us^ for mills, as paper-^mills, oil-
mills, and corn-mills. In 1578, queen Elizabeth visited
Osterley, where sir Thomas entertained her magnificently.
On this occasion, having given it as her opinion that the
court before the house would look bettet divided mth a
wall, sir Thomas in the night sent for workmen from Lon-
don, who so speedily and so silently performed ^their task,
that before morning the wall was finished, to the great
surprize of the queen and her courtiers, one of wbon^^
however, observed, that it was no wonder that he who
could build a change should so soon change a building.
This became afterwards the property of the family of
Child, and is now that of the right hon. the earl of Jersey,
by marriage into that family.
Before Osterley was completed, sir Thomas projeefeed
and executed that noble design of converting his ntansioii-
iiouse in Bishopsgate-street into a seat for the muses, :aad
endowing it with the revenues arising from the royai ex-
change ^fter his decease. While he was meditating this
design, the university of Cambridge wrote him an elegant
-Latin letter, reminding him of a promise, as they had
l>een informed, to give them 500/. either towards building
A new college there, or repairing one already built. This
iette^^was dated A^ch 14,^ 1574-5^. and it was foUowol
G R E S H' A M. sot
by another of the 2Sth, to acquaint him with a report they
had heard, that he had promised lady Burghley both to
foand and endow a college for the profession of the seven
liberal sciences. They observe, that the only place proper
for such a design, was either London, Oxford, or Cam-
bridge ; they endeavour to dissuade him from London, lest
it sbdaid prove prejudicial to the two universities ; and
they hope he will not make choice of Oxford, since he was
himself bred at Cambridge, which might presume upon a
superior regard from him on that account. At the same
time, they wrote another letter to the lady Burghley, in
which they earnestly request that she will please to use
her interest with him, to fix upoA Cambridge for the place
of his intended college.
But these letters had not the desired eifect ; he persisted
in his resolution to settle it in his house at London ; an<l
accordingly, by an indenture dated May 20, 1575, he
made a disposition of his several manors, lands, tenements^
and hereditaments; with such limitations and restrictions^
particularly as to the royal exchange and his mansion-
house, as might best secure hfe views with regard to the
uses for which he designed them. This indenture was soon
followed by two wills, one of his goods, and the other of
bit real estates : the former &{ these bears date July 4tk
ensuing, whereby he bequeaths to his wife, whom he
makes his sole executrix, all his goods, as ready money^
plate, jewels, chains of gold, with all his stock of sheep
and other cattle if within the realm of England, and like-
wige gives several legacies to his relations and friends and
to all his servants, amounting in the whole to upwards of
2000^. besides some small annuities, 'the other will is
dated July the 5th, wherein he gives one moiety of the
royal exchange to the mayor and commonalty of London,
and the other to the Mercers company, for the salaries of
seven lecturers in divinity, law, physic, astronomy, geo-
metry, music, and rhetoric, at 50/. per annum for each,
with bis house in Bisbopsgate-street for the lecturers* re-
sidence, where the lectures were to be read. He likewise
leaves 53/. 6s. 8d. yearly for the provision of eight alms-
folks residing in the alms-houses behind his house, and
Ip/. yearly to each of the prisons in Newgate, Ludgate,
King^s-bench, the Marshalsea, and Compter in Wood-
street, and the like sum to each of the hospitals of Christ-
church, St. Bartholomew, Bedlam, Southwark, and the
S02 Q R E S H A M.
Poultry ^compter ; and 100/. yearly to provide a dinner for
tbe whole Mercers company in their hall on eveYy of their
quarter days, at 25L each dinner. By this disposition suf-
ficient care was taken that the two Corporations, to whom
the affair was trusted, should receive no damage by tbe
execution of it ; for the stated annual payments amount to
no more than 603/. 6s. Sd, and tbe yearly rents of the ex<*^
change received by sir Thomas were 740/. besides the ad-
ditional profits that must arise from time to time by fines,
which were very considerable. But the lady Anne his
wife was to enjoy both the mansion-house and the ex-
change daring her life if she survived sir Thomas, and then
they were both vested in the two corporations for the uses
declared in the will for the term of fifty years ; which limi-
tation was made on account of the statutes of mortmain^
ibat prohibited the alienation of lands or tenements to any
corporation, without licence first had from the crown. And
that space of time the testator thought sufficient for pro-
coring such licence, the doing of which he earnestly re-
commends to them without delay ; in default whereof, at
the expiration of fifty yeait, these estates were to go to^his
heirs at law.
Having thus settled his affairs so much to his own honour,
the interest of the public, and tbe regards due to his fa-
mily, he was at leisure to reap the fruits of his industry
and success. But be did not long enjoy this felicity, for
Nov. 21, 1579, coming firom the exchange to his house in
Bishopsgate-street, he suddenly fell down in bis kitchen,
became speechless, and presently died. He was buried
in his own parish church of St. HelenV His obsequies
were performed in a very solemn manner, tbe corpse being
attended by l6o poor men, and the like number of poor
women, whom he had ordered to be cloathed in black
gowns of 5s. Sd, per yard at his own expence. The charges
of the funeral amounted to 800/. His corpse was deposited
in a vault at the north-east corner of the church, which he
had before provided for himself and family, with a curious
marble tomb over it ; on the south and west sides of which are
bis own arms, and on tbe north and east the same impaled
with those of his lady. The arms of sir Thomas, together
with the City of London and Mercers company, are like-
wise painted in the glass of the east window of the church,
above tbe tomb, which stood as be left it without any in-
scription, till 1736, when the following words^ taken from
• \
G R E 3 H A M. SOS
the parish register, were cut on the stone that covers it,
hy order of the church-wardens : '^ Sir Thomas Gresham^
jknight, was buried December 15, 1579.'' By his death
aoaany large estates in several counties of England, amount<«
ing at that time to the clear yearly value of 2300/. and up-
wards, came to his lady, who survived him many years^
and continued to reside after his decease in the mansion-
house at London, in the winter, and at Osterley^park in
the summer season, at which last place she died Nov. 23,
1596, very aged. Her corpse was brought to Laadoo, and
buried in the same vault with her husband*
Mr. Ward has drawn sir Thomas's character at lai^,
and observes, that he had tl\e happiness* of a mind every
way suited to his fortune, generous and benign; ready to
perform any good actions and encourage them in . others*
He was a great friend and patron of our celebrated mas-
tyrologist John Fox. He was well acquainted with the
ancient and several modern languages ; he had a very
comprehensive knowledge of all afislrs relating to com-
merce, whether foreign or domestic; and his success was
not less, being in his time esteemed the richest commoner
in England. He transacted queen Elizabeth's mercantile^
affairs so. constantly, that he was called ** The Royal Mer-
chant,"^ and his house was sometimes appointed for the re-
ception of foreign princes upon their first arrival at London.
As no one could be more ready to perform any generous
{ actions which' might contribute to the honour of this
country, so he very well knew how to make the best use
of them for the most laudable purposes. Nor was he less
serviceable both to the queen and her ministry on other
occasions, who often consulted him, and sought his ad-
vice in matters of the greatest importance relating. to the
welfare of the government. But the most shining part of
his character appears in his public benefactions. The
royal exchange was not only a lingular ornamefit to the
city of London, and a great convenience to the merchants,
who wanted such a place to meet and transact their affairs
in,, but likewise contributed very much to the promotion of
trade, both by the number/of shops erected there, and the
much greater number of the poor, who were employed in
working for them. And the donation of his own mansion-
iiouse for a seat of learning and the liberal arts, with the
handsome provision made for the endowment and support
of it| was such an instance of a generous and public spirit
804 G R S a H A Af;
9A bas been equalled by few, and must p^rpehiate hta me«
mory with the highest esteem atid gratitude so long as any
regard to learning and virtue is preserved among us. Not
ought his charities to the p^oi^, his alms-houses/ and tii^
bteral contributions to the ten prisons and hospitals in
(.otidpn and Southwark, to be omitted. .
His public benefactions, the royal exchange, and his
mansion-house on the decease of his lady^ immediately
cattle into the hands of the two corporations, the City of
London^and* the Mercers' company, who, according to their
trust, obtained a patent from the crown, dated Feb. dr,
1614, 12 iacobi I. to botd thiem for ever upon the. terms
expt^ssed in the will of the donor/
GRESSET (John Baptwt Lewis), a French poet of
considerable emitieHCe, was born 1709, at Amiens, en-
tered among the Jesuits at 1 6, and quitted the society at
the age of 26, about the end of 1735. It was about this
lime bis << Ver Vert'' furst came out, which hists been sb
justly admired, as tbe production of a geiiius (in Rousseau^'s
judgment) *^ at oncd refined, embellished, ornamented ;**
iappearing in short, << in all its perfection.?' This great
poet considers the author as . ** displaying in his familiar
style, whatever is 'most brilliant in poetry, and every idea
with which a complete knowledge of the world could for-
nisb a man who had passed his whole life in it.'* He thought
the same of the ^' Chartreuse,'' anotiier of his productions,
but accused its author of negligence in his other pieces,
being of opinion that the familiar style did not exclude the
perfection of poetry. M. Gresset was admitted into the
French academy in 1748, and gave up poetry that he
might devote himself wholly to works of piety, and died
June 16, 1777, at Amiens, after having received letters of
nobility, and been appointed historiographer of the order
of St. Lazore., He married in 1751, mademoiselle Gal-
land, daughter of a merchant of Amiens, but had no
children. Besides the pieces above-mentioned, he wrote
« Le Lutria vivant;" « Les Ombres;" « Epistles;'^
** Odes ;" a poetical translation of Virgil's Eclogues ;
** Edward III." a tragedy ; " Sidney," and " Le Mechant,'*
comedies ; the latter of ' which is deservedly admired.
They have all been collected in 1748, 9 vols. 12mb. Two
little poems in the style of " Ver Vert" were found among
1 Biof. Brit— 'Ward*! Gicsham Aofctson,— Liodge's lUvitcatioMi Tal.L '
G R £ S S E T» > S0«
his papen, one entitled ** Le Gassetin ;*' Ibe other^ ^ Le
Parfain Magnifique/' but not the two cantos which be bad
added to the Ver Vert. This last poem has been versified
in English by Gilbert Cooper, and by Dr. Geddes.'
GRETS£R (James), a learned German, was bom at
Marcdorf about 1561, and entered among the society of
Jesuits at the age of seventeen. When he bad finished his
stadi^ss, be was appointed a professor at Ingolstad, where he
spent twenty-four years, teaching philosophy, morality, and
schools-divinity, employments which did not hinder him from
composing an unusual number of books. The catalogue of
them, as given by Niceron, consists of near 153 articles;
which, he tells us, were copied by him from the proposals,
published in 1753, for printing an edition of all Gretser*s
works at Ratisbon, in 17 vols, folio. His great erudition
Was equalled by bis modesty, and we are told he could not
bear to be commended. The inhabitants of Marcdorf
were desirous of having his picture ; but when iqform^ of
the earnest application they had made to his superiors for
that purpose, he expressed bis diagrin, and told them,
diat if they wanted his picture, they need but draw that
of an ass. Still, however, to shew their regard, and in a
way more acceptable to him, they purchased all his works,
and devoted them to the use of the public He died at
Ingolstad, in 1635. He spent his whole life in writing
' against foreign and English protestant authors (See Tho*
MAS Jam£S), and in defending the order to which be be^
longed. Some authors have bestowed very great enco«i
miuras upon biro, but others think his works only compila^
tions of materials that may be useful to writers of more
judgment. They were printed according to the proposads
above-mentioned, at Ratisbon, 1739, 17 vols, folio.'
GREVILLE (FULK or Foulk), lord Brooke, an inge*
nious writer, was the eldest son of sir Fulk Greyille, of
Beauchamp-court (at Alcaster) in Warwickshire, and' bora
there in 1554. It is conjectured, that he was educated at
the school in Shrewsbury ; whence he was removed to
Cambridge, and admitted a fellow-commoner at. Trinity «
college ; and some time after, making a visit to Oxfordy
he became a member of that university, but of what col-
lege is not certain. Having completed his academical^
1 Diet. Hiit— Eloge by Baaiy.
« Dapin.— Geo. Dict,-*-Moren.^NicerDD, rol. XXVIQ.*-^^! OaomiisU
Vol. XVI. X
S06 G R £ V I L L E.
studies, he travelled abroad to finish his education ^ ami
upon bis return, being well accomplished, was introduced
Co the court of queen Elizabeth by hi» uncle Robert Gre«
ville, where he was esteemed a most ingenious person, and
particularly favoured by the lovers of arts and sciences*
He was soon nominated to some benefictal employment
in the court of marches of Wales by hi» kinsman, sir
Henry Sidney, then lord-president of that court and prin*
Our author was not then above twenty*two years of age^
so that this post may be esteemed an honourable attestatioa
of his merit. But the nature of it did not please him ; bi»
ambition prompted him to another course of life. He had
already made- some advances in the queen^s favour, had
attained a competent familiarity with the modern languages,
and some expertness in the martial exercises of those
times ; these were qualifications for a foreign employmen^:^
whiob was more agreeable to the activity of his temp^r^
and promised a quicker access to some of the first posts^lr
the state. In reality he was so eager to advance his for-*
tune in this line, that to gratify bis desire, he ventured
to incur his royal mistress's displeasure, and made sevc^ral
attempts in it, not only with, but even without her ma-
jesty's consent. Out of maiiy of these we have an account
of the few following from. his own. pen. . First, .when. the
two mighty armies of Don John and the duke Casimire
were to meet in . the Lowrcountries, .he , applied and. ok*
tained her majesty's leave tinder her own hand, to go thi*
ther ; but after his horses with all other preparations were
shipped at Dover, the queen (who always discouraged
these excursions) sent her messenger, sir Edward Dyer,
with her mandate to stop him. He was so much vexed at
this disappointment, that afterwards, when secretary Wal<5
singbam was sent ambassador in 1578, to treat with those^
two princes, an opportunity of seeing an affair in which so
much Christian blood and so many Christian empires were
concerned, was so tempting, that he resolved not to risque
a denial, and therefore stole away without leave, and went
over with the secretary incog. The consequence was,
that at his return the queen forbade him her presence for
«iany months. To the same ambition ma^alspbe referred
his engagen^ent with sir Philip Sidney to accompany sir
Francis Drake in his last expedition but one to the West^
Indies iii 1515, itx which they were both' frustrated by th«
same authority.
G R E V I L L £. 907
Again, when the earl of Leicester was sent general of
her majesty's forces the same year, and had given Mr.
Grevilie the command of one hundred horse^ *' Then I,'^
to use his own words, ** giving my humour over to good
order, yet found that neither the intercession of this gran-- ,
dee, seconded with my own humble suit, and many other
honourable friends of mine, could prevail against the con-
stant course of this excellent lady (the queen) with her
servants, so as I was forced to tarry behind, and for this tm*
' portunity of mine to change my course, and seem to press
nothing before my $ervice about her ; this princess of go-
vernment as well as kingdoms made me live in her court a
spectacle of disfavour too long as I conceived/'
During his excursions abroad, his royal mistress granted
bim the reversion of two of the best offices in the court. of
the marches of Wales, one of which falling to him in 1580^
4ie met with some difficulties about the profits. In this
.^ontest he experienced the friendship of sir Philip Sidney,
^ivho by a letter written to his father's secretary, Mr. Moly-
neux, April 10, 1581, prevailed on him not to oppose his
cousin Greville's title in any part or construction of his
patents ; and a letter of sir Francis Walsingham to the
president, the next day, April 11, put a^ end to the op-^
; position that had been made from another quarter. This
office appears to be clerk of the sigtiet to the council o£
Wales, which is said to have brought him in yearly above
2000/. arising chiefly from the processes which went out of
that court, ail of which are made out by that officer. He
was also constituted secretary for South and North Wales
by the queen's letters patent, bearing date April 25, 1583.
In the midst of these civil employments he made a con-*
spicaous figure when the French ambassadors, accompanied
by great numbers of their nobility, were in England a se-«
cond time to treat of the queen's marriage with the duke
of Anjou,in 1581. Tilts and tournaments were the courtly
entertainments^ in those days ; and they were performed in
the most magnificent manner on this occasion by two noble-
' men, beside sir Philip Sidney and Fulk Grevilie, who with
die rest behaved so bravely as to win the reputation of a
most gallant knight. In 1586 these two friends were se-
parated by the unfortunate death of the former, who be^
queathed to his dear friend one moiety of his books. ,
In 1558 Mr. Grevilie attended his kinsman, the earl
' oi EiseXy to Oxford^ iin4 among other persons in that
X 2
favourite^s train was created M. A. April 1 1, that year. In
1558 he was accused to the lords of the council^ by a cer-
tificate of several gentlemen borderers upon Farickwood in
Warwickshire^ of having made waste there to the value of
14,000/. but the prosecution seems to Iiave been dropped^
and, October 1597, be received the honour of knighthood.
In the beginning of March the same year, he applied for
the oflSce of treasurer of the war ; and about two years af^
terwards, in the 41st of Elizabeth, be obtained the place
of treasurer of marine causes for life. In 1599 a commis-
aion was ordered to be made out for him as rear-admiral of
the fleet, which was intended to be sent forth agaiBst
another threatened invasion by the Spaniards^
During this glorious reign he frequently represented
his county in the bouse of commons, together with sir
Thomas Lacy; and it has been observed that a better
choice could not have been made, as both of them were
learned, wise, and honest. He continued a favourite of
queen Elizabeth to the end of her reign. The beginning
of the next opened no less in his favour. At the corona^i^
tfon of James I. July 15, 1603, he was made K.^B. and fai$^
office of Secretary to the council of the court of marches of
Wales was confirmed to him for life, by a patent bearing
date July 24. In the second year of this king he obtained
i grant of Warwick qastle. He was greatly pleased witb
this favour ; and^ the castle being in a ruinous condition^
h^e laid out at least 20^000/. in repairing it.
He was afterwards possessed of several very beneficial
places in the marches court of Wales, and at this time he
seems to have confined his views within the limits of these
officesb' He perceived the measures of government quite
altered, and the state waning froin the kistre in which he
had seen it shine ; besides, be had little hopes of being pre*
ferred to any thing considerable in the ministry, as he
met witb some discouragements from sir Robert Cecily the
secretary, and the persons in power. In this position of
affairs be seems to have formed some schemes of retire*
kient, in order to write the history of queen Elizabeth's
life. With this view he drew up a plan, commencing with
the union of the two roses in the marriage of Henry VH.
and had made some progress in the execution of ii ; but
the perusal of the records in the council chest being denied
him by the secretary, as he could not complete his work
ill that authentic and substantial manner which wodd d(>
faim credit, he broke off the design, and disposed himself
to revise the product of his juvenile studies and his poeticiA
recreations with sir Philip Sidney.
During the life of the treasurer Cecil, he obtained no
advancement in the court or state; but, in 1615, some
time after his death, was made under-treasurer and chan^
ceUor of the exchequer ; in consequence of which he was
called to the board of privy-council. In 1617 he obtained
from the king a special charter, confirming all such liberties
as had been granted to any of his ancestors in behalf of tb#
town of Alcester, upon a new reserved rent of ten shillings
a year; and, in 1620, was created lord Brooke of Beau*
champ-court. He obtained this dignity as well by hid
merit and fidelity in the discharge of his offices as by his
noble descent from the Nevils, VViiloughbys de Brook, and
Beauchamps. In September 1 62 1 ^ he was made one of the
lords of the king^s bed-chamber; and on this, resigning his
post in the exchequer, he was succeeded therein by Richard
Weston, afterwards earl of Portland. After the demise of
king James, he continued in the privy-council of Charles
I. in the beginning of whose reign he founded a history-*
lecture in the university of Cambridge, and endowed it
with a salary of 100/. per annum. He did not long survive
this last act of generosity ; for, though he was a munificent
patron of learning and leanied men, he at last fell a sacri«
fice to the extraordinary outrage of a discontented domes«
tic« The account we have of this fatal event is, that his
lordship, neglecting to reward one Ralph Hey wood, who
had spent the greatest part of his life in his service, this
attendant expostulated thereupon with his lordship in hii
bed-chamber, at Brook-house in Holborn ; and, being se-*
verely reproved for it, presently gave his lordship a mortal
stab in the back with a knife or sword ; after which ha
withdrew into another room, and, locking the door, mur^
dered himself with the same weapon. He died September
30, 1628, and his corpse being wrapt in le^d, was conveyed
from Brook-house, Holborn, to Warwick; where it was
interred on the north side of the choir of St. Mary's churdt
there, in bis own vault, which had formerly been a cbap*^
ter-house of the church ; and where, upon his monument^*
there is this inscription : <^ Fulke Grevitle, servant to
queen Elizabeth, counsellor to king James, and friend
to sir Philip Sidney. Tropheum peccati.*^ He uAde that
dear friend the great exemplar of his life in every thing ;
i&nd Sidney being often celebrated 93 the patron of tfaa
jnuses in general, and of Spenser in particular, so we are
told, lord Brooke desired to be known to posterity under
no other character than that of Shakspeare^s and Ben Jon-
son's master, lord*-chanceIlor Egerton and bishop OveraFs
patron. His lordship also obtained the office of clarepcieux
at arms for Mr. Camden, who very gratefully acknowledged
it in his life-time, and at his death left him a piece of plate
in bis will. He also raised John Speed from a mechanic
to be an historiographer.
His lordship had an inclination to history and poetry.
Hence, with respect to the former, it was that lord Bacon
submitted his ^^ Life of Henry VII.'' to his perusal and
animadversions. And his extraordinary kindness to sir
William Davenant must be added to other conspicuous
evidences of the latter ; that poet he took into his family
yvrhen very young, and was so much delighted with his pro*
mising genius, that, as long as the patron lived, the poet
bad his residence with him, and probably formed the plan
of some of his first plays under his lordship's encourage-
ment, since they were published soon after his death. This
noble lord was never married, so that his honour falling
by the patent to his kinsman Robert Greville, he directed
bis estate also by his will to go along with it to the same
relation, being next of kin to him.
Notwithstanding lord Orford's flippant and detracting
estimate of lord Brooke's talents and character, he appears
to have cherished a taste for all kinds of polite learning,
though, as just noticed, his inclination led him more parti-
cularly to poetry and history. Phillips, or Milton, remarks^^
^hat in all his poems is observable a close, mysterious, and
sententious way of writing, but without much regard to ele-
gance of jstyle or smoothness of verse. His principal works
are, l. ^*Tbe Life of the renowned sir Philip Sidney," Lon-
don^ li652, 12mo, rather a kind of dissertation than a life>
but sufficiently ^xpressive of his connection with, and at-
tachment to that eminent character. 2. *^ Certaine learned
luid elegant wprkes of the right hon. Fulke lord Brooke,
lyritten in his youth, and familiar exercise with sir Philip
Sidney," Lond. 1633 ; all the copies extant of this work
want twenty-two pages at the .beginning. These pages
are said to have contained *^ A treatise on Religion,"
aiid weie cancelled^ as Mr. Malone i^o bis Histoi^r of tto
S^age) surmises, by order of archbishop Laud. The rest
of the ¥okiine consists of poetical treatises and letters, and
the tragedies of Alaham and Mustapha. 3. '^ The Remains
of sir Folk Greville, lord Brooke ; being poems of Monar**
chy and Religion, never before printed/' Lond. 1670, 8vo^.
The Robert Greville, whom we have mentioned as the
adopted heir of lord Brooke, was educated by him as be-
came the estate and dignity to which he was to succeed ;
but when the civil war commenced, he joined the parlia-
ment army, in whose cause he had written some treatises,
and was killed in battle at Litchfield, in 1643, in the thirty-
fifth year of his age. He wrote, 4. ^^ The Nature of Truth ;
its union and unity with the soule, which is one in its es-
sence, faculties, acts; one with truth,'' Load. 1641, 12mOy
an abstruse piece of metaphysical reasoning, which, how-
ever, Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Wallis, professor of geometry^
understood so well as to be able to answer it, in 1643. 2.
^^A Discourse opening the nature of that Episcopacie
which is exercised in England," ibid. 1641, 4to. 3. <<Two
Speeches, spoken in the Guildhall, London, concerning his
^oaj^sty's refusal of a Treaty of Peace," ibid. 1642. 4.
^Answer to the Speech of Philip earl of Pembroke, con«.
cerning Accommodation, in the house of lords, Dec. 19,
1642," printed by order of the house, and reprinted in
lord Somers's tracts ; but which appear